# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import logging import urllib.parse as urlparse from django.conf import settings from django.template.defaultfilters import register from django.urls import reverse from django.utils import html from django.utils import safestring from openstack_dashboard.api import swift LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) resource_urls = { "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup": { 'link': 'horizon:project:stacks:detail'}, "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack": { 'link': 'horizon:project:stacks:detail'}, "AWS::EC2::Instance": { 'link': 'horizon:project:instances:detail'}, "AWS::EC2::InternetGateway": { 'link': 'horizon:project:networks:ports:detail'}, "AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface": { 'link': 'horizon:project:networks:ports:detail'}, "AWS::EC2::RouteTable": { 'link': 'horizon:project:routers:detail'}, "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup": { 'link': 'horizon:project:security_groups:index'}, "AWS::EC2::Subnet": { 'link': 'horizon:project:networks:subnets:detail'}, "AWS::EC2::Volume": { 'link': 'horizon:project:volumes:detail'}, "AWS::EC2::VPC": { 'link': 'horizon:project:networks:detail'}, "AWS::S3::Bucket": { 'link': 'horizon:project:containers:index'}, "OS::Cinder::Volume": { 'link': 'horizon:project:volumes:detail'}, "OS::Heat::AccessPolicy": { 'link': 'horizon:project:stacks:detail'}, "OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup": { 'link': 'horizon:project:stacks:detail'}, "OS::Heat::CloudConfig": { 'link': 'horizon:project:stacks:detail'}, "OS::Neutron::Firewall": { 'link': 'horizon:project:firewalls:firewalldetails'}, "OS::Neutron::FirewallPolicy": { 'link': 'horizon:project:firewalls:policydetails'}, "OS::Neutron::FirewallRule": { 'link': 'horizon:project:firewalls:ruledetails'}, "OS::Heat::HARestarter": { 'link': 'horizon:project:stacks:detail'}, "OS::Heat::InstanceGroup": { 'link': 'horizon:project:stacks:detail'}, "OS::Heat::MultipartMime": { 'link': 'horizon:project:stacks:detail'}, "OS::Heat::ResourceGroup": { 'link': 'horizon:project:stacks:detail'}, "OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig": { 'link': 'horizon:project:stacks:detail'}, "OS::Heat::StructuredConfig": { 'link': 'horizon:project:stacks:detail'}, "OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment": { 'link': 'horizon:project:stacks:detail'}, "OS::Heat::Stack": { 'link': 'horizon:project:stacks:detail'}, "OS::Heat::WaitCondition": { 'link': 'horizon:project:stacks:detail'}, "OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle": { 'link': 'horizon:project:stacks:detail'}, "OS::Neutron::IKEPolicy": { 'link': 'horizon:project:vpn:ikepolicydetails'}, "OS::Neutron::IPsecPolicy": { 'link': 'horizon:project:vpn:ipsecpolicydetails'}, "OS::Neutron::IPsecSiteConnection": { 'link': 'horizon:project:vpn:ipsecsiteconnectiondetails'}, "OS::Neutron::Net": { 'link': 'horizon:project:networks:detail'}, "OS::Neutron::Port": { 'link': 'horizon:project:networks:ports:detail'}, "OS::Neutron::Router": { 'link': 'horizon:project:routers:detail'}, "OS::Neutron::Subnet": { 'link': 'horizon:project:networks:subnets:detail'}, "OS::Neutron::VPNService": { 'link': 'horizon:project:vpn:vpnservicedetails'}, "OS::Nova::KeyPair": { 'link': 'horizon:project:key_pairs:index'}, "OS::Nova::Server": { 'link': 'horizon:project:instances:detail'}, "OS::Swift::Container": { 'link': 'horizon:project:containers:index', 'format_pattern': '%s' + swift.FOLDER_DELIMITER}, } def resource_to_url(resource): if (not resource or not resource.physical_resource_id or not hasattr(resource, 'resource_type')): return None mapping = resource_urls.get(resource.resource_type, {}) try: if 'link' not in mapping: return None format_pattern = mapping.get('format_pattern') or '%s' rid = format_pattern % resource.physical_resource_id url = reverse(mapping['link'], args=(rid,)) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) return None return url @register.filter def stack_output(output): if not output: return u'' if isinstance(output, str): parts = urlparse.urlsplit(output) if parts.netloc and parts.scheme in ('http', 'https'): url = html.escape(output) safe_link = u'%s' % (url, url) return safestring.mark_safe(safe_link) if isinstance(output, dict) or isinstance(output, list): output = json.dumps(output, indent=2) return safestring.mark_safe(u'
