Update functions file from DevStack

Change-Id: Iac97e09db1f40e76d61164971147b307fc26b3ad
This commit is contained in:
Dean Troyer 2013-03-13 14:29:57 -05:00
parent 17717b01e3
commit 41ab79c35b
8 changed files with 212 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -106,10 +106,12 @@ for the end-user.
(instance boot failure, for example)::
swift post $CONTAINER
die_if_error "Failure creating container $CONTAINER"
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
die $LINENO "Failure creating container $CONTAINER"
FLOATING_IP=`euca-allocate-address | cut -f2`
die_if_not_set FLOATING_IP "Failure allocating floating IP"
die_if_not_set $LINENO FLOATING_IP "Failure allocating floating IP"
* If you want an exercise to be skipped when for example a service wasn't
enabled for the exercise to be run, you can exit your exercise with the

View File

@ -53,12 +53,19 @@ function cp_it {
# Prints "message" and exits
# die "message"
# Prints line number and "message" then exits
# die $LINENO "message"
function die() {
local exitcode=$?
if [ $exitcode == 0 ]; then
set +o xtrace
echo $@
local msg="[ERROR] $0:$1 $2"
echo $msg 1>&2;
if [[ -n ${SCREEN_LOGDIR} ]]; then
echo $msg >> "${SCREEN_LOGDIR}/error.log"
exit $exitcode
@ -66,20 +73,40 @@ function die() {
# Checks an environment variable is not set or has length 0 OR if the
# exit code is non-zero and prints "message" and exits
# NOTE: env-var is the variable name without a '$'
# die_if_not_set env-var "message"
# die_if_not_set $LINENO env-var "message"
function die_if_not_set() {
local exitcode=$?
set +o xtrace
local evar=$1; shift
local evar=$2; shift
if ! is_set $evar || [ $exitcode != 0 ]; then
echo $@
exit -1
die $@
# HTTP and HTTPS proxy servers are supported via the usual environment variables [1]
# ``http_proxy``, ``https_proxy`` and ``no_proxy``. They can be set in
# ``localrc`` or on the command line if necessary::
# [1] http://www.w3.org/Daemon/User/Proxies/ProxyClients.html
# http_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:3128/ no_proxy=repo.example.net ./stack.sh
function export_proxy_variables() {
if [[ -n "$http_proxy" ]]; then
export http_proxy=$http_proxy
if [[ -n "$https_proxy" ]]; then
export https_proxy=$https_proxy
if [[ -n "$no_proxy" ]]; then
export no_proxy=$no_proxy
# Grab a numbered field from python prettytable output
# Fields are numbered starting with 1
# Reverse syntax is supported: -1 is the last field, -2 is second to last, etc.
@ -96,20 +123,63 @@ function get_field() {
# Get the default value for HOST_IP
# get_default_host_ip fixed_range floating_range host_ip_iface host_ip
function get_default_host_ip() {
local fixed_range=$1
local floating_range=$2
local host_ip_iface=$3
local host_ip=$4
# Find the interface used for the default route
host_ip_iface=${host_ip_iface:-$(ip route | sed -n '/^default/{ s/.*dev \(\w\+\)\s\+.*/\1/; p; }' | head -1)}
# Search for an IP unless an explicit is set by ``HOST_IP`` environment variable
if [ -z "$host_ip" -o "$host_ip" == "dhcp" ]; then
host_ips=`LC_ALL=C ip -f inet addr show ${host_ip_iface} | awk '/inet/ {split($2,parts,"/"); print parts[1]}'`
for IP in $host_ips; do
# Attempt to filter out IP addresses that are part of the fixed and
# floating range. Note that this method only works if the ``netaddr``
# python library is installed. If it is not installed, an error
# will be printed and the first IP from the interface will be used.
# If that is not correct set ``HOST_IP`` in ``localrc`` to the correct
# address.
if ! (address_in_net $IP $fixed_range || address_in_net $IP $floating_range); then
echo $host_ip
function _get_package_dir() {
local pkg_dir
if is_ubuntu; then
elif is_fedora; then
elif is_suse; then
exit_distro_not_supported "list of packages"
echo "$pkg_dir"
