Imported Translations from Zanata

For more information about this automatic import see:

Change-Id: I791e0ca3ccd221411f0ec9222a4c3f8ed9126f99
This commit is contained in:
OpenStack Proposal Bot 2022-09-11 03:20:24 +00:00
parent ba81ce0cb1
commit 7b1b373d24
11 changed files with 29 additions and 251 deletions

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: heat VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-06-28 08:24+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-06 02:55+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -2405,9 +2405,6 @@ msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse des Keystone-Benutzers"
msgid "Enable the docker registry in the cluster."
msgstr "Aktivieren Sie die Docker-Registrierung im Cluster."
msgid "Enable the legacy OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm resource."
msgstr "Aktivieren Sie die ältere OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm-Ressource."
msgid "Enable the preview Stack Abandon feature."
msgstr "Aktivieren Sie die Vorschau-Funktion Stapel-Abandon."
@ -4342,16 +4339,6 @@ msgstr ""
"verwendet werden (normalerweise solche, die von der Keystone v3-API mit "
"großen Servicekatalogen generiert werden)."
msgid ""
"Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may "
"need to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by "
"the Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs.)"
msgstr ""
"Maximale Zeilengröße von Nachrichtenheadern, die akzeptiert werden sollen. "
"Möglicherweise muss max_header_line erhöht werden, wenn große Token "
"verwendet werden (in der Regel solche, die von der Keystone v3-API mit "
"großen Servicekatalogen generiert werden.)"
msgid "Maximum number of instances in the group."
msgstr "Maximale Anzahl von Instanzen in der Gruppe."
@ -5220,15 +5207,6 @@ msgstr ""
"OS::Aodh::CombinationAlarm ist veraltet und wurde von Aodh entfernt. "
"Verwenden Sie stattdessen OS::Aodh::CompositeAlarm."
msgid ""
"OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm resource has been removed since version 10.0.0. "
"Existing stacks can still use it, where it would do nothing for update/"
msgstr ""
"Die OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm-Ressource wurde seit der Version 10.0.0 entfernt. "
"Bestehende Stapel können es immer noch verwenden, wo es nichts zum "
"Aktualisieren/Löschen tun würde."
#, python-format
msgid "Object action %(action)s failed because: %(reason)s"
msgstr "Objektaktion %(action)s ist fehlgeschlagen, weil: %(reason)s"
@ -8277,14 +8255,6 @@ msgstr "Die Anzahl der virtuellen CPUs."
msgid "The operator indicates how to combine the rules."
msgstr "Der Operator gibt an, wie die Regeln zu kombinieren sind."
msgid ""
"The optional public key. This allows users to supply the public key from a "
"pre-existing key pair. If not supplied, a new key pair will be generated."
msgstr ""
"Der optionale öffentliche Schlüssel. Dadurch können Benutzer den "
"öffentlichen Schlüssel aus einem bereits vorhandenen Schlüsselpaar "
"bereitstellen. Wenn nicht angegeben, wird ein neues Schlüsselpaar generiert."
msgid ""
"The os-collect-config configuration for the server's local agent to be "
"configured to connect to Heat to retrieve deployment data."
@ -9160,9 +9130,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "URL of keystone service endpoint."
msgstr "URL des Schlüsseldienst-Endpunkts"
msgid "URL of the Heat CloudWatch server."
msgstr "URL des Heat CloudWatch Servers"
msgid ""
"URL of the Heat metadata server. NOTE: Setting this is only needed if you "
"require instances to use a different endpoint than in the keystone catalog"

