Convert 'Help Most Needed' to 'Upstream Investment Opportunities'
The previous 'Help Most Needed' list was presenting information in a way that focused on the desires of the community rather than the value that sponsoring organisations can generate - for both themselves and the commons. Replace the list with a new list of 'Upstream Investment Opportunities', and a process to keep them current by removing them after they have been on the list for between 6 months and a year, so that the submitter is forced to reaffirm their interest and the TC is forced to re-evaluate the relevancy. Since the current 'Help Most Needed' entries are generally not written in a style emphasising the value to a business of investing, the initial list is empty and will be filled as the TC evaluates business cases according to its new criteria and understanding of the needs of potential contributing organisations. To preserve the existing information, the contents of the current 'Help Most Needed' list appear as the 2018 upstream investment opportunites. Links to the old list will temporarily redirect here until such time as the new entries are in place, at which point we can redirect to the main page with the latest index. Change-Id: I65fef701dc2e3d50aa84e7ee79b068c78346c846
This commit is contained in:
@ -158,3 +158,17 @@
for one example report and
|||| for the
working notes for the 2018 report.
Upstream Investment Opportunities
Toward the end of each calendar year, invite sponsors of the current year's
Upstream Investement Opportunities to repropose any relevant ones for the
following year. Solicit new entries on the mailing list.
At the beginning of the new year, switch the index to point at the directory
for the new year. (If no business cases have been approved yet, seed it with a
symlink to the template - this can be removed once there are entries in the
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
redirect 301 /tc/reference/top-5-help-wanted.html /tc/reference/help-most-needed.html
redirect 301 /tc/reference/top-5-help-wanted.html /tc/reference/upstream-investment-opportunities/2018/index.html
redirect 301 /tc/reference/help-most-needed.html /tc/reference/upstream-investment-opportunities/2018/index.html
redirect 301 /tc/resolutions/2018-03-19-sig-governance.html /tc/resolutions/20180319-sig-governance.html
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
/tc/reference/top-5-help-wanted.html 301 /tc/reference/help-most-needed.html
/tc/reference/top-5-help-wanted.html 301 /tc/reference/upstream-investment-opportunities/2018/index.html
/tc/reference/help-most-needed.html 301 /tc/reference/upstream-investment-opportunities/2018/index.html
/tc/resolutions/2018-03-19-sig-governance.html 301 /tc/resolutions/20180319-sig-governance.html
@ -1,572 +0,0 @@
'Help most needed' list
This document lists at most 5 areas where the OpenStack Technical Committee
seeks contributions to significantly help OpenStack as a whole. While in most
cases things happen naturally through the normal contribution dynamics
in the community, in some cases a `tragedy of the commons`_ is at play.
Guidance, leadership and proper recognition of efforts is therefore needed
to encourage individuals or organizations to contribute in areas where they
could make a big impact.
Each item should clearly explain why the item matters (value of the effort
to the community, operators and users), why we need help there (description
of the current situation) and what experience or benefit the volunteer can
expect to gain from tackling it. It should also include the name of a TC
sponsor (responsible for evangelizing, articulating and channelling the work,
but also facilitating connections between candidates and target teams). For
an estimate of the commitment required, interested candidates should reach
out to the TC sponsor, or the PTL of the affected project.
Intended Audiences
This document was written with at least two audiences in mind.
The first audience consists of contributors who would be working on the items
listed here. Each item should provide a descriptive summary that helps
developers grasp the overall problem and possibly how to solve it or
The second audience is corporate or business sponsors. Ultimately, this
audience consists of people who have the ability to delegate resources to work
on various initiatives. The description of each item should justify why the
item is on the list. Descriptions should refrain from being overly technical.
Additionally, business sponsors will find the "Value" section beneficial
because it describes how investing resources helps reduce maintenance cost,
increase interoperability, provide stability, or deliver value to your
customers. Essentially, this section should help businesses understand what
they are getting out of the investment.
Both audiences will find the contact information supplied with each item useful
for connecting with the right group of people to get resources up-to-speed.
.. _`tragedy of the commons`:
1. Documentation owners
The #1 pain point in OpenStack, for contributors and users alike, is
complexity. While cutting down complexity everywhere we can is critical;
proper documentation is essential in addressing that complexity. It directly
benefits operators and users of OpenStack, but also facilitates ramping up new
direct contributors to the project itself.
The documentation team has been struggling with limited resources since the
dawn of OpenStack, despite the heroic efforts of previous team members. The
community outlined an ambitious `plan`_ to decentralize the Documentation team,
turning it into a guidance and mentoring support team. To be successful,
project teams need to own their documentation, which means that the role of
documentation owners will be critical.
Volunteers for this role will drive this ambitious transition, by being members
of their project team and members of the new decentralized documentation team.
On the long-term, they will become a reference go-to person in their project,
and respected mentors in the OpenStack community.
