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Support classes for heat integration tests These support classes started as a forklift of the classes needed to run tempest scenario orchestration tests. The original tempest code has been pared back to provide the small subset required by heat integration tests. From this point on these support classes can evolve to the specific needs of the integration tests. There is some unused code (especially in remote_client) which has been left in as it may become useful in the future, and is already extremely well reviewed and tested from being developed for tempest. The script heat_integrationtests/generate_sample.sh will generate an up-to-date heat_integrationtests/heat_integrationtests.conf.sample file which can be copied to heat_integrationtests/heat_integrationtests.conf to override default configuration values. A local ConfigOpts is created for each test to avoid any potential interaction with heat's global CONF. Configuration options for credentials default to being sourced from the environment. The default tox testenv now excludes tests in heat_integrationtests. A new testenv called "integration" will only run tests in heat_integrationtests. Integration tests will fail if preconditions are not met, including a keystone endpoint, credentials and glance containing the expected named image. Devstack gate hooks have been moved to heat_integrationtests now that the name of the package has been decided. Change-Id: I174429c16bb606c5c325ee8b62c6e600ea77a6e6 Partial-Blueprint: functional-tests
2014-08-25 10:37:27 +12:00
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
import select
import socket
import time
from oslo_log import log as logging
import paramiko
import six
Support classes for heat integration tests These support classes started as a forklift of the classes needed to run tempest scenario orchestration tests. The original tempest code has been pared back to provide the small subset required by heat integration tests. From this point on these support classes can evolve to the specific needs of the integration tests. There is some unused code (especially in remote_client) which has been left in as it may become useful in the future, and is already extremely well reviewed and tested from being developed for tempest. The script heat_integrationtests/generate_sample.sh will generate an up-to-date heat_integrationtests/heat_integrationtests.conf.sample file which can be copied to heat_integrationtests/heat_integrationtests.conf to override default configuration values. A local ConfigOpts is created for each test to avoid any potential interaction with heat's global CONF. Configuration options for credentials default to being sourced from the environment. The default tox testenv now excludes tests in heat_integrationtests. A new testenv called "integration" will only run tests in heat_integrationtests. Integration tests will fail if preconditions are not met, including a keystone endpoint, credentials and glance containing the expected named image. Devstack gate hooks have been moved to heat_integrationtests now that the name of the package has been decided. Change-Id: I174429c16bb606c5c325ee8b62c6e600ea77a6e6 Partial-Blueprint: functional-tests
2014-08-25 10:37:27 +12:00
from heat_integrationtests.common import exceptions
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Client(object):
def __init__(self, host, username, password=None, timeout=300, pkey=None,
channel_timeout=10, look_for_keys=False, key_filename=None):
self.host = host
self.username = username
self.password = password
if isinstance(pkey, six.string_types):
pkey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(
Support classes for heat integration tests These support classes started as a forklift of the classes needed to run tempest scenario orchestration tests. The original tempest code has been pared back to provide the small subset required by heat integration tests. From this point on these support classes can evolve to the specific needs of the integration tests. There is some unused code (especially in remote_client) which has been left in as it may become useful in the future, and is already extremely well reviewed and tested from being developed for tempest. The script heat_integrationtests/generate_sample.sh will generate an up-to-date heat_integrationtests/heat_integrationtests.conf.sample file which can be copied to heat_integrationtests/heat_integrationtests.conf to override default configuration values. A local ConfigOpts is created for each test to avoid any potential interaction with heat's global CONF. Configuration options for credentials default to being sourced from the environment. The default tox testenv now excludes tests in heat_integrationtests. A new testenv called "integration" will only run tests in heat_integrationtests. Integration tests will fail if preconditions are not met, including a keystone endpoint, credentials and glance containing the expected named image. Devstack gate hooks have been moved to heat_integrationtests now that the name of the package has been decided. Change-Id: I174429c16bb606c5c325ee8b62c6e600ea77a6e6 Partial-Blueprint: functional-tests
2014-08-25 10:37:27 +12:00
self.pkey = pkey
self.look_for_keys = look_for_keys
self.key_filename = key_filename
self.timeout = int(timeout)
self.channel_timeout = float(channel_timeout)
self.buf_size = 1024
def _get_ssh_connection(self, sleep=1.5, backoff=1):
"""Returns an ssh connection to the specified host."""
