
898 B


A hook which invokes puppet apply on the provided configuration.

Config inputs are passed in as facts and/or using hiera, and output values are read from written-out files.

Hook Options

  • use_facter: default True. Set to True to pass puppet inputs via Facter
  • use_hiera: default False. Set to True to pass puppet inputs via Hiera
  • modulepath: If set, puppet will use this filesystem path to load modules
  • tags: If set, puppet will use the specified value(s) to apply only a subset of the catalog for a given manifest.
  • enable_debug: default False. Set to True to run puppet apply in debug mode and have it captured on the node to /var/log/puppet/heat-debug.log
  • enable_verbose: default False. Set to True to run puppet apply in verbose mode and have it captured on the node to /var/log/puppet/heat-verbose.log