
225 lines
8.9 KiB

# Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import datetime
from testtools import content as ttc
import time
from unittest import mock
import uuid
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import fixture as time_fixture
from oslo_utils import units
from glance.tests import functional
from glance.tests import utils as test_utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestImageImportLocking(functional.SynchronousAPIBase):
def _get_image_import_task(self, image_id, task_id=None):
if task_id is None:
image = self.api_get('/v2/images/%s' % image_id).json
task_id = image['os_glance_import_task']
return self.api_get('/v2/tasks/%s' % task_id).json
def _test_import_copy(self, warp_time=False):
state = {'want_run': True}
# Create and import an image with no pipeline stall
image_id = self._create_and_import(stores=['store1'])
# Set up a fake data pipeline that will stall until we are ready
# to unblock it
def slow_fake_set_data(data_iter, size=None, backend=None,
me = str(uuid.uuid4())
while state['want_run'] == True:'fake_set_data running %s' % me)
state['running'] = True
time.sleep(0.1)'fake_set_data ended %s' % me)
# Constrain oslo timeutils time so we can manipulate it
tf = time_fixture.TimeFixture()
# Turn on the delayed data pipeline and start a copy-image
# import which will hang out for a while
with mock.patch('glance.location.ImageProxy.set_data') as mock_sd:
mock_sd.side_effect = slow_fake_set_data
resp = self._import_copy(image_id, ['store2'])
self.addDetail('First import response',
self.assertEqual(202, resp.status_code)
# Wait to make sure the data stream gets started
for i in range(0, 10):
if 'running' in state:
# Make sure the first import got to the point where the
# hanging loop will hold it in processing state
self.assertTrue(state.get('running', False),
'slow_fake_set_data() never ran')
# Make sure the task is available and in the right state
first_import_task = self._get_image_import_task(image_id)
self.assertEqual('processing', first_import_task['status'])
# If we're warping time, then advance the clock by two hours
if warp_time:
# Try a second copy-image import. If we are warping time,
# expect the lock to be busted. If not, then we should get
# a 409 Conflict.
resp = self._import_copy(image_id, ['store3'])
self.addDetail('Second import response',
if warp_time:
self.assertEqual(202, resp.status_code)
self.assertEqual(409, resp.status_code)
self.addDetail('First task', ttc.text_content(str(first_import_task)))
# Grab the current import task for our image, and also
# refresh our first task object
second_import_task = self._get_image_import_task(image_id)
first_import_task = self._get_image_import_task(
image_id, first_import_task['id'])
if warp_time:
# If we warped time and busted the lock, then we expect the
# current task to be different than the original task
# The original task should be failed with the expected message
self.assertEqual('failure', first_import_task['status'])
self.assertEqual('Expired lock preempted',
# The new task should be off and running
self.assertEqual('processing', second_import_task['status'])
# We didn't bust the lock, so we didn't start another
# task, so confirm it hasn't changed
return image_id, state
def test_import_copy_locked(self):
def test_import_copy_bust_lock(self):
image_id, state = self._test_import_copy(warp_time=True)
# After the import has busted the lock, wait for our
# new import to start. We used a different store than
# the stalled task so we can tell the difference.
for i in range(0, 10):
image = self.api_get('/v2/images/%s' % image_id).json
if image['stores'] == 'store1,store3':
# After completion, we expect store1 (original) and store3 (new)
# and that the other task is still stuck importing
image = self.api_get('/v2/images/%s' % image_id).json
self.assertEqual('store1,store3', image['stores'])
self.assertEqual('', image['os_glance_failed_import'])
# Free up the stalled task and give eventlet time to let it
# play out the rest of the task
state['want_run'] = False
for i in range(0, 10):
image = self.api_get('/v2/images/%s' % image_id).json
# After that, we expect everything to be cleaned up and in the
# terminal state that we expect.
image = self.api_get('/v2/images/%s' % image_id).json
self.assertEqual('', image.get('os_glance_import_task', ''))
self.assertEqual('', image['os_glance_importing_to_stores'])
self.assertEqual('', image['os_glance_failed_import'])
self.assertEqual('store1,store3', image['stores'])
@mock.patch('oslo_utils.timeutils.StopWatch.expired', new=lambda x: True)
def test_import_task_status(self):
# Generate 3 MiB of data for the image, enough to get a few
# status messages
limit = 3 * units.Mi
image_id = self._create_and_stage(data_iter=test_utils.FakeData(limit))
# This utility function will grab the current task status at
# any time and stash it into a list of statuses if it finds a
# new one
statuses = []
def grab_task_status():
image = self.api_get('/v2/images/%s' % image_id).json
task_id = image['os_glance_import_task']
task = self.api_get('/v2/tasks/%s' % task_id).json
msg = task['message']
if msg not in statuses:
# This is the only real thing we have mocked out, which is the
# "upload this to glance_store" part, which we override so we
# can control the block size and check our task status
# synchronously and not depend on timers. It just reads the
# source data in 64KiB chunks and throws it away.
def fake_upload(data, *a, **k):
while True:
if not
with mock.patch('glance.location.ImageProxy._upload_to_store') as mu:
mu.side_effect = fake_upload
# Start the import...
resp = self._import_direct(image_id, ['store2'])
self.assertEqual(202, resp.status_code)
# ...and wait until it finishes
for i in range(0, 100):
image = self.api_get('/v2/images/%s' % image_id).json
if not image.get('os_glance_import_task'):
# Image should be in active state and we should have gotten a
# new message every 1MiB in the process. We mocked StopWatch
# to always be expired so that we fire the callback every
# time.
self.assertEqual('active', image['status'])
self.assertEqual(['', 'Copied 0 MiB', 'Copied 1 MiB', 'Copied 2 MiB',
'Copied 3 MiB'],