diff --git a/translator/hot/syntax/hot_resource.py b/translator/hot/syntax/hot_resource.py
index 3f25eeb6..d7b2d029 100644
--- a/translator/hot/syntax/hot_resource.py
+++ b/translator/hot/syntax/hot_resource.py
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 # under the License.
 from collections import OrderedDict
+import yaml
 import logging
 import os
 import six
            ('type', 'properties', 'metadata',
             'depends_on', 'update_policy', 'deletion_policy')
+HEAT_DESCRIPTION = 'Scaling template'
 policy_type = ['tosca.policies.Placement',
-               'tosca.policies.Reservation']
+               'tosca.policies.Reservation',
+               'tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels',
+               'tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects',
+               'tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta',
+               'tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels',
+               'tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas',
+               'tosca.policies.nfv.VirtualLinkInstantiationLevels']
 log = logging.getLogger('heat-translator')
@@ -465,6 +476,47 @@ class HotResource(object):
                 tosca_props[prop.name] = prop.value
         return tosca_props
+    def represent_ordereddict(self, dumper, data):
+        nodes = []
+        for key, value in data.items():
+            node_key = dumper.represent_data(key)
+            node_value = dumper.represent_data(value)
+            nodes.append((node_key, node_value))
+        return yaml.nodes.MappingNode(u'tag:yaml.org,2002:map', nodes)
+    def _handle_nested_template(self, scale_res, yaml_name,
+                                hot_template_parameters,
+                                parameters=None):
+        template_dict = OrderedDict()
+        template_dict['heat_template_version'] = HEAT_TEMPLATE_VERSION
+        template_dict['description'] = HEAT_DESCRIPTION
+        if parameters is not None:
+            template_dict['parameters'] = parameters
+        if hot_template_parameters:
+            all_params = OrderedDict()
+            for parameter in hot_template_parameters:
+                all_params.update(parameter.get_dict_output())
+            template_dict.update({'parameters': all_params})
+        template_dict["resources"] = {}
+        dict_res = OrderedDict()
+        for res in scale_res:
+            dict_res = res.get_dict_output()
+            res_name = list(dict_res.keys())[0]
+            template_dict["resources"][res_name] = \
+                dict_res[res_name]
+        yaml.add_representer(OrderedDict, self.represent_ordereddict)
+        yaml.add_representer(dict, self.represent_ordereddict)
+        yaml_string = yaml.dump(template_dict, default_flow_style=False)
+        yaml_string = yaml_string.replace('\'', '').replace('\n\n', '\n')
+        nested_template = {
+            yaml_name: yaml_string
+        }
+        return nested_template
     def remove_depends_on(self, depends_on_set):
         # Remove all depends_on including depends_on_set.
         for rel, node in self.nodetemplate.relationships.items():
diff --git a/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/scalingaspect/__init__.py b/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/scalingaspect/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/scalingaspect/tosca_policies_nfv_scalingaspect.py b/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/scalingaspect/tosca_policies_nfv_scalingaspect.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b2f1914
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/scalingaspect/tosca_policies_nfv_scalingaspect.py
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from itertools import chain
+import logging
+from translator.hot.syntax.hot_resource import HotResource
+log = logging.getLogger('heat-translator')
+# Name used to dynamically load appropriate map class.
+TARGET_CLASS_NAME = 'ToscaNfvScalingAspect'
+HEAT_NON_SCALING_RESOURCES = ['OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy',
+                              'OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup']
+HOT_FLAVOR = 'OS::Nova::Flavor'
+SCALING_ASPECT_DELTA = 'tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas'
+VDU_CP = 'tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp'
+VDU_INITIAL_DELTA = 'tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta'
+class ToscaNfvScalingAspect(HotResource):
+    """Translate TOSCA policy type tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects."""
+    toscatype = 'tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects'
+    def __init__(self, policy, aspect_name, csar_dir=None,
+                 hot_template_parameters=None):
+        hot_type = "OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy"
+        self.aspect_name = aspect_name
+        super(ToscaNfvScalingAspect, self).__init__(
+            policy,
+            name=self.aspect_name,
+            type=hot_type,
+            csar_dir=csar_dir)
+        self.policy = policy
+        self.hot_template_parameters = hot_template_parameters
+        # default
+        self.scaling_adjustment = None
+        self.vdu_name = None
+        self.delta_name = None
+    def handle_properties(self, resources):
+        # Resources of non HotResource
+        # (Exclude derived)
+        non_hot_rsrcs = [r for r in resources if type(r) is not HotResource]
+        # Extract resource name from VduScalingAspectDeltas
+        vsad_rsrcs = [
+            r for r in non_hot_rsrcs if r.toscatype == SCALING_ASPECT_DELTA]
+        vsad_rsrcs = [
+            r for r in vsad_rsrcs if r.aspect == self.aspect_name]
+        vsad_rsrc = vsad_rsrcs[0]
+        # The names of the resource associated with the VDU.
+        # Supporting resources below.
+        #  - tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
+        #  - tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp
+        #  - tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.VirtualBlockStorage
+        vdu_infos = [
+            r for r in resources
+            if vsad_rsrc.targets is not None and r.name in vsad_rsrc.targets]
+        if vdu_infos == []:
+            log.warning('Can not create %s node '
+                        'because target vdu does not defined.'
+                        % self.aspect_name)
+        related_rsrc_names = []
+        related_vl_names = []
+        for vdu_info in vdu_infos:
+            vdu_name = vdu_info.name
+            port_rsrc_names = [p.name for p in vdu_info.assoc_port_resources]
+            strg_rsrc_names = [s for s in vdu_info.virtual_storages]
+            related_rsrc_names.append(vdu_name)
+            related_rsrc_names.extend(port_rsrc_names)
+            related_rsrc_names.extend(strg_rsrc_names)
+            # Extract virtual_link mapping to vdu_name
+            cp_rsrcs = [
+                r for r in non_hot_rsrcs
+                if r.toscatype == VDU_CP and r.virtual_binding == vdu_name]
+            related_vl_names.extend([
+                cp.virtual_link for cp in cp_rsrcs
+                if cp.virtual_link is not None])
+        # Parameters defined in referenced YAML
+        parameters = {}
+        # Resources of scaling/non-scaling
+        scl_rsrcs = []
+        non_scl_rsrcs = []
+        # Properties of :AutoScalingGroup
+        asg_props = {}
+        # Resources which are contain related_rsrc_names are not
+        # call handle_expansion(), so call here and add resources.
+        related_rsrcs = [
+            r for r in resources if r.name in related_rsrc_names]
+        exp_rsrcs = list(
+            chain.from_iterable([
+                r.handle_expansion()
+                for r in related_rsrcs
+                if r.handle_expansion() is not None]))
+        # Allocate resources generated by handle_expansion()
+        # to scaling or non-scaling resource.
+        # Flavor is non-scaling resource.
+        scl_rsrcs.extend([
+            r for r in exp_rsrcs
+            if r.type != HOT_FLAVOR])
+        non_scl_rsrcs.extend([
+            r for r in exp_rsrcs
+            if r.type == HOT_FLAVOR])
+        for resource in resources:
+            # Allocate resources to scaling or non-scaling resource.
+            if resource.type not in HEAT_NON_SCALING_RESOURCES and \
+                    resource.name in related_rsrc_names:
+                scl_rsrcs.append(resource)
+            else:
+                non_scl_rsrcs.append(resource)
+            # Processing for VDU
+            if resource.name in related_rsrc_names and \
+                resource.type == 'OS::Nova::Server':
+                self.vdu_name = resource.name
+                # Target aspect
+                target_aspect = \
+                    self.policy.properties['aspects'][self.aspect_name]
+                # Extract scaling_adjustment from VduScalingAspectDeltas.
+                # VduScalingAspectDeltas can specify a delta for each scaling
+                # step but only the first one is used and others are ignored.
+                delta_names = target_aspect['step_deltas']
+                self.delta_name = delta_names[0]
+                self.scaling_adjustment = vsad_rsrc.deltas.get(self.delta_name)
+                # Extract min_size from VduInitialDelta
+                vid_rsrcs = [
+                    r for r in non_hot_rsrcs
+                    if r.toscatype == VDU_INITIAL_DELTA]
+                initial_deltas = [
+                    r for r in vid_rsrcs
+                    if r.targets is not None and self.vdu_name in r.targets]
+                min_size = None \
+                    if initial_deltas == [] else initial_deltas[0].num
+                res = {}
+                if min_size is not None and \
+                        self.scaling_adjustment is not None:
+                    # Calculate max_size
+                    max_scale_level = target_aspect['max_scale_level']
+                    max_size = \
+                        min_size + max_scale_level * self.scaling_adjustment
+                    res["min_size"] = min_size
+                    res["max_size"] = max_size
+                else:
+                    log.warning('No min_size or(and) max_size is found for '
+                                'aspect_name:%s, VDU:%s' % (
+                                    self.aspect_name, self.vdu_name))
+                # desired_capacity needs to be replaced by users because it is
+                # calculated using scaling aspect and instantiation level given
+                # in instantiation VNF request.
