diff --git a/heat/engine/clients/os/cinder.py b/heat/engine/clients/os/cinder.py
index 368ca78e9b..11f9813133 100644
--- a/heat/engine/clients/os/cinder.py
+++ b/heat/engine/clients/os/cinder.py
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from heat.common.i18n import _
 from heat.common.i18n import _LI
 from heat.engine.clients import client_plugin
 from heat.engine import constraints
+from heat.engine import resource
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -127,6 +128,87 @@ class CinderClientPlugin(client_plugin.ClientPlugin):
         return (isinstance(ex, exceptions.ClientException) and
                 ex.code == 409)
+    def check_detach_volume_complete(self, vol_id):
+        try:
+            vol = self.client().volumes.get(vol_id)
+        except Exception as ex:
+            self.ignore_not_found(ex)
+            return True
+        if vol.status in ('in-use', 'detaching'):
+            LOG.debug('%s - volume still in use' % vol_id)
+            return False
+        LOG.debug('Volume %(id)s - status: %(status)s' % {
+            'id': vol.id, 'status': vol.status})
+        if vol.status not in ('available', 'deleting'):
+            LOG.debug("Detachment failed - volume %(vol)s "
+                      "is in %(status)s status" % {"vol": vol.id,
+                                                   "status": vol.status})
+            raise resource.ResourceUnknownStatus(
+                resource_status=vol.status,
+                result=_('Volume detachment failed'))
+        else:
+            return True
+    def check_attach_volume_complete(self, vol_id):
+        vol = self.client().volumes.get(vol_id)
+        if vol.status in ('available', 'attaching'):
+            LOG.debug("Volume %(id)s is being attached - "
+                      "volume status: %(status)s" % {'id': vol_id,
+                                                     'status': vol.status})
+            return False
+        if vol.status != 'in-use':
+            LOG.debug("Attachment failed - volume %(vol)s is "
+                      "in %(status)s status" % {"vol": vol_id,
+                                                "status": vol.status})
+            raise resource.ResourceUnknownStatus(
+                resource_status=vol.status,
+                result=_('Volume attachment failed'))
+        LOG.info(_LI('Attaching volume %(id)s complete'), {'id': vol_id})
+        return True
+# NOTE(pshchelo): these Volume*Progress classes are simple key-value storages
+# meant to be passed between handle_<action> and check_<action>_complete,
+# being mutated during subsequent check_<action>_complete calls.
+class VolumeDetachProgress(object):
+    def __init__(self, srv_id, vol_id, attach_id, val=False):
+        self.called = val
+        self.cinder_complete = val
+        self.nova_complete = val
+        self.srv_id = srv_id
+        self.vol_id = vol_id
+        self.attach_id = attach_id
+class VolumeAttachProgress(object):
+    def __init__(self, srv_id, vol_id, device, val=False):
+        self.called = val
+        self.complete = val
+        self.srv_id = srv_id
+        self.vol_id = vol_id
+        self.device = device
+class VolumeDeleteProgress(object):
+    def __init__(self, val=False):
+        self.backup = {'called': val,
+                       'complete': val}
+        self.delete = {'called': val,
+                       'complete': val}
+        self.backup_id = None
+class VolumeResizeProgress(object):
+    def __init__(self, val=False, size=None):
+        self.called = val
+        self.complete = val
+        self.size = size
 class VolumeConstraint(constraints.BaseCustomConstraint):
diff --git a/heat/engine/clients/os/nova.py b/heat/engine/clients/os/nova.py
index ee46c43ad1..0c9a0b4111 100644
--- a/heat/engine/clients/os/nova.py
+++ b/heat/engine/clients/os/nova.py
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
 from heat.common import exception
 from heat.common.i18n import _
+from heat.common.i18n import _LI
 from heat.common.i18n import _LW
 from heat.engine.clients import client_plugin
 from heat.engine import constraints
@@ -495,6 +496,55 @@ echo -e '%s\tALL=(ALL)\tNOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers
         return net_id
+    def attach_volume(self, server_id, volume_id, device):
+        try:
+            va = self.client().volumes.create_server_volume(
+                server_id=server_id,
+                volume_id=volume_id,
+                device=device)
+        except Exception as ex:
+            if self.is_client_exception(ex):
+                raise exception.Error(_(
+                    "Failed to attach volume %(vol)s to server %(srv)s "
+                    "- %(err)s") % {'vol': volume_id,
+                                    'srv': server_id,
+                                    'err': ex})
+            else:
+                raise
+        return va.id
+    def detach_volume(self, server_id, attach_id):
+        # detach the volume using volume_attachment
+        try:
+            self.client().volumes.delete_server_volume(server_id, attach_id)
+        except Exception as ex:
+            if not (self.is_not_found(ex)
+                    or self.is_bad_request(ex)):
+                raise exception.Error(
+                    _("Could not detach attachment %(att)s "
+                      "from server %(srv)s.") % {'srv': server_id,
+                                                 'att': attach_id})
+    def check_detach_volume_complete(self, server_id, attach_id):
+        """Check that nova server lost attachment.