bsleep = sleep
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
_start_time = time.time()
if self.pkey is not None:
LOG.info("Creating ssh connection to '%s' as '%s'"
" with public key authentication",
self.host, self.username)
LOG.info("Creating ssh connection to '%s' as '%s'"
" with password %s",
self.host, self.username, str(self.password))
attempts = 0
while True:
ssh.connect(self.host, username=self.username,
timeout=self.channel_timeout, pkey=self.pkey)
LOG.info("ssh connection to %s@%s successfuly created",
self.username, self.host)
return ssh
except (socket.error,
paramiko.SSHException) as e:
if self._is_timed_out(_start_time):
LOG.exception("Failed to establish authenticated ssh"
" connection to %s@%s after %d attempts",
self.username, self.host, attempts)
raise exceptions.SSHTimeout(host=self.host,
bsleep += backoff
attempts += 1
LOG.warning("Failed to establish authenticated ssh"
" connection to %s@%s (%s). Number attempts: %s."
" Retry after %d seconds.",
self.username, self.host, e, attempts, bsleep)
def _is_timed_out(self, start_time):
return (time.time() - self.timeout) > start_time
def exec_command(self, cmd):
"""Execute the specified command on the server.
Support classes for heat integration tests These support classes started as a forklift of the classes needed to run tempest scenario orchestration tests. The original tempest code has been pared back to provide the small subset required by heat integration tests. From this point on these support classes can evolve to the specific needs of the integration tests. There is some unused code (especially in remote_client) which has been left in as it may become useful in the future, and is already extremely well reviewed and tested from being developed for tempest. The script heat_integrationtests/generate_sample.sh will generate an up-to-date heat_integrationtests/heat_integrationtests.conf.sample file which can be copied to heat_integrationtests/heat_integrationtests.conf to override default configuration values. A local ConfigOpts is created for each test to avoid any potential interaction with heat's global CONF. Configuration options for credentials default to being sourced from the environment. The default tox testenv now excludes tests in heat_integrationtests. A new testenv called "integration" will only run tests in heat_integrationtests. Integration tests will fail if preconditions are not met, including a keystone endpoint, credentials and glance containing the expected named image. Devstack gate hooks have been moved to heat_integrationtests now that the name of the package has been decided. Change-Id: I174429c16bb606c5c325ee8b62c6e600ea77a6e6 Partial-Blueprint: functional-tests
2014-08-25 10:37:27 +12:00
Note that this method is reading whole command outputs to memory, thus
shouldn't be used for large outputs.
:returns: data read from standard output of the command.
:raises: SSHExecCommandFailed if command returns nonzero
status. The exception contains command status stderr content.
ssh = self._get_ssh_connection()
transport = ssh.get_transport()
channel = transport.open_session()
channel.fileno() # Register event pipe
out_data = []
err_data = []
poll = select.poll()
poll.register(channel, select.POLLIN)
start_time = time.time()
while True:
ready = poll.poll(self.channel_timeout)
if not any(ready):
if not self._is_timed_out(start_time):
raise exceptions.TimeoutException(
"Command: '{0}' executed on host '{1}'.".format(
cmd, self.host))
if not ready[0]: # If there is nothing to read.
out_chunk = err_chunk = None
if channel.recv_ready():
out_chunk = channel.recv(self.buf_size)
out_data += out_chunk,
if channel.recv_stderr_ready():
err_chunk = channel.recv_stderr(self.buf_size)
err_data += err_chunk,
if channel.closed and not err_chunk and not out_chunk:
exit_status = channel.recv_exit_status()
if 0 != exit_status:
raise exceptions.SSHExecCommandFailed(
command=cmd, exit_status=exit_status,
return ''.join(out_data)
def test_connection_auth(self):
"""Raises an exception when we can not connect to server via ssh."""
