# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import eventlet import functools import itertools import sys import types from time import time as wallclock from heat.openstack.common import excutils from heat.openstack.common import log as logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def task_description(task): """ Return a human-readable string description of a task suitable for logging the status of the task. """ if isinstance(task, types.MethodType): name = getattr(task, '__name__') obj = getattr(task, '__self__') if name is not None and obj is not None: return '%s from %s' % (name, obj) return repr(task) class Timeout(BaseException): """ Timeout exception, raised within a task when it has exceeded its allotted (wallclock) running time. This allows the task to perform any necessary cleanup, as well as use a different exception to notify the controlling task if appropriate. If the task supresses the exception altogether, it will be cancelled but the controlling task will not be notified of the timeout. """ def __init__(self, task_runner, timeout): """ Initialise with the TaskRunner and a timeout period in seconds. """ message = _('%s Timed out') % task_runner super(Timeout, self).__init__(message) # Note that we don't attempt to handle leap seconds or large clock # jumps here. The latter are assumed to be rare and the former # negligible in the context of the timeout. Time zone adjustments, # Daylight Savings and the like *are* handled. PEP 418 adds a proper # monotonic clock, but only in Python 3.3. self._endtime = wallclock() + timeout def expired(self): return wallclock() > self._endtime class TaskRunner(object): """ Wrapper for a resumable task (co-routine). """ def __init__(self, task, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialise with a task function, and arguments to be passed to it when it is started. The task function may be a co-routine that yields control flow between steps. """ assert callable(task), "Task is not callable" self._task = task self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs self._runner = None self._done = False self._timeout = None self.name = task_description(task) def __str__(self): """Return a human-readable string representation of the task.""" return 'Task %s' % self.name def _sleep(self, wait_time): """Sleep for the specified number of seconds.""" if wait_time is not None: logger.debug('%s sleeping' % str(self)) eventlet.sleep(wait_time) def __call__(self, wait_time=1, timeout=None): """ Start and run the task to completion. The task will sleep for `wait_time` seconds between steps. To avoid sleeping, pass `None` for `wait_time`. """ self.start(timeout=timeout) self.run_to_completion(wait_time=wait_time) def start(self, timeout=None): """ Initialise the task and run its first step. If a timeout is specified, any attempt to step the task after that number of seconds has elapsed will result in a Timeout being raised inside the task. """ assert self._runner is None, "Task already started" logger.debug('%s starting' % str(self)) if timeout is not None: self._timeout = Timeout(self, timeout) result = self._task(*self._args, **self._kwargs) if isinstance(result, types.GeneratorType): self._runner = result self.step() else: self._runner = False self._done = True logger.debug('%s done (not resumable)' % str(self)) def step(self): """ Run another step of the task, and return True if the task is complete; False otherwise. """ if not self.done(): assert self._runner is not None, "Task not started" if self._timeout is not None and self._timeout.expired(): logger.info('%s timed out' % str(self)) try: self._runner.throw(self._timeout) except StopIteration: self._done = True else: # Clean up in case task swallows exception without exiting self.cancel() else: logger.debug('%s running' % str(self)) try: next(self._runner) except StopIteration: self._done = True logger.debug('%s complete' % str(self)) return self._done def run_to_completion(self, wait_time=1): """ Run the task to completion. The task will sleep for `wait_time` seconds between steps. To avoid sleeping, pass `None` for `wait_time`. """ while not self.step(): self._sleep(wait_time) def cancel(self): """Cancel the task if it is running.""" if self.started() and not self.done(): logger.debug('%s cancelled' % str(self)) self._runner.close() self._done = True def started(self): """Return True if the task has been started.""" return self._runner is not None def done(self): """Return True if the task is complete.""" return self._done def __nonzero__(self): """Return True if there are steps remaining.""" return not self.done() def wrappertask(task): """ Decorator for a task that needs to drive a subtask. This is essentially a replacement for the Python 3-only "yield from" keyword (PEP 380), using the "yield" keyword that is supported in Python 2. For example: @wrappertask def parent_task(self): self.setup() yield self.child_task() self.cleanup() """ @functools.wraps(task) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): parent = task(*args, **kwargs) for subtask in parent: try: if subtask is not None: for step in subtask: try: yield step except GeneratorExit as exit: subtask.close() raise exit except: try: subtask.throw(*sys.exc_info()) except StopIteration: break else: yield except GeneratorExit as exit: parent.close() raise exit except: try: parent.throw(*sys.exc_info()) except StopIteration: break return wrapper class DependencyTaskGroup(object): """ A task which manages a group of subtasks that have ordering dependencies. """ def __init__(self, dependencies, make_task=lambda o: o, reverse=False, name=None): """ Initialise with the task dependencies and (optionally) a function for creating a task from each dependency object. """ self._runners = dict((o, TaskRunner(make_task(o))) for o in dependencies) self._graph = dependencies.graph(reverse=reverse) if name is None: name = '(%s) %s' % (getattr(make_task, '__name__', task_description(make_task)), str(dependencies)) self.name = name def __repr__(self): """Return a string representation of the task.""" return '%s(%s)' % (type(self).__name__, self.name) def __call__(self): """Return a co-routine which runs the task group.""" try: while any(self._runners.itervalues()): for k, r in self._ready(): r.start() yield for k, r in self._running(): if r.step(): del self._graph[k] except: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): for r in self._runners.itervalues(): r.cancel() def _ready(self): """ Iterate over all subtasks that are ready to start - i.e. all their dependencies have been satisfied but they have not yet been started. """ for k, n in self._graph.iteritems(): if not n: runner = self._runners[k] if not runner.started(): yield k, runner def _running(self): """ Iterate over all subtasks that are currently running - i.e. they have been started but have not yet completed. """ running = lambda (k, r): k in self._graph and r.started() return itertools.ifilter(running, self._runners.iteritems()) class PollingTaskGroup(object): """ A task which manages a group of subtasks. When the task is started, all of its subtasks are also started. The task completes when all subtasks are complete. Once started, the subtasks are assumed to be only polling for completion of an asynchronous operation, so no attempt is made to give them equal scheduling slots. """ def __init__(self, tasks, name=None): """Initialise with a list of tasks.""" self._tasks = list(tasks) if name is None: name = ', '.join(task_description(t) for t in self._tasks) self.name = name @staticmethod def _args(arg_lists): """Return a list containing the positional args for each subtask.""" return zip(*arg_lists) @staticmethod def _kwargs(kwarg_lists): """Return a list containing the keyword args for each subtask.""" keygroups = (itertools.izip(itertools.repeat(name), arglist) for name, arglist in kwarg_lists.iteritems()) return [dict(kwargs) for kwargs in itertools.izip(*keygroups)] @classmethod def from_task_with_args(cls, task, *arg_lists, **kwarg_lists): """ Return a new PollingTaskGroup where each subtask is identical except for the arguments passed to it. Each argument to use should be passed as a list (or iterable) of values such that one is passed in the corresponding position for each subtask. The number of subtasks spawned depends on the length of the argument lists. For example: PollingTaskGroup.from_task_with_args(my_task, [1, 2, 3], alpha=['a', 'b', 'c']) will start three TaskRunners that will run: my_task(1, alpha='a') my_task(2, alpha='b') my_task(3, alpha='c') respectively. If multiple arguments are supplied, each list should be of the same length. In the case of any discrepancy, the length of the shortest argument list will be used, and any extra arguments discarded. """ args_list = cls._args(arg_lists) kwargs_list = cls._kwargs(kwarg_lists) if kwarg_lists and not arg_lists: args_list = [[]] * len(kwargs_list) elif arg_lists and not kwarg_lists: kwargs_list = [{}] * len(args_list) task_args = itertools.izip(args_list, kwargs_list) tasks = (functools.partial(task, *a, **kwa) for a, kwa in task_args) return cls(tasks, name=task_description(task)) def __repr__(self): """Return a string representation of the task group.""" return '%s(%s)' % (type(self).__name__, self.name) def __call__(self): """Return a co-routine which runs the task group.""" runners = [TaskRunner(t) for t in self._tasks] try: for r in runners: r.start() while runners: yield runners = list(itertools.dropwhile(lambda r: r.step(), runners)) except: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): for r in runners: r.cancel()