+        This check is needed for immediate reattachment when updating:
+        there might be some time between cinder marking volume as 'available'
+        and nova removing attachment from its own objects, so we
+        check that nova already knows that the volume is detached.
+        """
+        try:
+            self.client().volumes.get_server_volume(server_id, attach_id)
+        except Exception as ex:
+            self.ignore_not_found(ex)
+            LOG.info(_LI("Volume %(vol)s is detached from server %(srv)s"),
+                     {'vol': attach_id, 'srv': server_id})
+            return True
+        else:
+            LOG.debug("Server %(srv)s still has attachment %(att)s." % {
+                'att': attach_id, 'srv': server_id})
+            return False
 class ServerConstraint(constraints.BaseCustomConstraint):
diff --git a/heat/engine/resources/openstack/cinder/volume.py b/heat/engine/resources/openstack/cinder/volume.py
index 1520fde7f7..8c70e12ef8 100644
--- a/heat/engine/resources/openstack/cinder/volume.py
+++ b/heat/engine/resources/openstack/cinder/volume.py
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ from heat.common import exception
 from heat.common.i18n import _
 from heat.common.i18n import _LI
 from heat.engine import attributes
+from heat.engine.clients.os import cinder as heat_cinder
 from heat.engine import constraints
 from heat.engine import properties
+from heat.engine import resource
 from heat.engine.resources import volume_base as vb
-from heat.engine import scheduler
 from heat.engine import support
-from heat.engine import volume_tasks as vol_task
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -236,10 +236,41 @@ class CinderVolume(vb.BaseVolume):
         return vol_id
+    def _extend_volume(self, new_size):
+        try:
+            self.client().volumes.extend(self.resource_id, new_size)
+        except Exception as ex:
+            if self.client_plugin().is_client_exception(ex):
+                raise exception.Error(_(
+                    "Failed to extend volume %(vol)s - %(err)s") % {
+                        'vol': self.resource_id, 'err': str(ex)})
+            else:
+                raise
+        return True
+    def _check_extend_volume_complete(self):
+        vol = self.client().volumes.get(self.resource_id)
+        if vol.status == 'extending':
+            LOG.debug("Volume %s is being extended" % vol.id)
+            return False
+        if vol.status != 'available':
+            LOG.info(_LI("Resize failed: Volume %(vol)s "
+                         "is in %(status)s state."),
+                     {'vol': vol.id, 'status': vol.status})
+            raise resource.ResourceUnknownStatus(
+                resource_status=vol.status,
+                result=_('Volume resize failed'))
+        LOG.info(_LI('Volume %(id)s resize complete'), {'id': vol.id})
+        return True
     def handle_update(self, json_snippet, tmpl_diff, prop_diff):
         vol = None
-        checkers = []
         cinder = self.client()
+        prg_resize = None
+        prg_attach = None
+        prg_detach = None
         # update the name and description for cinder volume
         if self.NAME in prop_diff or self.DESCRIPTION in prop_diff:
             vol = cinder.volumes.get(self.resource_id)
@@ -268,6 +299,10 @@ class CinderVolume(vb.BaseVolume):
                     vol = cinder.volumes.get(self.resource_id)
                 new_vol_type = prop_diff.get(self.VOLUME_TYPE)
                 cinder.volumes.retype(vol, new_vol_type, 'never')
+        # update read_only access mode
+        if self.READ_ONLY in prop_diff:
+            flag = prop_diff.get(self.READ_ONLY)
+            cinder.volumes.update_readonly_flag(self.resource_id, flag)
         # extend volume size
         if self.SIZE in prop_diff:
             if not vol:
@@ -278,6 +313,7 @@ class CinderVolume(vb.BaseVolume):
                 raise exception.NotSupported(feature=_("Shrinking volume"))
             elif new_size > vol.size:
+                prg_resize = heat_cinder.VolumeResizeProgress(size=new_size)
                 if vol.attachments:
                     # NOTE(pshchelo):
                     # this relies on current behavior of cinder attachments,
@@ -289,35 +325,59 @@ class CinderVolume(vb.BaseVolume):
                     server_id = vol.attachments[0]['server_id']
                     device = vol.attachments[0]['device']