# get_packages() collects a list of package names of any type from the
# prerequisite files in ``files/{apts|rpms}``. The list is intended
# to be passed to a package installer such as apt or yum.
# Only packages required for the services in ``ENABLED_SERVICES`` will be
# Only packages required for the services in 1st argument will be
# included. Two bits of metadata are recognized in the prerequisite files:
# - ``# NOPRIME`` defers installation to be performed later in stack.sh
# - ``# dist:DISTRO`` or ``dist:DISTRO1,DISTRO2`` limits the selection
# of the package to the distros listed. The distro names are case insensitive.
# Uses globals ``ENABLED_SERVICES``
# get_packages dir
function get_packages() {
local package_dir=$1
local services=$1
local package_dir=$(_get_package_dir)
local file_to_parse
local service
@ -120,7 +190,7 @@ function get_packages() {
if [[ -z "$DISTRO" ]]; then
for service in general ${ENABLED_SERVICES//,/ }; do
for service in general ${services//,/ }; do
# Allow individual services to specify dependencies
if [[ -e ${package_dir}/${service} ]]; then
file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} $service"
@ -142,6 +212,10 @@ function get_packages() {
if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ ceilometer ]]; then
file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} ceilometer"
elif [[ $service == s-* ]]; then
if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ swift ]]; then
file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} swift"
elif [[ $service == n-* ]]; then
if [[ ! $file_to_parse =~ nova ]]; then
file_to_parse="${file_to_parse} nova"
@ -232,6 +306,8 @@ GetOSVersion() {
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
elif [[ $os_VENDOR == "openSUSE project" ]]; then
elif [[ $os_VENDOR =~ Red.*Hat ]]; then
os_VENDOR="Red Hat"
@ -385,12 +461,10 @@ function exit_distro_not_supported {
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Support for $DISTRO is incomplete: no support for $@"
die $LINENO "Support for $DISTRO is incomplete: no support for $@"
echo "Support for $DISTRO is incomplete."
die $LINENO "Support for $DISTRO is incomplete."
exit 1
@ -517,6 +591,60 @@ $option = $value
# Get a multiple line option from an INI file
# iniget_multiline config-file section option
function iniget_multiline() {
local file=$1
local section=$2
local option=$3
local values
values=$(sed -ne "/^\[$section\]/,/^\[.*\]/ { s/^$option[ \t]*=[ \t]*//gp; }" "$file")
echo ${values}
# Set a multiple line option in an INI file
# iniset_multiline config-file section option value1 value2 valu3 ...
function iniset_multiline() {
local file=$1
local section=$2
local option=$3
shift 3
local values
for v in $@; do
# The later sed command inserts each new value in the line next to
# the section identifier, which causes the values to be inserted in
# the reverse order. Do a reverse here to keep the original order.
values="$v ${values}"
if ! grep -q "^\[$section\]" "$file"; then
# Add section at the end
echo -e "\n[$section]" >>"$file"
# Remove old values
sed -i -e "/^\[$section\]/,/^\[.*\]/ { /^$option[ \t]*=/ d; }" "$file"
# Add new ones
for v in $values; do
sed -i -e "/^\[$section\]/ a\\
$option = $v
" "$file"
# Append a new option in an ini file without replacing the old value
# iniadd config-file section option value1 value2 value3 ...
function iniadd() {
local file=$1
local section=$2
local option=$3
shift 3
local values="$(iniget_multiline $file $section $option) $@"
iniset_multiline $file $section $option $values
# is_service_enabled() checks if the service(s) specified as arguments are
# enabled by the user in ``ENABLED_SERVICES``.
@ -529,6 +657,9 @@ $option = $value
# **ceilometer** returns true if any service enabled start with **ceilometer**
# **glance** returns true if any service enabled start with **g-**
# **quantum** returns true if any service enabled start with **q-**
# **swift** returns true if any service enabled start with **s-**
# For backward compatibility if we have **swift** in ENABLED_SERVICES all the
# **s-** services will be enabled. This will be deprecated in the future.
# Uses global ``ENABLED_SERVICES``
# is_service_enabled service [service ...]
@ -541,6 +672,8 @@ function is_service_enabled() {
[[ ${service} == "ceilometer" && ${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ "ceilometer-" ]] && return 0
