#!/usr/bin/env bash # ``grenade.sh`` is an OpenStack upgrade test harness to exercise the # OpenStack upgrade process. It uses DevStack to perform the initial # OpenStack install. # Grenade assumes it is running on the system that will be hosting the # upgrade processes # ``grenade.sh [-b] [-t] [-s stop-label] [-q]`` # # ``-b`` Run only the base part # ``-t`` Run only the target part (assumes a base run is in place) # ``-q`` Quiet mode # ``-s stop-label`` is the name of the step after which the script will stop. # This is useful for debugging upgrades. # ``GRENADE_DIR`` is set once by the top level grenade.sh and exported # so that all subsequent scripts can find their way back to the # grenade root directory. No other scripts should set this variable export GRENADE_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) # Source the bootstrapping facilities # # Grenade attempts to reuse as much content from devstack on the # target side as possible, but we need enough of our own code to get # there. # # ``grenaderc`` is a set of X=Y declarations that don't need *any* of # the devstack functions to work # # ``inc/bootstrap`` is the most minimal amount of functions that # grenade needs to get going. This includes things like echo # functions, trueorfalse, and the functions related to git cloning, so # that we can get our devstack trees. source $GRENADE_DIR/grenaderc source $GRENADE_DIR/inc/bootstrap while getopts bqs:t c; do case $c in b) RUN_TARGET=False ;; q) VERBOSE=False ;; s) STOP=$2 ;; t) RUN_BASE=False ;; esac done shift `expr $OPTIND - 1` # Create all the base directory structures needed for the rest of the # environment to run. # # This will give you an STACK_ROOT tree that you expect, and that your # normal user owns for follow on activities. sudo mkdir -p $BASE_RELEASE_DIR $TARGET_RELEASE_DIR sudo chown -R `whoami` $STACK_ROOT # Logging # ======= # TODO(sdague): should this extract into ``inc/bootstrap``? # # Set up logging # Set ``LOGFILE`` to turn on logging # Append '.xxxxxxxx' to the given name to maintain history # where 'xxxxxxxx' is a representation of the date the file was created if [[ -n "$LOGFILE" ]]; then LOGDAYS=${LOGDAYS:-7} TIMESTAMP_FORMAT=${TIMESTAMP_FORMAT:-"%F-%H%M%S"} CURRENT_LOG_TIME=$(date "+$TIMESTAMP_FORMAT") # First clean up old log files. Use the user-specified ``LOGFILE`` # as the template to search for, appending '.*' to match the date # we added on earlier runs. LOGDIR=$(dirname "$LOGFILE") LOGNAME=$(basename "$LOGFILE") echo "Creating $LOGDIR...." sudo mkdir -p $LOGDIR sudo chown -R `whoami` $LOGDIR find $LOGDIR -maxdepth 1 -name $LOGNAME.\* -mtime +$LOGDAYS -exec rm {} \; LOGFILE=$LOGFILE.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME} SUMFILE=$LOGFILE.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME}.summary # Redirect output according to config # Copy stdout to fd 3 exec 3>&1 if [[ "$VERBOSE" == "True" ]]; then echo "Running in verbose mode:" echo " Full logs found at => ${LOGFILE}" echo " Summary logs at => ${SUMFILE}" # Redirect stdout/stderr to tee to write the log file exec 1> >( ./tools/outfilter.py -v -o "${LOGFILE}" ) 2>&1 # Set up a second fd for output exec 6> >( ./tools/outfilter.py -o "${SUMFILE}" ) else echo "Running in summary mode:" echo " Full logs found at => ${LOGFILE}" echo " Summary logs at => ${SUMFILE}" # Set fd 1 and 2 to primary logfile exec 1> >( ./tools/outfilter.py -o "${LOGFILE}") 2>&1 # Set fd 6 to summary logfile and stdout exec 6> >( ./tools/outfilter.py -v -o "${SUMFILE}" >&3) fi echo_summary "grenade.sh log $LOGFILE" # Specified logfile name always links to the most recent log ln -sf $LOGFILE $LOGDIR/$LOGNAME ln -sf $SUMFILE $LOGDIR/$LOGNAME.summary else # Set up output redirection without log files # Copy stdout to fd 3 exec 3>&1 if [[ "$VERBOSE" != "yes" ]]; then # Throw away stdout and stderr exec 1>/dev/null 2>&1 fi # Always send summary fd to original stdout exec 6> >( ./tools/outfilter.py -v -o "${SUMFILE}" >&3) fi # Set up logging of screen windows # Set ``SCREEN_LOGDIR`` to turn on logging of screen windows to the # directory specified in ``SCREEN_LOGDIR``, we will log to the the file # ``screen-$SERVICE_NAME-$TIMESTAMP.log`` in that dir and have a link # ``screen-$SERVICE_NAME.log`` to the latest log file. # Logs are kept for as long specified in ``LOGDAYS``. if [[ -n "$SCREEN_LOGDIR" ]]; then # We make sure the directory is created. if [[ -d "$SCREEN_LOGDIR" ]]; then # We cleanup the old logs find $SCREEN_LOGDIR -maxdepth 1 -name screen-\*.log -mtime +$LOGDAYS -exec rm {} \; else sudo mkdir -p $SCREEN_LOGDIR sudo chown -R `whoami` $SCREEN_LOGDIR fi fi # This script exits on an error so that errors don't compound and you see # only the first error that