+                res["desired_capacity"] = self.DESIRED_CAPACITY
+                res['resource'] = {'type': self.aspect_name + '.hot.yaml'}
+                props = {}
+                props['type'] = resource.type
+                props['properties'] = resource.properties
+                for vl_name in related_vl_names:
+                    vl_id = '%s_id' % (vl_name.lower())
+                    asg_props.update({
+                        vl_id: '{ get_resource: %s }' % (vl_name)})
+                # Replace flavor id
+                flvr_name = resource.flavor_resource_name
+                flvr_id = '%s_id' % (flvr_name.lower())
+                asg_props.update({
+                    flvr_id: '{ get_resource: %s }' % (flvr_name)})
+                resource.properties['flavor'] = \
+                    '{ get_param: %s }' % (flvr_id)
+                parameters[flvr_id] = {'type': 'string'}
+                res['resource'].update({
+                    'properties': asg_props
+                })
+                non_scl_rsrcs.append(
+                    HotResource(resource,
+                                type='OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup',
+                                name=self.aspect_name,
+                                properties=res))
+            # Processing for CP related to target VDU
+            elif resource.name in related_rsrc_names and \
+                resource.type == 'OS::Neutron::Port':
+                for vl_name in related_vl_names:
+                    if vl_name == resource.virtual_link:
+                        # Replace network id
+                        vl_id = '%s_id' % (vl_name.lower())
+                        resource.properties['network'] = \
+                            '{ get_param: %s }' % (vl_id)
+                        parameters[vl_id] = {'type': 'string'}
+        # Create referenced YAML which is defined scaling resources
+        yaml_name = self.aspect_name + '.hot.yaml'
+        parameters = None if parameters == {} else parameters
+        nested_template = self._handle_nested_template(
+            scl_rsrcs,
+            yaml_name,
+            self.hot_template_parameters,
+            parameters=parameters)
+        return non_scl_rsrcs, nested_template
diff --git a/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_instantiationlevels.py b/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_instantiationlevels.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6faf1660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_instantiationlevels.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from translator.hot.syntax.hot_resource import HotResource
+# Name used to dynamically load appropriate map class.
+TARGET_CLASS_NAME = 'ToscaNfvInstantiationLevels'
+class ToscaNfvInstantiationLevels(HotResource):
+    """Translate TOSCA policy type tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels."""
+    toscatype = 'tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels'
+    def __init__(self, policy, csar_dir=None, hot_template_parameters=None):
+        super(ToscaNfvInstantiationLevels, self).__init__(
+            policy,
+            csar_dir=csar_dir)
+        self.policy = policy
+        self.hot_template_parameters = hot_template_parameters
+    def handle_properties(self):
+        pass
diff --git a/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_scalingaspects.py b/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_scalingaspects.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3de6910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_scalingaspects.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import logging
+from translator.hot.syntax.hot_resource import HotResource
+from translator.hot.tosca.etsi_nfv.scalingaspect.\
+    tosca_policies_nfv_scalingaspect import ToscaNfvScalingAspect
+log = logging.getLogger('heat-translator')
+# Name used to dynamically load appropriate map class.
+TARGET_CLASS_NAME = 'ToscaNfvScalingAspects'
+class ToscaNfvScalingAspects(HotResource):
+    """Translate TOSCA policy type tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects."""
+    toscatype = 'tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects'
+    def __init__(self, policy, csar_dir=None, hot_template_parameters=None,
+                 nested_template=None,
+                 extra_flg=None):
+        hot_type = "OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy"
+        if extra_flg is None:
+            # Multi aspects support
+            self.aspect_names = policy.properties['aspects'].keys()
+            self.scaling_aspect_objs = []
+            for aspect_name in self.aspect_names:
+                self.scaling_aspect_objs.append(
+                    ToscaNfvScalingAspect(policy,
+                                          aspect_name,
+                                          csar_dir,
+                                          hot_template_parameters)
+                )
+        super(ToscaNfvScalingAspects, self).__init__(
+            policy,
+            type=hot_type,
+            csar_dir=csar_dir)
+        self.policy = policy
+        self.hot_template_parameters = hot_template_parameters
+        self.multi_nested_templates = {}
+        self.nested_template = \
+            {} if nested_template is None else nested_template
+    def handle_properties(self, resources):
+        for aspect_obj in self.scaling_aspect_objs:
+            resources, nstd_tmpt = aspect_obj.handle_properties(resources)
+            self.multi_nested_templates[aspect_obj.aspect_name] = nstd_tmpt
+        resources = self._create_scale_out_in_resources(resources)
+        return resources
+    def extract_substack_templates(self, base_filename, hot_template_version):
+        return self.nested_template
+    def _create_scale_out_in_resources(self, resources):
+        for asp_obj in self.scaling_aspect_objs:
+            asp_name = asp_obj.aspect_name
+            # Create scale_out and scale_in resources
+            scl_out_rsrc = ToscaNfvScalingAspects(
+                self.policy,
+                csar_dir=self.csar_dir,
+                hot_template_parameters=self.
+                hot_template_parameters,
+                nested_template=self.
+                multi_nested_templates[asp_name],
+                extra_flg=True
+            )
+            scl_in_rsrc = ToscaNfvScalingAspects(
+                self.policy,
+                csar_dir=self.csar_dir,
+                hot_template_parameters=self.
+                hot_template_parameters,
+                nested_template=self.
+                multi_nested_templates[asp_name],
+                extra_flg=True
+            )
+            scl_out_rsrc.name = asp_name + '_scale_out'
+            scl_in_rsrc.name = asp_name + '_scale_in'
+            if asp_obj.scaling_adjustment is not None:
+                scaling_adjustment = \
+                    int(asp_obj.scaling_adjustment)
+                scl_out_rsrc.properties['scaling_adjustment'] = \
+                    scaling_adjustment
+                scl_in_rsrc.properties['scaling_adjustment'] = \
+                    -1 * scaling_adjustment
+            else:
+                log.warning('No ScalingAspectDelta for %s of %s, %s is found'
+                            % (asp_obj.vdu_name, asp_name, asp_obj.delta_name))
+            scl_out_rsrc.properties["auto_scaling_group_id"] = {
+                'get_resource': asp_name
+            }
+            scl_out_rsrc.properties["adjustment_type"] = \
+                "change_in_capacity"
+            resources.append(scl_out_rsrc)
+            scl_in_rsrc.properties["auto_scaling_group_id"] = {
+                'get_resource': asp_name
+            }
+            scl_in_rsrc.properties["adjustment_type"] = \
+                "change_in_capacity"
+            resources.append(scl_in_rsrc)
+        # This resource has already created scale_out and
+        # scale_in resources, so remove it.
+        resources.remove(self)
+        return resources
diff --git a/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_vduinitialdelta.py b/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_vduinitialdelta.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47001780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_vduinitialdelta.py
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from translator.hot.syntax.hot_resource import HotResource
+# Name used to dynamically load appropriate map class.
+TARGET_CLASS_NAME = 'ToscaNfvVduInitialDelta'
+class ToscaNfvVduInitialDelta(HotResource):
+    """Translate TOSCA policy type tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta."""
+    toscatype = 'tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta'
+    def __init__(self, policy, csar_dir=None, hot_template_parameters=None):
+        super(ToscaNfvVduInitialDelta, self).__init__(
+            policy,
+            csar_dir=csar_dir)
+        self.policy = policy
+        self.hot_template_parameters = hot_template_parameters
+        # Extract number_of_instances
+        tosca_props = self.get_tosca_props()
+        self.num = tosca_props['initial_delta']['number_of_instances']
+        # Extract targets
+        self.targets = self.policy.targets
+    def handle_properties(self):
+        pass
diff --git a/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_vduinstantiationlevels.py b/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_vduinstantiationlevels.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec678f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_vduinstantiationlevels.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from translator.hot.syntax.hot_resource import HotResource
+# Name used to dynamically load appropriate map class.
