diff --git a/hot/software-config/elements/heat-config/bin/heat-config-notify b/hot/software-config/elements/heat-config/bin/heat-config-notify
index 8812507d..711b7c0c 100755
--- a/hot/software-config/elements/heat-config/bin/heat-config-notify
+++ b/hot/software-config/elements/heat-config/bin/heat-config-notify
@@ -69,10 +69,15 @@ def main(argv=sys.argv, stdin=sys.stdin):
     if 'deploy_signal_id' in iv:
         sigurl = iv.get('deploy_signal_id')
+        sigverb = iv.get('deploy_signal_verb', 'POST')
         signal_data = json.dumps(signal_data)
-        log.debug('Signalling to %s' % sigurl)
-        r = requests.post(sigurl, data=signal_data,
-                          headers={'content-type': None})
+        log.debug('Signaling to %s via %s' % (sigurl, sigverb))
+        if sigverb == 'PUT':
+            r = requests.put(sigurl, data=signal_data,
+                             headers={'content-type': None})
+        else:
+            r = requests.post(sigurl, data=signal_data,
+                              headers={'content-type': None})
         log.debug('Response %s ' % r)
     if 'deploy_auth_url' in iv:
diff --git a/tests/software_config/test_heat_config_notify.py b/tests/software_config/test_heat_config_notify.py
index e046b7e6..5aea988a 100644
--- a/tests/software_config/test_heat_config_notify.py
+++ b/tests/software_config/test_heat_config_notify.py
@@ -34,6 +34,19 @@ class HeatConfigNotifyTest(common.RunScriptTest):
         'config': 'five'
+    data_signal_id_put = {
+        'id': '5555',
+        'group': 'script',
+        'inputs': [{
+            'name': 'deploy_signal_id',
+            'value': 'mock://'
+        }, {
+            'name': 'deploy_signal_verb',
+            'value': 'PUT'
+        }],
+        'config': 'five'
+    }
     data_heat_signal = {
         'id': '5555',
         'group': 'script',
@@ -107,6 +120,24 @@ class HeatConfigNotifyTest(common.RunScriptTest):
             headers={'content-type': None})
+    def test_notify_signal_id_put(self):
+        requests = mock.MagicMock()
+        hcn.requests = requests
+        requests.post.return_value = '[200]'
+        signal_data = json.dumps({'foo': 'bar'})
+        stdin = cStringIO.StringIO(signal_data)
+        with self.write_config_file(self.data_signal_id_put) as config_file:
+            self.assertEqual(
+                0, hcn.main(['heat-config-notify', config_file.name], stdin))
+        requests.put.assert_called_once_with(
+            'mock://',
+            data=signal_data,
+            headers={'content-type': None})
     def test_notify_signal_id_empty_data(self):
         requests = mock.MagicMock()
         hcn.requests = requests