Separate Parameters implementation from Properties

There are only 3 types allowed for Parameters (String, Number and
CommaDelimitedList), but we are currently allowing more due to a shared
implementation with Properties (which is an internal implementation
detail). This creates a separate implementation for Parameters with only
the allowed types.

Change-Id: If51ec538893a582da2caa0356c25e515e9d8004e
Signed-off-by: Zane Bitter <>
This commit is contained in:
Zane Bitter 2012-10-31 20:18:43 +01:00
parent a5485ad10d
commit f605bcc812
4 changed files with 577 additions and 95 deletions

heat/engine/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import re
from heat.engine import template
) = (
'Type', 'Default', 'NoEcho', 'AllowedValues', 'AllowedPattern',
'MaxLength', 'MinLength', 'MaxValue', 'MinValue',
'Description', 'ConstraintDescription'
) = (
'String', 'Number', 'CommaDelimitedList'
(PARAM_STACK_NAME, PARAM_REGION) = ('AWS::StackName', 'AWS::Region')
class Parameter(object):
'''A template parameter.'''
def __new__(cls, name, schema, value=None):
'''Create a new Parameter of the appropriate type.'''
if cls is not Parameter:
return super(Parameter, cls).__new__(cls)
param_type = schema[TYPE]
if param_type == STRING:
ParamClass = StringParam
elif param_type == NUMBER:
ParamClass = NumberParam
elif param_type == COMMA_DELIMITED_LIST:
ParamClass = CommaDelimitedListParam
raise ValueError('Invalid Parameter type "%s"' % param_type)
return ParamClass(name, schema, value)
def __init__(self, name, schema, value=None):
Initialise the Parameter with a name, schema and optional user-supplied
''' = name
self.schema = schema
self.user_value = value
self._constraint_error = self.schema.get(CONSTRAINT_DESCRIPTION)
if self.has_default():
if self.user_value is not None:
def _error_msg(self, message):
return '%s %s' % (, self._constraint_error or message)
def _validate(self, value):
if VALUES in self.schema:
allowed = self.schema[VALUES]
if value not in allowed:
message = '%s not in %s %s' % (value, VALUES, allowed)
raise ValueError(self._error_msg(message))
def value(self):
'''Get the parameter value, optionally sanitising it for output.'''
if self.user_value is not None:
return self.user_value
if self.has_default():
return self.default()
raise KeyError('Missing parameter %s' %
def description(self):
'''Return the description of the parameter.'''
return self.schema.get(DESCRIPTION, '')
def has_default(self):
'''Return whether the parameter has a default value.'''
return DEFAULT in self.schema
def default(self):
'''Return the default value of the parameter.'''
return self.schema.get(DEFAULT)
def __str__(self):
'''Return a string representation of the parameter'''
return self.value()
class NumberParam(Parameter):
'''A template parameter of type "Number".'''
def str_to_num(s):
'''Convert a string to an integer (if possible) or float.'''
return int(s)
except ValueError:
return float(s)
def _validate(self, value):
'''Check that the supplied value is compatible with the constraints.'''
num = self.str_to_num(value)
minn = self.str_to_num(self.schema.get(MIN_VALUE, value))
maxn = self.str_to_num(self.schema.get(MAX_VALUE, value))
if num > maxn or num < minn:
raise ValueError(self._error_msg('%s is out of range' % value))
Parameter._validate(self, value)
def __int__(self):
'''Return an integer representation of the parameter'''
return int(self.value())
def __float__(self):
'''Return a float representation of the parameter'''
return float(self.value())
class StringParam(Parameter):
'''A template parameter of type "String".'''
def _validate(self, value):
'''Check that the supplied value is compatible with the constraints'''
if not isinstance(value, basestring):
raise ValueError(self._error_msg('value must be a string'))
length = len(value)
if MAX_LENGTH in self.schema:
max_length = int(self.schema[MAX_LENGTH])
if length > max_length:
message = 'length (%d) overflows %s %s' % (length,
raise ValueError(self._error_msg(message))
if MIN_LENGTH in self.schema:
min_length = int(self.schema[MIN_LENGTH])
if length < min_length:
message = 'length (%d) underflows %s %d' % (length,
raise ValueError(self._error_msg(message))
if PATTERN in self.schema:
pattern = self.schema[PATTERN]
match = re.match(pattern, value)
if match is None or match.end() != length:
message = '"%s" does not match %s "%s"' % (value,
raise ValueError(self._error_msg(message))
Parameter._validate(self, value)
class CommaDelimitedListParam(Parameter, collections.Sequence):
'''A template parameter of type "CommaDelimitedList".'''
def _validate(self, value):
'''Check that the supplied value is compatible with the constraints'''
sp = value.split(',')
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError('Value must be a comma-delimited list string')
for li in self:
Parameter._validate(self, li)
def __len__(self):
'''Return the length of the list'''
return len(self.value().split(','))
def __getitem__(self, index):
'''Return an item from the list'''
return self.value().split(',')[index]
class Parameters(collections.Mapping):
The parameters of a stack, with type checking, defaults &c. specified by
the stack's template.
def __init__(self, stack_name, tmpl, user_params={}):
Create the parameter container for a stack from the stack name and
template, optionally setting the user-supplied parameter values.
def parameters():
if stack_name is not None:
yield Parameter(PARAM_STACK_NAME,
DESCRIPTION: 'Stack Name',
DEFAULT: stack_name})
yield Parameter(PARAM_REGION,
DEFAULT: 'ap-southeast-1',
VALUES: ['us-east-1',
'us-west-1', 'us-west-2',
for name, schema in tmpl[template.PARAMETERS].iteritems():
yield Parameter(name, schema, user_params.get(name))
self.params = dict((, p) for p in parameters())
def __contains__(self, key):
'''Return whether the specified parameter exists'''
return key in self.params
def __iter__(self):
'''Return an iterator over the parameter names.'''
return iter(self.params)
def __len__(self):
'''Return the number of parameters defined'''
return len(self.params)
def __getitem__(self, key):
'''Get a parameter value.'''
return self.params[key].value()
def map(self, func, filter_func=lambda p: True):
Map the supplied filter function onto each Parameter (with an
optional filter function) and return the resulting dictionary.
return dict((n, func(p)) for n, p in self.params.iteritems()
if filter_func(p))
def user_parameters(self):
Return a dictionary of all the parameters passed in by the user
return p: p.user_value,
lambda p: p.user_value is not None)