+TARGET_CLASS_NAME = 'ToscaNfvVduInstantiationLevels'
+class ToscaNfvVduInstantiationLevels(HotResource):
+    """Translate TOSCA policy type
+    tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels.
+    """
+    toscatype = 'tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels'
+    def __init__(self, policy, csar_dir=None, hot_template_parameters=None):
+        super(ToscaNfvVduInstantiationLevels, self).__init__(
+            policy,
+            csar_dir=csar_dir)
+        self.policy = policy
+        self.hot_template_parameters = hot_template_parameters
+    def handle_properties(self):
+        pass
diff --git a/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_vduscalingaspectdeltas.py b/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_vduscalingaspectdeltas.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47534d58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_vduscalingaspectdeltas.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from translator.hot.syntax.hot_resource import HotResource
+# Name used to dynamically load appropriate map class.
+TARGET_CLASS_NAME = 'ToscaNfvVduScalingAspectDeltas'
+class ToscaNfvVduScalingAspectDeltas(HotResource):
+    """Translate TOSCA policy type
+    tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas.
+    """
+    toscatype = 'tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas'
+    def __init__(self, policy, csar_dir=None, hot_template_parameters=None):
+        super(ToscaNfvVduScalingAspectDeltas, self).__init__(
+            policy,
+            csar_dir=csar_dir)
+        self.policy = policy
+        self.hot_template_parameters = hot_template_parameters
+        # Extract aspect name and deltas
+        tosca_props = self.get_tosca_props()
+        self.aspect = tosca_props['aspect']
+        self.deltas = {}
+        for key, val in tosca_props['deltas'].items():
+            self.deltas[key] = val['number_of_instances']
+        # Extract target VDUs
+        self.targets = self.policy.targets
+    def handle_properties(self):
+        pass
diff --git a/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_virtuallinkinstantiationlevels.py b/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_virtuallinkinstantiationlevels.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3bb77f41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/hot/tosca/etsi_nfv/tosca_policies_nfv_virtuallinkinstantiationlevels.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from translator.hot.syntax.hot_resource import HotResource
+# Name used to dynamically load appropriate map class.
+TARGET_CLASS_NAME = 'VirtualLinkInstantiationLevels'
+class VirtualLinkInstantiationLevels(HotResource):
+    """Translate TOSCA policy type
+    tosca.policies.nfv.VirtualLinkInstantiationLevels.
+    """
+    toscatype = 'tosca.policies.nfv.VirtualLinkInstantiationLevels'
+    def __init__(self, policy, csar_dir=None, hot_template_parameters=None):
+        super(VirtualLinkInstantiationLevels, self).__init__(
+            policy,
+            csar_dir=csar_dir)
+        self.policy = policy
+        self.hot_template_parameters = hot_template_parameters
+    def handle_properties(self):
+        pass
diff --git a/translator/hot/tosca/tests/test_tosca_autoscaling.py b/translator/hot/tosca/tests/test_tosca_autoscaling.py
index ee44f316..7154ff1c 100644
--- a/translator/hot/tosca/tests/test_tosca_autoscaling.py
+++ b/translator/hot/tosca/tests/test_tosca_autoscaling.py
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class AutoscalingTest(TestCase):
         expected_nested_resource = {'heat_template_version':
                                     datetime.date(2013, 5, 23),
-                                        'Tacker Scaling template',
+                                        'Scaling template',
                                          {'default': 'm1.tiny',
diff --git a/translator/hot/tosca/tosca_policies_scaling.py b/translator/hot/tosca/tosca_policies_scaling.py
index e8722d5a..6d0c6879 100644
--- a/translator/hot/tosca/tosca_policies_scaling.py
+++ b/translator/hot/tosca/tosca_policies_scaling.py
@@ -11,16 +11,9 @@
 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-from collections import OrderedDict
-import yaml
 from translator.hot.syntax.hot_resource import HotResource
 # Name used to dynamically load appropriate map class.
 TARGET_CLASS_NAME = 'ToscaAutoscaling'
-heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
 ALARM_STATISTIC = {'mean': 'mean', 'median': 'median', 'summary': 'sum',
                    'maximum': 'max', 'minimum': 'min', 'last': 'last',
                    'std': 'std', 'first': 'first', 'count': 'count'}
@@ -66,39 +59,6 @@ class ToscaAutoscaling(HotResource):
             hot_resources = [ceilometer_resources]
             return hot_resources
-    def represent_ordereddict(self, dumper, data):
-        nodes = []
-        for key, value in data.items():
-            node_key = dumper.represent_data(key)
-            node_value = dumper.represent_data(value)
-            nodes.append((node_key, node_value))
-        return yaml.nodes.MappingNode(u'tag:yaml.org,2002:map', nodes)
-    def _handle_nested_template(self, scale_res):
-        template_dict = yaml.safe_load(HEAT_TEMPLATE_BASE)
-        template_dict['description'] = 'Tacker Scaling template'
-        if self.hot_template_parameters:
-            all_params = OrderedDict()
-            for parameter in self.hot_template_parameters:
-                all_params.update(parameter.get_dict_output())
-            template_dict.update({'parameters': all_params})
-        template_dict["resources"] = {}
-        dict_res = OrderedDict()
-        for res in scale_res:
-            dict_res = res.get_dict_output()
-            res_name = list(dict_res.keys())[0]
-            template_dict["resources"][res_name] = \
-                dict_res[res_name]
-        yaml.add_representer(OrderedDict, self.represent_ordereddict)
-        yaml.add_representer(dict, self.represent_ordereddict)
-        yaml_string = yaml.dump(template_dict, default_flow_style=False)
-        yaml_string = yaml_string.replace('\'', '').replace('\n\n', '\n')
-        self.nested_template = {
-            self.policy.name + '_res.yaml': yaml_string
-        }
     def handle_properties(self, resources):
         self.properties = {}
         self.properties["auto_scaling_group_id"] = {
@@ -133,7 +93,11 @@ class ToscaAutoscaling(HotResource):
             if resource.type not in SCALING_RESOURCES:
-        self._handle_nested_template(scale_res)
+        yaml_name = self.policy.name + '_res.yaml'
+        self.nested_template = self._handle_nested_template(
+            scale_res,
+            yaml_name,
+            self.hot_template_parameters)
         resources = [tmp_res
                      for tmp_res in resources
                      if tmp_res.name not in delete_res_names]
diff --git a/translator/hot/translate_node_templates.py b/translator/hot/translate_node_templates.py
index 49080752..ebc11add 100644
--- a/translator/hot/translate_node_templates.py
+++ b/translator/hot/translate_node_templates.py
@@ -141,9 +141,18 @@ TOSCA_TO_HOT_TYPE = _generate_type_map()
 BASE_TYPES = six.string_types + six.integer_types + (dict, OrderedDict)
+    'tosca.policies.Scaling',
+    'tosca.policies.Monitoring',
+    'tosca.policies.Placement',
+    'tosca.policies.Reservation',
 HOT_SCALING_POLICY_TYPE = ["OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup",
+TOSCA_SA = 'tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects'
 class TranslateNodeTemplates(object):
     '''Translate TOSCA NodeTemplates to Heat Resources.'''
