Currently to configure multiple nfs server as a backend
using filesystem store, you cannot mount all disks to a single directory.
Filesystem store allows administrator to configure only single directory with
filesystem_store_datadir parameter in the glance-api.conf.
With multifilesystem store, administrators can configure multiple directories
to store the glance image with help of filesystem_store_datadirs option.
Each directory can be coupled with its priority.
Format for filesystem_store_datadirs in glance-api.conf:
filesystem_store_datadirs = </path/to/store>:<priority>
filesystem_store_datadirs = </path/to/store>:<priority>
filesystem_store_datadirs = /var/glance/store
filesystem_store_datadirs = /var/glance/store1:100
filesystem_store_datadirs = /var/glance/store2:200
1. Either filesystem_store_datadir or filesystem_store_datadirs option
must be specified in glance-api.conf
2. Store with priority 200 has precedence over store with priority 100
3. If no priority is specified, default priority '0' is associated with it.
4. If two filesystem stores have same priority store with maximum free space
will be chosen to store the image.
5. If same store is specified multiple times then BadStoreConfiguration
exception will be raised.
blueprint: glance-multifilesystem-store
DocImpact: Multifilesystem support can be used by specifying multiple
directory paths to filesystem_store_datadirs param in glance-api.conf as
discussed above.
Change-Id: Ibb04ac14c472cd863c5e285b6dc6a08c69014fe8