# Copyright (c) 2015 IBM, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Glance Store capability""" import logging import threading import time import enum from eventlet import tpool from oslo_utils import reflection from glance_store import exceptions from glance_store import i18n _LW = i18n._LW _STORE_CAPABILITES_UPDATE_SCHEDULING_BOOK = {} _STORE_CAPABILITES_UPDATE_SCHEDULING_LOCK = threading.Lock() LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BitMasks(enum.IntEnum): NONE = 0b00000000 ALL = 0b11111111 READ_ACCESS = 0b00000001 # Included READ_ACCESS READ_OFFSET = 0b00000011 # Included READ_ACCESS READ_CHUNK = 0b00000101 # READ_OFFSET | READ_CHUNK READ_RANDOM = 0b00000111 WRITE_ACCESS = 0b00001000 # Included WRITE_ACCESS WRITE_OFFSET = 0b00011000 # Included WRITE_ACCESS WRITE_CHUNK = 0b00101000 # WRITE_OFFSET | WRITE_CHUNK WRITE_RANDOM = 0b00111000 # READ_ACCESS | WRITE_ACCESS RW_ACCESS = 0b00001001 # READ_OFFSET | WRITE_OFFSET RW_OFFSET = 0b00011011 # READ_CHUNK | WRITE_CHUNK RW_CHUNK = 0b00101101 # RW_OFFSET | RW_CHUNK RW_RANDOM = 0b00111111 # driver is stateless and can be reused safely DRIVER_REUSABLE = 0b01000000 class StoreCapability(object): def __init__(self): # Set static store capabilities base on # current driver implementation. self._capabilities = getattr(self.__class__, "_CAPABILITIES", 0) @property def capabilities(self): return self._capabilities @staticmethod def contains(x, y): return x & y == y def update_capabilities(self): """ Update dynamic storage capabilities based on current driver configuration and backend status when needed. As a hook, the function will be triggered in two cases: calling once after store driver get configured, it was used to update dynamic storage capabilities based on current driver configuration, or calling when the capabilities checking of an operation failed every time, this was used to refresh dynamic storage capabilities based on backend status then. This function shouldn't raise any exception out. """ LOG.debug(("Store %s doesn't support updating dynamic " "storage capabilities. Please overwrite " "'update_capabilities' method of the store to " "implement updating logics if needed.") % reflection.get_class_name(self)) def is_capable(self, *capabilities): """ Check if requested capability(s) are supported by current driver instance. :param capabilities: required capability(s). """ caps = 0 for cap in capabilities: caps |= int(cap) return self.contains(self.capabilities, caps) def set_capabilities(self, *dynamic_capabilites): """ Set dynamic storage capabilities based on current driver configuration and backend status. :param dynamic_capabilites: dynamic storage capability(s). """ for cap in dynamic_capabilites: self._capabilities |= int(cap) def unset_capabilities(self, *dynamic_capabilites): """ Unset dynamic storage capabilities. :param dynamic_capabilites: dynamic storage capability(s). """ caps = 0 for cap in dynamic_capabilites: caps |= int(cap) # TODO(zhiyan): Cascaded capability removal is # skipped currently, we can add it back later # when a concrete requirement comes out. # For example, when removing READ_ACCESS, all # read related capabilities need to be removed # together, e.g. READ_RANDOM. self._capabilities &= ~caps def _schedule_capabilities_update(store): def _update_capabilities(store, context): with context['lock']: if context['updating']: return context['updating'] = True try: store.update_capabilities() except Exception: pass finally: context['updating'] = False # NOTE(zhiyan): Update 'latest_update' field # in anyway even an exception raised, to # prevent call problematic routine cyclically. context['latest_update'] = int(time.time()) global _STORE_CAPABILITES_UPDATE_SCHEDULING_BOOK book = _STORE_CAPABILITES_UPDATE_SCHEDULING_BOOK if store not in book: with _STORE_CAPABILITES_UPDATE_SCHEDULING_LOCK: if store not in book: book[store] = {'latest_update': int(time.time()), 'lock': threading.Lock(), 'updating': False} else: context = book[store] # NOTE(zhiyan): We don't need to lock 'latest_update' # field for check since time increased one-way only. sec = (int(time.time()) - context['latest_update'] - store.conf.glance_store.store_capabilities_update_min_interval) if sec >= 0: if not context['updating']: # NOTE(zhiyan): Using a real thread pool instead # of green pool due to store capabilities updating # probably calls some inevitably blocking code for # IO operation on remote or local storage. # Eventlet allows operator to uses environment var # EVENTLET_THREADPOOL_SIZE to desired pool size. tpool.execute(_update_capabilities, store, context) def check(store_op_fun): def op_checker(store, *args, **kwargs): # NOTE(zhiyan): Trigger the hook of updating store # dynamic capabilities based on current store status. if store.conf.glance_store.store_capabilities_update_min_interval > 0: _schedule_capabilities_update(store) get_capabilities = [ BitMasks.READ_ACCESS, BitMasks.READ_OFFSET if kwargs.get('offset') else BitMasks.NONE, BitMasks.READ_CHUNK if kwargs.get('chunk_size') else BitMasks.NONE ] op_cap_map = { 'get': get_capabilities, 'add': [BitMasks.WRITE_ACCESS], 'delete': [BitMasks.WRITE_ACCESS]} op_exec_map = { 'get': (exceptions.StoreRandomGetNotSupported if kwargs.get('offset') or kwargs.get('chunk_size') else exceptions.StoreGetNotSupported), 'add': exceptions.StoreAddDisabled, 'delete': exceptions.StoreDeleteNotSupported} op = store_op_fun.__name__.lower() try: req_cap = op_cap_map[op] except KeyError: LOG.warning(_LW('The capability of operation "%s" ' 'could not be checked.'), op) else: if not store.is_capable(*req_cap): kwargs.setdefault('offset', 0) kwargs.setdefault('chunk_size', None) raise op_exec_map[op](**kwargs) return store_op_fun(store, *args, **kwargs) return op_checker