                     attachment_id = vol.attachments[0]['id']
-                    detach_task = vol_task.VolumeDetachTask(
-                        self.stack, server_id, attachment_id)
-                    checkers.append(scheduler.TaskRunner(detach_task))
-                    extend_task = vol_task.VolumeExtendTask(
-                        self.stack, vol.id, new_size)
-                    checkers.append(scheduler.TaskRunner(extend_task))
-                    attach_task = vol_task.VolumeAttachTask(
-                        self.stack, server_id, vol.id, device)
-                    checkers.append(scheduler.TaskRunner(attach_task))
+                    prg_detach = heat_cinder.VolumeDetachProgress(
+                        server_id, vol.id, attachment_id)
+                    prg_attach = heat_cinder.VolumeAttachProgress(
+                        server_id, vol.id, device)
-                else:
-                    extend_task = vol_task.VolumeExtendTask(
-                        self.stack, vol.id, new_size)
-                    checkers.append(scheduler.TaskRunner(extend_task))
-        # update read_only access mode
-        if self.READ_ONLY in prop_diff:
-            flag = prop_diff.get(self.READ_ONLY)
-            cinder.volumes.update_readonly_flag(self.resource_id, flag)
+        return prg_detach, prg_resize, prg_attach
-        if checkers:
-            checkers[0].start()
-        return checkers
+    def _detach_volume_to_complete(self, prg_detach):
+        if not prg_detach.called:
+            self.client_plugin('nova').detach_volume(prg_detach.srv_id,
+                                                     prg_detach.attach_id)
+            prg_detach.called = True
+            return False
+        if not prg_detach.cinder_complete:
+            cinder_complete_res = self.client_plugin(
+            ).check_detach_volume_complete(prg_detach.vol_id)
+            prg_detach.cinder_complete = cinder_complete_res
+            return False
+        if not prg_detach.nova_complete:
+            prg_detach.nova_complete = self.client_plugin(
+                'nova').check_detach_volume_complete(prg_detach.srv_id,
+                                                     prg_detach.attach_id)
+            return False
+    def _attach_volume_to_complete(self, prg_attach):
+        if not prg_attach.called:
+            prg_attach.called = self.client_plugin('nova').attach_volume(
+                prg_attach.srv_id, prg_attach.vol_id, prg_attach.device)
+            return False
+        if not prg_attach.complete:
+            prg_attach.complete = self.client_plugin(
+            ).check_attach_volume_complete(prg_attach.vol_id)
+            return prg_attach.complete
     def check_update_complete(self, checkers):
-        for checker in checkers:
-            if not checker.started():
-                checker.start()
-            if not checker.step():
+        prg_detach, prg_resize, prg_attach = checkers
+        if not prg_resize:
+            return True
+        # detach volume
+        if prg_detach:
+            if not prg_detach.nova_complete:
+                self._detach_volume_to_complete(prg_detach)
                 return False
+        # resize volume
+        if not prg_resize.called:
+            prg_resize.called = self._extend_volume(prg_resize.size)
+            return False
+        if not prg_resize.complete:
+            prg_resize.complete = self._check_extend_volume_complete()
+            return prg_resize.complete and not prg_attach
+        # reattach volume back
+        if prg_attach:
+            return self._attach_volume_to_complete(prg_attach)
         return True
     def handle_snapshot(self):
@@ -334,24 +394,25 @@ class CinderVolume(vb.BaseVolume):
         raise exception.Error(backup.fail_reason)
     def handle_delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
-        backup_id = snapshot['resource_data'].get('backup_id')
+        backup_id = snapshot['resource_data']['backup_id']
+        try:
+            self.client().backups.delete(backup_id)
+        except Exception as ex:
+            self.client_plugin().ignore_not_found(ex)
+            return
+        else:
+            return backup_id
-        def delete():
-            cinder = self.client()
-            try:
-                cinder.backups.delete(backup_id)
-                while True:
-                    yield
