.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. .. _create-a-stack: Creating your first stack ========================= Confirming you can access a Heat endpoint ----------------------------------------- Before any Heat commands can be run, your cloud credentials need to be sourced:: $ source openrc You can confirm that Heat is available with this command:: $ openstack stack list This should return an empty line Preparing to create a stack --------------------------- Download and register the image:: $ wget http://cloud.fedoraproject.org/fedora-20.x86_64.qcow2 $ openstack image create \ --disk-format=qcow2 \ --container-format=bare \ --file=fedora-20.x86_64.qcow2 \ fedora-20.x86_64 Your cloud will have different flavors and images available for launching instances, you can discover what is available by running:: $ openstack flavor list $ openstack image list To allow you to SSH into instances launched by Heat, a keypair will be generated:: $ openstack keypair create heat_key > heat_key.priv $ chmod 600 heat_key.priv Launching a stack ----------------- Now lets launch a stack, using an example template from the heat-templates repository:: $ openstack stack create -t https://opendev.org/openstack/heat-templates/raw/src/branch/master/hot/F20/WordPress_Native.yaml --parameter key_name=heat_key --parameter image_id=my-fedora-image --parameter instance_type=m1.small teststack Which will respond:: +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------------------+----------------------+ | ID | Name | Status | Created | +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------------------+----------------------+ | 718a712a-2571-4eac-aa03-426de00ecb43 | teststack | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2017-04-11T03:06:24Z | +--------------------------------------+-----------+--------------------+----------------------+ .. note:: Link on Heat template presented in command above should reference on RAW template. In case if it be a "html" page with template, Heat will return an error. .. note:: You cannot rename a stack after it has been launched. List stacks ~~~~~~~~~~~ List the stacks in your tenant:: $ openstack stack list List stack events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ List the events related to a particular stack:: $ openstack stack event list teststack Describe the wordpress stack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Show detailed state of a stack:: $ openstack stack show teststack Note: After a few seconds, the stack_status should change from ``IN_PROGRESS`` to ``CREATE_COMPLETE``. Verify instance creation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because the software takes some time to install from the repository, it may be a few minutes before the Wordpress instance is in a running state. Point a web browser at the location given by the ``WebsiteURL`` output as shown by ``openstack stack output show``:: $ WebsiteURL=$(openstack stack output show teststack WebsiteURL -c output_value -f value) $ curl $WebsiteURL Delete the instance when done ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: The list operation will show no running stack.:: $ openstack stack delete teststack $ openstack stack list You can explore other heat commands by referring to the `Heat command reference `_ for the `OpenStack Command-Line Interface `_; then read the :ref:`template-guide` and start authoring your own templates.