@@ -188,7 +197,8 @@ class TranslateNodeTemplates(object):
             extra_hot_resources = []
             for res in self.hot_resources:
-                if res.type == 'OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy':
+                if res.type == 'OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy' and\
+                        res.toscatype != TOSCA_SA:
                     extra_res = copy.deepcopy(res)
                     scaling_adjustment = res.properties['scaling_adjustment']
                     if scaling_adjustment < 0:
@@ -265,30 +275,26 @@ class TranslateNodeTemplates(object):
         for policy in self.policies:
             policy_type = policy.type_definition
-            if policy.is_derived_from('tosca.policies.Scaling') and \
-               policy_type.type != 'tosca.policies.Scaling.Cluster':
-                TOSCA_TO_HOT_TYPE[policy_type.type] = \
-                    TOSCA_TO_HOT_TYPE['tosca.policies.Scaling']
-            if policy.is_derived_from('tosca.policies.Monitoring'):
-                TOSCA_TO_HOT_TYPE[policy_type.type] = \
-                    TOSCA_TO_HOT_TYPE['tosca.policies.Monitoring']
-            if policy.is_derived_from('tosca.policies.Placement'):
-                TOSCA_TO_HOT_TYPE[policy_type.type] = \
-                    TOSCA_TO_HOT_TYPE['tosca.policies.Placement']
-            if policy.is_derived_from('tosca.policies.Reservation'):
-                TOSCA_TO_HOT_TYPE[policy_type.type] = \
-                    TOSCA_TO_HOT_TYPE['tosca.policies.Reservation']
-            if policy_type.type not in TOSCA_TO_HOT_TYPE:
-                raise UnsupportedTypeError(type=_('%s') % policy_type.type)
-            elif policy_type.type == 'tosca.policies.Scaling.Cluster':
+            own_policy_type = policy_type.type
+            base_policy_type = self._get_supported_type(policy)
+            if base_policy_type in BASE_POLICY_TYPES and \
+                    own_policy_type != 'tosca.policies.Scaling.Cluster':
+                TOSCA_TO_HOT_TYPE[own_policy_type] = \
+                    TOSCA_TO_HOT_TYPE[base_policy_type]
+            if own_policy_type == 'tosca.policies.Scaling.Cluster':
                 self.hot_template_version = '2016-04-08'
-            if policy.is_derived_from('tosca.policies.Scaling') and \
-               policy_type.type != 'tosca.policies.Scaling.Cluster':
-                policy_node = TOSCA_TO_HOT_TYPE[policy_type.type](
+            if (base_policy_type == 'tosca.policies.Scaling' or
+                    base_policy_type == 'tosca.policies.tacker.Scaling') and \
+                    own_policy_type != 'tosca.policies.Scaling.Cluster':
+                policy_node = TOSCA_TO_HOT_TYPE[own_policy_type](
-                policy_node = TOSCA_TO_HOT_TYPE[policy_type.type](policy)
+                policy_node = TOSCA_TO_HOT_TYPE[own_policy_type](policy)
         # Handle life cycle operations: this may expand each node
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta.yaml b/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87e948e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_2
+description: >
+  Template for scaling which deltas is not defined in tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas.
+  (Defined delta_2 in tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects,
+  but defined delta_1 in tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas.)
+  In Addition, the following properties are not set in
+  <aspect_name>_scale_in and <aspect_name>_scale_out nodes.
+  ->scaling_adjustment
+  - etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml
+  - etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml
+  node_templates:
+    VDU1:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
+      properties:
+        name: VDU1
+        description: VDU1 compute node
+        vdu_profile:
+          min_number_of_instances: 1
+          max_number_of_instances: 3
+        sw_image_data:
+          name: Software of VDU1
+          version: '0.4.0'
+          checksum:
+            algorithm: sha-256
+            hash: b9c3036539fd7a5f87a1bf38eb05fdde8b556a1a7e664dbeda90ed3cd74b4f9d
+          container_format: bare
+          disk_format: qcow2
+          min_disk: 1 GiB
+          size: 1 GiB
+      artifacts:
+        sw_image:
+          type: tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage
+          file: Files/images/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img
+      capabilities:
+        virtual_compute:
+          properties:
+            virtual_memory:
+              virtual_mem_size: 512 MiB
+            virtual_cpu:
+              num_virtual_cpu: 1
+            virtual_local_storage:
+              - size_of_storage: 1 GiB
+    CP1:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp
+      properties:
+        layer_protocols: [ ipv4 ]
+        order: 0
+        vnic_type: direct-physical
+      requirements:
+        - virtual_binding: VDU1
+  policies:
+    - scaling_aspects:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects
+        properties:
+          aspects:
+            worker_instance:
+              name: worker_instance_aspect
+              description: worker_instance scaling aspect
+              max_scale_level: 2
+              step_deltas:
+                - delta_2
+    - VDU1_initial_delta:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta
+        properties:
+          initial_delta:
+            number_of_instances: 1
+        targets: [ VDU1 ]
+    - VDU1_scaling_aspect_deltas:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas
+        properties:
+          aspect: worker_instance
+          deltas:
+            delta_1:
+              number_of_instances: 1
+        targets: [ VDU1 ]
+    - instantiation_levels:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels
+        properties:
+          levels:
+            instantiation_level_1:
+              description: Smallest size
+              scale_info:
+                worker_instance:
+                  scale_level: 0
+            instantiation_level_2:
+              description: Largest size
+              scale_info:
+                worker_instance:
+                  scale_level: 2
+          default_level: instantiation_level_1
+    - VDU1_instantiation_levels:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels
+        properties:
+          levels:
+            instantiation_level_1:
+              number_of_instances: 1
+            instantiation_level_2:
+              number_of_instances: 3
+        targets: [ VDU1 ]
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta.yaml b/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..285b0cd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_2
+description: >
+  Template for scaling which targets is not set in tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas.
+  The following nodes are not set in hot.
+  ->OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup
+  And create empty <aspect_name>.yaml.
+  In Addition, the following properties are not set in
+  <aspect_name>_scale_in and <aspect_name>_scale_out nodes.
+  ->scaling_adjustment
+  - etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml
+  - etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml
+  node_templates:
+    VDU1:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
+      properties:
+        name: VDU1
+        description: VDU1 compute node
+        vdu_profile:
+          min_number_of_instances: 1
+          max_number_of_instances: 3
+        sw_image_data:
+          name: Software of VDU1
+          version: '0.4.0'
+          checksum:
+            algorithm: sha-256
+            hash: b9c3036539fd7a5f87a1bf38eb05fdde8b556a1a7e664dbeda90ed3cd74b4f9d
+          container_format: bare
+          disk_format: qcow2
+          min_disk: 1 GiB
+          size: 1 GiB
+      artifacts:
+        sw_image:
+          type: tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage
+          file: Files/images/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img
+      capabilities:
+        virtual_compute:
+          properties:
+            virtual_memory:
+              virtual_mem_size: 512 MiB
+            virtual_cpu:
+              num_virtual_cpu: 1
+            virtual_local_storage:
+              - size_of_storage: 1 GiB
+    CP1:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp
+      properties:
+        layer_protocols: [ ipv4 ]
+        order: 0
+        vnic_type: direct-physical
+      requirements:
+        - virtual_binding: VDU1
+  policies:
+    - scaling_aspects:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects
+        properties:
+          aspects:
+            worker_instance:
+              name: worker_instance_aspect
+              description: worker_instance scaling aspect
+              max_scale_level: 2
+              step_deltas:
+                - delta_1
+    - VDU1_initial_delta:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta
+        properties:
+          initial_delta:
+            number_of_instances: 1
+        targets: [ VDU1 ]
+    - VDU1_scaling_aspect_deltas:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas
+        properties:
+          aspect: worker_instance
+          deltas:
+            delta_1:
+              number_of_instances: 1
+    - instantiation_levels:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels
+        properties:
+          levels:
+            instantiation_level_1:
+              description: Smallest size
+              scale_info:
+                worker_instance:
+                  scale_level: 0
+            instantiation_level_2:
+              description: Largest size
+              scale_info:
+                worker_instance:
+                  scale_level: 2
+          default_level: instantiation_level_1
+    - VDU1_instantiation_levels:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels
+        properties:
+          levels:
+            instantiation_level_1:
+              number_of_instances: 1
+            instantiation_level_2:
+              number_of_instances: 3
+        targets: [ VDU1 ]
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta.yaml b/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8cd9d10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_2
+description: >
+  Template for scaling which targets is not set in tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta.
+  The following properties are not set in <aspect_name>.
+  ->min_size
+  ->max_size
+  - etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml
+  - etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml
+  node_templates:
+    VDU1:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
+      properties:
+        name: VDU1
+        description: VDU1 compute node
+        vdu_profile:
+          min_number_of_instances: 1
+          max_number_of_instances: 3
+        sw_image_data:
+          name: Software of VDU1
+          version: '0.4.0'
+          checksum:
+            algorithm: sha-256
+            hash: b9c3036539fd7a5f87a1bf38eb05fdde8b556a1a7e664dbeda90ed3cd74b4f9d
+          container_format: bare
+          disk_format: qcow2
+          min_disk: 1 GiB
+          size: 1 GiB
+      artifacts:
+        sw_image:
+          type: tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage
+          file: Files/images/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img
+      capabilities:
+        virtual_compute:
+          properties:
+            virtual_memory:
+              virtual_mem_size: 512 MiB
+            virtual_cpu:
+              num_virtual_cpu: 1
+            virtual_local_storage:
+              - size_of_storage: 1 GiB
+    CP1:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp
+      properties:
+        layer_protocols: [ ipv4 ]
+        order: 0
+        vnic_type: direct-physical
+      requirements:
+        - virtual_binding: VDU1
+  policies:
+    - scaling_aspects:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects
+        properties:
+          aspects:
+            worker_instance:
+              name: worker_instance_aspect
+              description: worker_instance scaling aspect
+              max_scale_level: 2
+              step_deltas:
+                - delta_1
+    - VDU1_initial_delta:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta
+        properties:
+          initial_delta:
+            number_of_instances: 1
+    - VDU1_scaling_aspect_deltas:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas
+        properties:
+          aspect: worker_instance
+          deltas:
+            delta_1:
+              number_of_instances: 1
+        targets: [ VDU1 ]
+    - instantiation_levels:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels
+        properties:
+          levels:
+            instantiation_level_1:
+              description: Smallest size
+              scale_info:
+                worker_instance:
+                  scale_level: 0
+            instantiation_level_2:
+              description: Largest size
+              scale_info:
+                worker_instance:
+                  scale_level: 2
+          default_level: instantiation_level_1
+    - VDU1_instantiation_levels:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels
+        properties:
+          levels:
+            instantiation_level_1:
+              number_of_instances: 1
+            instantiation_level_2:
+              number_of_instances: 3
+        targets: [ VDU1 ]
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling.yaml b/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..300e4e73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_2
+description: >
+  Template for deploying two VDU and two CP and one VirtualLink with scaling.