-                    cinder.backups.get(backup_id)
-            except Exception as ex:
-                self.client_plugin().ignore_not_found(ex)
-        delete_task = scheduler.TaskRunner(delete)
-        delete_task.start()
-        return delete_task
-    def check_delete_snapshot_complete(self, delete_task):
-        return delete_task.step()
+    def check_delete_snapshot_complete(self, backup_id):
+        if not backup_id:
+            return True
+        try:
+            self.client().backups.get(backup_id)
+        except Exception as ex:
+            self.client_plugin().ignore_not_found(ex)
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
     def _build_exclusive_options(self):
         exclusive_options = []
@@ -463,13 +524,21 @@ class CinderVolumeAttachment(vb.BaseVolumeAttachment):
     def handle_update(self, json_snippet, tmpl_diff, prop_diff):
-        checkers = []
+        prg_attach = None
+        prg_detach = None
         if prop_diff:
             # Even though some combinations of changed properties
             # could be updated in UpdateReplace manner,
             # we still first detach the old resource so that
             # self.resource_id is not replaced prematurely
             volume_id = self.properties[self.VOLUME_ID]
+            server_id = self._stored_properties_data.get(self.INSTANCE_ID)
+            self.client_plugin('nova').detach_volume(server_id,
+                                                     self.resource_id)
+            prg_detach = heat_cinder.VolumeDetachProgress(
+                server_id, volume_id, self.resource_id)
+            prg_detach.called = True
             if self.VOLUME_ID in prop_diff:
                 volume_id = prop_diff.get(self.VOLUME_ID)
@@ -477,29 +546,36 @@ class CinderVolumeAttachment(vb.BaseVolumeAttachment):
             if self.DEVICE in prop_diff:
                 device = prop_diff.get(self.DEVICE)
-            server_id = self._stored_properties_data.get(self.INSTANCE_ID)
-            detach_task = vol_task.VolumeDetachTask(
-                self.stack, server_id, self.resource_id)
-            checkers.append(scheduler.TaskRunner(detach_task))
             if self.INSTANCE_ID in prop_diff:
                 server_id = prop_diff.get(self.INSTANCE_ID)
-            attach_task = vol_task.VolumeAttachTask(
-                self.stack, server_id, volume_id, device)
+            prg_attach = heat_cinder.VolumeAttachProgress(
+                server_id, volume_id, device)
-            checkers.append(scheduler.TaskRunner(attach_task))
-        if checkers:
-            checkers[0].start()
-        return checkers
+        return prg_detach, prg_attach
     def check_update_complete(self, checkers):
-        for checker in checkers:
-            if not checker.started():
-                checker.start()
-            if not checker.step():
-                return False
-        self.resource_id_set(checkers[-1]._task.attachment_id)
+        prg_detach, prg_attach = checkers
+        if not (prg_detach and prg_attach):
+            return True
+        if not prg_detach.cinder_complete:
+            prg_detach.cinder_complete = self.client_plugin(
+            ).check_detach_volume_complete(prg_detach.vol_id)
+            return False
+        if not prg_detach.nova_complete:
+            prg_detach.nova_complete = self.client_plugin(
+                'nova').check_detach_volume_complete(prg_detach.srv_id,
+                                                     self.resource_id)
+            return False
+        if not prg_attach.called:
+            prg_attach.called = self.client_plugin('nova').attach_volume(
+                prg_attach.srv_id, prg_attach.vol_id, prg_attach.device)
+            return False
+        if not prg_attach.complete:
+            prg_attach.complete = self.client_plugin(
+            ).check_attach_volume_complete(prg_attach.vol_id)
+            if prg_attach.complete:
+                self.resource_id_set(prg_attach.called)
+            return prg_attach.complete
         return True
diff --git a/heat/engine/resources/volume_base.py b/heat/engine/resources/volume_base.py
index ed4aeaa7e9..7172735010 100644
--- a/heat/engine/resources/volume_base.py
+++ b/heat/engine/resources/volume_base.py
@@ -13,9 +13,8 @@
 from heat.common import exception
 from heat.common.i18n import _
+from heat.engine.clients.os import cinder as heat_cinder
 from heat.engine import resource
