Merge "Redefine release tags to match new models"

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins 2015-07-14 20:24:19 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 3df3521dc1
8 changed files with 340 additions and 173 deletions

View File

@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ Nova:
- name: tc-approved-release
- name: release:managed
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- name: starter-kit:compute
- repo: openstack/python-novaclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
@ -38,13 +38,12 @@ Swift:
- name: tc-approved-release
- name: release:managed
- name: release:independent
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- repo: openstack/python-swiftclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
@ -69,20 +68,20 @@ Glance:
- name: tc-approved-release
- name: release:managed
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- name: starter-kit:compute
- repo: openstack/glance-specs
- repo: openstack/python-glanceclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/glance_store
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
@ -102,31 +101,31 @@ Keystone:
- name: tc-approved-release
- name: release:managed
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- name: starter-kit:compute
- repo: openstack/keystoneauth
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/keystone-specs
- repo: openstack/python-keystoneclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/keystonemiddleware
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/pycadf
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
@ -154,18 +153,18 @@ Horizon:
- name: tc-approved-release
- name: release:managed
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- repo: openstack/django_openstack_auth
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/django-openstack-auth-kerberos
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- repo: openstack/tuskar-ui
@ -173,7 +172,7 @@ Horizon:
- name: release:independent
- repo: openstack/manila-ui
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- repo: openstack/horizon-cisco-ui
@ -194,34 +193,34 @@ Neutron:
- name: tc-approved-release
- name: release:managed
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- name: starter-kit:compute
- repo: openstack/neutron-fwaas
- name: release:managed
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- repo: openstack/neutron-lbaas
- name: tc-approved-release
- name: release:managed
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- repo: openstack/neutron-vpnaas
- name: tc-approved-release
- name: release:managed
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- repo: openstack/neutron-specs
- repo: openstack/python-neutronclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
@ -287,20 +286,20 @@ Cinder:
- name: tc-approved-release
- name: release:managed
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- name: starter-kit:compute
- repo: openstack/cinder-specs
- repo: openstack/python-cinderclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/os-brick
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
@ -319,19 +318,19 @@ Ceilometer:
- name: tc-approved-release
- name: release:managed
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- repo: openstack/ceilometer-specs
- repo: openstack/python-ceilometerclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/ceilometermiddleware
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
@ -357,12 +356,12 @@ Heat:
- name: tc-approved-release
- name: release:managed
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- repo: openstack/python-heatclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
@ -388,12 +387,12 @@ Trove:
- name: tc-approved-release
- name: release:managed
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- repo: openstack/python-troveclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
@ -418,17 +417,17 @@ Ironic:
- name: tc-approved-release
- name: release:managed
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- repo: openstack/ironic-inspector
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- repo: openstack/ironic-lib
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/ironic-python-agent
@ -441,7 +440,7 @@ Ironic:
- name: release:independent
- repo: openstack/python-ironicclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
@ -465,25 +464,25 @@ Oslo:
- repo: openstack/automaton
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- repo: openstack/debtcollector
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/devstack-plugin-zmq
- repo: openstack/futurist
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/mox3
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
@ -493,114 +492,115 @@ Oslo:
- repo: openstack/oslo-specs
- repo: openstack/oslo.cache
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslo.concurrency
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslo.config
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslo.context
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslo.db
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslo.i18n
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslo.log
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslo.messaging
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslo.middleware
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslo.policy
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslo.reports
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslo.rootwrap
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslo.serialization
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslo.service
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslo.utils
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslo.versionedobjects
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslo.vmware
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslosphinx
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/oslotest
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
@ -611,19 +611,19 @@ Oslo:
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/stevedore
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/taskflow
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/tooz
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
@ -910,14 +910,14 @@ Zaqar:
- repo: openstack/zaqar
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: release:managed
- name: type:service
- repo: openstack/zaqar-specs
- repo: openstack/python-zaqarclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: release:managed
- name: type:library
@ -935,12 +935,12 @@ Sahara:
- name: tc-approved-release
- name: release:managed
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- repo: openstack/python-saharaclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
@ -949,11 +949,11 @@ Sahara:
- name: type:library
- repo: openstack/sahara-extra
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- repo: openstack/sahara-image-elements
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- repo: openstack/sahara-specs
@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ Barbican:
- repo: openstack/barbican
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: release:managed
- name: type:service
@ -979,7 +979,7 @@ Barbican:
- name: type:library
- repo: openstack/python-barbicanclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: release:managed
- name: type:library
@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ Designate:
- repo: openstack/designate
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: release:managed
- name: type:service
@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ Designate:
- repo: openstack/designate-specs
- repo: openstack/python-designateclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: release:managed
- name: type:library
@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@ Manila:
- repo: openstack/manila
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: release:managed
- name: type:service
@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ Manila:
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- repo: openstack/python-manilaclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: release:managed
- name: type:library
@ -1079,26 +1079,26 @@ Murano:
- repo: openstack/murano
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- repo: openstack/murano-dashboard
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- repo: openstack/python-muranoclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- repo: openstack/murano-agent
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- repo: openstack/murano-apps
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- repo: openstack/murano-deployment
- repo: openstack/murano-specs
@ -1114,12 +1114,12 @@ OpenStackClient:
- repo: openstack/python-openstackclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: release:managed
- repo: openstack/cliff
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:library
- name: release:managed
@ -1206,12 +1206,12 @@ MagnetoDB:
- repo: openstack/magnetodb
- name: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
- name: release:cycle-with-milestones
- name: release:has-stable-branches
- name: type:service
- repo: openstack/python-magnetodbclient
- name: release:independent
- name: release:cycle-with-intermediary
- name: type:library
- repo: openstack/magnetodb-specs