Increased Operational Efficiency
Documentation naturally disseminates knowledge, but it should also be easy for
readers to find what they are looking for. This process reduces bottlenecks on
human resources and support by allowing users, operators, and contributors to
find answers to questions themselves. Less time spent answering common
questions means more time focusing on more complicated requests, maintenance,
and code.
Faster Onboarding
Contributors come from all different backgrounds and experiences. As a result,
they often share similar questions about high-level concepts or processes used
within the OpenStack community or components. Consistently documenting
processes enables contributors without requiring them to pull tribal knowledge
from an existing developer. This documentation fast-tracks contributors to
making productive contributions.
Users, customers, and operators are required to reference a vast pool of
documentation spread across multiple repositories and sites. Implementing
consistency in wording, format, content, and location provides readers with a
first-class experience. Additionally, users build confidence and trust in
software when it is well documented.
For questions about getting involved with this initiative, reach out to the
OpenStack Discuss mailing `list`_. You may also contact the `Documentation`_
PTL or the Technical Committee sponsor for this item (dhellmann).
.. _`plan`:
.. _`list`:
.. _`Documentation`:
2. Community Infrastructure Sysadmins
The :ref:`project-infrastructure` team is responsible for designing,
building and maintaining the systems that are used in the day to day
operation of the OpenStack project as a whole; this includes
development, testing, and collaboration tools. All of the software
it runs is open source, and under public configuration management so
that everyone in the community has the opportunity to participate.
One very effective way to get involved in OpenStack, gaining a deep
understanding of and visibility within the community, is by helping
operate this infrastructure. Attrition due to shifts in employment
or availability of personal time impacts the team's ability to
support the community effectively, and so there is a constant need
for new contributors who can commit to investing sufficient effort
to overcome the steep learning curve associated with these varied
Because our community is global, its support needs span most
timezones. Unfortunately, the bulk of long-term contributors to
Infrastructure are concentrated in the Americas and so this leaves
APAC and EMEA community members with far fewer options for immediate
assistance with urgent issues. Gaining more contributors who are
active during those times (whether they live in those parts of the
World or not) would provide a substantial benefit to the community.
This is not necessarily as easy as it sounds because it's harder to
get as much overlap with the current bulk of the team for shadowing
and knowledge transfer, but there are still some existing team
members in those timezones who can help mitigate that somewhat.
In particular, the team seeks developers and systems administrators
with a background both in maintaining Unix/Linux servers and free
software, and places heavy emphasis on systems automation and
configuration management (primarily Ansible and Puppet at the
moment). Everything possible goes through code review, and gets
extensively documented and communicated with the rest of the
community over IRC and mailing lists. Server resources are donated
by companies operating OpenStack services so there is
substantial opportunity both for people who have experience in those
technologies as well as anyone wishing to gain more familiarity with
The infrastructure team leverages resources donated from companies operating
OpenStack services. The community uses the software it produces as a tool for
testing it. Every day, contributors submit thousands of patches for review.
Infrastructure tools deploy each patch and test it against thousands of tests
and scenarios. This volume provides an opportunity to improve the software we
write by giving us first-hand experience with issues at scale. The benefit of
fixing these issues for the OpenStack CI system is two-fold:
1. It makes the test platform more stable and robust
2. Products or services benefits from the fix being applied upstream
Don't Repeat Yourself or Your Testing (DRY)
The culture built around extensive testing in OpenStack makes it easier for us
to trust patches proposed for review. We've integrated this culture into our
review process. Duplicating a social and technical CI system of this size takes
incredible amounts of time, people, and patience. Bolstering the CI system we
already have in place allows you to focus on testing that is specific to your
product or service.
Immediate Feedback
The OpenStack CI system is the backbone of feedback for contributors and
operators. Users get this feedback early, ideally before the patch lands.
Ensuring early feedback through a robust CI system and testing means fewer
surprises down the road when you attempt to integrate your product into a new
release or deploy a new version of a service.
Join the #openstack-infra channel on the Freenode IRC network or reach out
through the openstack-infra mailing lists on if you would
like to get involved. It’s a rewarding chance to learn and help others, but
most of all it’s fun! The Technical Committee sponsor for this initiative is
Jeremy Stanley (fungi).
3. Designate Contributors
`Designate`_ is a service that manages DNS Zones and Recordsets. It supports
multiple DNS Servers, and DNS Service Providers, making it vital for any
network or web-based application.
They need contributors to help find and fix bugs, develop new features, and
help maintain the quality of the project, including cross-project initiatives.
Designate is quite stable, with any new features requiring long term planning,
design, and phased implementation.
Designate welcomes everyone, from someone starting in the community to senior
contributors who want new, interesting problems to tackle. Contributors will
get to work on a project that will be a central part of any OpenStack
deployment and work on a project that needs to scale from a small single node
install to a system controlling DNS servers worldwide.
