
183 lines
6.4 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Report on the current list of projects.
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers import rst
from docutils import statemachine
from sphinx.util import logging
from sphinx.util.nodes import nested_parse_with_titles
import projects
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _team_to_rst(name, info):
if 'service' in info:
title = "{0} ({1})".format(name.title(), info['service'])
elif name == 'I18n':
title = name
title = name.title()
yield '.. _project-%s:' % projects.slugify(name)
yield ''
yield '=' * len(title)
yield title
yield '=' * len(title)
yield ''
yield ':Home Page: ' + info.get('url', '')
ptl = info.get('ptl', {'name': '', 'irc': '', 'email': ''})
leadership_type = info.get('leadership_type')
if leadership_type:
yield ':Leadership Type: ' + leadership_type
yield ':PTL: %(name)s (``%(irc)s``) <%(email)s>' % ptl
irc_channel = info.get('irc-channel')
if irc_channel:
yield ':IRC Channel: `#%s <%s%s>`__' % (
irc_channel, IRC_LOG_URL_BASE, irc_channel)
service = info.get('service')
if service:
yield ':Service: ' + service
liaisons = info.get('liaisons')
if liaisons:
contact_format = {'name': '', 'irc': '', 'email': ''}
tc_members = liaisons.get('tc_members')
if tc_members:
yield ':TC Members Liaisons: ' + ", ".join(tc_members)
release = liaisons.get('release', contact_format)
if release != contact_format:
yield ':Release Liaisons: ' + ', '.join(
'%(name)s (``%(irc)s``) <%(email)s>' % rl
for rl in release)
tact_sig = liaisons.get('tact-sig', contact_format)
if tact_sig != contact_format:
yield ':TACT SIG Liaisons: ' + ', '.join(
'%(name)s (``%(irc)s``) <%(email)s>' % tl
for tl in tact_sig)
security = liaisons.get('security', contact_format)
if security != contact_format:
yield ':Security Liaisons: ' + ', '.join(
'%(name)s (``%(irc)s``) <%(email)s>' % sl
for sl in security)
events = liaisons.get('events', contact_format)
if events != contact_format:
yield ':Events Liaisons: ' + ', '.join(
'%(name)s (``%(irc)s``) <%(email)s>' % el
for el in events)
project_update_onboarding = liaisons.get('project_update_onboarding', contact_format)
if project_update_onboarding != contact_format:
yield ':Project Update Onboarding Liaisons: ' + ', '.join(
'%(name)s (``%(irc)s``) <%(email)s>' % pl
for pl in project_update_onboarding)
meeting_facilitator = liaisons.get('meeting_facilitator', contact_format)
if meeting_facilitator != contact_format:
yield ':Meeting Facilitator Liaisons: ' + ', '.join(
'%(name)s (``%(irc)s``) <%(email)s>' % ml
for ml in meeting_facilitator)
bug_deputy = liaisons.get('bug_deputy', contact_format)
if bug_deputy != contact_format:
yield ':Bug Deputy Liaisons: ' + ', '.join(
'%(name)s (``%(irc)s``) <%(email)s>' % bl
for bl in bug_deputy)
rfe_coordinator = liaisons.get('rfe_coordinator', contact_format)
if rfe_coordinator != contact_format:
yield ':RFE Coordinator Liaisons: ' + ', '.join(
'%(name)s (``%(irc)s``) <%(email)s>' % rcl
for rcl in rfe_coordinator)
yield ''
mission = info.get('mission', '').rstrip()
if mission:
yield "Mission"
yield '-------'
yield ''
yield mission
yield ''
yield 'Deliverables'
yield '------------'
yield ''
deliverables = info.get('deliverables', [])
if deliverables:
for repo_name, deliverable in deliverables.items():
yield repo_name
yield '~' * len(repo_name)
yield ''
yield ':Repositories: ' + ', '.join(
':repo:`%s`' % repo
for repo in deliverable.get('repos', [])
yield ''
tags = deliverable.get('tags', [])
if tags:
yield ':Tags:'
yield ''
for tag in tags:
yield ' - :ref:`tag-%s`' % tag
yield ''
yield 'None'
yield ''
if info.get('extra-atcs', []):
yield 'Extra ATCs'
yield '-----------'
yield '.. extraatcstable::'
yield ' :project: %s' % name
yield ''
def _write_team_pages():
all_teams = projects.get_project_data()
files = []
for team, info in all_teams.items():
slug = projects.slugify(team)
filename = 'reference/projects/%s.rst' % slug'generating team page for %s' % team)
with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
f.write('\n'.join(_team_to_rst(team, info)))
return files
class TeamsListDirective(rst.Directive):
has_content = False
def run(self):
all_teams = projects.get_project_data()
# Build the view of the data to be parsed for rendering.
result = statemachine.ViewList()
for team_name in sorted(all_teams.keys()):
team_info = all_teams[team_name]
for line in _team_to_rst(team_name, team_info):
result.append(line, '<' + __name__ + '>')
# Parse what we have into a new section.
node = nodes.section()
node.document = self.state.document
nested_parse_with_titles(self.state, result, node)
return node.children
def setup(app):'loading teams extension')
app.add_directive('teamslist', TeamsListDirective)