- Heat GUI part - API wrapper client - API rest endpoint creator (like api/rest/heat) According to above changes, I've fixed all unittest that can work without Heat relevant logic in Horizon. Change-Id: I7b8c61275e1fef9e27a34d7e65693ee00d07110d
340 lines
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340 lines
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# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
from datetime import timedelta
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils import datetime_safe
from keystoneclient import access
from keystoneclient.v2_0 import tenants
from keystoneclient.v2_0 import users
from keystoneclient.v3.contrib.federation import identity_providers
from keystoneclient.v3.contrib.federation import mappings
from keystoneclient.v3.contrib.federation import protocols
from keystoneclient.v3 import domains
from openstack_auth import user as auth_user
from heat_dashboard.test.test_data import utils
# Dummy service catalog with all service.
# All endpoint URLs should point to example.com.
# Try to keep them as accurate to real data as possible (ports, URIs, etc.)
{"type": "compute",
"name": "nova",
"endpoints_links": [],
"endpoints": [
{"region": "RegionOne",
"adminURL": "http://admin.nova.example.com:8774/v2",
"internalURL": "http://int.nova.example.com:8774/v2",
"publicURL": "http://public.nova.example.com:8774/v2"},
{"region": "RegionTwo",
"adminURL": "http://admin.nova2.example.com:8774/v2",
"internalURL": "http://int.nova2.example.com:8774/v2",
"publicURL": "http://public.nova2.example.com:8774/v2"}]},
{"type": "volumev2",
"name": "cinderv2",
"endpoints_links": [],
"endpoints": [
{"region": "RegionOne",
"adminURL": "http://admin.nova.example.com:8776/v2",
"internalURL": "http://int.nova.example.com:8776/v2",
"publicURL": "http://public.nova.example.com:8776/v2"},
{"region": "RegionTwo",
"adminURL": "http://admin.nova.example.com:8776/v2",
"internalURL": "http://int.nova.example.com:8776/v2",
"publicURL": "http://public.nova.example.com:8776/v2"}]},
{"type": "image",
"name": "glance",
"endpoints_links": [],
"endpoints": [
{"region": "RegionOne",
"adminURL": "http://admin.glance.example.com:9292",
"internalURL": "http://int.glance.example.com:9292",
"publicURL": "http://public.glance.example.com:9292"}]},
{"type": "identity",
"name": "keystone",
"endpoints_links": [],
"endpoints": [
{"region": "RegionOne",
"adminURL": "http://admin.keystone.example.com:35357/v2.0",
"internalURL": "http://int.keystone.example.com:5000/v2.0",
"publicURL": "http://public.keystone.example.com:5000/v2.0"}]},
{"type": "object-store",
"name": "swift",
"endpoints_links": [],
"endpoints": [
{"region": "RegionOne",
"adminURL": "http://admin.swift.example.com:8080/",
"internalURL": "http://int.swift.example.com:8080/",
"publicURL": "http://public.swift.example.com:8080/"}]},
{"type": "network",
"name": "neutron",
"endpoints_links": [],
"endpoints": [
{"region": "RegionOne",
"adminURL": "http://admin.neutron.example.com:9696/",
"internalURL": "http://int.neutron.example.com:9696/",
"publicURL": "http://public.neutron.example.com:9696/"}]},
{"type": "ec2",
"name": "EC2 Service",
"endpoints_links": [],
"endpoints": [
{"region": "RegionOne",
"adminURL": "http://admin.nova.example.com:8773/services/Admin",
"publicURL": "http://public.nova.example.com:8773/services/Cloud",
"internalURL": "http://int.nova.example.com:8773/services/Cloud"}]},
{"type": "orchestration",
"name": "Heat",
"endpoints_links": [],
"endpoints": [
{"region": "RegionOne",
"adminURL": "http://admin.heat.example.com:8004/v1",
"publicURL": "http://public.heat.example.com:8004/v1",
"internalURL": "http://int.heat.example.com:8004/v1"}]}
def data(TEST):