DNS is fundamental in gracefully directing users and applications to services.
It allows the flexibility to replace underlying hardware while presenting
consumers with a consistent endpoint. Designate provides this flexibility to
operators and end users.
Designate supports a wide range of drivers for various `DNS servers`_ and
providers, which allows deployers to integrate Designate into pre-existing
DNS infrastructures.
Self-serviceability is a core tenet of OpenStack `technical vision`_. Designate
helps OpenStack clouds adhere to that principle by exposing DNS functionality
directly to end-users. Designate allows cloud operators to delegate the control
of DNS zones to end users, to avoid complex ticket based workflows for DNS
User Experience
When end users are building applications in a cloud native way, relying on
external tooling to provision DNS entries adds complexity. With the advancement
of IPv6, services required to have DNS entries, to avoid application user
Designate adds an important part of the value add for cloud infrastructure,
and ensures that OpenStack has feature parity with other cloud providers.
Designate integrates with many other tools to allow for zero touch management
of DNS Zones and Records. The integration with neutron allows admins to have
PTR records (for reverse DNS lookups) managed for Floating IP ranges, without
giving direct privileged access to the reverse zone to users.
Tools like `letsencrypt certbot`_ allow for auto provisioning of SSL certs
using DNS-01 validation, while tools like `Heat`_, `Terraform`_ and `Ansible`_
allow for the provisioning of DNS Zones and Records to be integrated into
pre-existing workflows for applications.
Kubernetes `external-dns`_ support adds simple annotation based DNS management for
applications running in kubernetes clusters with load balancers or ingress
The OpenStack community continues to evolve, and this evolution requires large
cross-project initiatives. Furthermore, users and operators expect consistency
across the OpenStack platform. Examples from recent history include
OpenStack-wide support for `Python 3`_ and easing operator pain by moving
`policy configuration`_ into code. Ensuring Designate stays up-to-date with
these initiatives is imperative in reducing operational costs, complexity, and
user frustration.
If you are interested, please join #openstack-dns on Freenode or contact the
Designate PTL (Graham Hayes - mugsie), the Technical Committee sponsor (TBD).
You may also email the openstack discuss mailing list with the tag [designate]
in the subject.
.. _`Designate`:
.. _`DNS servers`:
.. _`technical vision`:
.. _`letsencrypt certbot` :
.. _`Heat`:
.. _`Terraform`:
.. _`Ansible`:
.. _`external-dns`:
.. _`Python 3`:
.. _`policy configuration`:
.. _`list`:
4. Glance Contributors
`Glance`_ is a service to manage disk images for OpenStack clouds. It was one
of the first projects developed in the OpenStack ecosystem. Nearly every
OpenStack deployment contains a Glance service. Without Glance, Nova cannot
create servers.
Glance is looking for new contributors who would be willing to provide reviews,
to work on bugs, or to work on new features. Glance has welcomed interns,
junior developers, and more senior developers. In every case, it is a great way
to grow and contribute to OpenStack.
Maintenance Costs
Glance is a critical service in OpenStack. Contributions to the future of the
image registry are essential to the stability of OpenStack. More importantly,
Glance is not feature-complete. There is significant technical debt that needs
to be taken care of and several features to implement.
The OpenStack community continues to evolve, and this evolution requires large
cross-project initiatives. Furthermore, users and operators expect consistency
across the OpenStack platform. Examples from recent history include
OpenStack-wide support for `Python 3`_ and easing operator pain by moving
`policy configuration`_ into code. Ensuring Glance stays up-to-date with these
initiatives is imperative in reducing operational costs, complexity, and user
Interested? Join the Glance IRC channel (#openstack-glance) or reach out to the
OpenStack discuss `mailing list`_ using the `[glance]` tag.
.. _`Glance`:
.. _`Python 3`:
.. _`policy configuration`:
.. _`mailing list`:
5. Goal Champions
As OpenStack matures, large initiatives linger that affect the community as a
whole. Like with any large body of work, someone needs to step up and
coordinate the group, keep track of progress, call for and chair regular
meetings, and publish status updates. PTLs do this work for project teams,
leaders do it for various cross-project working groups and SIGs, and champions
do it to help us complete :ref:`release-cycle-goals` over a cycle.
Additionally, efficient coordination is one of the most productive ways to get
things done, especially in large communities.
The work of those champions is essential to the success of OpenStack, and yet
it is often challenging to find volunteers for those positions. Contributing as
a goal champion takes time (several hours per week), and that commitment needs
to be properly recognized and celebrated.
Volunteers for this role will make a direct impact on the productivity of
others, become respected leaders in OpenStack community, build influence among
their peers, and make great candidates for future elected leadership positions
in OpenStack.
Opportunity for Influence
As a sponsor or partial sponsor of a community-wide initiative, you have the
opportunity to influence the decision-making process. This influence is
particularly true if you have existing workarounds or have attempted
alternative solutions, both of which are essential perspectives to have in the
goal selection process.
