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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2011 OpenStack, LLC
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Functional test case that utilizes the bin/glance-cache-manage CLI tool"""
import datetime
import hashlib
import httplib2
import json
import os
import time
import unittest
from glance.common import utils
from glance.tests import functional
from glance.tests.utils import execute
FIVE_KB = 5 * 1024
class TestBinGlanceCacheManage(functional.FunctionalTest):
"""Functional tests for the bin/glance CLI tool"""
def setUp(self):
self.cache_pipeline = "cache cache_manage"
self.image_cache_driver = "sqlite"
super(TestBinGlanceCacheManage, self).setUp()
# NOTE(sirp): This is needed in case we are running the tests under an
# environment in which OS_AUTH_STRATEGY=keystone. The test server we
# spin up won't have keystone support, so we need to switch to the
# NoAuth strategy.
os.environ['OS_AUTH_STRATEGY'] = 'noauth'
def add_image(self, name):
Adds an image with supplied name and returns the newly-created
image identifier.
image_data = "*" * FIVE_KB
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
'X-Image-Meta-Name': name,
'X-Image-Meta-Is-Public': 'true'}
path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images" % ("", self.api_port)
http = httplib2.Http()
response, content = http.request(path, 'POST', headers=headers,
self.assertEqual(response.status, 201)
data = json.loads(content)
self.assertEqual(data['image']['size'], FIVE_KB)
self.assertEqual(data['image']['name'], name)
self.assertEqual(data['image']['is_public'], True)
return data['image']['id']
def is_image_cached(self, image_id):
Return True if supplied image ID is cached, False otherwise
cmd = "bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d list-cached" % self.api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
return image_id in out
def test_no_cache_enabled(self):
Test that cache index command works
self.start_servers() # Not passing in cache_manage in pipeline...
api_port = self.api_port
registry_port = self.registry_port
# Verify decent error message returned
cmd = "bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d list-cached" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd, raise_error=False)
self.assertEqual(1, exitcode)
self.assertTrue('Cache management middleware not enabled on host'
in out.strip())
def test_cache_index(self):
Test that cache index command works
api_port = self.api_port
registry_port = self.registry_port
# Verify no cached images
cmd = "bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d list-cached" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
self.assertTrue('No cached images' in out.strip())
ids = {}
# Add a few images and cache the second one of them
# by GETing the image...
for x in xrange(0, 4):
ids[x] = self.add_image("Image%s" % x)
path = "http://%s:%d/v1/images/%s" % ("", api_port,
http = httplib2.Http()
response, content = http.request(path, 'GET')
self.assertEqual(response.status, 200)
"%s is not cached." % ids[1])
def test_queue(self):
Test that we can queue and fetch images using the
CLI utility
api_port = self.api_port
registry_port = self.registry_port
# Verify no cached images
cmd = "bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d list-cached" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
self.assertTrue('No cached images' in out.strip())
# Verify no queued images
cmd = "bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d list-queued" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
self.assertTrue('No queued images' in out.strip())
ids = {}
# Add a few images and cache the second one of them
# by GETing the image...
for x in xrange(0, 4):
ids[x] = self.add_image("Image%s" % x)
# Queue second image and then cache it
cmd = "bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d --force queue-image %s" % (
api_port, ids[1])
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
# Verify queued second image
cmd = "bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d list-queued" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
self.assertTrue(ids[1] in out, 'Image %s was not queued!' % ids[1])
# Cache images in the queue by running the prefetcher
cache_config_filepath = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'etc',
cache_file_options = {
'image_cache_dir': self.api_server.image_cache_dir,
'image_cache_driver': self.image_cache_driver,
'registry_port': self.api_server.registry_port,
'log_file': os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'cache.log'),
'metadata_encryption_key': "012345678901234567890123456789ab"
with open(cache_config_filepath, 'w') as cache_file:
debug = True
verbose = True
image_cache_dir = %(image_cache_dir)s
image_cache_driver = %(image_cache_driver)s
registry_host =
registry_port = %(registry_port)s
metadata_encryption_key = %(metadata_encryption_key)s
log_file = %(log_file)s
paste.app_factory = glance.common.wsgi:app_factory
glance.app_factory = glance.image_cache.pruner:Pruner
paste.app_factory = glance.common.wsgi:app_factory
glance.app_factory = glance.image_cache.prefetcher:Prefetcher
paste.app_factory = glance.common.wsgi:app_factory
glance.app_factory = glance.image_cache.cleaner:Cleaner
paste.app_factory = glance.common.wsgi:app_factory
glance.app_factory = glance.image_cache.queue_image:Queuer
""" % cache_file_options)
cmd = "bin/glance-cache-prefetcher --config-file %s" % \
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
self.assertEqual('', out.strip(), out)
# Verify no queued images
cmd = "bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d list-queued" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
self.assertTrue('No queued images' in out.strip())
# Verify second image now cached
cmd = "bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d list-cached" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
self.assertTrue(ids[1] in out, 'Image %s was not cached!' % ids[1])
# Queue third image and then delete it from queue
cmd = "bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d --force queue-image %s" % (
api_port, ids[2])
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
# Verify queued third image
cmd = "bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d list-queued" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
self.assertTrue(ids[2] in out, 'Image %s was not queued!' % ids[2])
# Delete the image from the queue
cmd = ("bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d --force "
"delete-queued-image %s") % (api_port, ids[2])
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
# Verify no queued images
cmd = "bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d list-queued" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
self.assertTrue('No queued images' in out.strip())
# Queue all images
for x in xrange(0, 4):
cmd = ("bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d --force "
"queue-image %s") % (api_port, ids[x])
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
# Verify queued third image
cmd = "bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d list-queued" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
self.assertTrue('Found 3 queued images' in out)
# Delete the image from the queue
cmd = ("bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d --force "
"delete-all-queued-images") % (api_port)
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
# Verify nothing in queue anymore
cmd = "bin/glance-cache-manage --port=%d list-queued" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
self.assertTrue('No queued images' in out.strip())