-from heat.engine import scheduler
-from heat.engine import volume_tasks as vol_task
 class BaseVolume(resource.Resource):
@@ -82,55 +81,80 @@ class BaseVolume(resource.Resource):
-    def _backup(self):
-        cinder = self.client()
-        backup = cinder.backups.create(self.resource_id)
-        while backup.status == 'creating':
-            yield
-            backup = cinder.backups.get(backup.id)
-        if backup.status != 'available':
+    def handle_snapshot_delete(self, state):
+        backup = state not in ((self.CREATE, self.FAILED),
+                               (self.UPDATE, self.FAILED))
+        progress = heat_cinder.VolumeDeleteProgress()
+        progress.backup['called'] = not backup
+        progress.backup['complete'] = not backup
+        return progress
+    def handle_delete(self):
+        if self.resource_id is None:
+            return heat_cinder.VolumeDeleteProgress(True)
+        progress = heat_cinder.VolumeDeleteProgress()
+        progress.backup['called'] = True
+        progress.backup['complete'] = True
+        return progress
+    def _create_backup(self):
+        backup = self.client().backups.create(self.resource_id)
+        return backup.id
+    def _check_create_backup_complete(self, prg):
+        backup = self.client().backups.get(prg.backup_id)
+        if backup.status == 'creating':
+            return False
+        if backup.status == 'available':
+            return True
+        else:
             raise resource.ResourceUnknownStatus(
                 result=_('Volume backup failed'))
-    @scheduler.wrappertask
-    def _delete(self, backup=False):
-        if self.resource_id is not None:
+    def _delete_volume(self):
+        try:
             cinder = self.client()
+            vol = cinder.volumes.get(self.resource_id)
+            if vol.status == 'in-use':
+                raise exception.Error(_('Volume in use'))
+            # if the volume is already in deleting status,
+            # just wait for the deletion to complete
+            if vol.status != 'deleting':
+                cinder.volumes.delete(self.resource_id)
+            else:
+                return True
+        except Exception as ex:
+            self.client_plugin().ignore_not_found(ex)
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    def check_delete_complete(self, prg):
+        if not prg.backup['called']:
+            prg.backup_id = self._create_backup()
+            prg.backup['called'] = True
+            return False
+        if not prg.backup['complete']:
+            prg.backup['complete'] = self._check_create_backup_complete(prg)
+            return False
+        if not prg.delete['called']:
+            prg.delete['complete'] = self._delete_volume()
+            prg.delete['called'] = True
+            return False
+        if not prg.delete['complete']:
-                vol = cinder.volumes.get(self.resource_id)
-                if backup:
-                    yield self._backup()
-                    vol = cinder.volumes.get(self.resource_id)
-                if vol.status == 'in-use':
-                    raise exception.Error(_('Volume in use'))
-                # if the volume is already in deleting status,
-                # just wait for the deletion to complete
-                if vol.status != 'deleting':
-                    cinder.volumes.delete(self.resource_id)
-                while True:
-                    yield
-                    vol = cinder.volumes.get(self.resource_id)
+                self.client().volumes.get(self.resource_id)
             except Exception as ex:
-    def handle_snapshot_delete(self, state):
-        backup = state not in ((self.CREATE, self.FAILED),
-                               (self.UPDATE, self.FAILED))
-        delete_task = scheduler.TaskRunner(self._delete, backup=backup)
-        delete_task.start()
-        return delete_task
-    def handle_delete(self):
-        delete_task = scheduler.TaskRunner(self._delete)
-        delete_task.start()
-        return delete_task
-    def check_delete_complete(self, delete_task):
-        return delete_task.step()
+                prg.delete['complete'] = True
+                return True
+            else:
+                return False
+        return True
 class BaseVolumeAttachment(resource.Resource):
@@ -138,31 +162,41 @@ class BaseVolumeAttachment(resource.Resource):
     Base Volume Attachment Manager.