Early Adoption
By sponsoring a community goal champion, you have someone in-house to answer
questions about the ongoing work and decision making process upstream. This can
be an excellent resource in minimizing disruption to downstream products and
services, especially tracking a large piece of work across services and
If you are interested in helping with community goals, contact the Technical
Committee sponsor for this item (dhellmann).
6. Unified Limits and Quota Management
Most OpenStack services allow users to manage a resource, or a group of
resources, via an API. Operators use limits to ensure users are getting the
resources they pay for and need for their cloud use cases. These limits and
quotas are imperative to accurate billing, settings up price structure,
maximizing hardware usage, and ensuring resources are distributed throughout
the deployment as operators see fit.
Currently, there isn't a unified approach to limits across OpenStack services.
Services that do have an API for managing resource limits share a commonality
in the implementation but still suffer from inconsistencies. It is considered
risky to implement limit management separately across services since the
hierarchical nature of project namespaces in OpenStack can be complicated.
This forces developers to solve the same hard problem over and over again. This
design leaves limit API consistency across OpenStack up to the developers from
each project and hoping they all implement public APIs the same way. There is
work underway to consolidate the management of limits to a single service,
making it consumable to other services in the deployment while minimizing the
risk of deviating implementations in ways that negatively impact end users and
Improved Manageability
By implementing a unified approach to limits, operators can efficiently manage
and view resource limits and quota across a deployment. Today, that experience
is fragmented and requires operators to query services individually if they
support limits. A unified limit interface allows operators to be more efficient
since they don't have to aggregate resource limits and information manually, or
by maintaining separate tooling and scripts to do it for them.
Consistent Interfaces
End users and operators benefit from a consistent interface. This reduces the
ability for interfaces to develop differences by using a centralized, unified
limit API. End users and operators expect the same experience regardless of the
resource, or which service controls that resource. Ensuring consistency reduces
cognitive load on behalf of the user and allows for a better experience with
the software.
Resource Flexibility
A unified approach, where limits are defined in a consistent place and consumed
across services makes it easier to implement validation of resource limits.
This flexibility is powerful for operators in modeling how available resources
should, or should not, flow between projects. For example, a deployment
interested in maximizing resource utilization may choose to let free resource
flow between peer projects. This allows resources to move from stable projects
to ones that are more resource-intensive.
Reduced Complexity
OpenStack's support for hierarchical multi-tenancy makes associating limits
across projects challenging. With unified limits, we're minimizing the area for
mistakes by allowing developers to reuse common code. Reuse reduces potential
complexity by isolating complicated logic into a few key places, instead of
duplicating it across many services. This reduction makes it less likely for
services to develop implementations or public facing APIs that deviate, even
slightly, from one another.
For questions about getting involved with this initiative, reach out to the
OpenStack Discuss mailing `list
7. Consistent Role Based Access Control
OpenStack is comprised of APIs that allow users to manage physical and virtual
infrastructure. Contributors wrote these APIs for end users and operators
alike. With tenancy being a pillar of OpenStack's technical vision, ensuring
isolation between users and layers of the infrastructure is imperative to
OpenStack's long-term success.
The OpenStack project has grown a tremendous amount of functionality over the
last several years. Unfortunately, evolution in the way services protect their
APIs failed to maintain pace with feature development. As a result, services
today do not protect APIs in ways that expose functionality effectively to
users, support security requirements, reduce operational complexity for
operators, or aid interoperability.
Since the Pike release, there has been renewed efforts to improve tools and
libraries for contributors to use to correct these issues.
Increased Functionality
Currently, most OpenStack services have a very binary approach to RBAC
enforcement. This approach usually handicaps new functionality from being
exposed to users because users typically do not fall in one of two camps.
Contributors either need to lock down the feature to only system
administrators, or open it up to nearly every user in the deployment. This is
especially true for APIs that expose details about multiple tenants.
Implementing better API protection allows contributors to expose more
functionality to end users and operators by default. Lowering the bar for users
to access a feature means more opportunities for feedback loops, more end users
getting access to the functionality they need, and makes OpenStack more usable
Enhanced Security
OpenStack has a wide variety of users. Auditing APIs and adjusting default
access control increases security across the entire OpenStack platform. This
exercise gives contributors the ability to provide secure defaults for new
deployments. Reasonable default values that are inherently secure makes it
easier for organizations with strict security requirement to deploy OpenStack.
Reduced Operational Complexity
Today's RBAC enforcement implementation lacks secure defaults, but it is
somewhat configurable. Deployments that must have a more secure enforcement
implementation are forced to maintain arduously complex configuration files.
Furthermore, many organizations re-implement similar use cases.
