I would be honored to serve as chair for the TC for this session. With Thierry stepping down as chair, this session will be the first time the TC as it stands today is chaired by someone from outside of the Foundation staff. This is an important step for us, to show not only that our principle of Changes in Leadership are Good applies to the TC, but that our leaders can and will place the needs of the community first. Over the 6 years I have been contributing to OpenStack and the 4+ years I have served on the TC, I have been employed by 3 separate companies. I hope my history of service within the community reassures everyone of my continued impartiality. The nature of the TC and the issues it has had to address have changed in significant ways several times while I have been involved. When the TC addressed fundamental questions about what types of projects should be included in the community, and OpenStack expanded from a simple IaaS project to our current mission of producing the ubiquitous Open Source Cloud Computing platform, I helped navigate that change, first as a member of the Ceilometer team (one of the first teams to be added to OpenStack without being spawned from an existing project), and later as a TC member drafting early versions of the Big Tent resolution. When our community went through a period of intensive growth, as companies joined and brought new features and formed new projects, I helped organize the Oslo and release teams to cope with that growth by implementing the liaison system and driving more use of automation. More recently, as we have seen some leveling off, or even reduction, of contributors, I worked with the documentation and requirements teams to accommodate the contraction by shifting documentation from a central location into team-owned repositories and by simplifying the way we manage dependency settings in each project. These changes reduced the friction for contributors to those projects. Those experiences have prepared me to help us through this next transition, as well. My goals for this session are to have a smooth transition and to help the TC work together as a team to achieve our shared objectives. I have a few things I would like to change about the way we organize ourselves based on patterns we have seen work well elsewhere, including using sub-teams of TC members to manage our recurring responsibilities more actively. I look forward to talking with you about the future of the TC over the next few weeks. Change-Id: I35a4b1501b0019e79b34cc92f83af38ea4a41c26 Signed-off-by: Doug Hellmann <doug@doughellmann.com>
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# Full name (IRC nickname) [expires in] {role}
Chris Dent (cdent) [April 2019]
Davanum Srinivas (dims) [April 2019]
Colleen Murphy (cmurphy) [October 2018]
Doug Hellmann (dhellmann) [October 2018] {chair}
Emilien Macchi (emilienm) [October 2018]
Graham Hayes (mugsie) [April 2019]
Jeremy Stanley (fungi) [October 2018]
Julia Kreger (TheJulia) [October 2018]
Mohammed Naser (mnaser) [April 2019]
Paul Belanger (pabelanger) [October 2018]
Sean McGinnis (smcginnis) [April 2019]
Thierry Carrez (ttx) [April 2019]
Zane Bitter (zaneb) [April 2019]