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: heat VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-01 17:57+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-06 02:55+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -1677,9 +1677,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Email address of keystone user."
msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico del usuario de keystone."
msgid "Enable the legacy OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm resource."
msgstr "Habilitar el recurso heredado OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm."
msgid "Enable the preview Stack Abandon feature."
msgstr ""
"Habilitar la característica Stack Abandon (abandono de pila) de vista previa."
@ -3118,16 +3115,6 @@ msgstr ""
"grandes (normalmente las generadas por la API de Keystone v3 con catálogos "
"de servicio grandes)."
msgid ""
"Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may "
"need to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by "
"the Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs.)"
msgstr ""
"Tamaño de línea máximo de cabeceras de mensaje que se deben aceptar. Es "
"posible que max_header_line se necesite incrementar al utilizar señales "
"grandes (normalmente las generadas por la API de Keystone v3 con catálogos "
"de servicio grandes.)"
msgid "Maximum number of instances in the group."
msgstr "Número máximo de instancias en el grupo."
@ -6059,14 +6046,6 @@ msgstr ""
"El número de señales de éxito que se deben recibir antes de que el proceso "
"de creación de pila continúe."
msgid ""
"The optional public key. This allows users to supply the public key from a "
"pre-existing key pair. If not supplied, a new key pair will be generated."
msgstr ""
"Clave pública opcional. Permite a los usuarios proporcionar la clave pública "
"desde un par de claves existente previamente. Si no se proporciona, se "
"generará un nuevo par de claves."
msgid ""
"The owner tenant ID of the address scope. Only administrative users can "
"specify a tenant ID other than their own."
@ -6716,9 +6695,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "URL of keystone service endpoint."
msgstr "URL del punto final del servicio de keystone."
msgid "URL of the Heat CloudWatch server."
msgstr "URL del servidor CloudWatch de Heat."
msgid ""
"URL of the Heat metadata server. NOTE: Setting this is only needed if you "
"require instances to use a different endpoint than in the keystone catalog"

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: heat VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-01 17:57+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-06 02:55+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -1674,9 +1674,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Email address of keystone user."
msgstr "Adresse e-mail de l'utilisateur Keystone."
msgid "Enable the legacy OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm resource."
msgstr "Activer la ressource OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm existante."
msgid "Enable the preview Stack Abandon feature."
msgstr "Activer la fonction préliminaire d'abandon de pile (Stack Abandon)."
@ -3102,16 +3099,6 @@ msgstr ""
"(généralement ceux qui sont générés par l'API Keystone v3 avec des "
"catalogues de service volumineux)."
msgid ""
"Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may "
"need to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by "
"the Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs.)"
msgstr ""
"Taille maximale de ligne des en-têtes de message à accepter. max_header_line "
"peut avoir besoin d'être augmenté lors de l'utilisation de grands jetons "
"(généralement ceux qui sont générés par l'API Keystone v3 avec des "
"catalogues de service volumineux)."
msgid "Maximum number of instances in the group."
msgstr "Nombre maximal d'instances dans le groupe."
@ -6017,14 +6004,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Nombre de signaux de succès qui doivent être reçus avant que le processus de "
"création de la pile se poursuive."
msgid ""
"The optional public key. This allows users to supply the public key from a "
"pre-existing key pair. If not supplied, a new key pair will be generated."
msgstr ""
"Clé publique facultative. Cela permet aux utilisateurs de fournir la clé "
"publique à partir d'une paire de clés préexistante. Si elle n'est pas "
"fournie, une nouvelle paire de clés sera générée."
msgid ""
"The owner tenant ID of the address scope. Only administrative users can "
"specify a tenant ID other than their own."
@ -6659,9 +6638,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "URL of keystone service endpoint."
msgstr "URL du noeud final de service Keystone."
msgid "URL of the Heat CloudWatch server."
msgstr "URL du serveur Heat CloudWatch."
msgid ""
"URL of the Heat metadata server. NOTE: Setting this is only needed if you "
"require instances to use a different endpoint than in the keystone catalog"