+  - etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml
+  - etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml
+  node_templates:
+    VDU1:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
+      properties:
+        name: VDU1
+        description: VDU1 compute node
+        vdu_profile:
+          min_number_of_instances: 1
+          max_number_of_instances: 3
+        sw_image_data:
+          name: Software of VDU1
+          version: '0.4.0'
+          checksum:
+            algorithm: sha-256
+            hash: b9c3036539fd7a5f87a1bf38eb05fdde8b556a1a7e664dbeda90ed3cd74b4f9d
+          container_format: bare
+          disk_format: qcow2
+          min_disk: 1 GiB
+          size: 1 GiB
+      artifacts:
+        sw_image:
+          type: tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage
+          file: Files/images/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img
+      capabilities:
+        virtual_compute:
+          properties:
+            virtual_memory:
+              virtual_mem_size: 512 MiB
+            virtual_cpu:
+              num_virtual_cpu: 1
+            virtual_local_storage:
+              - size_of_storage: 1 GiB
+    CP1:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp
+      properties:
+        layer_protocols: [ ipv4 ]
+        order: 0
+      requirements:
+        - virtual_binding: VDU1
+        - virtual_link: VL1
+    VL1:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLink
+      properties:
+        connectivity_type:
+          layer_protocols: [ ipv4 ]
+        description: Internal Virtual link in the VNF
+        vl_profile:
+          max_bitrate_requirements:
+            root: 1048576
+            leaf: 1048576
+          min_bitrate_requirements:
+            root: 1048576
+            leaf: 1048576
+          virtual_link_protocol_data:
+            - associated_layer_protocol: ipv4
+              l3_protocol_data:
+                ip_version: ipv4
+                cidr:
+    VDU2:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
+      properties:
+        name: VDU2
+        description: VDU2 compute node
+        vdu_profile:
+          min_number_of_instances: 1
+          max_number_of_instances: 3
+        sw_image_data:
+          name: Software of VDU2
+          version: '0.4.0'
+          checksum:
+            algorithm: sha-256
+            hash: b9c3036539fd7a5f87a1bf38eb05fdde8b556a1a7e664dbeda90ed3cd74b4f9d
+          container_format: bare
+          disk_format: qcow2
+          min_disk: 1 GiB
+          size: 1 GiB
+      artifacts:
+        sw_image:
+          type: tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage
+          file: Files/images/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img
+      capabilities:
+        virtual_compute:
+          properties:
+            virtual_memory:
+              virtual_mem_size: 512 MiB
+            virtual_cpu:
+              num_virtual_cpu: 1
+            virtual_local_storage:
+              - size_of_storage: 1 GiB
+    CP2:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp
+      properties:
+        layer_protocols: [ ipv4 ]
+        order: 0
+      requirements:
+        - virtual_binding: VDU2
+  policies:
+    - scaling_aspects:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects
+        properties:
+          aspects:
+            worker_instance:
+              name: worker_instance_aspect
+              description: worker_instance scaling aspect
+              max_scale_level: 2
+              step_deltas:
+                - delta_1
+    - VDU_initial_delta:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta
+        properties:
+          initial_delta:
+            number_of_instances: 1
+        targets: [ VDU1, VDU2 ]
+    - VDU_scaling_aspect_deltas:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas
+        properties:
+          aspect: worker_instance
+          deltas:
+            delta_1:
+              number_of_instances: 1
+        targets: [ VDU1, VDU2 ]
+    - instantiation_levels:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels
+        properties:
+          levels:
+            instantiation_level_1:
+              description: Smallest size
+              scale_info:
+                worker_instance:
+                  scale_level: 0
+            instantiation_level_2:
+              description: Largest size
+              scale_info:
+                worker_instance:
+                  scale_level: 2
+          default_level: instantiation_level_1
+    - VDU_instantiation_levels:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels
+        properties:
+          levels:
+            instantiation_level_1:
+              number_of_instances: 1
+            instantiation_level_2:
+              number_of_instances: 3
+        targets: [ VDU1, VDU2 ]
+    - VL1_instantiation_levels:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VirtualLinkInstantiationLevels
+        properties:
+          levels:
+            instantiation_level_1:
+              bitrate_requirements:
+                root: 1048576
+                leaf: 1048576
+            instantiation_level_2:
+              bitrate_requirements:
+                root: 1048576
+                leaf: 1048576
+        targets: [ VL1 ]
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects.yaml b/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4543c7a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_2
+description: >
+  Template for deploying one VDU and one CP with scaling.
+  - etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml
+  - etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml
+  node_templates:
+    VDU1:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
+      properties:
+        name: VDU1
+        description: VDU1 compute node
+        vdu_profile:
+          min_number_of_instances: 1
+          max_number_of_instances: 3
+        sw_image_data:
+          name: Software of VDU1
+          version: '0.4.0'
+          checksum:
+            algorithm: sha-256
+            hash: b9c3036539fd7a5f87a1bf38eb05fdde8b556a1a7e664dbeda90ed3cd74b4f9d
+          container_format: bare
+          disk_format: qcow2
+          min_disk: 1 GiB
+          size: 1 GiB
+      artifacts:
+        sw_image:
+          type: tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage
+          file: Files/images/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img
+      capabilities:
+        virtual_compute:
+          properties:
+            virtual_memory:
+              virtual_mem_size: 512 MiB
+            virtual_cpu:
+              num_virtual_cpu: 1
+            virtual_local_storage:
+              - size_of_storage: 1 GiB
+    CP1:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp
+      properties:
+        layer_protocols: [ ipv4 ]
+        order: 0
+        vnic_type: direct-physical
+      requirements:
+        - virtual_binding: VDU1
+    VDU2:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
+      properties:
+        name: VDU2
+        description: VDU2 compute node
+        vdu_profile:
+          min_number_of_instances: 2
+          max_number_of_instances: 10
+        sw_image_data:
+          name: Software of VDU2
+          version: '0.4.0'
+          checksum:
+            algorithm: sha-256
+            hash: b9c3036539fd7a5f87a1bf38eb05fdde8b556a1a7e664dbeda90ed3cd74b4f9d
+          container_format: bare
+          disk_format: qcow2
+          min_disk: 1 GiB
+          size: 1 GiB
+      artifacts:
+        sw_image:
+          type: tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage
+          file: Files/images/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img
+      capabilities:
+        virtual_compute:
+          properties:
+            virtual_memory:
+              virtual_mem_size: 512 MiB
+            virtual_cpu:
+              num_virtual_cpu: 1
+            virtual_local_storage:
+              - size_of_storage: 1 GiB
+    CP2:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp
+      properties:
+        layer_protocols: [ ipv4 ]
+        order: 1
+        vnic_type: direct-physical
+      requirements:
+        - virtual_binding: VDU2
+  policies:
+    - scaling_aspects:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects
+        properties:
+          aspects:
+            worker_instance1:
+              name: worker_instance1_aspect
+              description: worker_instance1 scaling aspect
+              max_scale_level: 2
+              step_deltas:
+                - delta_1
+            worker_instance2:
+              name: worker_instance2_aspect
+              description: worker_instance2 scaling aspect
+              max_scale_level: 4
+              step_deltas:
+                - delta_2
+    - VDU1_initial_delta:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta
+        properties:
+          initial_delta:
+            number_of_instances: 1
+        targets: [ VDU1 ]
+    - VDU1_scaling_aspect_deltas:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas
+        properties:
+          aspect: worker_instance1
+          deltas:
+            delta_1:
+              number_of_instances: 1
+        targets: [ VDU1 ]
+    - instantiation_levels:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels
+        properties:
+          levels:
+            instantiation_level_1:
+              description: Smallest size
+              scale_info:
+                worker_instance1:
+                  scale_level: 0
+            instantiation_level_2:
+              description: Middle size
+              scale_info:
+                worker_instance1:
+                  scale_level: 2
+            instantiation_level_3:
+              description: Largest size
+              scale_info:
+                worker_instance1:
+                  scale_level: 4
+          default_level: instantiation_level_1
+    - VDU1_instantiation_levels:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels
+        properties:
+          levels:
+            instantiation_level_1:
+              number_of_instances: 1
+            instantiation_level_2:
+              number_of_instances: 3
+        targets: [ VDU1 ]
+    - VDU2_initial_delta:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta
+        properties:
+          initial_delta:
+            number_of_instances: 2
+        targets: [ VDU2 ]
+    - VDU2_scaling_aspect_deltas:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas
+        properties:
+          aspect: worker_instance2
+          deltas:
+            delta_2:
+              number_of_instances: 2
+        targets: [ VDU2 ]
+    - VDU2_instantiation_levels:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels
+        properties:
+          levels:
+            instantiation_level_1:
+              number_of_instances: 1
+            instantiation_level_2:
+              number_of_instances: 3
+        targets: [ VDU1 ]
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling.yaml b/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9bb0d614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/etsi_nfv/tosca_nfv_vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_2
+description: >
+  Template for deploying one VNF and one VDU and one CP and one VirtualLink and BlockStorage with scaling.
