================================== (one line goal description here) ================================== Explain what the goal is in general terms. Include the reasoning and justification for applying the goal to all OpenStack projects. :Storyboard Board: :Storyboard Story: Champion ======== Goals need a main driver to project-manage them to completion. Project teams need assistance, reminders and sometimes direct help in order for them to complete the goals. Gerrit Topic ============ To facilitate tracking, commits related to this goal should use the gerrit topic:: Completion Criteria =================== Enumerate the items that must be true in order to call the goal "completed" for a given project. #. one #. two References ========== Provide reference links to previous discussions on the mailing list or IRC, etherpads, wiki pages, other forms of notes, and documentation that would be useful to a project team in working on the goal. Current State / Anticipated Impact ================================== Provide a summary of the current state of any ongoing work related to the goal, including known blockers for any projects, projects that have completed the work already and can serve as examples, or other information useful to evaluate the scope of the goal and whether it would fit into the time given.