+    default_client_name = 'cinder'
     def handle_create(self):
         server_id = self.properties[self.INSTANCE_ID]
         volume_id = self.properties[self.VOLUME_ID]
         dev = self.properties[self.DEVICE]
-        attach_task = vol_task.VolumeAttachTask(
-            self.stack, server_id, volume_id, dev)
-        attach_runner = scheduler.TaskRunner(attach_task)
+        attach_id = self.client_plugin('nova').attach_volume(
+            server_id, volume_id, dev)
-        attach_runner.start()
+        self.resource_id_set(attach_id)
-        self.resource_id_set(attach_task.attachment_id)
+        return volume_id
-        return attach_runner
-    def check_create_complete(self, attach_runner):
-        return attach_runner.step()
+    def check_create_complete(self, volume_id):
+        return self.client_plugin().check_attach_volume_complete(volume_id)
     def handle_delete(self):
         server_id = self.properties[self.INSTANCE_ID]
-        detach_task = vol_task.VolumeDetachTask(
-            self.stack, server_id, self.resource_id)
-        detach_runner = scheduler.TaskRunner(detach_task)
-        detach_runner.start()
-        return detach_runner
+        vol_id = self.properties[self.VOLUME_ID]
+        self.client_plugin('nova').detach_volume(server_id,
+                                                 self.resource_id)
+        prg = heat_cinder.VolumeDetachProgress(
+            server_id, vol_id, self.resource_id)
+        prg.called = True
+        return prg
-    def check_delete_complete(self, detach_runner):
-        return detach_runner.step()
+    def check_delete_complete(self, prg):
+        if not prg.cinder_complete:
+            prg.cinder_complete = self.client_plugin(
+            ).check_detach_volume_complete(prg.vol_id)
+            return False
+        if not prg.nova_complete:
+            prg.nova_complete = self.client_plugin(
+                'nova').check_detach_volume_complete(prg.srv_id,
+                                                     prg.attach_id)
+            return prg.nova_complete
+        return True
diff --git a/heat/engine/volume_tasks.py b/heat/engine/volume_tasks.py
index 0a0c4f4947..afe709ce80 100644
--- a/heat/engine/volume_tasks.py
+++ b/heat/engine/volume_tasks.py
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 from oslo_log import log as logging
-from heat.common import exception
 from heat.common.i18n import _
 from heat.common.i18n import _LI
 from heat.engine import resource
@@ -21,56 +20,6 @@ from heat.engine import resource
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class VolumeExtendTask(object):
-    """A task to resize volume using Cinder API."""
-    def __init__(self, stack, volume_id, size):
-        self.clients = stack.clients
-        self.volume_id = volume_id
-        self.size = size
-    def __str__(self):
-        return _("Resizing volume %(vol)s to size %(size)i") % {
-            'vol': self.volume_id, 'size': self.size}
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "%s(%s +-> %i)" % (type(self).__name__, self.volume_id,
-                                  self.size)
-    def __call__(self):
-        LOG.debug(str(self))
-        cinder = self.clients.client('cinder').volumes
-        vol = cinder.get(self.volume_id)
-        try:
-            cinder.extend(self.volume_id, self.size)
-        except Exception as ex:
-            if self.clients.client_plugin('cinder').is_client_exception(ex):
-                raise exception.Error(_(
-                    "Failed to extend volume %(vol)s - %(err)s") % {
-                        'vol': vol.id, 'err': ex})
-            else:
-                raise
-        yield
-        vol = cinder.get(self.volume_id)
-        while vol.status == 'extending':
-            LOG.debug("Volume %s is being extended" % self.volume_id)
-            yield
-            vol = cinder.get(self.volume_id)
-        if vol.status != 'available':
-            LOG.info(_LI("Resize failed: Volume %(vol)s is in %(status)s "
-                         "state."), {'vol': vol.id, 'status': vol.status})
-            raise resource.ResourceUnknownStatus(
-                resource_status=vol.status,
-                result=_('Volume resize failed'))
-        LOG.info(_LI('%s - complete'), str(self))
 class VolumeAttachTask(object):
     """A task for attaching a volume to a Nova server."""
@@ -128,102 +77,3 @@ class VolumeAttachTask(object):
                 result=_('Volume attachment failed'))
         LOG.info(_LI('%s - complete'), str(self))
-class VolumeDetachTask(object):
-    """A task for detaching a volume from a Nova server."""
