The TC added openSUSE Leap as a PTI OS in the Stein cycle, and at a TC ad-hoc meeting [1] the TC defined python 3.6 and 3.7 as the required versions for the Train cycle. Golang is still in a rapid development state, and as a result we do not have a recommended stable golang version for all projects. 1 - http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc_python3/2019/tc_python3.2019-03-07-21.00.html Change-Id: Ibf0c77f409fb83ac20ddaac4a96f21f7d6516165 Signed-off-by: Graham Hayes <gr@ham.ie>
The repository http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/ contains OpenStack Technical Committee reference documents and tracks official resolutions voted by the committee. It also contains a library for accessing some of the machine-readable data in the repository.
Directory structure:
- reference/
Reference documents which need to be revised over time. Some motions will just directly result in reference doc changes.
- resolutions/
When the motion does not result in a change in a reference doc, it can be expressed as a resolution. Those must be named YYYYMMDD-short-name with YYYYMMDD being the proposal date in order to allow basic sorting.
- goals/
Documentation for OpenStack community-wide goals, organized by release cycle. These pages will be updated with project status info over time, and if goals are revised.
See https://governance.openstack.org/tc/ for details.