View File

@ -7,8 +7,10 @@

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported License.
.. _`tag-release:at-6mo-cycle-end`:
This tag is part of the release category of tags, describing the release
model for a given code repository. Development in OpenStack is organized
around 6-month cycles (like "kilo"), and some projects opt to specifically
release a "final" version at the very end of the development cycles.
The "release:at-6mo-cycle-end" tag describes which projects specifically
commit to producing a coordinated release at the end of the 6-month cycle.
Note that it doesn't prevent those projects from also producing intermediary
releases in the middle of a development cycle.
Application to current projects
.. tagged-projects:: release:at-6mo-cycle-end
At the end of every 6-month cycle a number of projects release at the same
time, providing a convenient reference point for downstream teams (stable
branch maintenance, vulnerability management) and downstream users (in
particular packagers of OpenStack distributions).
Describing which projects commit to follow that model is therefore a useful
piece of information to provide to our users.
Note that it is slightly different from projects which maintain stable
branches (described using the "release:has-stable-branches" tag). Stable
branches are cut from the last release in the cycle, whether the project
releases at the very end of the cycle or not.
* "release:at-6mo-cycle-end" projects commit to produce a release to match
the end of the 6-month development cycle.
Tag application process
The release management team (ultimately represented by the release management
PTL) is responsible for maintaining tags in the "release" category, so that
they match the current release model followed by each code repository.
There is no need to apply for addition/removal. Changes externally proposed
will be reviewed and approved by the release management team, ultimately
represented by the release management PTL.
Tags in the "release" category do not use attributes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported License.
.. _`tag-release:cycle-with-intermediary`:
This tag is part of the release category of tags, describing the release
model for a given deliverable. Development in OpenStack is organized
around 6-month cycles (like "kilo"), generally with a "final" version at
the very end of the development cycle. Some projects will publish a single
release at the end of the cycle (and publish development milestones at
predetermined times in the cycle schedule), while some others will release
intermediary releases.
The "release:cycle-with-intermediary" tag describes which projects follow the
second option: multiple releases during the development cycle, with a final
release to match the end of the cycle.
Application to current projects
.. tagged-projects:: release:cycle-with-intermediary
At the end of every 6-month cycle a number of projects release at the same
time, providing a convenient reference point for downstream teams (stable
branch maintenance, vulnerability management) and downstream users (in
particular packagers of OpenStack distributions).
This "final" release may be the only release of the development cycle, in
which case the project publishes intermediary "development milestones" on
a time-based schedule during the cycle. Or the project may release more often
and make intermediary releases in the middle of the cycle.
Describing which projects commit to follow which model is therefore a useful
piece of information to provide to our users.
A given deliverable can't have more than one model: it therefore must choose
between the :ref:`tag-release:cycle-with-milestones`,
:ref:`tag-release:cycle-with-intermediary`, :ref:`tag-release:independent`
and :ref:`tag-release:none` models.
* "release:cycle-with-intermediary" projects commit to produce a release to
match the end of the 6-month development cycle.
Tag application process
The release management team (ultimately represented by the release management
PTL) is responsible for maintaining tags in the "release" category, so that
they match the current release model followed by each code repository.
There is no need to apply for addition/removal. Changes externally proposed
will be reviewed and approved by the release management team, ultimately
represented by the release management PTL.
Tags in the "release" category do not use attributes.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported License.
.. _`tag-release:cycle-with-milestones`:
This tag is part of the release category of tags, describing the release
model for a given deliverable. Development in OpenStack is organized
around 6-month cycles (like "kilo"), generally with a "final" version at
the very end of the development cycle. Some projects will publish a single
release at the end of the cycle (and publish development milestones at
predetermined times in the cycle schedule), while some others will release
intermediary releases.
The "release:cycle-with-milestones" tag describes which projects follow the
first option: a single release at the end of the cycle, with development
milestones published at predetermined times in the cycle schedule.
Application to current projects
.. tagged-projects:: release:cycle-with-milestones
At the end of every 6-month cycle a number of projects release at the same
time, providing a convenient reference point for downstream teams (stable
branch maintenance, vulnerability management) and downstream users (in
particular packagers of OpenStack distributions).
This "final" release may be the only release of the development cycle, in
which case the project publishes intermediary "development milestones" on
a time-based schedule during the cycle. Or the project may release more often
and make intermediary releases in the middle of the cycle.
Describing which projects commit to follow which model is therefore a useful
piece of information to provide to our users.
A given deliverable can't have more than one model: it therefore must choose
between the :ref:`tag-release:cycle-with-milestones`,
:ref:`tag-release:cycle-with-intermediary`, :ref:`tag-release:independent`
and :ref:`tag-release:none` models.
* "release:cycle-with-milestones" projects commit to publish development
milestones following a predetermined schedule published by the Release
Management team before the start of the 6-month cycle.
* "release:cycle-with-milestones" projects commit to produce a release to
match the end of the 6-month development cycle.
Tag application process
The release management team (ultimately represented by the release management
PTL) is responsible for maintaining tags in the "release" category, so that
they match the current release model followed by each code repository.
There is no need to apply for addition/removal. Changes externally proposed
will be reviewed and approved by the release management team, ultimately
represented by the release management PTL.
Tags in the "release" category do not use attributes.