-    def __init__(self, stack, server_id, attachment_id):
-        """
-        Initialise with the stack (for obtaining the clients), and the IDs of
-        the server and volume.
-        """
-        self.clients = stack.clients
-        self.server_id = server_id
-        self.attachment_id = attachment_id
-    def __str__(self):
-        """Return a human-readable string description of the task."""
-        return _('Removing attachment %(att)s from Instance %(srv)s') % {
-            'att': self.attachment_id, 'srv': self.server_id}
-    def __repr__(self):
-        """Return a brief string description of the task."""
-        return '%s(%s -/> %s)' % (type(self).__name__,
-                                  self.attachment_id,
-                                  self.server_id)
-    def __call__(self):
-        """Return a co-routine which runs the task."""
-        LOG.debug(str(self))
-        nova_plugin = self.clients.client_plugin('nova')
-        cinder_plugin = self.clients.client_plugin('cinder')
-        server_api = self.clients.client('nova').volumes
-        cinder = self.clients.client('cinder')
-        # get reference to the volume while it is attached
-        try:
-            nova_vol = server_api.get_server_volume(self.server_id,
-                                                    self.attachment_id)
-            vol = cinder.volumes.get(nova_vol.id)
-        except Exception as ex:
-            if (cinder_plugin.is_not_found(ex) or
-                    nova_plugin.is_not_found(ex) or
-                    nova_plugin.is_bad_request(ex)):
-                return
-            else:
-                raise
-        if vol.status == 'deleting':
-            return
-        # detach the volume using volume_attachment
-        try:
-            server_api.delete_server_volume(self.server_id, self.attachment_id)
-        except Exception as ex:
-            if nova_plugin.is_not_found(ex) or nova_plugin.is_bad_request(ex):
-                pass
-            else:
-                raise
-        yield
-        try:
-            while vol.status in ('in-use', 'detaching'):
-                LOG.debug('%s - volume still in use' % str(self))
-                yield
-                vol = cinder.volumes.get(nova_vol.id)
-            LOG.info(_LI('%(name)s - status: %(status)s'),
-                     {'name': str(self), 'status': vol.status})
-            if vol.status not in ['available', 'deleting']:
-                LOG.info(_LI("Detachment failed - volume %(vol)s "
-                             "is in %(status)s status"),
-                         {"vol": vol.id,
-                          "status": vol.status})
-                raise resource.ResourceUnknownStatus(
-                    resource_status=vol.status,
-                    result=_('Volume detachment failed'))
-        except Exception as ex:
-            cinder_plugin.ignore_not_found(ex)
-        # The next check is needed for immediate reattachment when updating:
-        # there might be some time between cinder marking volume as 'available'
-        # and nova removing attachment from its own objects, so we
-        # check that nova already knows that the volume is detached
-        def server_has_attachment(server_id, attachment_id):
-            try:
-                server_api.get_server_volume(server_id, attachment_id)
-            except Exception as ex:
-                nova_plugin.ignore_not_found(ex)
-                return False
-            return True
-        while server_has_attachment(self.server_id, self.attachment_id):
-            LOG.info(_LI("Server %(srv)s still has attachment %(att)s."),
-                     {'att': self.attachment_id, 'srv': self.server_id})
-            yield
-        LOG.info(_LI("Volume %(vol)s is detached from server %(srv)s"),
-                 {'vol': vol.id, 'srv': self.server_id})
diff --git a/heat/tests/aws/test_volume.py b/heat/tests/aws/test_volume.py
index 892c7f3f04..acd43afcad 100644
--- a/heat/tests/aws/test_volume.py
+++ b/heat/tests/aws/test_volume.py
