heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 description: > This template demostrates how to create Barbican secret. parameters: name: description: (optional) Human readable name for the secret. type: string default: test_secret payload: description: (optional) The unencrypted plain text of the secret. type: string default: VGVzdCBzdHJpbmcgZm9yIGJhcmJpY2FuIHNlY3JldCB0ZXN0IHRlbXBsYXRl secret_type: description: (optional) The type of the secret. type: string default: opaque payload_content_type: description: > (optional) The type/format the secret data is provided in. payload_content_type must also be supplied if payload is included. type: string default: application/octet-stream payload_content_encoding: description: > (optional) (required if payload is encoded) The encoding format used to provide the payload data. type: string default: base64 expiration: description: > (optional) The expiration date for the secret in ISO-8601 format. If set, the secret will not be available after this time. type: string default: 2017-12-28T19:14:44.180394 algorithm: description: (optional) The algorithm type used to generate the secret. type: string default: aes bit_length: description: (optional) The bit-length of the secret. type: number default: 256 mode: description: > (optional) The type/mode of the algorithm associated with the secret information. type: string default: cbc resources: secret: type: OS::Barbican::Secret properties: name: { get_param: name } payload: { get_param: payload } secret_type: { get_param: secret_type } payload_content_type: { get_param: payload_content_type } payload_content_encoding: { get_param: payload_content_encoding } expiration: { get_param: expiration } algorithm: { get_param: algorithm } bit_length: { get_param: bit_length } mode: { get_param: mode } outputs: secret_status: description: The status of the secret. value: { get_attr: [secret, status] } secret_payload: description: The decrypted secret payload. value: { get_attr: [secret, status] } secret_ref: description: Reference for created secret. value: { get_resource: secret }