View File

@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ import functools
import copy
from heat.common import exception
from heat.engine import checkeddict
from heat.engine import dependencies
from heat.engine import identifier
from heat.engine import resources
from heat.engine import template
from heat.engine import timestamp
from heat.engine.parameters import Parameters
from heat.engine.template import Template
from heat.db import api as db_api
@ -35,51 +35,6 @@ logger = logging.getLogger('heat.engine.parser')
(PARAM_STACK_NAME, PARAM_REGION) = ('AWS::StackName', 'AWS::Region')
class Parameters(checkeddict.CheckedDict):
The parameters of a stack, with type checking, defaults &c. specified by
the stack's template.
def __init__(self, stack_name, tmpl, user_params={}):
Create the parameter container for a stack from the stack name and
template, optionally setting the initial set of parameters.
checkeddict.CheckedDict.__init__(self, template.PARAMETERS)
self[PARAM_STACK_NAME] = stack_name
def _init_schemata(self, schemata):
Initialise the parameter schemata with the pseudo-parameters and the
list of schemata obtained from the template.
self.addschema(PARAM_STACK_NAME, {"Description": "AWS StackName",
"Type": "String"})
self.addschema(PARAM_REGION, {
"Description": "AWS Regions",
"Default": "ap-southeast-1",
"Type": "String",
"AllowedValues": ["us-east-1", "us-west-1", "us-west-2",
"sa-east-1", "eu-west-1", "ap-southeast-1",
"ConstraintDescription": "must be a valid EC2 instance type.",
for param, schema in schemata.items():
self.addschema(param, copy.deepcopy(schema))
def user_parameters(self):
Return a dictionary of all the parameters passed in by the user
return dict((k, v['Value']) for k, v in
if 'Value' in v)
class Stack(object):
@ -241,14 +196,16 @@ class Stack(object):
'Parameters': []}
return response
def format_param(p):
def describe_param(p):
return {'NoEcho': 'false',
'ParameterKey': p,
'Description': self.parameters.get_attr(p, 'Description'),
'DefaultValue': self.parameters.get_attr(p, 'Default')}
'Description': p.description(),
'DefaultValue': p.default()}
params =
response = {'Description': 'Successfully validated',
'Parameters': [format_param(p) for p in self.parameters]}
'Parameters': params.values()}
return response

