2011-04-07 22:05:38 -04:00

416 lines
14 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2011 OpenStack, LLC
# All Rights Reserved.
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# under the License.
"""Functional test case that utilizes cURL against the API server"""
import json
import os
import unittest
from tests import functional
from tests.utils import execute
FIVE_KB = 5 * 1024
FIVE_GB = 5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
class TestCurlApi(functional.FunctionalTest):
"""Functional tests using straight cURL against the API server"""
def test_get_head_simple_post(self):
We test the following sequential series of actions:
0. GET /images
- Verify no public images
1. GET /images/detail
- Verify no public images
2. HEAD /images/1
- Verify 404 returned
3. POST /images with public image named Image1 with a location
attribute and no custom properties
- Verify 201 returned
4. HEAD /images/1
- Verify HTTP headers have correct information we just added
5. GET /images/1
- Verify all information on image we just added is correct
6. GET /images
- Verify the image we just added is returned
7. GET /images/detail
- Verify the image we just added is returned
8. PUT /images/1 with custom properties of "distro" and "arch"
- Verify 200 returned
9. GET /images/1
- Verify updated information about image was stored
# 10. PUT /images/1
- Remove a previously existing property.
# 11. PUT /images/1
- Add a previously deleted property.
api_port, reg_port, conf_file = self.start_servers()
# 0. GET /images
# Verify no public images
cmd = "curl -g" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
self.assertEqual('{"images": []}', out.strip())
# 1. GET /images/detail
# Verify no public images
cmd = "curl -g" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
self.assertEqual('{"images": []}', out.strip())
# 2. HEAD /images/1
# Verify 404 returned
cmd = "curl -i -X HEAD" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
lines = out.split("\r\n")
status_line = lines[0]
self.assertEqual("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found", status_line)
# 3. POST /images with public image named Image1
# attribute and no custom properties. Verify a 200 OK is returned
image_data = "*" * FIVE_KB
cmd = ("curl -i -X POST "
"-H 'Expect: ' " # Necessary otherwise sends 100 Continue
"-H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' "
"-H 'X-Image-Meta-Name: Image1' "
"-H 'X-Image-Meta-Is-Public: True' "
"--data-binary \"%s\" "
"") % (image_data, api_port)
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
lines = out.split("\r\n")
status_line = lines[0]
self.assertEqual("HTTP/1.1 201 Created", status_line)
# 4. HEAD /images
# Verify image found now
cmd = "curl -i -X HEAD" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
lines = out.split("\r\n")
status_line = lines[0]
self.assertEqual("HTTP/1.1 200 OK", status_line)
self.assertTrue("X-Image-Meta-Name: Image1" in out)
# 5. GET /images/1
# Verify all information on image we just added is correct
cmd = "curl -i -g" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
lines = out.split("\r\n")
self.assertEqual("HTTP/1.1 200 OK", lines.pop(0))
# Handle the headers
image_headers = {}
std_headers = {}
other_lines = []
for line in lines:
if line.strip() == '':
if line.startswith("X-Image"):
pieces = line.split(":")
key = pieces[0].strip()
value = ":".join(pieces[1:]).strip()
image_headers[key] = value
elif ':' in line:
pieces = line.split(":")
key = pieces[0].strip()
value = ":".join(pieces[1:]).strip()
std_headers[key] = value
expected_image_headers = {
'X-Image-Meta-Id': '1',
'X-Image-Meta-Name': 'Image1',
'X-Image-Meta-Is_public': 'True',
'X-Image-Meta-Status': 'active',
'X-Image-Meta-Disk_format': '',
'X-Image-Meta-Container_format': '',
'X-Image-Meta-Size': str(FIVE_KB),
'X-Image-Meta-Location': 'file://%s/1' % self.image_dir}
expected_std_headers = {
'Content-Length': str(FIVE_KB),
'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}
for expected_key, expected_value in expected_image_headers.items():
self.assertTrue(expected_key in image_headers,
"Failed to find key %s in image_headers"
% expected_key)
self.assertEqual(expected_value, image_headers[expected_key],
"For key '%s' expected header value '%s'. Got '%s'"
% (expected_key,
for expected_key, expected_value in expected_std_headers.items():
self.assertTrue(expected_key in std_headers,
"Failed to find key %s in std_headers"
% expected_key)
self.assertEqual(expected_value, std_headers[expected_key],
"For key '%s' expected header value '%s'. Got '%s'"
