#!/usr/bin/env bash # ``upgrade-nova`` echo "*********************************************************************" echo "Begin $0" echo "*********************************************************************" # Clean up any resources that may be in use cleanup() { set +o errexit echo "*********************************************************************" echo "ERROR: Abort $0" echo "*********************************************************************" # Kill ourselves to signal any calling process trap 2; kill -2 $$ } trap cleanup SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM # Keep track of the grenade directory RUN_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) # Source params source $GRENADE_DIR/grenaderc # Import common functions source $GRENADE_DIR/functions # Determine what system we are running on. This provides ``os_VENDOR``, # ``os_RELEASE``, ``os_UPDATE``, ``os_PACKAGE``, ``os_CODENAME`` # and ``DISTRO`` GetDistro # This script exits on an error so that errors don't compound and you see # only the first error that occurred. set -o errexit # Upgrade Nova # ============ # Duplicate some setup bits from target DevStack source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/stackrc source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/tls source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/apache source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/nova source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/database source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/rpc_backend source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/placement # Print the commands being run so that we can see the command that triggers # an error. It is also useful for following allowing as the install occurs. set -o xtrace # Save current config files for posterity [[ -d $SAVE_DIR/etc.nova ]] || cp -pr $NOVA_CONF_DIR $SAVE_DIR/etc.nova # calls pre-upgrade hooks for within-$base before we upgrade upgrade_project nova $RUN_DIR $BASE_DEVSTACK_BRANCH $BASE_DEVSTACK_BRANCH # install_nova() and placement stack_install_service nova stack_install_service placement # calls upgrade-nova for specific release upgrade_project nova $RUN_DIR $BASE_DEVSTACK_BRANCH $TARGET_DEVSTACK_BRANCH # Simulate init_nova() create_nova_keys_dir # Migrate the database $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-manage --config-file $NOVA_CONF api_db sync || die $LINENO "API DB sync error" $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-manage --config-file $NOVA_CONF db sync || die $LINENO "DB sync error" iniset $NOVA_CONF upgrade_levels compute auto if [[ "$FORCE_ONLINE_MIGRATIONS" == "True" ]]; then # Run "online" migrations that can complete before we start $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-manage --config-file $NOVA_CONF db online_data_migrations || die $LINENO "Failed to run online_data_migrations" fi # Setup cellsv2 records $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-manage cell_v2 map_cell0 --database_connection $(database_connection_url nova_cell0) $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-manage cell_v2 simple_cell_setup --transport-url $(get_transport_url) # Start the Placement service - this needs to be running before the nova-status # upgrade check command is run since that validates that we can connect to # the placement endpoint. start_placement ensure_services_started placement-api # Run the nova-status upgrade check, which was only available starting in Ocata # so check to make sure it exists before attempting to run it. if [[ -x $(which nova-status) ]]; then # The nova-status upgrade check has the following return codes: # 0: Success - everything is good to go. # 1: Warning - there is nothing blocking, but some issues were identified # 2: Failure - something is definitely wrong and the upgrade will fail # 255: Some kind of unexpected error occurred. # The funky || here is to allow us to trap the exit code and not fail the # entire run if the return code is non-zero. nova-status upgrade check || { rc=$? if [[ $rc -ge 2 ]]; then echo "nova-status upgrade check has failed." fi } fi # Start Nova start_nova_api # NOTE(danms): Transition to conductor fleet; for now just start # a conductor the old way to mirror people upgrading with the same # service topology. if [ $(type -t start_nova_conductor) ]; then run_process n-cond "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-conductor --config-file $NOVA_CONF" fi start_nova_rest start_nova_compute # Don't succeed unless the services come up expected_runnning_services="n-api n-cond " # NOTE(vsaienko) Ironic should be upgraded before nova according to requirements # https://docs.openstack.org/ironic/latest/admin/upgrade-guide.html#general-upgrades-all-versions # using reverse order will lead to nova-compute start failure. # Ironic will restart n-cpu after its upgrade. # TODO(vsaienko) remove this once grenade allows to setup dependency between grenade plugin and # core services: https://bugs.launchpad.net/grenade/+bug/1660646 if ! is_service_enabled ironic; then expected_runnning_services+=' n-cpu' fi ensure_services_started $expected_runnning_services if [[ "$FORCE_ONLINE_MIGRATIONS" == "True" ]]; then # Run "online" migrations after we've got all the services running $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-manage --config-file $NOVA_CONF db online_data_migrations || die $LINENO "Failed to run online_data_migrations" fi set +o xtrace echo "*********************************************************************" echo "SUCCESS: End $0" echo "*********************************************************************"