openstackdocstheme now gets the last modified timestamp for files by default. This makes most of our sphinx extension for this redundant. We do have a few generated files that we perform special handling that openstackdocstheme does not know about, so this updates our extension to optimize for only checking the files that will not be covered by the theme. This also adds a bindep file to fix a doc build issue with a font missing. Gate jobs used to use a common bindep-failback.txt file if there wasn't a local one present. That mechanism was recently removed, and it appears now the docs build will not pass unless a needed fonts package is installed that is not there by default. Change-Id: I454f4d92e397d6410cb869498f348b86ae26ca0a Signed-off-by: Sean McGinnis <sean.mcginnis@gmail.com>
The repository http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/ contains OpenStack Technical Committee reference documents and tracks official resolutions voted by the committee. It also contains a library for accessing some of the machine-readable data in the repository.
Directory structure:
- reference/
Reference documents which need to be revised over time. Some motions will just directly result in reference doc changes.
- resolutions/
When the motion does not result in a change in a reference doc, it can be expressed as a resolution. Those must be named YYYYMMDD-short-name with YYYYMMDD being the proposal date in order to allow basic sorting.
- goals/
Documentation for OpenStack community-wide goals, organized by release cycle. These pages will be updated with project status info over time, and if goals are revised.
See https://governance.openstack.org/tc/ for details.