View File

@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import nose
import unittest
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
import mox
import json
from heat.common import context
from heat.common import exception
from heat.engine import parameters
@attr(tag=['unit', 'parameters'])
class ParameterTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_new_string(self):
p = parameters.Parameter('p', {'Type': 'String'})
self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, parameters.StringParam))
def test_new_number(self):
p = parameters.Parameter('p', {'Type': 'Number'})
self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, parameters.NumberParam))
def test_new_list(self):
p = parameters.Parameter('p', {'Type': 'CommaDelimitedList'})
self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, parameters.CommaDelimitedListParam))
def test_new_bad_type(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parameters.Parameter,
'p', {'Type': 'List'})
def test_new_no_type(self):
self.assertRaises(KeyError, parameters.Parameter,
'p', {'Default': 'blarg'})
def test_default_no_override(self):
p = parameters.Parameter('defaulted', {'Type': 'String',
'Default': 'blarg'})
self.assertEqual(p.default(), 'blarg')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), 'blarg')
def test_default_override(self):
p = parameters.Parameter('defaulted',
{'Type': 'String',
'Default': 'blarg'},
self.assertEqual(p.default(), 'blarg')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), 'wibble')
def test_default_invalid(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'AllowedValues': ['foo'],
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'Default': 'bar'}
parameters.Parameter('p', schema, 'foo')
except ValueError as ve:
msg = str(ve)
self.assertNotEqual(msg.find('wibble'), -1)
else:'ValueError not raised')
def test_description(self):
description = 'Description of the parameter'
p = parameters.Parameter('p', {'Type': 'String',
'Description': description})
self.assertEqual(p.description(), description)
def test_no_description(self):
p = parameters.Parameter('p', {'Type': 'String'})
self.assertEqual(p.description(), '')
def test_string_len_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'MinLength': '3',
'MaxLength': '3'}
p = parameters.Parameter('p', schema, 'foo')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), 'foo')
def test_string_underflow(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'MinLength': '4'}
parameters.Parameter('p', schema, 'foo')
except ValueError as ve:
msg = str(ve)
self.assertNotEqual(msg.find('wibble'), -1)
else:'ValueError not raised')
def test_string_overflow(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'MaxLength': '2'}
parameters.Parameter('p', schema, 'foo')
except ValueError as ve:
msg = str(ve)
self.assertNotEqual(msg.find('wibble'), -1)
else:'ValueError not raised')
def test_string_pattern_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'AllowedPattern': '[a-z]*'}
p = parameters.Parameter('p', schema, 'foo')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), 'foo')
def test_string_pattern_bad_prefix(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'AllowedPattern': '[a-z]*'}
parameters.Parameter('p', schema, '1foo')
except ValueError as ve:
msg = str(ve)
self.assertNotEqual(msg.find('wibble'), -1)
else:'ValueError not raised')
def test_string_pattern_bad_suffix(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'AllowedPattern': '[a-z]*'}
parameters.Parameter('p', schema, 'foo1')
except ValueError as ve:
msg = str(ve)
self.assertNotEqual(msg.find('wibble'), -1)
else:'ValueError not raised')
def test_string_value_list_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'AllowedValues': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']}
p = parameters.Parameter('p', schema, 'bar')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), 'bar')
def test_string_value_list_bad(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'AllowedValues': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']}
parameters.Parameter('p', schema, 'blarg')
except ValueError as ve:
msg = str(ve)
self.assertNotEqual(msg.find('wibble'), -1)
else:'ValueError not raised')
def test_number_int_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'MinValue': '3',
'MaxValue': '3'}
p = parameters.Parameter('p', schema, '3')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), '3')
def test_number_float_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'MinValue': '3.0',
'MaxValue': '3.0'}
p = parameters.Parameter('p', schema, '3.0')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), '3.0')
def test_number_low(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'MinValue': '4'}