+  - etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml
+  - etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml
+  inputs:
+    selected_flavour:
+      type: string
+      default: simple
+      description: VNF deployment flavour selected by the consumer. It is provided in the API
+  node_templates:
+    VNF:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF
+      properties:
+        flavour_id: { get_input: selected_flavour }
+        descriptor_id: b1bb0ce7-ebca-4fa7-95ed-4840d70a1177
+        provider: Sample company
+        product_name: Sample VNF
+        software_version: '1.0'
+        descriptor_version: '1.0'
+        vnfm_info:
+          - 00:sampleVNFM
+        flavour_description: A simple flavour
+    VDU1:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
+      properties:
+        name: VDU1
+        description: VDU1 compute node
+        vdu_profile:
+          min_number_of_instances: 1
+          max_number_of_instances: 3
+        sw_image_data:
+          name: Software of VDU1
+          version: '0.4.0'
+          checksum:
+            algorithm: sha-256
+            hash: b9c3036539fd7a5f87a1bf38eb05fdde8b556a1a7e664dbeda90ed3cd74b4f9d
+          container_format: bare
+          disk_format: qcow2
+          min_disk: 1 GiB
+          size: 1 GiB
+      artifacts:
+        sw_image:
+          type: tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage
+          file: Files/images/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img
+      capabilities:
+        virtual_compute:
+          properties:
+            virtual_memory:
+              virtual_mem_size: 512 MiB
+            virtual_cpu:
+              num_virtual_cpu: 1
+            virtual_local_storage:
+              - size_of_storage: 1 GiB
+      requirements:
+        - virtual_storage: VirtualStorage
+    VirtualStorage:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.VirtualBlockStorage
+      properties:
+        virtual_block_storage_data:
+          size_of_storage: 30 GiB
+          rdma_enabled: true
+        sw_image_data:
+          name: VrtualStorage
+          version: '0.4.0'
+          checksum:
+            algorithm: sha-256
+            hash: b9c3036539fd7a5f87a1bf38eb05fdde8b556a1a7e664dbeda90ed3cd74b4f9d
+          container_format: bare
+          disk_format: qcow2
+          min_disk: 2 GiB
+          min_ram: 8192 MiB
+          size: 2 GiB
+      artifacts:
+        sw_image:
+          type: tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage
+          file: cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.qcow2
+    CP1:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp
+      properties:
+        layer_protocols: [ ipv4 ]
+        order: 0
+      requirements:
+        - virtual_binding: VDU1
+        - virtual_link: VL1
+    VL1:
+      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLink
+      properties:
+        connectivity_type:
+          layer_protocols: [ ipv4 ]
+        description: Internal Virtual link in the VNF
+        vl_profile:
+          max_bitrate_requirements:
+            root: 1048576
+            leaf: 1048576
+          min_bitrate_requirements:
+            root: 1048576
+            leaf: 1048576
+          virtual_link_protocol_data:
+            - associated_layer_protocol: ipv4
+              l3_protocol_data:
+                ip_version: ipv4
+                cidr:
+  policies:
+    - scaling_aspects:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects
+        properties:
+          aspects:
+            worker_instance:
+              name: worker_instance_aspect
+              description: worker_instance scaling aspect
+              max_scale_level: 2
+              step_deltas:
+                - delta_1
+    - VDU1_initial_delta:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta
+        properties:
+          initial_delta:
+            number_of_instances: 1
+        targets: [ VDU1 ]
+    - VDU1_scaling_aspect_deltas:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas
+        properties:
+          aspect: worker_instance
+          deltas:
+            delta_1:
+              number_of_instances: 1
+        targets: [ VDU1 ]
+    - instantiation_levels:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels
+        properties:
+          levels:
+            instantiation_level_1:
+              description: Smallest size
+              scale_info:
+                worker_instance:
+                  scale_level: 0
+            instantiation_level_2:
+              description: Largest size
+              scale_info:
+                worker_instance:
+                  scale_level: 2
+          default_level: instantiation_level_1
+    - VDU1_instantiation_levels:
+        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels
+        properties:
+          levels:
+            instantiation_level_1:
+              number_of_instances: 1
+            instantiation_level_2:
+              number_of_instances: 3
+        targets: [ VDU1 ]
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/autoscaling/asg_res.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/autoscaling/asg_res.yaml
index b2a2b2ab..2c2c0916 100644
--- a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/autoscaling/asg_res.yaml
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/autoscaling/asg_res.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
-description: Tacker Scaling template
+description: Scaling template
     type: OS::Nova::Server
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta/hot_nfv_scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta/hot_nfv_scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..089602a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta/hot_nfv_scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: >
+  Template for scaling which deltas is not defined in tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas.
+  (Defined delta_2 in tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects,
+  but defined delta_1 in tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas.)
+  In Addition, the following properties are not set in
+  <aspect_name>_scale_in and <aspect_name>_scale_out nodes.
+  ->scaling_adjustment
+parameters: {}
+  VDU1_flavor:
+    type: OS::Nova::Flavor
+    properties:
+      ram: 512
+      vcpus: 1
+      disk: 1
+  worker_instance:
+    type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup
+    properties:
+      resource:
+        type: worker_instance.hot.yaml
+        properties:
+          vdu1_flavor_id: { get_resource: VDU1_flavor }
+      desired_capacity: DESIRED_CAPACITY
+  worker_instance_scale_out:
+    type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
+    properties:
+      adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
+      auto_scaling_group_id:
+        get_resource: worker_instance
+  worker_instance_scale_in:
+    type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
+    properties:
+      adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
+      auto_scaling_group_id:
+        get_resource: worker_instance
+outputs: {}
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta/worker_instance.hot.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta/worker_instance.hot.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2144543d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta/worker_instance.hot.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: Scaling template
+  vdu1_flavor_id:
+    type: string
+  CP1:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: #ADD_YOUR_NETWORK_HERE
+      binding:vnic_type: direct-physical
+  VDU1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      flavor: { get_param: vdu1_flavor_id }
+      name: VDU1
+      image: #ADD_YOUR_IMAGE_HERE
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: CP1 }
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta/hot_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta/hot_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1fa33b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta/hot_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: >
+  Template for scaling which targets is not set in tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas.
+  The following nodes are not set in hot.
+  ->OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup
+  And create empty <aspect_name>.yaml.
+  In Addition, the following properties are not set in
+  <aspect_name>_scale_in and <aspect_name>_scale_out nodes.
