The TC applies a number of criteria when considering project incubation
and graduation to integrated status, and when considering new programs.
These reference documents should track the minimal requirements that we
apply, so that candidate projects and teams know what is expected of
These documents, by nature, do not contain all the criteria that each
member of the TC will apply when evaluating applications. They are
just the ever-evolving minimal set of requirements that are consensual
amongst TC members.
NB: Some currently-incubated, currently-integrated or currently-official
projects and programs do not fill all of those requirements, as some of
them are new requirements we recently imposed to raise the quality of
the end-result, based on past experience. Those teams and projects
should try to cover the gap during the Icehouse cycle.
Change-Id: Ieedc64a20135e3498786bee6fc54d91b9cf2a93a
Professor David Chadwick has been deeply involved in keystone's
[painstakingly slow] shift towards a federated identity model for over a
year now. I think all of keystone-core can vouch for the value of his
technical contributions on the matter. He regularly participates on the
-dev mailing list and in gerrit:,n,z
Change-Id: Ia2557c17c43fb280c85122d75e513472a320cc4d
In keeping with the spirit of the charter, enforcing the
OpenStack ideals of Openness, Transparency, Commonality,
Integration, Quality, this patch supports language that
reflects gender parity.
Change-Id: I931f093933251432e38c660564e2fbfca611ef11
Add some bullet points about the last year-or-so of TC meetings to give
us a handy record of decisions so where we know to find a more detailed
summary of those decisions.
Change-Id: Ib5198d0da0c254b077823c763c24c90f3dda7865
During the Board of Directors meeting on Monday, it became clear that
there doesn't appear to be any controversy around allowing Ceilometer
and Heat use their official names.
The formal process in the bylaws is that the TC must recommend to the
board that they include the projects in the "Core OpenStack Project".
This commit proposes a resolution to this effect. The resolution also
makes it clear that we are not asking the board to require the use of
Heat and Ceilometer in products using the OpenStack trademark.
Change-Id: Ic751aa28b8f88e8c8d7f15b76bc1825725ac4c05
We need to go back through our past decisions and capture them in this
repo. Obviously that's going to take a lot of work, but a first step is
to be able to easily find the links to all previous meetings.
Change-Id: I73351b8db3c4d24283b5e011bf943c0a36b207f5
This commit contains no changes to the content of this document. It
just reformats it to make it easier to read as a plain text document.
Lines are wrapped to 80 columns.
Change-Id: I4c8327efcfc42790ee54f6c98c48385bfa110bc8
Create initial repository structure and add the following
reference documents:
- charter: The authoritative copy of the TC charter (copied from wiki)
- members: Current TC members with election expiration
- programs.yaml: List of official programs including PTLs, codenames,
mission statements...
- extra-atcs: List of people being granted an ATC exception
Change-Id: Ia2df3bf0808af8cfa306092442160d5ecb14dfb0