parameters.Parameter('p', schema, '3')
except ValueError as ve:
msg = str(ve)
self.assertNotEqual(msg.find('wibble'), -1)
else:'ValueError not raised')
def test_number_high(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'MaxValue': '2'}
parameters.Parameter('p', schema, '3')
except ValueError as ve:
msg = str(ve)
self.assertNotEqual(msg.find('wibble'), -1)
else:'ValueError not raised')
def test_number_value_list_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'AllowedValues': ['1', '3', '5']}
p = parameters.Parameter('p', schema, '5')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), '5')
def test_number_value_list_bad(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'AllowedValues': ['1', '3', '5']}
parameters.Parameter('p', schema, '2')
except ValueError as ve:
msg = str(ve)
self.assertNotEqual(msg.find('wibble'), -1)
else:'ValueError not raised')
def test_list_value_list_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'CommaDelimitedList',
'AllowedValues': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']}
p = parameters.Parameter('p', schema, 'baz,foo,bar')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), 'baz,foo,bar')
def test_list_value_list_bad(self):
schema = {'Type': 'CommaDelimitedList',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'AllowedValues': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']}
parameters.Parameter('p', schema, 'foo,baz,blarg')
except ValueError as ve:
msg = str(ve)
self.assertNotEqual(msg.find('wibble'), -1)
else:'ValueError not raised')
params_schema = json.loads('''{
"Parameters" : {
"User" : { "Type": "String" },
"Defaulted" : {
"Type": "String",
"Default": "foobar"
@attr(tag=['unit', 'parameters'])
class ParametersTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_pseudo_params(self):
params = parameters.Parameters('test_stack', {"Parameters": {}})
self.assertEqual(params['AWS::StackName'], 'test_stack')
self.assertTrue('AWS::Region' in params)
def test_user_param(self):
user_params = {'User': 'wibble'}
params = parameters.Parameters('test', params_schema, user_params)
self.assertEqual(params.user_parameters(), user_params)
def test_user_param_nonexist(self):
params = parameters.Parameters('test', params_schema)
self.assertEqual(params.user_parameters(), {})
def test_schema_invariance(self):
params1 = parameters.Parameters('test', params_schema,
{'Defaulted': 'wibble'})
self.assertEqual(params1['Defaulted'], 'wibble')
params2 = parameters.Parameters('test', params_schema)
self.assertEqual(params2['Defaulted'], 'foobar')
def test_to_dict(self):
template = {'Parameters': {'Foo': {'Type': 'String'},
'Bar': {'Type': 'Number', 'Default': '42'}}}
params = parameters.Parameters('test_params', template, {'Foo': 'foo'})
as_dict = dict(params)
self.assertEqual(as_dict['Foo'], 'foo')
self.assertEqual(as_dict['Bar'], '42')
self.assertEqual(as_dict['AWS::StackName'], 'test_params')
self.assertTrue('AWS::Region' in as_dict)
def test_map(self):
template = {'Parameters': {'Foo': {'Type': 'String'},
'Bar': {'Type': 'Number', 'Default': '42'}}}
params = parameters.Parameters('test_params', template, {'Foo': 'foo'})
expected = {'Foo': False,
'Bar': True,
'AWS::Region': True,
'AWS::StackName': True}
self.assertEqual( p: p.has_default()), expected)
# allows testing of the test directly, shown below
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -273,50 +273,6 @@ class TemplateTest(unittest.TestCase):
params_schema = json.loads('''{
"Parameters" : {
"User" : { "Type": "String" },
"Defaulted" : {
"Type": "String",
"Default": "foobar"
@attr(tag=['unit', 'parser', 'parameters'])
class ParametersTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_pseudo_params(self):
params = parser.Parameters('test_stack', {"Parameters": {}})
self.assertEqual(params['AWS::StackName'], 'test_stack')
self.assertTrue('AWS::Region' in params)
def test_user_param(self):
params = parser.Parameters('test', params_schema, {'User': 'wibble'})
user_params = params.user_parameters()
self.assertEqual(user_params['User'], 'wibble')
def test_user_param_default(self):
params = parser.Parameters('test', params_schema)
user_params = params.user_parameters()
self.assertTrue('Defaulted' not in user_params)
def test_user_param_nonexist(self):
params = parser.Parameters('test', params_schema)
user_params = params.user_parameters()
self.assertTrue('User' not in user_params)
def test_schema_invariance(self):
params1 = parser.Parameters('test', params_schema)
params1['Defaulted'] = "wibble"
self.assertEqual(params1['Defaulted'], 'wibble')
params2 = parser.Parameters('test', params_schema)
self.assertEqual(params2['Defaulted'], 'foobar')
@attr(tag=['unit', 'parser', 'stack'])
class StackTest(unittest.TestCase):