connection = self._get_ssh_connection()
class RemoteClient(object):
Support classes for heat integration tests These support classes started as a forklift of the classes needed to run tempest scenario orchestration tests. The original tempest code has been pared back to provide the small subset required by heat integration tests. From this point on these support classes can evolve to the specific needs of the integration tests. There is some unused code (especially in remote_client) which has been left in as it may become useful in the future, and is already extremely well reviewed and tested from being developed for tempest. The script heat_integrationtests/generate_sample.sh will generate an up-to-date heat_integrationtests/heat_integrationtests.conf.sample file which can be copied to heat_integrationtests/heat_integrationtests.conf to override default configuration values. A local ConfigOpts is created for each test to avoid any potential interaction with heat's global CONF. Configuration options for credentials default to being sourced from the environment. The default tox testenv now excludes tests in heat_integrationtests. A new testenv called "integration" will only run tests in heat_integrationtests. Integration tests will fail if preconditions are not met, including a keystone endpoint, credentials and glance containing the expected named image. Devstack gate hooks have been moved to heat_integrationtests now that the name of the package has been decided. Change-Id: I174429c16bb606c5c325ee8b62c6e600ea77a6e6 Partial-Blueprint: functional-tests
2014-08-25 10:37:27 +12:00
# NOTE(afazekas): It should always get an address instead of server
def __init__(self, server, username, password=None, pkey=None,
self.conf = conf
ssh_timeout = self.conf.ssh_timeout
network = self.conf.network_for_ssh
ip_version = self.conf.ip_version_for_ssh
ssh_channel_timeout = self.conf.ssh_channel_timeout
if isinstance(server, six.string_types):
ip_address = server
addresses = server['addresses'][network]
for address in addresses:
if address['version'] == ip_version:
ip_address = address['addr']
raise exceptions.ServerUnreachable()
self.ssh_client = Client(ip_address, username, password,
ssh_timeout, pkey=pkey,
def exec_command(self, cmd):
return self.ssh_client.exec_command(cmd)
def validate_authentication(self):
"""Validate ssh connection and authentication.
This method raises an Exception when the validation fails.
Support classes for heat integration tests These support classes started as a forklift of the classes needed to run tempest scenario orchestration tests. The original tempest code has been pared back to provide the small subset required by heat integration tests. From this point on these support classes can evolve to the specific needs of the integration tests. There is some unused code (especially in remote_client) which has been left in as it may become useful in the future, and is already extremely well reviewed and tested from being developed for tempest. The script heat_integrationtests/generate_sample.sh will generate an up-to-date heat_integrationtests/heat_integrationtests.conf.sample file which can be copied to heat_integrationtests/heat_integrationtests.conf to override default configuration values. A local ConfigOpts is created for each test to avoid any potential interaction with heat's global CONF. Configuration options for credentials default to being sourced from the environment. The default tox testenv now excludes tests in heat_integrationtests. A new testenv called "integration" will only run tests in heat_integrationtests. Integration tests will fail if preconditions are not met, including a keystone endpoint, credentials and glance containing the expected named image. Devstack gate hooks have been moved to heat_integrationtests now that the name of the package has been decided. Change-Id: I174429c16bb606c5c325ee8b62c6e600ea77a6e6 Partial-Blueprint: functional-tests
2014-08-25 10:37:27 +12:00
def get_partitions(self):
# Return the contents of /proc/partitions
command = 'cat /proc/partitions'
output = self.exec_command(command)
return output
def get_boot_time(self):
cmd = 'cut -f1 -d. /proc/uptime'
boot_secs = self.exec_command(cmd)
boot_time = time.time() - int(boot_secs)
return time.localtime(boot_time)
def write_to_console(self, message):
message = re.sub("([$\\`])", "\\\\\\\\\\1", message)
# usually to /dev/ttyS0
cmd = 'sudo sh -c "echo \\"%s\\" >/dev/console"' % message
return self.exec_command(cmd)
def ping_host(self, host):
cmd = 'ping -c1 -w1 %s' % host
return self.exec_command(cmd)
def get_ip_list(self):
cmd = "/bin/ip address"
return self.exec_command(cmd)