diff --git a/goals/stein/upgrade-checkers.rst b/goals/stein/upgrade-checkers.rst
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index 000000000..9c876e4dc
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+++ b/goals/stein/upgrade-checkers.rst
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+Support Pre Upgrade Checks
+Providing assurances and useful feedback to deployers preparing to upgrade
+services vastly improves the upgrade experience. One basic step that we can
+make consistent across OpenStack projects is to provide "upgrade checks" that
+can be run prior to upgrade that will help identify any known issues that would
+result in that upgrade failing.
+Each project would provide their specific checks for things like missing or
+changed configuration options, incompatible object states, or other conditions
+that could lead to failures upgrading that project. In general, anything that
+should be documented today in the upgrade release notes would be a good
+candidate for an upgrade checker to validate.
+These checks should perform any upgrade validation that can be automated. There
+may always be some things that need some subjective evalation, but for those
+things that can be automated to determine if there is an issue that could
+impact upgrade success, a validation check should be created to automate it.
+.. The following needs to be updated with actual links once we decide we are
+   going to go ahead with this.
+:Storyboard Board: <put the link to the tracking board here>
+:Storyboard Story: <put the link to the story for this goal here>
+Matt Riedemann <mriedemos@gmail.com> has volunteered to drive this goal.
+Gerrit Topic
+To facilitate tracking, commits related to this goal should use the
+gerrit topic::
+  upgrade-checkers
+Completion Criteria
+In order for a project to call this goal complete it must provide a command in
+the format::
+    $PROJECT-status upgrade check
+The command must:
+#. Iterate through all defined checks
+#. Provide a :ref:`summary list output<summary_list>` showing:
+   * Check name
+   * Result (Success or Failure)
+   * Details
+#. Return the following codes based on check results:
+   * 0 - All checks passed
+   * 1 - Warning that one or issues were found that require investigation
+   * 2 - One or more checks found an issue that will cause upgrade to fail
+.. _summary_list:
+Summary List Output
+The ``$PROJECT-status upgrade check`` command output should be similar to the
+following format::
+    +----------------------------------------------------+
+    | Upgrade Check Results                              |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+
+    | Check: Cells v2                                    |
+    | Result: Success                                    |
+    | Details: None                                      |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+
+    | Check: Placement API                               |
+    | Result: Failure                                    |
+    | Details: There is no placement-api endpoint in the |
+    |          service catalog.                          |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+
+The Nova project has already implemented a ``nova-status upgrade check``
+command along with several checkers. The `command source
+may be useful as a reference.
+The `original commit
+adding the checker framework may also be useful.
+The `Command Line Reference
+<https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/cli/nova-status.html>`__ for the
+``nova-status`` command provides a good good description with some details on
+the checks that are performed.
+The command line is also used in the `grenade upgrade checks
+for Nova.
+Current State / Anticipated Impact
+Most projects today either have their own checklists or tools for checking for
+upgrade issues, or more commonly, nothing at all. By providing a consistent
+mechanism to discover known issues we can improve the upgrade process and the
+deployers confidence and allow for further upgrade tooling to be created.