+  ->scaling_adjustment
+parameters: {}
+  CP1:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: #ADD_YOUR_NETWORK_HERE
+      binding:vnic_type: direct-physical
+  VDU1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      flavor: { get_resource: VDU1_flavor }
+      name: VDU1
+      image: #ADD_YOUR_IMAGE_HERE
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: CP1 }
+  VDU1_flavor:
+    type: OS::Nova::Flavor
+    properties:
+      ram: 512
+      vcpus: 1
+      disk: 1
+  worker_instance_scale_out:
+    type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
+    properties:
+      adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
+      auto_scaling_group_id:
+        get_resource: worker_instance
+  worker_instance_scale_in:
+    type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
+    properties:
+      adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
+      auto_scaling_group_id:
+        get_resource: worker_instance
+outputs: {}
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta/worker_instance.hot.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta/worker_instance.hot.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38670848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta/worker_instance.hot.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: Scaling template
+resources: {}
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta/hot_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta/hot_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ce06593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta/hot_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: >
+  Template for scaling which targets is not set in tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta.
+  The following properties are not set in <aspect_name>.
+  ->min_size
+  ->max_size
+parameters: {}
+  VDU1_flavor:
+    type: OS::Nova::Flavor
+    properties:
+      ram: 512
+      vcpus: 1
+      disk: 1
+  worker_instance:
+    type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup
+    properties:
+      resource:
+        type: worker_instance.hot.yaml
+        properties:
+          vdu1_flavor_id: { get_resource: VDU1_flavor }
+      desired_capacity: DESIRED_CAPACITY
+  worker_instance_scale_out:
+    type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
+    properties:
+      adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
+      auto_scaling_group_id:
+        get_resource: worker_instance
+      scaling_adjustment: 1
+  worker_instance_scale_in:
+    type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
+    properties:
+      adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
+      auto_scaling_group_id:
+        get_resource: worker_instance
+      scaling_adjustment: -1
+outputs: {}
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta/worker_instance.hot.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta/worker_instance.hot.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2144543d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta/worker_instance.hot.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: Scaling template
+  vdu1_flavor_id:
+    type: string
+  CP1:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: #ADD_YOUR_NETWORK_HERE
+      binding:vnic_type: direct-physical
+  VDU1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      flavor: { get_param: vdu1_flavor_id }
+      name: VDU1
+      image: #ADD_YOUR_IMAGE_HERE
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: CP1 }
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling/hot_nfv_vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling/hot_nfv_vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40299f20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling/hot_nfv_vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: >
+  Template for deploying two VDU and two CP and one VirtualLink with scaling.
+parameters: {}
+  VDU1_flavor:
+    type: OS::Nova::Flavor
+    properties:
+      ram: 512
+      vcpus: 1
+      disk: 1
+  VDU2_flavor:
+    type: OS::Nova::Flavor
+    properties:
+      ram: 512
+      vcpus: 1
+      disk: 1
+  VL1:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Net
+    properties:
+      qos_policy: { get_resource: VL1_qospolicy }
+  VL1_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      network: { get_resource: VL1 }
+      ip_version: 4
+      cidr:
+  VL1_bandwidth:
+    type: OS::Neutron::QoSBandwidthLimitRule
+    properties:
+      max_kbps: 1024
+      policy: { get_resource: VL1_qospolicy }
+  VL1_qospolicy:
+    type: OS::Neutron::QoSPolicy
+  worker_instance:
+    type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup
+    properties:
+      min_size: 1
+      max_size: 3
+      resource:
+        type: worker_instance.hot.yaml
+        properties:
+          vl1_id: { get_resource: VL1 }
+          vdu1_flavor_id: { get_resource: VDU1_flavor }
+          vdu2_flavor_id: { get_resource: VDU2_flavor }
+      desired_capacity: DESIRED_CAPACITY
+  worker_instance_scale_out:
+    type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
+    properties:
+      adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
+      auto_scaling_group_id:
+        get_resource: worker_instance
+      scaling_adjustment: 1
+  worker_instance_scale_in:
+    type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
+    properties:
+      adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
+      auto_scaling_group_id:
+        get_resource: worker_instance
+      scaling_adjustment: -1
+outputs: {}
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling/worker_instance.hot.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling/worker_instance.hot.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3524e464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling/worker_instance.hot.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: Scaling template
+  vl1_id:
+    type: string
+  vdu1_flavor_id:
+    type: string
+  vdu2_flavor_id:
+    type: string
+  CP1:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: vl1_id }
+  VDU1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      flavor: { get_param: vdu1_flavor_id }
+      name: VDU1
+      image: #ADD_YOUR_IMAGE_HERE
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: CP1 }
+  CP2:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: #ADD_YOUR_NETWORK_HERE
+  VDU2:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      flavor: { get_param: vdu2_flavor_id }
+      name: VDU2
+      image: #ADD_YOUR_IMAGE_HERE
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: CP2 }
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects/hot_nfv_vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects/hot_nfv_vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..938b9005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects/hot_nfv_vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: >
+  Template for deploying one VDU and one CP with scaling.
+parameters: {}
+  VDU1_flavor:
+    type: OS::Nova::Flavor
+    properties:
+      ram: 512
+      vcpus: 1
+      disk: 1
+  worker_instance1:
+    type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup
+    properties:
+      min_size: 1
+      max_size: 3
+      resource:
+        type: worker_instance1.hot.yaml
+        properties:
+          vdu1_flavor_id: { get_resource: VDU1_flavor }
+      desired_capacity: DESIRED_CAPACITY
+  worker_instance1_scale_out:
+    type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
+    properties:
+      adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
+      auto_scaling_group_id:
+        get_resource: worker_instance1
+      scaling_adjustment: 1
+  worker_instance1_scale_in:
+    type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
+    properties:
+      adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
+      auto_scaling_group_id:
+        get_resource: worker_instance1
+      scaling_adjustment: -1
+  VDU2_flavor:
+    type: OS::Nova::Flavor
+    properties:
+      ram: 512
+      vcpus: 1
+      disk: 1
+  worker_instance2:
+    type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup
+    properties:
+      min_size: 2
+      max_size: 10
+      resource:
+        type: worker_instance2.hot.yaml
+        properties:
+          vdu2_flavor_id: { get_resource: VDU2_flavor }
+      desired_capacity: DESIRED_CAPACITY
+  worker_instance2_scale_out:
+    type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
+    properties:
+      adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
+      auto_scaling_group_id:
+        get_resource: worker_instance2
+      scaling_adjustment: 2
+  worker_instance2_scale_in:
+    type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
+    properties:
+      adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
+      auto_scaling_group_id:
+        get_resource: worker_instance2
+      scaling_adjustment: -2
+outputs: {}
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects/worker_instance1.hot.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects/worker_instance1.hot.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2144543d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects/worker_instance1.hot.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: Scaling template
+  vdu1_flavor_id:
+    type: string
+  CP1:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: #ADD_YOUR_NETWORK_HERE
+      binding:vnic_type: direct-physical
+  VDU1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      flavor: { get_param: vdu1_flavor_id }
+      name: VDU1
+      image: #ADD_YOUR_IMAGE_HERE
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: CP1 }
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects/worker_instance2.hot.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects/worker_instance2.hot.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db0c222c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects/worker_instance2.hot.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: Scaling template
+  vdu2_flavor_id:
+    type: string
+  CP2:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: #ADD_YOUR_NETWORK_HERE
+      binding:vnic_type: direct-physical
+  VDU2:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      flavor: { get_param: vdu2_flavor_id }
+      name: VDU2
+      image: #ADD_YOUR_IMAGE_HERE
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: CP2 }
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling/hot_nfv_vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling/hot_nfv_vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b1a9bcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling/hot_nfv_vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: >
+  Template for deploying one VNF and one VDU and one CP and one VirtualLink and BlockStorage with scaling.
