Wait for instance startup in GettingStarted test

Signed-off-by: Zane Bitter <zbitter@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
Zane Bitter 2012-05-18 14:02:38 +02:00
parent d9474b32c2
commit c9da1924bf

View File

@ -198,29 +198,59 @@ Describe the ``wordpress`` stack
Verify instance creation
Because the software takes some time to install from the repository, it may be a few minutes before the Wordpress intance is in a running state. One way to check is to login via ssh and ``tail -f /var/log/yum.log``. Once mysql-server installs, the instance should be ready to go.
After a few seconds, the ``StackStatus`` should change from ``IN_PROGRESS`` to ``CREATE_COMPLETE``.
# Wait for instance to start
while ((retries++ < 24)) && ! $HEAT_DESCRIBE | grep -q "$DONE_STATUS"; do
echo "Waiting for instance to become ACTIVE..." >&2
# Wait for Stack creation
while $HEAT_DESCRIBE | grep -q '"StackStatus": "IN_PROGRESS"' && \
((retries-- > 0))
echo "Waiting for Stack creation to complete..." >&2
sleep 5
WebsiteURL=$($HEAT_DESCRIBE | sed -e '/"OutputKey": "WebsiteURL"/,/}/ {' \
-e '/"OutputValue":/ {' \
-e 's/[^:]*": "//' \
-e 's/",\?[[:space:]]*$//' \
-e p -e '}' -e '}' -e d)
$HEAT_DESCRIBE | grep -q '"StackStatus": "CREATE_COMPLETE"'
sleep 120
Point web browser at the location given by the ``WebsiteURL`` Output as shown by ``heat describe``)::
Verify instance creation
Because the software takes some time to install from the repository, it may be a few minutes before the Wordpress intance is in a running state. One way to check is to login via ssh and ``tail -f /var/log/yum.log``. Once ``mysql-server`` installs, the instance should be ready to go.
WebsiteURL=$($HEAT_DESCRIBE | sed -e '/"OutputKey": "WebsiteURL"/,/}/ {' \
-e '/"OutputValue":/ {' \
-e 's/[^:]*": "//' \
-e 's/",\?[[:space:]]*$//' \
-e p -e '}' -e '}' -e d)
HOST=`echo $WebsiteURL | sed -r -e 's#http://([^/]+)/.*#\1#'`
while ! ping -q -c 1 $HOST && ((retries-- > 0)); do
echo "Waiting for host networking..." >&2
sleep 2
test $retries -ge 0
sleep 10
while ! ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
-q -t -l ec2-user $HOST \
sudo grep -q mysql-server /var/log/yum.log && \
((retries-- > 0))
echo "Waiting for package installation..." >&2
sleep 5
test $retries -ge 0
echo "Pausing to wait for application startup..." >&2
sleep 60
Point a web browser at the location given by the ``WebsiteURL`` Output as shown by ``heat describe``::
wget ${WebsiteURL}