occurred. set -o errexit # Print the commands being run so that we can see the command that triggers # an error. It is also useful for following allowing as the install occurs. set -o xtrace # Devstack Phase 2 initialization # =============================== # # We now have enough infrastructure in grenade.sh to go and get *both* # SOURCE and TARGET devstack trees. After which point we 'pivot' onto # the TARGET devstack functions file, then source the rest of the # grenade settings. This should let us run the bulk of grenade. # Get both devstack trees, so that BASE_DEVSTACK_DIR, and # TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR are now fully populated. fetch_devstacks # Source the rest of the Grenade functions. For convenience # ``$GRENADE_DIR/functions`` implicitly sources # ``$TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/functions``. So this line can't happen until # we have the devstacks pulled down. source $GRENADE_DIR/functions # Many calls inside of devstack functions reference $TOP_DIR, which is # the root of devstack. We export $TOP_DIR to all child processes here # to be the TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR. # # If you want a script to use functions off of BASE_DEVSTACK_DIR (like # the shutdown phase) you *must* explicitly reset TOP_DIR in those # scripts. export TOP_DIR=$TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR # Initialize grenade_db local storage, used for resource tracking init_grenade_db # Install 'Base' Build of OpenStack # ================================= # Collect the ENABLED_SERVICES from the base directory, this is what # we are starting with. ENABLED_SERVICES=$(source $BASE_DEVSTACK_DIR/stackrc; echo $ENABLED_SERVICES) # Load the ``settings`` files for all the in tree ``projects/``. This # registers all the projects in order that we're going to be upgrading # when the time is right. # # TODO(sdague): this will be where we ``enable_plugins`` when we start # supporting out of tree content for grenade. load_settings # Run the base install of the environment if [[ "$RUN_BASE" == "True" ]]; then echo_summary "Running base stack.sh" cd $BASE_DEVSTACK_DIR GIT_BASE=$GIT_BASE ./stack.sh stop $STOP stack.sh 10 # Cache downloaded instances # -------------------------- echo_summary "Caching downloaded images" mkdir -p $BASE_RELEASE_DIR/images echo "Images: $IMAGE_URLS" for image_url in ${IMAGE_URLS//,/ }; do IMAGE_FNAME=`basename "$image_url"` if [[ -r $BASE_DEVSTACK_DIR/files/$IMAGE_FNAME ]]; then rsync -av $BASE_DEVSTACK_DIR/files/$IMAGE_FNAME $BASE_RELEASE_DIR/images fi done rsync -av $BASE_DEVSTACK_DIR/files/images/ $BASE_RELEASE_DIR/images stop $STOP image-cache 20 # Operation # --------- # Validate the install echo_summary "Running base smoke test" if [[ "$BASE_RUN_SMOKE" == "True" ]]; then cd $BASE_RELEASE_DIR/tempest tox -esmoke -- --concurrency=$TEMPEST_CONCURRENCY fi stop $STOP base-smoke 110 # Create resources resources create # Verify the resources were created resources verify # Save some stuff before we shut that whole thing down echo_summary "Saving current state information" $GRENADE_DIR/save-state stop $STOP save-state 130 # Shut down running code echo_summary "Shutting down all services on base devstack..." shutdown_services # Verify the resources still exist after the shutdown resources verify_noapi fi # Upgrades # ======== if [[ "$RUN_TARGET" == "True" ]]; then # Get target devstack tree ready for services to be run from it, # including trying to reuse any existing files we pulled during # the base run. echo_summary "Preparing the target devstack environment" $GRENADE_DIR/prep-target # upgrade all the projects in order echo "Upgrade projects: $UPGRADE_PROJECTS" for project in $UPGRADE_PROJECTS; do echo "Upgrading project: $project" upgrade_service $project done # Upgrade Tempest if [[ "$ENABLE_TEMPEST" == "True" ]]; then echo_summary "Running upgrade-tempest" $GRENADE_DIR/upgrade-tempest || die $LINENO "Failure in upgrade-tempest" stop $STOP upgrade-tempest 290 fi # Upgrade Tests # ============= # Verify the resources still exist after the upgrade resources verify # Validate the upgrade if [[ "$TARGET_RUN_SMOKE" == "True" ]]; then echo_summary "Running tempest scenario and smoke tests" cd $TARGET_RELEASE_DIR/tempest tox -esmoke -- --concurrency=$TEMPEST_CONCURRENCY stop $STOP run-smoke 330 fi # Save databases # -------------- save_data $TARGET_RELEASE $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR # Cleanup the resources resources destroy fi # Fin # === echo_summary "Grenade has completed the pre-programmed upgrade scripts." # Indicate how long this took to run (bash maintained variable ``SECONDS``) echo_summary "grenade.sh completed in $SECONDS seconds."