Run integration tests with tempest before upgrade

Now that base and target releases are incremented in grenaderc,
we should run the integration tests using tempest plugin before

Change-Id: I39b7758798ff94401fda042ff6954de75821e8bb
Closes-Bug : #1627297
This commit is contained in:
rabi 2016-09-24 17:12:35 +05:30
parent afa5493652
commit 23f68fa1ab
1 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ function _heat_set_user {
function create {
# run heat_integrationtests instead of tempest smoke before create
# TODO(sbaker) run with tempest after the next major release
pushd $BASE_DEVSTACK_DIR/../heat
pushd $BASE_DEVSTACK_DIR/../tempest
iniset_multiline $conf_file service_available heat_plugin True
iniset $conf_file heat_plugin username $OS_USERNAME
iniset $conf_file heat_plugin password $OS_PASSWORD
iniset $conf_file heat_plugin tenant_name $OS_PROJECT_NAME
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ function create {
iniset $conf_file heat_plugin user_domain_name $OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME
iniset $conf_file heat_plugin project_domain_name $OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME
iniset $conf_file heat_plugin region $OS_REGION_NAME
tox -eintegration -- '(test_create_update.CreateStackTest|test_create_update.UpdateStackTest)'
tempest run --regex '(test_create_update.CreateStackTest|test_create_update.UpdateStackTest)'
# creates a tenant for the server