Fixes bug 853933 Add new --username|--password|--tenant|--auth_url|--auth_strategy switches to bin/glance to allow the username, password, tenant name, and authentication URL & strategy be specified on the command line. Avoid needlessly falling back to keystone v2 auth after a successful: GET /v1.0/tokens returns with the X-Image-Management-Url or X-Glance header set, as opposed to X-Server-Management-Url. Extend the keystone functional test support to ensure that the URL returned by keystone via the X-*-Url header contains the appropriate dynamically allocated port for the glance API service. Ensure the underlying $OS_* environment variables do not leak into the TestPrivateImagesCli functional tests, also explicitly exercise both noauth and keystone strategies. Change-Id: Iee8bf3745d65a9c57a9da803d5cf9ae5f343a159
====== Glance ====== Glance is a project that defines services for discovering, registering, retrieving and storing virtual machine images. The discovery and registration responsibilities are handled by the `glance-registry` component while the retrieval and storage responsiblities are handled by the `glance-api` component. Quick Start ----------- If you'd like to run trunk, you can clone the git repo: git clone git@github.com:openstack/glance.git Install Glance by running:: python setup.py build sudo python setup.py install By default, `glance-registry` will use a SQLite database. If you'd like to use MySQL, or make other adjustments, you can modify the glance.cnf file (see documentation for more details). Now that Glance is installed, you can start the service. The easiest way to do that is by using the `glance-control` utility which runs both the `glance-api` and `glance-registry` services:: glance-control all start Once both services are running, you can now use the `glance` tool to register new images in Glance. glance add name="My Image" < /path/to/my/image With an image registered, you can now configure your IAAS provider to use Glance as its image service and begin spinning up instances from your newly registered images.