Add a script that computes team fragility for (past or current) development cycle, on two axis: corporate diversity fragility (impact if the most active company abandons the team), and individual fragility (impact if the most active individual abandons the team). The script orders them from most fragile to least fragile. It's based on imperfect Stackalytics data, so any insight from that analysis should be investigated deeper before considering it "real". Change-Id: If3e481af23c3b9d1a12f538e96c3b3c32f543a02
155 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import argparse
import os
import sys
import requests
import yaml
s = requests.session()
def fragility(team, series):
org_metric = [{'team': team,
'type': 'no activity',
'value': 0,
'name': ''}]
eng_metric = [{'team': team,
'type': 'no activity',
'value': 0,
'name': ''}]
group = "%s-group" % team.lower()
org_commits = s.get('http://stackalytics.com/api/'
% (series, group)).json()
total_commits = sum([company['metric']
for company in org_commits['stats']])
if total_commits:
# Entity with most commits
if org_commits['stats'][0]['name'] == '*independent':
# Skip "independent" if that is the largest org
value = float(org_commits['stats'][0]['metric'] / total_commits * 100)
org_metric.append({'team': team,
'type': 'org commit %',
'value': value,
'name': org_commits['stats'][0]['name']})
# Core reviews
reviews = s.get('http://stackalytics.com/api/'
'&module=%s' % (series, group)).json()
companies = {}
engineers = []
total_core_reviews = 0
for eng in reviews['stats']:
if eng['core'] != 'master':
# Skip reviews for non-core reviewers
engineers.append({'name': eng['name'], 'reviews': eng['metric']})
total_core_reviews += eng['metric']
# Identify company for that core reviewer
for stat in s.get('http://stackalytics.com/api/1.0/stats/'
'project_type=all&release=%s' %
(group, eng['id'], series)).json()['stats']:
company = stat['id']
if company == '*independent':
if company not in companies:
companies[company] = 0
companies[company] += stat['metric']
if companies:
# Organization with most core reviews
most_core_reviews = max(companies, key=companies.get)
v = float(companies[most_core_reviews] / total_core_reviews * 100)
org_metric.append({'team': team,
'type': 'org core review %',
'value': v,
'name': most_core_reviews})
if engineers:
# Individual with most core reviews
eng_most_core = max(engineers, key=lambda key: key['reviews'])
v = float(eng_most_core['reviews'] / total_core_reviews * 100)
eng_metric.append({'team': team,
'type': 'individual core review %',
'value': v,
'name': eng_most_core['name']})
# Individual with most commits
eng_commits = s.get('http://stackalytics.com/api/'
% (series, group)).json()
value = float(eng_commits['stats'][0]['metric'] / total_commits * 100)
eng_metric.append({'team': team,
'type': 'individual commit %',
'value': value,
'name': eng_commits['stats'][0]['name']})
return (max(org_metric, key=lambda key: key['value']),
max(eng_metric, key=lambda key: key['value']))
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='development cycle to consider')
args = parser.parse_args()
corpobus = []
engbus = []
filename = os.path.abspath('reference/projects.yaml')
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
projects = [k for k in yaml.safe_load(f.read())]
for project in projects:
if project not in ['OpenStackSDK', 'loci']:
(org_fragility, eng_fragility) = fragility(project, args.series)
print('============= Organizational diversity fragility =============')
for busfactor in sorted(corpobus, key=lambda key: key['value'],
print('%-18s %.1f%% (%s, %s)' % (
busfactor['team'], busfactor['value'],
busfactor['name'], busfactor['type']))
print('============= Individual fragility =============')
for busfactor in sorted(engbus, key=lambda key: key['value'],
print('%-18s %.1f%% (%s, %s)' % (
busfactor['team'], busfactor['value'],
busfactor['name'], busfactor['type']))
if __name__ == '__main__':