View File

@ -11,10 +11,13 @@ release:independent
This tag is part of the release category of tags, describing the release
model for a given code repository. Projects with the "release:independent"
tag produce releases as-needed. Those are generally not coordinated with
any other project. Releasing in this fashion doesn't prevent projects from
also releasing a "final" release at the end of a development cycle.
model for a given deliverable. Development in OpenStack is generally organized
around 6-month cycles (like "kilo"), which involves releasing a "final"
version at the very end of the development cycle. However, some projects opt
to completely bypass the 6-month cycle and release independently. That is
for example the case of projects that support the development infrastructure.
The "release:independent" tag describes such projects.
Application to current projects
@ -26,11 +29,20 @@ Application to current projects
Some projects opt to ship features to users more often than every 6 months.
These out-of-cycle releases are generally not supported by teams like the
stable branch maintenance team or the vulnerability management team. Knowing
which projects follow that model is therefore significant for our downstream
users, especially operators and packagers.
Most OpenStack projects follow our common 6-month development cycle and
therefore commit to producing a "final" release at the end of the cycle. This
release provides a convenient reference point for downstream teams (stable
branch maintenance, vulnerability management) and downstream users (in
particular packagers of OpenStack distributions).
However, some projects do not need (or do not want) to follow such a cycle,
and release completely independently. Describing which projects follow this
model is therefore a useful piece of information to provide to our users.
A given deliverable can't have more than one model: it therefore must choose
between the :ref:`tag-release:cycle-with-milestones`,
:ref:`tag-release:cycle-with-intermediary`, :ref:`tag-release:independent`
and :ref:`tag-release:none` models.

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@ -24,10 +24,9 @@ Application to current projects
The OpenStack `Release Management team`_ applies a number of strict release
processes (including a feature freeze and a release candidate period)
to ensure that a satisfying release will be produced for all the projects
it manages, at a precise pre-announced release date. This team has a track
The OpenStack `Release Management team`_ defines release models and applies
a number of strict release processes to ensure that a satisfying release
will be produced for all the projects it manages. The team has a track
record with the handling of all "integrated releases" up to the Kilo cycle.
Communicating the information of which code repositories are actually still
@ -39,15 +38,15 @@ especially packagers.
* "release:managed" projects stricly follow a predefined release cycle as
published by the Release Management team at the start of each development
* "release:managed" projects accept to submit to release management team
oversight starting at Feature Freeze and up to final release.
* "release:managed" projects commit to follow a predefined release model.
* Where appropriate, "release:managed" projects accept to submit to release
management team oversight starting at Feature Freeze and up to final release.
* "release:managed" projects delegate their tagging rights to the release
management team.
* "release:managed" projects commit to having their release team liaison
available on milestone and release weeks, to ensure proper coordination.
* The release management team needs to accept to handle release process for
those projects. The team has a limited bandwidth and reserves the right to
focus on foundational projects that benefit the most from being released
precisely at the same date.
those projects.
Tag application process

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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported License.
.. _`tag-release:none`:
This tag is part of the release category of tags, describing the release
model for a given deliverable. Most repositories in OpenStack publish
releases, by tagging a specific point in development using a version number.
However, some projects (or some repositories) are not meant to be "released"
and can opt to never publish such releases. This is for example the case of
of specs repositories which track incoming feature design.
The "release:none" tag allows to clearly describe such repositories.
Application to current projects
.. tagged-projects:: release:none
Some repositories will never produce a release and are supposed to be directly
consumed as git repositories. Describing which repositories follow this
model is therefore a useful piece of information to provide to our users.
"release:none" is different from having no release tag specified at all: it
specifically expresses that the repository will not result in any release. Not
having any release model tag just means the project hasn't clearly picked a
model yet.
A given deliverable can't have more than one model: it therefore must choose
between the :ref:`tag-release:cycle-with-milestones`,
:ref:`tag-release:cycle-with-intermediary`, :ref:`tag-release:independent`
and :ref:`tag-release:none` models.
* "release:none" repositories can't have a release.
Tag application process
The release management team (ultimately represented by the release management
PTL) is responsible for maintaining tags in the "release" category, so that
they match the current release model followed by each code repository.
There is no need to apply for addition/removal. Changes externally proposed
will be reviewed and approved by the release management team, ultimately
represented by the release management PTL.
Tags in the "release" category do not use attributes.