Because policy configuration gives deployments the flexibility to maintain
complicated policies at their own expense, it is common to see many
organizations solve the same problem. Unfortunately, it's unlikely many of them
are sharing the same solution. This pattern impedes interoperability between
deployments, making it frustrating for users interacting with different
OpenStack clouds.
Offering a reasonable set of roles and implementing basic RBAC improves
interoperability by not requiring each organization to solve the same problem
For more information on how to contribute to this initiative, please read the
`authorization documentation`_ dedicated to describing the problem.
For questions about getting involved with this initiative, reach out to the
OpenStack Discuss mailing `list`_.
.. _authorization documentation:
.. _list:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Reference documents which need to be revised over time.
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
Community Infrastructure Sysadmins
The :ref:`project-infrastructure` team is responsible for designing,
building and maintaining the systems that are used in the day to day
operation of the OpenStack project as a whole; this includes
development, testing, and collaboration tools. All of the software
it runs is open source, and under public configuration management so
that everyone in the community has the opportunity to participate.
One very effective way to get involved in OpenStack, gaining a deep
understanding of and visibility within the community, is by helping
operate this infrastructure. Attrition due to shifts in employment
or availability of personal time impacts the team's ability to
support the community effectively, and so there is a constant need
for new contributors who can commit to investing sufficient effort
to overcome the steep learning curve associated with these varied
Because our community is global, its support needs span most
timezones. Unfortunately, the bulk of long-term contributors to
Infrastructure are concentrated in the Americas and so this leaves
APAC and EMEA community members with far fewer options for immediate
assistance with urgent issues. Gaining more contributors who are
active during those times (whether they live in those parts of the
World or not) would provide a substantial benefit to the community.
This is not necessarily as easy as it sounds because it's harder to
get as much overlap with the current bulk of the team for shadowing
and knowledge transfer, but there are still some existing team
members in those timezones who can help mitigate that somewhat.
In particular, the team seeks developers and systems administrators
with a background both in maintaining Unix/Linux servers and free
software, and places heavy emphasis on systems automation and
configuration management (primarily Ansible and Puppet at the
moment). Everything possible goes through code review, and gets
extensively documented and communicated with the rest of the
community over IRC and mailing lists. Server resources are donated
by companies operating OpenStack services so there is
substantial opportunity both for people who have experience in those
technologies as well as anyone wishing to gain more familiarity with
The infrastructure team leverages resources donated from companies operating
OpenStack services. The community uses the software it produces as a tool for
testing it. Every day, contributors submit thousands of patches for review.
Infrastructure tools deploy each patch and test it against thousands of tests
and scenarios. This volume provides an opportunity to improve the software we
write by giving us first-hand experience with issues at scale. The benefit of
fixing these issues for the OpenStack CI system is two-fold:
1. It makes the test platform more stable and robust
2. Products or services benefits from the fix being applied upstream
Don't Repeat Yourself or Your Testing (DRY)
The culture built around extensive testing in OpenStack makes it easier for us
to trust patches proposed for review. We've integrated this culture into our
review process. Duplicating a social and technical CI system of this size takes
incredible amounts of time, people, and patience. Bolstering the CI system we
already have in place allows you to focus on testing that is specific to your
product or service.
Immediate Feedback
The OpenStack CI system is the backbone of feedback for contributors and
operators. Users get this feedback early, ideally before the patch lands.
Ensuring early feedback through a robust CI system and testing means fewer
surprises down the road when you attempt to integrate your product into a new
release or deploy a new version of a service.
Join the #openstack-infra channel on the Freenode IRC network or reach out
through the openstack-infra mailing lists on if you would
like to get involved. It’s a rewarding chance to learn and help others, but
most of all it’s fun! The Technical Committee sponsor for this initiative is
Jeremy Stanley (fungi).
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
Designate Contributors
`Designate`_ is a service that manages DNS Zones and Recordsets. It supports
multiple DNS Servers, and DNS Service Providers, making it vital for any
network or web-based application.
They need contributors to help find and fix bugs, develop new features, and
help maintain the quality of the project, including cross-project initiatives.
Designate is quite stable, with any new features requiring long term planning,
design, and phased implementation.
Designate welcomes everyone, from someone starting in the community to senior
contributors who want new, interesting problems to tackle. Contributors will
get to work on a project that will be a central part of any OpenStack
deployment and work on a project that needs to scale from a small single node
install to a system controlling DNS servers worldwide.
DNS is fundamental in gracefully directing users and applications to services.
It allows the flexibility to replace underlying hardware while presenting
consumers with a consistent endpoint. Designate provides this flexibility to
operators and end users.
Designate supports a wide range of drivers for various `DNS servers`_ and
providers, which allows deployers to integrate Designate into pre-existing
DNS infrastructures.