@@ -308,10 +308,13 @@ class VolumeTest(vt_base.BaseVolumeTest):
         # delete script
-        self.fc.volumes.get_server_volume(u'WikiDatabase',
-                                          'vol-123').AndReturn(fva)
+        self.fc.volumes.delete_server_volume(u'WikiDatabase',
+                                             'vol-123').AndReturn(None)
             cinder_exp.NotFound('Not found'))
+        self.fc.volumes.get_server_volume(u'WikiDatabase', 'vol-123'
+                                          ).AndRaise(
+                                              fakes_nova.fake_exception())
@@ -333,9 +336,12 @@ class VolumeTest(vt_base.BaseVolumeTest):
         # delete script
-        self.fc.volumes.get_server_volume(u'WikiDatabase',
-                                          'vol-123').AndReturn(fva)
+        self.fc.volumes.delete_server_volume(u'WikiDatabase',
+                                             'vol-123').AndReturn(None)
+        self.fc.volumes.get_server_volume(u'WikiDatabase', 'vol-123'
+                                          ).AndRaise(
+                                              fakes_nova.fake_exception())
@@ -395,11 +401,8 @@ class VolumeTest(vt_base.BaseVolumeTest):
         # delete script
         fva = vt_base.FakeVolume('in-use')
-        self.fc.volumes.get_server_volume(u'WikiDatabase',
-                                          'vol-123').AndReturn(fva)
-        self.cinder_fc.volumes.get(fva.id).AndReturn(fva)
-            'WikiDatabase', 'vol-123').MultipleTimes().AndReturn(None)
+            'WikiDatabase', 'vol-123').AndReturn(None)
             vt_base.FakeVolume('error', id=fva.id))
@@ -444,13 +447,9 @@ class VolumeTest(vt_base.BaseVolumeTest):
         fv = self._mock_create_volume(vt_base.FakeVolume('creating'),
-        self.cinder_fc.volumes.get(fv.id).AndReturn(
-            vt_base.FakeVolume('available'))
-        self.cinder_fc.volumes.delete(fv.id).AndReturn(True)
-        self.cinder_fc.volumes.get(fv.id).AndRaise(
-            cinder_exp.NotFound('Not found'))
         stack = utils.parse_stack(self.t, stack_name=stack_name)
@@ -533,8 +532,10 @@ class VolumeTest(vt_base.BaseVolumeTest):
         # snapshot script
         self.m.StubOutWithMock(self.cinder_fc.backups, 'create')
-        self.cinder_fc.backups.create(fv.id).AndReturn(
-            vt_base.FakeBackup('available'))
+        self.m.StubOutWithMock(self.cinder_fc.backups, 'get')
+        fb = vt_base.FakeBackup('available')
+        self.cinder_fc.backups.create(fv.id).AndReturn(fb)
+        self.cinder_fc.backups.get(fb.id).AndReturn(fb)
@@ -555,10 +556,11 @@ class VolumeTest(vt_base.BaseVolumeTest):
         # snapshot script
-        self.cinder_fc.volumes.get(fv.id).AndReturn(fv)
         self.m.StubOutWithMock(self.cinder_fc.backups, 'create')
+        self.m.StubOutWithMock(self.cinder_fc.backups, 'get')
         fb = vt_base.FakeBackup('error')
+        self.cinder_fc.backups.get(fb.id).AndReturn(fb)
         self.t['Resources']['DataVolume']['DeletionPolicy'] = 'Snapshot'
diff --git a/heat/tests/openstack/test_volume.py b/heat/tests/openstack/test_volume.py
index b905faf7c0..0bd1e87470 100644
--- a/heat/tests/openstack/test_volume.py
+++ b/heat/tests/openstack/test_volume.py
@@ -337,7 +337,6 @@ class CinderVolumeTest(vt_base.BaseVolumeTest):
         fv = vt_base.FakeVolume('available',
                                 size=1, attachments=[])
-        self.cinder_fc.volumes.get(fv.id).AndReturn(fv)
         self.cinder_fc.volumes.extend(fv.id, 2)
@@ -371,7 +370,6 @@ class CinderVolumeTest(vt_base.BaseVolumeTest):
         fv = vt_base.FakeVolume('available',
                                 size=1, attachments=[])
-        self.cinder_fc.volumes.get(fv.id).AndReturn(fv)
         self.cinder_fc.volumes.extend(fv.id, 2).AndRaise(
@@ -400,7 +398,6 @@ class CinderVolumeTest(vt_base.BaseVolumeTest):
         fv = vt_base.FakeVolume('available',
                                 size=1, attachments=[])
-        self.cinder_fc.volumes.get(fv.id).AndReturn(fv)
         self.cinder_fc.volumes.extend(fv.id, 2)