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: heat VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-01 17:57+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-06 02:55+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -1670,9 +1670,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Email address of keystone user."
msgstr "Indirizzo email dell'utente keystone."
msgid "Enable the legacy OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm resource."
msgstr "Abilita la risorsa OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm legacy."
msgid "Enable the preview Stack Abandon feature."
msgstr "Abilitare la funzione Stack Abandon."
@ -3084,16 +3081,6 @@ msgstr ""
"token grandi (in genere quelli generati dall'API Keystone v3 con cataloghi "
"del servizio di grandi dimensioni)."
msgid ""
"Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may "
"need to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by "
"the Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs.)"
msgstr ""
"Dimensione massima della riga di intestazioni del messaggio che deve essere "
"accettata. max_header_line dovrebbe essere incrementato quando si utilizzano "
"token grandi (in genere quelli generati dall'API Keystone v3 con cataloghi "
"del servizio di grandi dimensioni)."
msgid "Maximum number of instances in the group."
msgstr "Numero massimo di istanze nel gruppo."
@ -5996,14 +5983,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Il numero di segnali corretti che devono essere ricevuti prima che il "
"processo di creazione dello stack continui."
msgid ""
"The optional public key. This allows users to supply the public key from a "
"pre-existing key pair. If not supplied, a new key pair will be generated."
msgstr ""
"La chiave pubblica facoltativa. Ciò consente agli utenti di fornire la "
"chiave pubblica da una coppia di chiavi preesistente. Se non fornita, verrà "
"generata una nuova coppia di chiavi."
msgid ""
"The owner tenant ID of the address scope. Only administrative users can "
"specify a tenant ID other than their own."
@ -6643,9 +6622,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "URL of keystone service endpoint."
msgstr "URL dell'endpoint del servizio keystone."
msgid "URL of the Heat CloudWatch server."
msgstr "URL del server Heat CloudWatch."
msgid ""
"URL of the Heat metadata server. NOTE: Setting this is only needed if you "
"require instances to use a different endpoint than in the keystone catalog"

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: heat VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-01 17:57+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-06 02:55+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -1620,9 +1620,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Email address of keystone user."
msgstr "keystone ユーザーの E メールアドレス。"
msgid "Enable the legacy OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm resource."
msgstr "既存の OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm リソースを有効にします。"
msgid "Enable the preview Stack Abandon feature."
msgstr "スタック破棄のプレビュー機能を有効にします。"
@ -3028,15 +3025,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Keystone v3 API で大きなサービスカタログを使用して生成されるトークン) を使用"
"するときは max_header_line を増やさなければならない場合があります。"
msgid ""
"Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may "
"need to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by "
"the Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs.)"
msgstr ""
"受け入れられるメッセージヘッダーの最大行サイズ。大きなトークン (通常は、"
"Keystone v3 API で大きなサービスカタログを使用して生成されるトークン) を使用"
"するときは max_header_line を増やさなければならない場合があります。"
msgid "Maximum number of instances in the group."
msgstr "グループ内のインスタンスの最大数。"
@ -5855,13 +5843,6 @@ msgid ""
"creation process continues."
msgstr "スタック作成プロセスを続行するために受信する必要のある成功シグナル数。"
msgid ""
"The optional public key. This allows users to supply the public key from a "
"pre-existing key pair. If not supplied, a new key pair will be generated."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"The owner tenant ID of the address scope. Only administrative users can "
"specify a tenant ID other than their own."
@ -6475,9 +6456,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "URL of keystone service endpoint."
msgstr "keystone サービスのエンドポイントのURL。"
msgid "URL of the Heat CloudWatch server."
msgstr "heat CloudWatch サーバーの URL。"
msgid ""
"URL of the Heat metadata server. NOTE: Setting this is only needed if you "
"require instances to use a different endpoint than in the keystone catalog"

