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# Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
# Copyright 2022 OVHCloud
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
from oslo_utils import excutils
from taskflow.patterns import linear_flow as lf
from glance.async_.flows._internal_plugins import base_download
from glance.common import exception
from glance.common.scripts import utils as script_utils
from glance.i18n import _
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class _WebDownload(base_download.BaseDownload):
def __init__(self, task_id, task_type, uri, action_wrapper, stores):
self.uri = uri
super(_WebDownload, self).__init__(task_id, task_type, action_wrapper,
stores, 'WebDownload')
def execute(self):
"""Create temp file into store and return path to it
:param image_id: Glance Image ID
# NOTE(jokke): We've decided to use staging area for this task as
# a way to expect users to configure a local store for pre-import
# works on the image to happen.
# While using any path should be "technically" fine, it's not what
# we recommend as the best solution. For more details on this, please
# refer to the comment in the `_ImportToStore.execute` method.
data = script_utils.get_image_data_iter(self.uri)
except Exception as e:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error("Task %(task_id)s failed with exception %(error)s",
{"error": encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(e),
"task_id": self.task_id})
self._path, bytes_written =, data, 0)[0:2]
content_length = int(data.headers['content-length'])
if bytes_written != content_length:
msg = (_("Task %(task_id)s failed because downloaded data "
"size %(data_size)i is different from expected %("
"expected)i") %
{"task_id": self.task_id, "data_size": bytes_written,
"expected": content_length})
raise exception.ImportTaskError(msg)
except (KeyError, ValueError):
return self._path
def get_flow(**kwargs):
"""Return task flow for web-download.
:param task_id: Task ID.
:param task_type: Type of the task.
:param image_repo: Image repository used.
:param uri: URI the image data is downloaded from.
:param action_wrapper: An api_image_import.ActionWrapper.
task_id = kwargs.get('task_id')
task_type = kwargs.get('task_type')
uri = kwargs.get('import_req')['method'].get('uri')
action_wrapper = kwargs.get('action_wrapper')
stores = kwargs.get('backend', [None])
return lf.Flow(task_type).add(
_WebDownload(task_id, task_type, uri, action_wrapper, stores),