# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json from requests import exceptions from heat.common import exception from heat.common import template_format from heat.common import urlfetch from heat.engine import attributes from heat.engine import environment from heat.engine import properties from heat.engine import stack_resource from heat.engine import template from heat.openstack.common import log as logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TemplateResource(stack_resource.StackResource): ''' A resource implemented by a nested stack. This implementation passes resource properties as parameters to the nested stack. Outputs of the nested stack are exposed as attributes of this resource. ''' def __init__(self, name, json_snippet, stack): self._parsed_nested = None self.stack = stack self.validation_exception = None self.update_allowed_keys = ('Properties',) tri = stack.env.get_resource_info( json_snippet['Type'], registry_type=environment.TemplateResourceInfo) if tri is None: self.validation_exception = ValueError(_( 'Only Templates with an extension of .yaml or ' '.template are supported')) else: self.template_name = tri.template_name if tri.user_resource: self.allowed_schemes = ('http', 'https') else: self.allowed_schemes = ('http', 'https', 'file') # run Resource.__init__() so we can call self.nested() self.properties_schema = {} self.attributes_schema = {} super(TemplateResource, self).__init__(name, json_snippet, stack) if self.validation_exception is None: self._generate_schema(self.t.get('Properties', {})) def _generate_schema(self, props): self._parsed_nested = None try: tmpl = template.Template(self.parsed_nested()) except ValueError as download_error: self.validation_exception = download_error tmpl = template.Template({}) # re-generate the properties and attributes from the template. self.properties_schema = (properties.Properties .schema_from_params(tmpl.param_schemata())) self.attributes_schema = (attributes.Attributes .schema_from_outputs(tmpl[template.OUTPUTS])) self.properties = properties.Properties(self.properties_schema, props, self._resolve_runtime_data, self.name) self.attributes = attributes.Attributes(self.name, self.attributes_schema, self._resolve_attribute) def _to_parameters(self): ''' :return: parameter values for our nested stack based on our properties ''' params = {} for pname, pval in iter(self.properties.props.items()): if not pval.implemented(): continue val = self.properties[pname] if val is not None: # take a list and create a CommaDelimitedList if pval.type() == properties.Schema.LIST: if len(val) == 0: params[pname] = '' elif isinstance(val[0], dict): flattened = [] for (count, item) in enumerate(val): for (ik, iv) in iter(item.items()): mem_str = '.member.%d.%s=%s' % (count, ik, iv) flattened.append(mem_str) params[pname] = ','.join(flattened) else: params[pname] = ','.join(val) else: # for MAP, the JSON param takes either a collection or # string, so just pass it on and let the param validate # as appropriate params[pname] = val return params def parsed_nested(self): if not self._parsed_nested: self._parsed_nested = template_format.parse(self.template_data()) return self._parsed_nested def template_data(self): # we want to have the latest possible template. # 1. look in files # 2. try download # 3. look in the db reported_excp = None t_data = self.stack.t.files.get(self.template_name) if not t_data and self.template_name.endswith((".yaml", ".template")): try: t_data = urlfetch.get(self.template_name, allowed_schemes=self.allowed_schemes) except (exceptions.RequestException, IOError) as r_exc: reported_excp = ValueError(_("Could not fetch remote template " "'%(name)s': %(exc)s") % { 'name': self.template_name, 'exc': str(r_exc)}) if t_data is None: if self.nested() is not None: t_data = json.dumps(self.nested().t.t) if t_data is not None: self.stack.t.files[self.template_name] = t_data return t_data if reported_excp is None: reported_excp = ValueError(_('Unknown error retrieving %s') % self.template_name) raise reported_excp def _validate_against_facade(self, facade_cls): facade_schemata = properties.schemata(facade_cls.properties_schema) for n, fs in facade_schemata.items(): if fs.required and n not in self.properties_schema: msg = (_("Required property %(n)s for facade %(type)s " "missing in provider") % {'n': n, 'type': self.type()}) raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg) ps = self.properties_schema.get(n) if (n in self.properties_schema and (fs.type != ps.type)): # Type mismatch msg = (_("Property %(n)s type mismatch between facade %(type)s" " (%(fs_type)s) and provider (%(ps_type)s)") % { 'n': n, 'type': self.type(), 'fs_type': fs.type, 'ps_type': ps.type}) raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg) for n, ps in self.properties_schema.items(): if ps.required and n not in facade_schemata: # Required property for template not present in facade msg = (_("Provider requires property %(n)s " "unknown in facade %(type)s") % { 'n': n, 'type': self.type()}) raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg) for attr in facade_cls.attributes_schema: if attr not in self.attributes_schema: msg = (_("Attribute %(attr)s for facade %(type)s " "missing in provider") % { 'attr': attr, 'type': self.type()}) raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg) def validate(self): if self.validation_exception is not None: msg = str(self.validation_exception) raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg) try: self.template_data() except ValueError as ex: msg = _("Failed to retrieve template data: %s") % str(ex) raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg) cri = self.stack.env.get_resource_info( self.type(), registry_type=environment.ClassResourceInfo) # If we're using an existing resource type as a facade for this # template, check for compatibility between the interfaces. if cri is not None and not isinstance(self, cri.get_class()): facade_cls = cri.get_class() self._validate_against_facade(facade_cls) return super(TemplateResource, self).validate() def handle_create(self): return self.create_with_template(self.parsed_nested(), self._to_parameters()) def handle_update(self, json_snippet, tmpl_diff, prop_diff): # The stack template may be changed even if the prop_diff is empty. self.properties = properties.Properties( self.properties_schema, json_snippet.get('Properties', {}), self.stack.resolve_runtime_data, self.name) return self.update_with_template(self.parsed_nested(), self._to_parameters()) def handle_delete(self): return self.delete_nested() def FnGetRefId(self): if not self.nested(): return unicode(self.name) return self.nested().identifier().arn()