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: heat VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-01 17:57+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-06 02:55+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -1562,9 +1562,6 @@ msgstr "디바이스 맵핑 %s에 대해 volume_id 또는 snapshot_id가 지정
msgid "Email address of keystone user."
msgstr "keystone 사용자의 이메일 주소입니다."
msgid "Enable the legacy OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm resource."
msgstr "레거시 OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm 자원을 사용합니다."
msgid "Enable the preview Stack Abandon feature."
msgstr "스택 중단 미리보기 기능을 사용합니다."
@ -2885,15 +2882,6 @@ msgstr ""
"을 늘려야 할 수 있습니다(일반적으로 큰 서비스 카탈로그가 있는 키스톤 v3 API"
"에 의해 생성됨)."
msgid ""
"Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may "
"need to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by "
"the Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs.)"
msgstr ""
"허용할 메시지 헤더의 최대 행 크기입니다. 더 큰 토큰 사용 시 max_header_line"
"을 늘려야 할 수 있습니다(일반적으로 큰 서비스 카탈로그가 있는 키스톤 v3 API"
"에 의해 생성됨)."
msgid "Maximum number of instances in the group."
msgstr "그룹의 최대 인스턴스 수입니다."
@ -5619,13 +5607,6 @@ msgid ""
"creation process continues."
msgstr "스택 작성 프로세스가 계속되기 전에 수신되어야 하는 성공 신호 수입니다."
msgid ""
"The optional public key. This allows users to supply the public key from a "
"pre-existing key pair. If not supplied, a new key pair will be generated."
msgstr ""
"선택적 공개 키입니다. 이로 인해 사용자가 이전의 기존 키 쌍에서 공개 키를 제공"
"할 수 있습니다. 제공되지 않는 경우 새 키 쌍이 생성됩니다."
msgid ""
"The owner tenant ID of the address scope. Only administrative users can "
"specify a tenant ID other than their own."
@ -6224,9 +6205,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "URL of keystone service endpoint."
msgstr "keystone 서비스 엔드포인트의 URL입니다."
msgid "URL of the Heat CloudWatch server."
msgstr "히트 CloudWatch 서버의 URL입니다."
msgid ""
"URL of the Heat metadata server. NOTE: Setting this is only needed if you "
"require instances to use a different endpoint than in the keystone catalog"

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: heat VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-01 17:57+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-06 02:55+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -1650,9 +1650,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Email address of keystone user."
msgstr "Endereço de e-mail do usuário do keystone."
msgid "Enable the legacy OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm resource."
msgstr "Ative o recurso OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm de legado."
msgid "Enable the preview Stack Abandon feature."
msgstr "Ative o recurso Stack Abandon de visualização."
@ -3046,16 +3043,6 @@ msgstr ""
"(geralmente aqueles gerados pela API Keystone v3 com catálogos de serviço "
msgid ""
"Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may "
"need to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by "
"the Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs.)"
msgstr ""
"Tamanho máximo da linha de cabeçalhos da mensagem a ser aceito. "
"max_header_line pode precisar ser aumentada ao utilizar tokens grandes "
"(geralmente aqueles gerados pela API Keystone v3 com catálogos de serviço "
msgid "Maximum number of instances in the group."
msgstr "Número máximo de instâncias no grupo."
@ -5918,14 +5905,6 @@ msgstr ""
"O número de sinais de sucesso que deve ser recebido antes que o processo de "
"criação da pilha continue."
msgid ""
"The optional public key. This allows users to supply the public key from a "
"pre-existing key pair. If not supplied, a new key pair will be generated."
msgstr ""
"A chave pública opcional. Isso permite que os usuários forneçam a chave "
"pública a partir de um par de chaves preexistente. Se não fornecido, um novo "
"par de chaves será gerado."
msgid ""
"The owner tenant ID of the address scope. Only administrative users can "
"specify a tenant ID other than their own."
@ -6558,9 +6537,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "URL of keystone service endpoint."
msgstr "URL do terminal de serviço do keystone."
msgid "URL of the Heat CloudWatch server."
msgstr "URL do servidor CloudWatch."
msgid ""
"URL of the Heat metadata server. NOTE: Setting this is only needed if you "
"require instances to use a different endpoint than in the keystone catalog"

