 TC Chair Responsibilities

.. note::

   This document is maintained as a simple text file, outside of the
   published governance document, because it is meant to be used for
   shared notes rather than as an official "guide to being TC chair".


* Keep the Board informed of important decisions

  * email the board chair and secretary with brief summaries of
    decisions, linking to the public discussion (e.g., resuming
    meetings, election outcome, etc.)

* Keep the TC informed of important Board actions

  * attend board meetings when possible
  * follow board discussions on the mailing list(s)
  * report useful information back to the TC

* Manage formal TC meetings

  * maintain the agenda in the wiki

* Review proposals to the openstack/governance repo (see below)
* Coordinate the agenda for joint leadership meetings with the board (see below)
* Send weekly update emails to openstack-discuss (see below)

Each Cycle

* Manage the initiative tracker
  * Prepare release tracker etherpad (During PTG), Example:
  * Update the etherpad link in the wiki
* Check on the active goals and, if there is no active goal, then ensure
  that 2 TC members are signed up to manage the goal selection process.
* Ensure PTI and testing runtime update is done.
* After milestone-1, ensure the next release naming is started.
* During R-9 week, check "PTL and TC elections".
  * Ensure PTL and TC election schedule is prepared as per schedule mentioned
    in https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/charter.html
  * Encourage the TC members that are not standing for [re]election to help
    as the election officials.

Around TC elections

During the election period all current TC members continue to serve,
even if their term is up and they are not running again. Committee
membership changes when the election results are published.

When the election results are available, the outgoing chair should:

* welcome new and returning members. Make sure to send the TC onboarding
  guide to new members:
* update the tech-committee group in gerrit:
  https://review.opendev.org/#/admin/groups/205,members to remove
  members who should no longer be included and add new members
* encourage all TC members to vote on the patch prepared by the
  election officials with the new roster
* encourage all TC members to include the "[tc]" topic in their filter
  list for the openstack-discuss mailing list
* propose a patch to remove current chair and vice chair

After the election results are confirmed, the outgoing chair should:

* start the chair selection process by encouraging TC members to
  consider serving as chair by proposing a patch to the member list to
  add "chair" status next to their name
* monitor and coordinate the discussion and selection of the new
  chair, including establishing a CIVS poll if there are multiple
* after a chair is selected, ensure they appear in the
  tech-committee-chair group in gerrit:
* the outgoing chair should notify the board chair and secretary of
  the new TC membership and chair
* the outgoing chair should notify the community of the new chair

After the chair status is confirmed, the incoming chair should:

* propose a patch to appoint a vice chair

Governance Repo Patches

Different changes to openstack/governance use different voting
rules. The chair is responsible for setting the topic for each change
to the right value, and monitoring reviews so we know when it is OK to
approve them or when they need to be rejected.

https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/charter.html#motions and
https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/house-rules.html cover
the voting rules

Running "tox -e check-review-status" builds a report to show the
current status of each patch.

Keep in mind that even patches that are technically ready for approval
may need to be held if there is strong minority dissent or someone key
to the discussion hasn't had a chance to participate.

Remind TC members to review patches that are lingering without review.

Joint Leadership Meetings

The TC, Board of Directors, and leaders of other Foundation projects meet
at the Summit to discuss topics of interest to the entire group.

Work with the Chair of the Board to build the agenda for the meeting,
using input from the TC about topics that we want/need to discuss.

Weekly Update Emails

We use weekly email summaries of TC activity as a way to communicate
with the rest of the community more easily. These are especially
important for folks who do not have time to follow all of the
discussions directly.

The summary should include:

* updates about ongoing discussions, including links to mailing list
  threads, IRC logs, and reviews
* a list of the top 1-2 of things TC members should be focusing on for
  the next week, such as reviews or mailing list threads

Foundation Annual Report

Near the end of each calendar year the OpenStack Foundation prepares
an annual report. The TC is responsible for contributing a status update
for the OpenStack project and community. The Foundation staff will contact
the TC chair, who should either write the report or ensure that it is written.

for one example report and
https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-2018-annual-report for the
working notes for the 2018 report.

Upstream Investment Opportunities


Toward the end of each calendar year, invite sponsors of the current year's
Upstream Investement Opportunities to repropose any relevant ones for the
following year. Solicit new entries on the mailing list.

At the beginning of the new year, switch the index to point at the directory
for the new year. (If no business cases have been approved yet, seed it with a
symlink to the template - this can be removed once there are entries in the