[[ ${service} == "glance" && ${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ "g-" ]] && return 0
[[ ${service} == "quantum" && ${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ "q-" ]] && return 0
[[ ${service} == "swift" && ${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ "s-" ]] && return 0
[[ ${service} == s-* && ${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ "swift" ]] && return 0
return 1
@ -646,6 +779,21 @@ function install_package() {
# Distro-agnostic package uninstaller
# uninstall_package package [package ...]
function uninstall_package() {
if is_ubuntu; then
apt_get purge "$@"
elif is_fedora; then
yum remove -y "$@"
elif is_suse; then
rpm -e "$@"
exit_distro_not_supported "uninstalling packages"
# Distro-agnostic function to tell if a package is installed
# is_package_installed package [package ...]
function is_package_installed() {
@ -717,26 +865,33 @@ function restart_service() {
# Helper to launch a service in a named screen
# screen_it service "command-line"
function screen_it {
NL=`echo -ne '\015'`
SCREEN_DEV=`trueorfalse True $SCREEN_DEV`
if is_service_enabled $1; then
# Append the service to the screen rc file
screen_rc "$1" "$2"
screen -S $SCREEN_NAME -X screen -t $1
# sleep to allow bash to be ready to be send the command - we are
# creating a new window in screen and then sends characters, so if
# bash isn't running by the time we send the command, nothing happens
sleep 1.5
if [[ -n ${SCREEN_LOGDIR} ]]; then
screen -S $SCREEN_NAME -p $1 -X logfile ${SCREEN_LOGDIR}/screen-${1}.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME}.log
screen -S $SCREEN_NAME -p $1 -X log on
ln -sf ${SCREEN_LOGDIR}/screen-${1}.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME}.log ${SCREEN_LOGDIR}/screen-${1}.log
screen -S $SCREEN_NAME -p $1 -X stuff "$2 || touch \"$SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME/$1.failure\"$NL"
if [[ "$SCREEN_DEV" = "True" ]]; then
# sleep to allow bash to be ready to be send the command - we are
# creating a new window in screen and then sends characters, so if
# bash isn't running by the time we send the command, nothing happens
sleep 1.5
NL=`echo -ne '\015'`
screen -S $SCREEN_NAME -p $1 -X stuff "$2 || touch \"$SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME/$1.failure\"$NL"
screen -S $SCREEN_NAME -p $1 -X exec /bin/bash -c "$2 || touch \"$SERVICE_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME/$1.failure\""
@ -895,6 +1050,15 @@ function upload_image() {
# XenServer-ovf-format images are provided as .vhd.tgz as well
# and should not be decompressed prior to loading
if [[ "$image_url" =~ '.vhd.tgz' ]]; then
glance --os-auth-token $token --os-image-url http://$GLANCE_HOSTPORT image-create --name "$IMAGE_NAME" --is-public=True --container-format=ovf --disk-format=vhd < "${IMAGE}"
@ -975,9 +1139,12 @@ function upload_image() {
# $1 The name of the database backend to use (mysql, postgresql, ...)
function use_database {
if [[ -z "$DATABASE_BACKENDS" ]]; then
# The backends haven't initialized yet, just save the selection for now
# No backends registered means this is likely called from ``localrc``
# This is now deprecated usage
DEPRECATED_TEXT="$DEPRECATED_TEXT\nThe database backend needs to be properly set in ENABLED_SERVICES; use_database is deprecated localrc\n"
# This should no longer get called...here for posterity
use_exclusive_service DATABASE_BACKENDS DATABASE_TYPE $1
@ -1048,9 +1215,9 @@ function _ping_check_novanet() {
if ! timeout $boot_timeout sh -c "$check_command"; then
if [[ "$expected" = "True" ]]; then
echo "[Fail] Couldn't ping server"
die $LINENO "[Fail] Couldn't ping server"
echo "[Fail] Could ping server"
die $LINENO "[Fail] Could ping server"
exit 1
@ -1074,8 +1241,7 @@ function _ssh_check_novanet() {
local probe_cmd=""
if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $KEY_FILE ${DEFAULT_INSTANCE_USER}@$FLOATING_IP echo success ; do sleep 1; done"; then
echo "server didn't become ssh-able!"
exit 1
die $LINENO "server didn't become ssh-able!"