' % html.escape(output)) static_url = getattr(settings, "STATIC_URL", "/static/") prefix = 'dashboard/project/heat_dashboard/img/' resource_images = { 'LB_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'lb-red.svg', 'LB_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'lb-red.svg', 'LB_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'lb-gray.gif', 'LB_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'lb-gray.svg', 'LB_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'lb-green.svg', 'DB_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'db-red.svg', 'DB_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'db-red.svg', 'DB_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'db-gray.gif', 'DB_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'db-gray.svg', 'DB_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'db-green.svg', 'STACK_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'stack-red.svg', 'STACK_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'stack-red.svg', 'STACK_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'stack-gray.gif', 'STACK_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'stack-gray.svg', 'STACK_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'stack-green.svg', 'SERVER_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'server-red.svg', 'SERVER_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'server-red.svg', 'SERVER_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'server-gray.gif', 'SERVER_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'server-gray.svg', 'SERVER_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'server-green.svg', 'ALARM_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'alarm-red.svg', 'ALARM_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'alarm-red.svg', 'ALARM_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'alarm-gray.gif', 'ALARM_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'alarm-gray.svg', 'ALARM_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'alarm-green.svg', 'VOLUME_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'volume-red.svg', 'VOLUME_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'volume-red.svg', 'VOLUME_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'volume-gray.gif', 'VOLUME_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'volume-gray.svg', 'VOLUME_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'volume-green.svg', 'IMAGE_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'image-red.svg', 'IMAGE_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'image-red.svg', 'IMAGE_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'image-gray.gif', 'IMAGE_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'image-gray.svg', 'IMAGE_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'image-green.svg', 'WAIT_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'wait-red.svg', 'WAIT_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'wait-red.svg', 'WAIT_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'wait-gray.gif', 'WAIT_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'wait-gray.svg', 'WAIT_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'wait-green.svg', 'FIREWALL_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'firewall-red.svg', 'FIREWALL_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'firewall-red.svg', 'FIREWALL_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'firewall-gray.gif', 'FIREWALL_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'firewall-gray.svg', 'FIREWALL_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'firewall-green.svg', 'FLOATINGIP_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'floatingip-red.svg', 'FLOATINGIP_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'floatingip-red.svg', 'FLOATINGIP_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'floatingip-gray.gif', 'FLOATINGIP_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'floatingip-gray.svg', 'FLOATINGIP_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'floatingip-green.svg', 'ROUTER_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'router-red.svg', 'ROUTER_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'router-red.svg', 'ROUTER_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'router-gray.gif', 'ROUTER_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'router-gray.svg', 'ROUTER_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'router-green.svg', 'POLICY_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'policy-red.svg', 'POLICY_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'policy-red.svg', 'POLICY_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'policy-gray.gif', 'POLICY_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'policy-gray.svg', 'POLICY_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'policy-green.svg', 'CONFIG_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'config-red.svg', 'CONFIG_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'config-red.svg', 'CONFIG_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'config-gray.gif', 'CONFIG_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'config-gray.svg', 