Self-serviceability is a core tenet of OpenStack `technical vision`_. Designate
helps OpenStack clouds adhere to that principle by exposing DNS functionality
directly to end-users. Designate allows cloud operators to delegate the control
of DNS zones to end users, to avoid complex ticket based workflows for DNS
User Experience
When end users are building applications in a cloud native way, relying on
external tooling to provision DNS entries adds complexity. With the advancement
of IPv6, services required to have DNS entries, to avoid application user
Designate adds an important part of the value add for cloud infrastructure,
and ensures that OpenStack has feature parity with other cloud providers.
Designate integrates with many other tools to allow for zero touch management
of DNS Zones and Records. The integration with neutron allows admins to have
PTR records (for reverse DNS lookups) managed for Floating IP ranges, without
giving direct privileged access to the reverse zone to users.
Tools like `letsencrypt certbot`_ allow for auto provisioning of SSL certs
using DNS-01 validation, while tools like `Heat`_, `Terraform`_ and `Ansible`_
allow for the provisioning of DNS Zones and Records to be integrated into
pre-existing workflows for applications.
Kubernetes `external-dns`_ support adds simple annotation based DNS management for
applications running in kubernetes clusters with load balancers or ingress
The OpenStack community continues to evolve, and this evolution requires large
cross-project initiatives. Furthermore, users and operators expect consistency
across the OpenStack platform. Examples from recent history include
OpenStack-wide support for `Python 3`_ and easing operator pain by moving
`policy configuration`_ into code. Ensuring Designate stays up-to-date with
these initiatives is imperative in reducing operational costs, complexity, and
user frustration.
If you are interested, please join #openstack-dns on Freenode or contact the
Designate PTL (Graham Hayes - mugsie), the Technical Committee sponsor (TBD).
You may also email the openstack discuss mailing list with the tag [designate]
in the subject.
.. _`Designate`:
.. _`DNS servers`:
.. _`technical vision`:
.. _`letsencrypt certbot` :
.. _`Heat`:
.. _`Terraform`:
.. _`Ansible`:
.. _`external-dns`:
.. _`Python 3`:
.. _`policy configuration`:
.. _`list`:
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
Documentation owners
The #1 pain point in OpenStack, for contributors and users alike, is
complexity. While cutting down complexity everywhere we can is critical;
proper documentation is essential in addressing that complexity. It directly
benefits operators and users of OpenStack, but also facilitates ramping up new
direct contributors to the project itself.
The documentation team has been struggling with limited resources since the
dawn of OpenStack, despite the heroic efforts of previous team members. The
community outlined an ambitious `plan`_ to decentralize the Documentation team,
turning it into a guidance and mentoring support team. To be successful,
project teams need to own their documentation, which means that the role of
documentation owners will be critical.
Volunteers for this role will drive this ambitious transition, by being members
of their project team and members of the new decentralized documentation team.
On the long-term, they will become a reference go-to person in their project,
and respected mentors in the OpenStack community.
Increased Operational Efficiency
Documentation naturally disseminates knowledge, but it should also be easy for
readers to find what they are looking for. This process reduces bottlenecks on
human resources and support by allowing users, operators, and contributors to
find answers to questions themselves. Less time spent answering common
questions means more time focusing on more complicated requests, maintenance,
and code.
Faster Onboarding
Contributors come from all different backgrounds and experiences. As a result,
they often share similar questions about high-level concepts or processes used
within the OpenStack community or components. Consistently documenting
processes enables contributors without requiring them to pull tribal knowledge
from an existing developer. This documentation fast-tracks contributors to
making productive contributions.
Users, customers, and operators are required to reference a vast pool of
documentation spread across multiple repositories and sites. Implementing
consistency in wording, format, content, and location provides readers with a
first-class experience. Additionally, users build confidence and trust in
software when it is well documented.
For questions about getting involved with this initiative, reach out to the
OpenStack Discuss mailing `list`_. You may also contact the `Documentation`_
PTL or the Technical Committee sponsor for this item (dhellmann).
.. _`plan`:
.. _`list`:
.. _`Documentation`:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
Glance Contributors
`Glance`_ is a service to manage disk images for OpenStack clouds. It was one
of the first projects developed in the OpenStack ecosystem. Nearly every
OpenStack deployment contains a Glance service. Without Glance, Nova cannot
create servers.
Glance is looking for new contributors who would be willing to provide reviews,
to work on bugs, or to work on new features. Glance has welcomed interns,
junior developers, and more senior developers. In every case, it is a great way
to grow and contribute to OpenStack.
Maintenance Costs
Glance is a critical service in OpenStack. Contributions to the future of the
image registry are essential to the stability of OpenStack. More importantly,
Glance is not feature-complete. There is significant technical debt that needs
to be taken care of and several features to implement.
