gordon chung 2f1fc83c75 increase number of wsgi threads
most databases default to allow ~100 connections at least.
oslo.messaging defaults to 64 threads per worker. we should bump
up the thread count to be inline with other databases and openstack

Change-Id: I2a72bfc3739c714f9ce6787b7a21c0d8ed09d037
2015-11-26 09:16:36 -05:00

11 lines
352 B

WSGIDaemonProcess gnocchi lang='en_US.UTF-8' locale='en_US.UTF-8' user=%USER% display-name=%{GROUP} processes=%APIWORKERS% threads=32 %VIRTUALENV%
WSGIProcessGroup gnocchi
<Location %SCRIPT_NAME%>
WSGIProcessGroup gnocchi
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/%APACHE_NAME%