'CONFIG_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'config-green.svg', 'NETWORK_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'network-red.svg', 'NETWORK_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'network-red.svg', 'NETWORK_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'network-gray.gif', 'NETWORK_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'network-gray.svg', 'NETWORK_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'network-green.svg', 'PORT_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'port-red.svg', 'PORT_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'port-red.svg', 'PORT_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'port-gray.gif', 'PORT_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'port-gray.svg', 'PORT_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'port-green.svg', 'SECURITYGROUP_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'securitygroup-red.svg', 'SECURITYGROUP_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'securitygroup-red.svg', 'SECURITYGROUP_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'securitygroup-gray.gif', 'SECURITYGROUP_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'securitygroup-gray.svg', 'SECURITYGROUP_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'securitygroup-green.svg', 'VPN_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'vpn-red.svg', 'VPN_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'vpn-red.svg', 'VPN_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'vpn-gray.gif', 'VPN_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'vpn-gray.svg', 'VPN_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'vpn-green.svg', 'FLAVOR_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'flavor-red.svg', 'FLAVOR_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'flavor-red.svg', 'FLAVOR_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'flavor-gray.gif', 'FLAVOR_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'flavor-gray.svg', 'FLAVOR_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'flavor-green.svg', 'KEYPAIR_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'keypair-red.svg', 'KEYPAIR_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'keypair-red.svg', 'KEYPAIR_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'keypair-gray.gif', 'KEYPAIR_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'keypair-gray.svg', 'KEYPAIR_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'keypair-green.svg', 'UNKNOWN_FAILED': static_url + prefix + 'unknown-red.svg', 'UNKNOWN_DELETE': static_url + prefix + 'unknown-red.svg', 'UNKNOWN_IN_PROGRESS': static_url + prefix + 'unknown-gray.gif', 'UNKNOWN_INIT': static_url + prefix + 'unknown-gray.svg', 'UNKNOWN_COMPLETE': static_url + prefix + 'unknown-green.svg', } resource_types = { # LB 'LoadBalance': 'LB', 'HealthMonitor': 'LB', 'PoolMember': 'LB', 'Pool': 'LB', # DB 'DBInstance': 'DB', 'Database': 'DB', # SERVER 'Instance': 'SERVER', 'Server': 'SERVER', # ALARM 'Alarm': 'ALARM', 'CombinationAlarm': 'ALARM', 'CWLiteAlarm': 'ALARM', # VOLUME 'Volume': 'VOLUME', 'VolumeAttachment': 'VOLUME', # STACK 'stack': 'STACK', 'AutoScalingGroup': 'STACK', 'InstanceGroup': 'STACK', 'ServerGroup': 'STACK', 'ResourceGroup': 'STACK', # IMAGE 'Image': 'IMAGE', # WAIT 'WaitCondition': 'WAIT', 'WaitConditionHandle': 'WAIT', 'UpdateWaitConditionHandle': 'WAIT', # FIREWALL 'Firewall': 'FIREWALL', 'FirewallPolicy': 'FIREWALL', 'FirewallRule': 'FIREWALL', # FLOATINGIP 'FloatingIP': 'FLOATINGIP', 'FloatingIPAssociation': 'FLOATINGIP', # ROUTER 'Router': 'ROUTER', 'RouterGateway': 'ROUTER', 'RouterInterface': 'ROUTER', # POLICY 'ScalingPolicy': 'POLICY', # CONFIG 'CloudConfig': 'CONFIG', 'MultipartMime': 'CONFIG', 'SoftwareConfig': 'CONFIG', 'SoftwareDeployment': 'CONFIG', 'StructuredConfig': 'CONFIG', 'StructuredDeployment': 'CONFIG', # NETWORK 'Net': 'NETWORK', 'Subnet': 'NETWORK', 'NetworkGateway': 'NETWORK', 'ProviderNet': 'NETWORK', # PORT 'Port': 'PORT', # SECURITYGROUP 'SecurityGroup': 'SECURITYGROUP', # VPN 'VPNService': 'VPN', # FLAVOR 'Flavor': 'FLAVOR', # KEYPAIR 'KeyPair': 'KEYPAIR', } def get_resource_type(type): for key, value in resource_types.items(): if key in type: return value return 'UNKNOWN' def get_resource_status(status): if ('IN_PROGRESS' in status): return 'IN_PROGRESS' elif ('FAILED' in status): return 'FAILED' elif ('DELETE' in status): return 'DELETE' elif ('INIT' in status): return 'INIT' else: return 'COMPLETE' def get_resource_image(status, type): """Sets the image url and in_progress action sw based on status.""" resource_type = get_resource_type(type) resource_status = get_resource_status(status) resource_state = resource_type + "_" + resource_status for key in resource_images: if key == resource_state: return resource_images.get(key)