#!/bin/bash # Downloads JEOS images from github and installs them in glance DISK_FORMAT="qcow2" INDEX_URL="https://github.com/heat-api/prebuilt-jeos-images/downloads" DOWNLOAD_URL="http://cloud.github.com/downloads/heat-api/prebuilt-jeos-images" IMAGES=$(curl -s ${INDEX_URL} | grep 'href="/downloads/heat-api/prebuilt-jeos-images' 2>/dev/null | grep ${DISK_FORMAT} | cut -d">" -f2 | cut -d"<" -f1) for i in ${IMAGES} do NAME=$(echo $i | sed "s/\.${DISK_FORMAT}//") echo "Downloading and registering $i with OpenStack glance as ${NAME}" if glance index | grep -q "\s${NAME}\s" then echo "WARNING : ${NAME} already exists, skipping" else echo "Downloading from ${DOWNLOAD_URL}/$i" glance add name=${NAME} is_public=true disk_format=${DISK_FORMAT} container_format=bare copy_from="${DOWNLOAD_URL}/$i" fi done