The OpenStack community continues to evolve, and this evolution requires large
cross-project initiatives. Furthermore, users and operators expect consistency
across the OpenStack platform. Examples from recent history include
OpenStack-wide support for `Python 3`_ and easing operator pain by moving
`policy configuration`_ into code. Ensuring Glance stays up-to-date with these
initiatives is imperative in reducing operational costs, complexity, and user
Interested? Join the Glance IRC channel (#openstack-glance) or reach out to the
OpenStack discuss `mailing list`_ using the `[glance]` tag.
.. _`Glance`:
.. _`Python 3`:
.. _`policy configuration`:
.. _`mailing list`:
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Goal Champions
As OpenStack matures, large initiatives linger that affect the community as a
whole. Like with any large body of work, someone needs to step up and
coordinate the group, keep track of progress, call for and chair regular
meetings, and publish status updates. PTLs do this work for project teams,
leaders do it for various cross-project working groups and SIGs, and champions
do it to help us complete :ref:`release-cycle-goals` over a cycle.
Additionally, efficient coordination is one of the most productive ways to get
things done, especially in large communities.
The work of those champions is essential to the success of OpenStack, and yet
it is often challenging to find volunteers for those positions. Contributing as
a goal champion takes time (several hours per week), and that commitment needs
to be properly recognized and celebrated.
Volunteers for this role will make a direct impact on the productivity of
others, become respected leaders in OpenStack community, build influence among
their peers, and make great candidates for future elected leadership positions
in OpenStack.
Opportunity for Influence
As a sponsor or partial sponsor of a community-wide initiative, you have the
opportunity to influence the decision-making process. This influence is
particularly true if you have existing workarounds or have attempted
alternative solutions, both of which are essential perspectives to have in the
goal selection process.
Early Adoption
By sponsoring a community goal champion, you have someone in-house to answer
questions about the ongoing work and decision making process upstream. This can
be an excellent resource in minimizing disruption to downstream products and
services, especially tracking a large piece of work across services and
If you are interested in helping with community goals, contact the Technical
Committee sponsor for this item (dhellmann).
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2018 Upstream Investment Opportunities
.. note::
This page links to the items from the previous "Help Most Wanted" list,
which are retained here for reference. We are in the process of rewriting
these items in the form of upstream investment opportunities for 2019.
Please refer to the :doc:`../index` page for the latest information.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
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Consistent Role Based Access Control
OpenStack is comprised of APIs that allow users to manage physical and virtual
infrastructure. Contributors wrote these APIs for end users and operators
alike. With tenancy being a pillar of OpenStack's technical vision, ensuring
isolation between users and layers of the infrastructure is imperative to
OpenStack's long-term success.
The OpenStack project has grown a tremendous amount of functionality over the
last several years. Unfortunately, evolution in the way services protect their
APIs failed to maintain pace with feature development. As a result, services
today do not protect APIs in ways that expose functionality effectively to
users, support security requirements, reduce operational complexity for
operators, or aid interoperability.
Since the Pike release, there has been renewed efforts to improve tools and
libraries for contributors to use to correct these issues.
Increased Functionality
Currently, most OpenStack services have a very binary approach to RBAC
enforcement. This approach usually handicaps new functionality from being
exposed to users because users typically do not fall in one of two camps.
Contributors either need to lock down the feature to only system
administrators, or open it up to nearly every user in the deployment. This is
especially true for APIs that expose details about multiple tenants.
Implementing better API protection allows contributors to expose more
functionality to end users and operators by default. Lowering the bar for users
to access a feature means more opportunities for feedback loops, more end users
getting access to the functionality they need, and makes OpenStack more usable
Enhanced Security
OpenStack has a wide variety of users. Auditing APIs and adjusting default
access control increases security across the entire OpenStack platform. This
exercise gives contributors the ability to provide secure defaults for new
deployments. Reasonable default values that are inherently secure makes it
easier for organizations with strict security requirement to deploy OpenStack.
Reduced Operational Complexity
Today's RBAC enforcement implementation lacks secure defaults, but it is
somewhat configurable. Deployments that must have a more secure enforcement
implementation are forced to maintain arduously complex configuration files.
Furthermore, many organizations re-implement similar use cases.
Because policy configuration gives deployments the flexibility to maintain
complicated policies at their own expense, it is common to see many
organizations solve the same problem. Unfortunately, it's unlikely many of them
are sharing the same solution. This pattern impedes interoperability between
deployments, making it frustrating for users interacting with different
OpenStack clouds.
Offering a reasonable set of roles and implementing basic RBAC improves
interoperability by not requiring each organization to solve the same problem
For more information on how to contribute to this initiative, please read the
`authorization documentation`_ dedicated to describing the problem.
For questions about getting involved with this initiative, reach out to the
OpenStack Discuss mailing `list`_.
.. _authorization documentation:
.. _list:
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Unified Limits and Quota Management
Most OpenStack services allow users to manage a resource, or a group of
resources, via an API. Operators use limits to ensure users are getting the
resources they pay for and need for their cloud use cases. These limits and
quotas are imperative to accurate billing, settings up price structure,
maximizing hardware usage, and ensuring resources are distributed throughout
the deployment as operators see fit.