% (expected_key,
# Now the image data...
expected_image_data = "*" * FIVE_KB
# Should only be a single "line" left, and
# that's the image data
self.assertEqual(1, len(other_lines))
self.assertEqual(expected_image_data, other_lines[0])
# 6. GET /images
# Verify no public images
cmd = "curl -g" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
expected_result = {"images": [
{"container_format": None,
"disk_format": None,
"id": 1,
"name": "Image1",
"checksum": "c2e5db72bd7fd153f53ede5da5a06de3",
"size": 5120}]}
self.assertEqual(expected_result, json.loads(out.strip()))
# 7. GET /images/detail
# Verify image and all its metadata
cmd = "curl -g" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
expected_image = {
"status": "active",
"name": "Image1",
"deleted": False,
"container_format": None,
"disk_format": None,
"id": 1,
"location": "file://%s/1" % self.image_dir,
"is_public": True,
"deleted_at": None,
"properties": {},
"size": 5120}
image = json.loads(out.strip())['images'][0]
for expected_key, expected_value in expected_image.items():
self.assertTrue(expected_key in image,
"Failed to find key %s in image"
% expected_key)
self.assertEqual(expected_value, expected_image[expected_key],
"For key '%s' expected header value '%s'. Got '%s'"
% (expected_key,
# 8. PUT /images/1 with custom properties of "distro" and "arch"
# Verify 200 returned
cmd = ("curl -i -X PUT "
"-H 'X-Image-Meta-Property-Distro: Ubuntu' "
"-H 'X-Image-Meta-Property-Arch: x86_64' "
"") % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
lines = out.split("\r\n")
status_line = lines[0]
self.assertEqual("HTTP/1.1 200 OK", status_line)
# 9. GET /images/detail
# Verify image and all its metadata
cmd = "curl -g" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
expected_image = {
"status": "active",
"name": "Image1",
"deleted": False,
"container_format": None,
"disk_format": None,
"id": 1,
"location": "file://%s/1" % self.image_dir,
"is_public": True,
"deleted_at": None,
"properties": {'distro': 'Ubuntu', 'arch': 'x86_64'},
"size": 5120}
image = json.loads(out.strip())['images'][0]
for expected_key, expected_value in expected_image.items():
self.assertTrue(expected_key in image,
"Failed to find key %s in image"
% expected_key)
self.assertEqual(expected_value, image[expected_key],
"For key '%s' expected header value '%s'. Got '%s'"
% (expected_key,
# 10. PUT /images/1 and remove a previously existing property.
cmd = ("curl -i -X PUT "
"-H 'X-Image-Meta-Property-Arch: x86_64' "
"") % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
lines = out.split("\r\n")
status_line = lines[0]
self.assertEqual("HTTP/1.1 200 OK", status_line)
cmd = "curl -g" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
image = json.loads(out.strip())['images'][0]
self.assertEqual(1, len(image['properties']))
self.assertEqual('x86_64', image['properties']['arch'])
# 11. PUT /images/1 and add a previously deleted property.
cmd = ("curl -i -X PUT "
"-H 'X-Image-Meta-Property-Distro: Ubuntu' "
"-H 'X-Image-Meta-Property-Arch: x86_64' "
"") % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
lines = out.split("\r\n")
status_line = lines[0]
self.assertEqual("HTTP/1.1 200 OK", status_line)
cmd = "curl -g" % api_port
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
image = json.loads(out.strip())['images'][0]
self.assertEqual(2, len(image['properties']))
self.assertEqual('x86_64', image['properties']['arch'])
self.assertEqual('Ubuntu', image['properties']['distro'])
def test_size_greater_2G_mysql(self):
A test against the actual datastore backend for the registry
to ensure that the image size property is not truncated.
api_port, reg_port, conf_file = self.start_servers()
# 1. POST /images with public image named Image1
# attribute and a size of 5G. Use the HTTP engine with an
# X-Image-Meta-Location attribute to make Glance forego
# "adding" the image data.
# Verify a 200 OK is returned
cmd = ("curl -i -X POST "
"-H 'Expect: ' " # Necessary otherwise sends 100 Continue
"-H 'X-Image-Meta-Location:' "
"-H 'X-Image-Meta-Size: %d' "
"-H 'X-Image-Meta-Name: Image1' "
"-H 'X-Image-Meta-Is-Public: True' "
"") % (FIVE_GB, api_port)
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
lines = out.split("\r\n")
status_line = lines[0]
self.assertEqual("HTTP/1.1 201 Created", status_line)
# Get the ID of the just-added image. This may NOT be 1, since the
# database in the environ variable TEST_GLANCE_CONNECTION may not
# have been cleared between test cases... :(
new_image_uri = None
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('Location:'):
new_image_uri = line[line.find(':') + 1:].strip()
self.assertTrue(new_image_uri is not None,
"Could not find a new image URI!")
# 2. HEAD /images
# Verify image size is what was passed in, and not truncated
cmd = "curl -i -X HEAD %s" % new_image_uri
exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)
self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)
lines = out.split("\r\n")
status_line = lines[0]
self.assertEqual("HTTP/1.1 200 OK", status_line)
self.assertTrue("X-Image-Meta-Size: %d" % FIVE_GB in out,
"Size was supposed to be %d. Got:\n%s."
% (FIVE_GB, out))