+  selected_flavour:
+    type: string
+    description: VNF deployment flavour selected by the consumer. It is provided in
+      the API
+    default: simple
+  VDU1_flavor:
+    type: OS::Nova::Flavor
+    properties:
+      ram: 512
+      vcpus: 1
+      disk: 1
+  VL1:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Net
+    properties:
+      qos_policy: { get_resource: VL1_qospolicy }
+  VL1_subnet:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
+    properties:
+      network: { get_resource: VL1 }
+      ip_version: 4
+      cidr:
+  VL1_bandwidth:
+    type: OS::Neutron::QoSBandwidthLimitRule
+    properties:
+      max_kbps: 1024
+      policy: { get_resource: VL1_qospolicy }
+  VL1_qospolicy:
+    type: OS::Neutron::QoSPolicy
+  worker_instance:
+    type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup
+    properties:
+      min_size: 1
+      max_size: 3
+      resource:
+        type: worker_instance.hot.yaml
+        properties:
+          vl1_id: { get_resource: VL1 }
+          vdu1_flavor_id: { get_resource: VDU1_flavor }
+      desired_capacity: DESIRED_CAPACITY
+  worker_instance_scale_out:
+    type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
+    properties:
+      adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
+      auto_scaling_group_id:
+        get_resource: worker_instance
+      scaling_adjustment: 1
+  worker_instance_scale_in:
+    type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
+    properties:
+      adjustment_type: change_in_capacity
+      auto_scaling_group_id:
+        get_resource: worker_instance
+      scaling_adjustment: -1
+outputs: {}
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling/worker_instance.hot.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling/worker_instance.hot.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10fd4a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling/worker_instance.hot.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
+description: Scaling template
+  vl1_id:
+    type: string
+  vdu1_flavor_id:
+    type: string
+  CP1:
+    type: OS::Neutron::Port
+    properties:
+      network: { get_param: vl1_id }
+  VDU1:
+    type: OS::Nova::Server
+    properties:
+      flavor: { get_param: vdu1_flavor_id }
+      name: VDU1
+      image: #ADD_YOUR_IMAGE_HERE
+      networks:
+      - port: { get_resource: CP1 }
+      block_device_mapping_v2:
+      - volume_id: { get_resource: VirtualStorage }
+  VirtualStorage:
+    type: OS::Cinder::Volume
+    properties:
+      size: 30
+      image: #ADD_YOUR_IMAGE_HERE
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/monitoring/asg_res.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/monitoring/asg_res.yaml
index b2a2b2ab..2c2c0916 100644
--- a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/monitoring/asg_res.yaml
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/monitoring/asg_res.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
-description: Tacker Scaling template
+description: Scaling template
     type: OS::Nova::Server
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/nfv/SP1_res.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/nfv/SP1_res.yaml
index 70ae6dc6..fcbaf0db 100644
--- a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/nfv/SP1_res.yaml
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/nfv/SP1_res.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
-description: Tacker Scaling template
+description: Scaling template
     type: OS::Nova::Server
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/nfv/SP_res.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/nfv/SP_res.yaml
index c993ffc5..a6a0aaf6 100644
--- a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/nfv/SP_res.yaml
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/nfv/SP_res.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
-description: Tacker Scaling template
+description: Scaling template
   flavor: {type: string, default: m1.tiny, description: Flavor Information}
diff --git a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/reservation/SP_RSV_res.yaml b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/reservation/SP_RSV_res.yaml
index 5b1c9bac..b73fc9ef 100644
--- a/translator/tests/data/hot_output/reservation/SP_RSV_res.yaml
+++ b/translator/tests/data/hot_output/reservation/SP_RSV_res.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
-description: Tacker Scaling template
+description: Scaling template
   flavor: {type: string, description: Flavor Information}
diff --git a/translator/tests/test_etsi_tosca_hot_translation.py b/translator/tests/test_etsi_tosca_hot_translation.py
index a110e9a2..938dbf82 100644
--- a/translator/tests/test_etsi_tosca_hot_translation.py
+++ b/translator/tests/test_etsi_tosca_hot_translation.py
@@ -200,3 +200,134 @@ class EtsiToscaHotTranslationTest(TestCase):
         self._test_successful_translation(tosca_file, hot_files, params={})
+    def test_hot_translate_etsi_nfv_vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling(
+            self):
+        tosca_file = '../tests/data/etsi_nfv/' \
+            'tosca_nfv_vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling.yaml'
+        hot_files = [
+            '../tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/'
+            'vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling/'
+            'hot_nfv_vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling.yaml',
+            '../tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/'
+            'vnf_vdu_cp_vl_blockstorage_with_scaling/'
+            'worker_instance.hot.yaml',
+        ]
+        self._test_successful_translation(tosca_file, hot_files, params={})
+    def test_hot_translate_etsi_nfv_vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling(
+            self):
+        tosca_file = '../tests/data/etsi_nfv/' \
+            'tosca_nfv_vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling.yaml'
+        hot_files = [
+            '../tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/'
+            'vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling/'
+            'hot_nfv_vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling.yaml',
+            '../tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/'
+            'vdu_cp_vl_with_mixed_scaling/'
+            'worker_instance.hot.yaml',
+        ]
+        self._test_successful_translation(tosca_file, hot_files, params={})
+    def test_hot_translate_etsi_nfv_vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects(
+            self):
+        tosca_file = '../tests/data/etsi_nfv/' \
+            'tosca_nfv_vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects.yaml'
+        hot_files = [
+            '../tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/'
+            'vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects/'
+            'hot_nfv_vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects.yaml',
+            '../tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/'
+            'vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects/'
+            'worker_instance1.hot.yaml',
+            '../tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/'
+            'vdu_cp_with_scaling_multi_aspects/'
+            'worker_instance2.hot.yaml',
+        ]
+        self._test_successful_translation(tosca_file, hot_files, params={})
+    def test_hot_translate_etsi_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta(
+            self):
+        aspect_name = 'worker_instance'
+        vdu_name = 'VDU1'
+        tosca_file = '../tests/data/etsi_nfv/' \
+            'tosca_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta.yaml'
+        hot_files = [
+            '../tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/'
+            'scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta/'
+            'hot_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta.yaml',
+            '../tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/'
+            'scaling_non_target_vdu_in_initial_delta/'
+            'worker_instance.hot.yaml',
+        ]
+        expected_msgs = (
+            'Can not set the required properties '
+            'min_size and max_size on HOT.'
+            'aspect_name:%s' % aspect_name,
+        )
+        expected_msgs = (
+            'No min_size or(and) max_size is found for '
+            'aspect_name:%s, VDU:%s' % (
+                aspect_name, vdu_name)
+        )
+        self._test_successful_translation(tosca_file, hot_files, params={})
+        for expected_msg in expected_msgs:
+            self.assertIn(
+                expected_msg,
+                self.log_fixture.output
+            )
+    def test_hot_translate_etsi_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta(
+            self):
+        aspect_name = 'worker_instance'
+        vdu_name = None
+        delta_name = None
+        tosca_file = '../tests/data/etsi_nfv/' \
+            'tosca_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta.yaml'
+        hot_files = [
+            '../tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/'
+            'scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta/'
+            'hot_nfv_scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta.yaml',
+            '../tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/'
+            'scaling_non_target_vdu_in_aspect_delta/'
+            'worker_instance.hot.yaml',
+        ]
+        expected_msgs = (
+            'Can not create %s node '
+            'because target vdu does not defined.'
+            % aspect_name,
+            'No ScalingAspectDelta for %s of %s, %s is '
+            'found' % (vdu_name, aspect_name, delta_name)
+        )
+        self._test_successful_translation(tosca_file, hot_files, params={})
+        for expected_msg in expected_msgs:
+            self.assertIn(
+                expected_msg,
+                self.log_fixture.output
+            )
+    def test_hot_translate_etsi_nfv_scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta(self):
+        aspect_name = 'worker_instance'
+        vdu_name = 'VDU1'
+        delta_name = 'delta_2'
+        tosca_file = '../tests/data/etsi_nfv/' \
+            'tosca_nfv_scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta.yaml'
+        hot_files = [
+            '../tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/'
+            'scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta/'
+            'hot_nfv_scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta.yaml',
+            '../tests/data/hot_output/etsi_nfv/'
+            'scaling_non_deltas_in_aspect_delta/'
+            'worker_instance.hot.yaml',
+        ]
+        expected_msgs = (
+            'No ScalingAspectDelta for %s of %s, %s is '
+            'found' % (vdu_name, aspect_name, delta_name)
+        )
+        self._test_successful_translation(tosca_file, hot_files, params={})
+        for expected_msg in expected_msgs:
+            self.assertIn(
+                expected_msg,
+                self.log_fixture.output
+            )
diff --git a/translator/tests/test_translate_node_template.py b/translator/tests/test_translate_node_template.py
index 7bddb08b..c7821236 100644
--- a/translator/tests/test_translate_node_template.py
+++ b/translator/tests/test_translate_node_template.py
@@ -38,7 +38,13 @@ class TranslateNodeTemplatesTest(TestCase):
-            'tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLink'
+            'tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLink',
+            'tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels',
+            'tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects',
+            'tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta',
+            'tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels',
+            'tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas',
+            'tosca.policies.nfv.VirtualLinkInstantiationLevels'
         actual_type_list = list(_generate_type_map())