Gerrit Code Review 35e11fdb69 Update notes for submitted changes
* Change the target for this goal to uWSGI not Apache mod_wsgi
2017-05-16 21:03:08 +00:00
919d6e4da06a4823d226ac930fa80ab65ff893 Update notes for submitted changes 2016-11-08 10:50:10 +00:00
922a48b997ad923d15a1515e45704839025193 Update notes for submitted changes 2015-09-08 20:56:37 +00:00
5924d252f3c58365171f906802e2c316515fbc Update notes for submitted changes 2015-08-14 14:40:46 +00:00
7592d48a7707c45646ac1134229b04c4fc6466 Update notes for submitted changes 2015-05-25 09:41:02 +00:00
9316832d3764a59e06978d9b6d656c1f3661a4 Update notes for submitted changes 2016-05-11 09:22:32 +00:00
675900168698dc632a080b76f4f2fda3defef2 Update notes for submitted changes 2015-12-21 10:35:44 +00:00
ee4e3549a501b1cfb6b2da83f8c4b11dd69dab Update notes for submitted changes 2017-03-21 20:06:50 +00:00
f04684f0ef582b24d5bd92b98b293e93557473 Update notes for submitted changes 2017-05-16 21:03:08 +00:00