We have resolution merged for distributed leadership[1] and
there are few projects want to adopt this model in Wallaby cycle,
first one is oslo[2].
This commit add the support of new model in governance tooling,
doc and, schema. Basically making changes to fill the distributed
leadership liaisons and displaing those in projects rst.
Below are the changes done:
- Removed 'PTL' field to be mandatory instead making either 'PTL' or
'leadership_type: distributed' field as mandatory.
- To avoid confustion with existing liasion field, changed TC
liaison field name from 'liaisons' to sub field named 'tc_members'
- Extended the existing liaison field for distributed leadersip
It will looks like below:
- zaneb
- ttx
- name: Hervé Beraud
irc: hberaud
email: hberaud@redhat.com
- name: Daniel Bengtsson
irc: damani
email: dbengt@redhat.com
- name: Hervé Beraud
irc: hberaud
email: hberaud@redhat.com
- name: Daniel Bengtsson
irc: damani
email: dbengt@redhat.com
and on site:
TC Members Liaisons
ricolin, belmoreira
Release Liaisons
Hervé Beraud (hberaud) <hraud@redhat.com>, Daniel Bengtsson (damani) <dbengt@redhat.com>
[1] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/resolutions/20200803-distributed-project-leadership.html
[2] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/757906
Change-Id: If96915a16a8746aed6f0cb844c53ad61a300c234