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: heat VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-01 17:57+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-06 02:55+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -1627,9 +1627,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Email address of keystone user."
msgstr "Адрес электронной почты пользователя keystone."
msgid "Enable the legacy OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm resource."
msgstr "Включить устаревший ресурс OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm."
msgid "Enable the preview Stack Abandon feature."
msgstr "Включить предварительный просмотр функции Отклонить стек."
@ -3020,15 +3017,6 @@ msgstr ""
"потребуется увеличить при использовании больших маркеров (как правило, "
"созданных API Keystone версии 3 API с большими каталогами)."
msgid ""
"Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may "
"need to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by "
"the Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs.)"
msgstr ""
"Максимальный размер строки заголовка сообщений. Возможно, max_header_line "
"потребуется увеличить при использовании больших маркеров (как правило, "
"созданных API Keystone версии 3 API с большими каталогами)."
msgid "Maximum number of instances in the group."
msgstr "Максимальное число экземпляров в группе."
@ -5841,13 +5829,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Число сигналов об успешном выполнении, после получения которых можно "
"продолжать процесс создания стека."
msgid ""
"The optional public key. This allows users to supply the public key from a "
"pre-existing key pair. If not supplied, a new key pair will be generated."
msgstr ""
"Необязательный общий ключ. Позволяет пользователям указывать общий ключ из "
"готовой пары ключей. Если не указан, будет создана новая пара ключей. "
msgid ""
"The owner tenant ID of the address scope. Only administrative users can "
"specify a tenant ID other than their own."
@ -6477,9 +6458,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "URL of keystone service endpoint."
msgstr "URL конечной точки службы keystone."
msgid "URL of the Heat CloudWatch server."
msgstr "URL сервера Heat CloudWatch."
msgid ""
"URL of the Heat metadata server. NOTE: Setting this is only needed if you "
"require instances to use a different endpoint than in the keystone catalog"

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: heat VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-01 17:57+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-06 02:55+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -1495,9 +1495,6 @@ msgstr "必须为设备映射 %s 指定 volume_id 或 snapshot_id"
msgid "Email address of keystone user."
msgstr "keystone 用户的电子邮件地址。"
msgid "Enable the legacy OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm resource."
msgstr "请启用旧的 OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm 资源。"
msgid "Enable the preview Stack Abandon feature."
msgstr "请启用预览“堆栈放弃”功能。"
@ -2769,14 +2766,6 @@ msgstr ""
"要接受的消息头的最大行大小。将大型令牌(通常是由 Keystone V3 API 生成的那些令"
"牌)与大型服务目录配合使用时,可能需要增大 max_header_line。"
msgid ""
"Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may "
"need to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by "
"the Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs.)"
msgstr ""
"要接受的消息头的最大行大小。将大型令牌(通常是由 Keystone V3 API 生成的那些令"
"牌)与大型服务目录配合使用时,可能需要增大 max_header_line。"
msgid "Maximum number of instances in the group."
msgstr "组中的最大实例数。"
@ -5390,13 +5379,6 @@ msgid ""
"creation process continues."
msgstr "在堆栈创建过程继续之前,必须接收到的成功信号数。"
msgid ""
"The optional public key. This allows users to supply the public key from a "
"pre-existing key pair. If not supplied, a new key pair will be generated."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"The owner tenant ID of the address scope. Only administrative users can "
"specify a tenant ID other than their own."
@ -5966,9 +5948,6 @@ msgstr "资源将在其中发出信号指示完成及(可选)上载数据的
msgid "URL of keystone service endpoint."
msgstr "keystone 服务端点的 URL。"
msgid "URL of the Heat CloudWatch server."
msgstr "Heat CloudWatch 服务器的 URL。"
msgid ""
"URL of the Heat metadata server. NOTE: Setting this is only needed if you "
"require instances to use a different endpoint than in the keystone catalog"