# Make a deep copy of the catalog to avoid persisting side-effects
# when tests modify the catalog.
TEST.service_catalog = copy.deepcopy(SERVICE_CATALOG)
TEST.tokens = utils.TestDataContainer()
TEST.domains = utils.TestDataContainer()
TEST.users = utils.TestDataContainer()
# TEST.groups = utils.TestDataContainer()
TEST.tenants = utils.TestDataContainer()
# TEST.role_assignments = utils.TestDataContainer()
# TEST.roles = utils.TestDataContainer()
# TEST.ec2 = utils.TestDataContainer()
TEST.identity_providers = utils.TestDataContainer()
TEST.idp_mappings = utils.TestDataContainer()
TEST.idp_protocols = utils.TestDataContainer()
# admin_role_dict = {'id': '1',
# 'name': 'admin'}
# admin_role = roles.Role(roles.RoleManager, admin_role_dict, loaded=True)
member_role_dict = {'id': "2",
# member_role = roles.Role(roles.RoleManager,
# member_role_dict, loaded=True)
# TEST.roles.add(admin_role, member_role)
# TEST.roles.admin = admin_role
# TEST.roles.member = member_role
domain_dict = {'id': "1",
'name': 'test_domain',
'description': "a test domain.",
'enabled': True}
domain_dict_2 = {'id': "2",
'name': 'disabled_domain',
'description': "a disabled test domain.",
'enabled': False}
domain_dict_3 = {'id': "3",
'name': 'another_test_domain',
'description': "another test domain.",
'enabled': True}
domain = domains.Domain(domains.DomainManager, domain_dict)
disabled_domain = domains.Domain(domains.DomainManager, domain_dict_2)
another_domain = domains.Domain(domains.DomainManager, domain_dict_3)
TEST.domains.add(domain, disabled_domain, another_domain)
TEST.domain = domain # Your "current" domain
user_dict = {'id': "1",
'name': 'test_user',
'description': 'test_description',
'email': 'test@example.com',
'password': 'password',
'token': 'test_token',
'project_id': '1',
'enabled': True,
'domain_id': "1"}
user = users.User(None, user_dict)
user_dict = {'id': "2",
'name': 'user_two',
'description': 'test_description',
'email': 'two@example.com',
'password': 'password',
'token': 'test_token',
'project_id': '1',
'enabled': True,
'domain_id': "1"}
user2 = users.User(None, user_dict)
user_dict = {'id': "3",
'name': 'user_three',
'description': 'test_description',
'email': 'three@example.com',
'password': 'password',
'token': 'test_token',
'project_id': '1',
'enabled': True,
'domain_id': "1"}
user3 = users.User(None, user_dict)
user_dict = {'id': "4",
'name': 'user_four',
'description': 'test_description',
'email': 'four@example.com',
'password': 'password',
'token': 'test_token',
'project_id': '2',
'enabled': True,
'domain_id': "2"}
user4 = users.User(None, user_dict)
user_dict = {'id': "5",
'name': 'user_five',
'description': 'test_description',
'email': None,
'password': 'password',
'token': 'test_token',
'project_id': '2',
'enabled': True,
'domain_id': "1"}
user5 = users.User(None, user_dict)
TEST.users.add(user, user2, user3, user4, user5)
TEST.user = user # Your "current" user
TEST.user.service_catalog = copy.deepcopy(SERVICE_CATALOG)
tenant_dict = {'id': "1",
'name': 'test_tenant',
'description': "a test tenant.",
'enabled': True,
'domain_id': '1',
'domain_name': 'test_domain'}
tenant_dict_2 = {'id': "2",
'name': 'disabled_tenant',
'description': "a disabled test tenant.",
'enabled': False,
'domain_id': '2',
'domain_name': 'disabled_domain'}
tenant_dict_3 = {'id': "3",
'name': u'\u4e91\u89c4\u5219',
'description': "an unicode-named tenant.",
'enabled': True,
'domain_id': '2',
'domain_name': 'disabled_domain'}
tenant = tenants.Tenant(tenants.TenantManager, tenant_dict)
disabled_tenant = tenants.Tenant(tenants.TenantManager, tenant_dict_2)
tenant_unicode = tenants.Tenant(tenants.TenantManager, tenant_dict_3)
TEST.tenants.add(tenant, disabled_tenant, tenant_unicode)
TEST.tenant = tenant # Your "current" tenant
tomorrow = datetime_safe.datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1)
expiration = tomorrow.isoformat()
scoped_token_dict = {
'access': {
'token': {
'id': "test_token_id",
'expires': expiration,
'tenant': tenant_dict,
'tenants': [tenant_dict]},
'user': {
'id': "test_user_id",
'name': "test_user",
'roles': [member_role_dict]},
'serviceCatalog': TEST.service_catalog
scoped_access_info = access.AccessInfo.factory(resp=None,
unscoped_token_dict = {
'access': {
'token': {
'id': "test_token_id",
'expires': expiration},
'user': {
'id': "test_user_id",
'name': "test_user",
'roles': [member_role_dict]},
'serviceCatalog': TEST.service_catalog
unscoped_access_info = access.AccessInfo.factory(resp=None,
scoped_token = auth_user.Token(scoped_access_info)
unscoped_token = auth_user.Token(unscoped_access_info)
TEST.tokens.add(scoped_token, unscoped_token)
TEST.token = scoped_token # your "current" token.
TEST.tokens.scoped_token = scoped_token
TEST.tokens.unscoped_token = unscoped_token
idp_dict_1 = {'id': 'idp_1',
'description': 'identity provider 1',
'enabled': True,
'remote_ids': ['rid_1', 'rid_2']}
idp_1 = identity_providers.IdentityProvider(
idp_dict_1, loaded=True)
idp_dict_2 = {'id': 'idp_2',
'description': 'identity provider 2',
'enabled': True,
'remote_ids': ['rid_3', 'rid_4']}
idp_2 = identity_providers.IdentityProvider(
idp_dict_2, loaded=True)
TEST.identity_providers.add(idp_1, idp_2)
idp_mapping_dict = {
"id": "mapping_1",
"rules": [
"local": [
"user": {
"name": "{0}"
"group": {
"id": "0cd5e9"
"remote": [
"type": "UserName"
"type": "orgPersonType",
"not_any_of": [
idp_mapping = mappings.Mapping(
idp_protocol_dict_1 = {'id': 'protocol_1',
'mapping_id': 'mapping_1'}
idp_protocol = protocols.Protocol(