Currently, there isn't a unified approach to limits across OpenStack services.
Services that do have an API for managing resource limits share a commonality
in the implementation but still suffer from inconsistencies. It is considered
risky to implement limit management separately across services since the
hierarchical nature of project namespaces in OpenStack can be complicated.
This forces developers to solve the same hard problem over and over again. This
design leaves limit API consistency across OpenStack up to the developers from
each project and hoping they all implement public APIs the same way. There is
work underway to consolidate the management of limits to a single service,
making it consumable to other services in the deployment while minimizing the
risk of deviating implementations in ways that negatively impact end users and
Improved Manageability
By implementing a unified approach to limits, operators can efficiently manage
and view resource limits and quota across a deployment. Today, that experience
is fragmented and requires operators to query services individually if they
support limits. A unified limit interface allows operators to be more efficient
since they don't have to aggregate resource limits and information manually, or
by maintaining separate tooling and scripts to do it for them.
Consistent Interfaces
End users and operators benefit from a consistent interface. This reduces the
ability for interfaces to develop differences by using a centralized, unified
limit API. End users and operators expect the same experience regardless of the
resource, or which service controls that resource. Ensuring consistency reduces
cognitive load on behalf of the user and allows for a better experience with
the software.
Resource Flexibility
A unified approach, where limits are defined in a consistent place and consumed
across services makes it easier to implement validation of resource limits.
This flexibility is powerful for operators in modeling how available resources
should, or should not, flow between projects. For example, a deployment
interested in maximizing resource utilization may choose to let free resource
flow between peer projects. This allows resources to move from stable projects
to ones that are more resource-intensive.
Reduced Complexity
OpenStack's support for hierarchical multi-tenancy makes associating limits
across projects challenging. With unified limits, we're minimizing the area for
mistakes by allowing developers to reuse common code. Reuse reduces potential
complexity by isolating complicated logic into a few key places, instead of
duplicating it across many services. This reduction makes it less likely for
services to develop implementations or public facing APIs that deviate, even
slightly, from one another.
For questions about getting involved with this initiative, reach out to the
OpenStack Discuss mailing `list
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2019 Upstream Investment Opportunities
.. note::
The latest list of upstream investment opportunities can always be found on
the :doc:`../index` page. Historical data is retained for reference.
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Upstream Investment Opportunities
Many companies in the OpenStack community are looking to invest in upstream
development of OpenStack, for many reasons: to build expertise within the
organisation; to minimise the cost of downstream maintenance by addressing
issues at the source; to drive insights gained from serving their customers
into the upstream design; to mitigate business risks presented by a `tragedy of
the commons`_; or just to support the community. One study has shown that
companies that contribute to Open Source projects are able to capture up to
twice as much value from their use of the software than those who do not
contribute are.\ [#Nagle]_ However, OpenStack is a large project and figuring
out where best to invest to derive business value can seem daunting, especially
for those new to the community.
This page presents a curated set of suggested investment areas based on the
current opportunities available in the community, along with contact points for
each who can help you get started. The list is in no particular order - which
opportunity is the best fit depends on the nature of your business. In general,
contributors to the community need not be solely devoted to upstream
development, but we have found that long-term commitments generate the most
value for both the project and the sponsoring organisation.
Current Investment Opportunities
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
.. note::
This process is new in 2019. You may wish to refer to the entries from the
previous :doc:`Help Most Wanted list <2018/index>` while the process of
converting them to the new format is underway.
Inclusion Criteria
Only entries approved in the current calendar year are shown, but entries from
previous years may be reproposed if they are still relevant. Each item should
provide a business case that potential sponsors can use to identify whether the
opportunity is relevant to them, a description of the kind of experience needed
as well as the mentoring opportunities the community is able to provide, and at
least one point of contact for anyone interested in contributing.
.. _`tragedy of the commons`:
.. rubric:: Footnotes
.. [#Nagle] Nagle, Frank, `Learning by Contributing: Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Contribution to Crowdsourced Public Goods <>`_ (December 21, 2017).
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Investment Opportunity Template
Briefly describe the general field in which contributions are sought.
Business Case
Describe a business case for investment from the point of view of the
organisation paying for the contributions. Readers need a way to identify
whether their organisation is one that would benefit from this specific
upstream investment, so be sure to include that. The business case should also
describe exactly how the investment is expected to save them money, create
additional (monetary) value, reduce business risk, or all of the above.
Technical Details
Describe in more detail the nature of the contributions sought, and the
prerequisites that candidates attempting to help should begin with. You should
also describe the nature and extent of the mentoring that is on offer to
anybody who takes the work on.
List at least one point of contact to help potential contributors get started.
These contacts should be prepared to either act as mentors or find mentors for
interested contributors.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user