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: heat VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-01 17:57+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-06 02:55+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@ -1496,9 +1496,6 @@ msgstr "必須給裝置對映 %s 指定 volume_id 或 snapshot_id"
msgid "Email address of keystone user."
msgstr "Keystone 使用者的電子郵件位址。"
msgid "Enable the legacy OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm resource."
msgstr "啟用舊式 OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm 資源。"
msgid "Enable the preview Stack Abandon feature."
msgstr "啟用預覽「堆疊放棄」功能。"
@ -2778,14 +2775,6 @@ msgstr ""
"要接受的訊息標頭行大小上限。如果使用大記號(通常是那些由 Keystone 第 3 版 "
"API 透過大型服務型錄所產生的記號),則可能需要增加 max_header_line 值。"
msgid ""
"Maximum line size of message headers to be accepted. max_header_line may "
"need to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by "
"the Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs.)"
msgstr ""
"要接受的訊息標頭行大小上限。如果使用大記號(通常是那些由 Keystone 第 3 版 "
"API 透過大型服務型錄所產生的記號),則可能需要增加 max_header_line 值。"
msgid "Maximum number of instances in the group."
msgstr "群組中的實例數目上限。"
@ -5402,13 +5391,6 @@ msgid ""
"creation process continues."
msgstr "繼續執行堆疊建立程序之前,必須收到的成功信號數目。"
msgid ""
"The optional public key. This allows users to supply the public key from a "
"pre-existing key pair. If not supplied, a new key pair will be generated."
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"The owner tenant ID of the address scope. Only administrative users can "
"specify a tenant ID other than their own."
@ -5977,9 +5959,6 @@ msgstr "TempURL 的 URL資源將在該 URL 處傳送完成信號,並選擇
msgid "URL of keystone service endpoint."
msgstr "Keystone 服務端點的 URL。"
msgid "URL of the Heat CloudWatch server."
msgstr "Heat CloudWatch 伺服器的 URL。"
msgid ""
"URL of the Heat metadata server. NOTE: Setting this is only needed if you "
"require instances to use a different endpoint than in the keystone catalog"

View File

@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: openstack-heat\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-06-28 08:22+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-06 02:52+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-06-25 03:50+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-10 01:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Andi Chandler <>\n"
"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom)\n"
"Language: en_GB\n"
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ msgstr "13.0.0"
msgid "13.0.1"
msgstr "13.0.1"
msgid "13.1.0-22"
msgstr "13.1.0-22"
msgid "13.1.0-25"
msgstr "13.1.0-25"
msgid "14.0.0"
msgstr "14.0.0"
@ -83,6 +83,9 @@ msgstr "17.0.0"
msgid "18.0.0"
msgstr "18.0.0"
msgid "18.0.0-38"
msgstr "18.0.0-38"
msgid "5.0.1"
msgstr "5.0.1"
@ -1519,6 +1522,13 @@ msgstr ""
"are now supported by Heat community as Monasca became official OpenStack "
msgid ""
"OS::Neutron::FloatingIPPortForward added. This feature allows an operator to "
"create port-forwarding rules in Neutron for their floating ips."
msgstr ""
"OS::Neutron::FloatingIPPortForward added. This feature allows an operator to "
"create port-forwarding rules in Neutron for their floating IPs."
msgid ""
"OS::Neutron::QoSBandwidthLimitRule resource plugin is added to support "
"neutron QoS bandwidth limit rule, which is provided by neutron ``qos`` API "
@ -2305,6 +2315,11 @@ msgstr ""
"network resource can then predictably happen using index 0. See `bug: "
"1894920 <>`_."
msgid ""
"The remaining deprecated parameters for Cloud Watch API have been removed."
msgstr ""
"The remaining deprecated parameters for Cloud Watch API have been removed."
msgid ""
"The template validate API call now returns the Environment calculated by "
"heat - this enables preview of the merged environment when using "