View File

@ -233,27 +233,27 @@ if [[ "$RUN_TARGET" == "True" ]]; then
# Upgrade Keystone
echo_summary "Running upgrade-keystone"
$GRENADE_DIR/upgrade-keystone || die "Failure in upgrade-keystone"
$GRENADE_DIR/upgrade-keystone || die $LINENO "Failure in upgrade-keystone"
stop $STOP upgrade-keystone 240
# Upgrade Glance
echo_summary "Running upgrade-glance"
$GRENADE_DIR/upgrade-glance || die "Failure in upgrade-glancwe"
$GRENADE_DIR/upgrade-glance || die $LINENO "Failure in upgrade-glancwe"
stop $STOP upgrade-glance 250
# Upgrade Nova
echo_summary "Running upgrade-nova"
$GRENADE_DIR/upgrade-nova || die "Failure in upgrade-nova"
$GRENADE_DIR/upgrade-nova || die $LINENO "Failure in upgrade-nova"
stop $STOP upgrade-nova 260
# Upgrade Cinder
echo_summary "Running upgrade-cinder"
$GRENADE_DIR/upgrade-cinder || die "Failure in upgrade-cinder"
$GRENADE_DIR/upgrade-cinder || die $LINENO "Failure in upgrade-cinder"
stop $STOP upgrade-cinder 270
# Upgrade Swift
echo_summary "Running upgrade-swift"
$GRENADE_DIR/upgrade-swift || die "Failure in upgrade-swift"
$GRENADE_DIR/upgrade-swift || die $LINENO "Failure in upgrade-swift"
stop $STOP upgrade-swift 280

View File

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ fi
if ! nova secgroup-list | grep -q $JAVELIN_SECGROUP; then
nova secgroup-create $JAVELIN_SECGROUP "$JPROJECT access rules"
if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova secgroup-list | grep -q $JAVELIN_SECGROUP; do sleep 1; done"; then
die "$JAVELIN_SECGROUP security group not created"
die $LINENO "$JAVELIN_SECGROUP security group not created"
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ fi
if ! nova volume-list | grep -q $JAVELIN_VOLUME; then
nova volume-create --display_name=$JAVELIN_VOLUME 1
if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova volume-list | grep $JAVELIN_VOLUME | grep -q available; do sleep 1; done"; then
die "$JAVELIN_VOLUME volume not created"
die $LINENO "$JAVELIN_VOLUME volume not created"
@ -135,11 +135,11 @@ fi
BOOT_TXT=$(nova boot --flavor "$FLAVOR" --image "$IMAGE" $JSERVER | awk "/adminPass/ { print \$2 \"=\" \$4 };/ id / { print \$2 \"=\" \$4 }"; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]})
if [[ ! $ret = 0 ]]; then
die "Failed to boot $JSERVER"
die $LINENO "Failed to boot $JSERVER"
eval $BOOT_TXT
# Check that the status is active within ACTIVE_TIMEOUT seconds
if ! timeout $ACTIVE_TIMEOUT sh -c "while ! nova show $id | grep status | grep -q ACTIVE; do sleep 1; done"; then
die "server didn't become active!"
die $LINENO "server didn't become active!"

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ create_cinder_volume_group
# Migrate the database
cinder-manage db sync || die "DB migration error"
cinder-manage db sync || die $LINENO "DB migration error"
# Let grizzly devstack re-create the include file
sudo rm /etc/tgt/conf.d/cinder.conf

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ configure_glance
# Migrate the database
glance-manage db_sync || die "DB sync error"
glance-manage db_sync || die $LINENO "DB sync error"
# Start Glance

View File

@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ configure_keystone
# Simulate init_keystone()
# Migrate the database
keystone-manage db_sync || die "DB sync error"
keystone-manage db_sync || die $LINENO "DB sync error"
# Set up certificates
keystone-manage pki_setup || die "PKI setup error"
keystone-manage pki_setup || die $LINENO "PKI setup error"
### Fix a missed upgrade bit

View File

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ create_nova_cache_dir
# Migrate the database
nova-manage --config-file $NOVA_CONF db sync || die "DB sync error"
nova-manage --config-file $NOVA_CONF db sync || die $LINENO "DB sync error"
# Need to set the default compute driver