heat cli : Align resource-list-details usage with other commands

Align resource-list-details usage with the other heat commands,
and provide better usage info on failure
Fixes #156

Change-Id: Id80b377151eca64e5f7dbfb436f5a5da5213c8b3
Signed-off-by: Steven Hardy <shardy@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
Steven Hardy 2012-07-10 13:56:41 +01:00
parent dd94f3eba2
commit b96c15c96f
2 changed files with 114 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ else:
if os.access(jeos_path, os.R_OK):
scriptname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
gettext.install('heat', unicode=1)
from heat import client as heat_client
@ -334,20 +336,74 @@ def stack_resources_list(options, arguments):
print result
def _resources_list_details(options, lookup_key='StackName',
lookup_value=None, log_resid=None):
Helper function to reduce duplication in stack_resources_list_details
Looks up resource details based on StackName or PhysicalResourceId
c = get_client(options)
parameters = {}
if lookup_key in ['StackName', 'PhysicalResourceId']:
parameters[lookup_key] = lookup_value
logging.error("Unexpected key %s" % lookup_key)
if log_resid:
parameters['LogicalResourceId'] = log_resid
result = c.describe_stack_resources(**parameters)
logging.debug("Failed to lookup resource details with key %s:%s" %
(lookup_key, lookup_value))
return result
def stack_resources_list_details(options, arguments):
Display details of all resources in the specified stack.
Display details of resources in the specified stack.
- If stack name is specified, all associated resources are returned
- If physical resource ID is specified, all associated resources of the
stack the resource belongs to are returned
- You must specify stack name *or* physical resource ID
- You may optionally specify a Logical resource ID to filter the result
c = get_client(options)
usage = ('''Usage:
%s resource-list-details stack_name [logical_resource_id]
%s resource-list-details physical_resource_id [logical_resource_id]''' %
(scriptname, scriptname))
name_or_pid = arguments.pop(0)
except IndexError:
logging.error("No valid stack_name or physical_resource_id")
print usage
logical_resource_id = arguments.pop(0) if arguments else None
parameters = {
'StackName': options.stack_name,
'PhysicalResourceId': options.physical_resource_id,
'LogicalResourceId': logical_resource_id,
result = c.describe_stack_resources(**parameters)
print result
# Try StackName first as it seems the most likely..
lookup_keys = ['StackName', 'PhysicalResourceId']
for key in lookup_keys:
logging.debug("Looking up resources for %s:%s" % (key, name_or_pid))
result = _resources_list_details(options, lookup_key=key,
if result:
if result:
print result
logging.error("No valid stack_name or physical_resource_id")
print usage
@ -450,10 +506,6 @@ def create_options(parser):
parser.add_option('-P', '--parameters', metavar="parameters", default=None,
help="Parameter values used to create the stack.")
parser.add_option('-n', '--stack-name', default=None,
help="Name of the queried stack")
parser.add_option('-c', '--physical-resource-id', default=None,
help="Physical ID of the queried resource")
def credentials_from_env():

View File

@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ possible_topdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]),
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(possible_topdir, 'heat', '__init__.py')):
sys.path.insert(0, possible_topdir)
scriptname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
gettext.install('heat', unicode=1)
import boto
@ -406,18 +408,55 @@ def stack_resources_list(options, arguments):
def stack_resources_list_details(options, arguments):
Display details of all resources in the specified stack.
Display details of resources in the specified stack.
- If stack name is specified, all associated resources are returned
- If physical resource ID is specified, all associated resources of the
stack the resource belongs to are returned
- You must specify stack name *or* physical resource ID
- You may optionally specify a Logical resource ID to filter the result
c = get_client(options)
logical_resource_id = arguments.pop(0) if arguments else None
if not options.stack_name and not options.physical_resource_id:
"Must specify either stack-name physical-resource-id")
usage = ('''Usage:
%s resource-list-details stack_name [logical_resource_id]
%s resource-list-details physical_resource_id [logical_resource_id]''' %
(scriptname, scriptname))
name_or_pid = arguments.pop(0)
except IndexError:
logging.error("Must pass a stack_name or physical_resource_id")
print usage
result = c.describe_stack_resources(options.stack_name,
logical_resource_id, options.physical_resource_id)
for r in result:
logical_resource_id = arguments.pop(0) if arguments else None
c = get_client(options)
# Check if this is a StackName, if not assume it's a physical res ID
# Note this is slower (for the common case, which is probably StackName)
# than just doing a try/catch over the StackName case then retrying
# on failure with name_or_pid as the physical resource ID, however
# boto spews errors when raising an exception so we can't do that
list_stacks = c.list_stacks()
stack_names = [s.stack_name for s in list_stacks]
if name_or_pid in stack_names:
logging.debug("Looking up resources for StackName:%s" % name_or_pid)
result = c.describe_stack_resources(stack_name_or_id=name_or_pid,
logging.debug("Looking up resources for PhysicalResourceId:%s" %
result = c.describe_stack_resources(stack_name_or_id=None,
if result:
for r in result:
logging.error("Invalid stack_name, physical_resource_id " +
"or logical_resource_id")
print usage
@ -525,10 +564,6 @@ def create_options(parser):
parser.add_option('-P', '--parameters', metavar="parameters", default=None,
help="Parameter values used to create the stack.")
parser.add_option('-n', '--stack-name', default=None,
help="Name of the queried stack")
parser.add_option('-c', '--physical-resource-id', default=None,
help="Physical ID of the queried resource")
def credentials_from_env():