# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_serialization import jsonutils import six from heat.common import exception from heat.common.i18n import _ from heat.engine import attributes from heat.engine import constraints from heat.engine import properties from heat.engine import resource from heat.engine import support LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MistralExternalResource(resource.Resource): """A plugin for managing user-defined resources via Mistral workflows. This resource allows users to manage resources that are not known to Heat. The user may specify a Mistral workflow to handle each resource action, such as CREATE, UPDATE, or DELETE. The workflows may return an output named 'resource_id', which will be treated as the physical ID of the resource by Heat. Once the resource is created, subsequent workflow runs will receive the output of the last workflow execution in the 'heat_extresource_data' key in the workflow environment (accessible as ``env().heat_extresource_data`` in the workflow). The template author may specify a subset of inputs as causing replacement of the resource when they change, as an alternative to running the UPDATE workflow. """ support_status = support.SupportStatus(version='9.0.0') default_client_name = 'mistral' entity = 'executions' _ACTION_PROPERTIES = ( WORKFLOW, PARAMS ) = ( 'workflow', 'params' ) PROPERTIES = ( EX_ACTIONS, INPUT, DESCRIPTION, REPLACE_ON_CHANGE, ALWAYS_UPDATE ) = ( 'actions', 'input', 'description', 'replace_on_change_inputs', 'always_update' ) ATTRIBUTES = ( OUTPUT, ) = ( 'output', ) _action_properties_schema = properties.Schema( properties.Schema.MAP, _('Dictionary which defines the workflow to run and its params.'), schema={ WORKFLOW: properties.Schema( properties.Schema.STRING, _('Workflow to execute.'), required=True, constraints=[ constraints.CustomConstraint('mistral.workflow') ], ), PARAMS: properties.Schema( properties.Schema.MAP, _('Workflow additional parameters. If workflow is reverse ' 'typed, params requires "task_name", which defines ' 'initial task.'), default={} ), } ) properties_schema = { EX_ACTIONS: properties.Schema( properties.Schema.MAP, _('Resource action which triggers a workflow execution.'), schema={ resource.Resource.CREATE: _action_properties_schema, resource.Resource.UPDATE: _action_properties_schema, resource.Resource.SUSPEND: _action_properties_schema, resource.Resource.RESUME: _action_properties_schema, resource.Resource.DELETE: _action_properties_schema, }, required=True ), INPUT: properties.Schema( properties.Schema.MAP, _('Dictionary which contains input for the workflows.'), update_allowed=True, default={} ), DESCRIPTION: properties.Schema( properties.Schema.STRING, _('Workflow execution description.'), default='Heat managed' ), REPLACE_ON_CHANGE: properties.Schema( properties.Schema.LIST, _('A list of inputs that should cause the resource to be replaced ' 'when their values change.'), default=[] ), ALWAYS_UPDATE: properties.Schema( properties.Schema.BOOLEAN, _('Triggers UPDATE action execution even if input is ' 'unchanged.'), default=False ), } attributes_schema = { OUTPUT: attributes.Schema( _('Output from the execution.'), type=attributes.Schema.MAP ), } def _check_execution(self, action, execution_id): """Check execution status. Returns False if in IDLE, RUNNING or PAUSED returns True if in SUCCESS raises ResourceFailure if in ERROR, CANCELLED raises ResourceUnknownState otherwise. """ execution = self.client().executions.get(execution_id) LOG.debug('Mistral execution %(id)s is in state ' '%(state)s' % {'id': execution_id, 'state': execution.state}) if execution.state in ('IDLE', 'RUNNING', 'PAUSED'): return False, {} if execution.state in ('SUCCESS',): return True, jsonutils.loads(execution.output) if execution.state in ('ERROR', 'CANCELLED'): raise exception.ResourceFailure( exception_or_error=execution.state_info, resource=self, action=action) raise exception.ResourceUnknownStatus( resource_status=execution.state, result=_('Mistral execution is in unknown state.')) def _handle_action(self, action, inputs=None): action_data = self.properties[self.EX_ACTIONS].get(action) if action_data: # bring forward output from previous executions into env if self.resource_id: old_outputs = jsonutils.loads(self.data().get('outputs', '{}')) action_env = action_data[self.PARAMS].get('env', {}) action_env['heat_extresource_data'] = old_outputs action_data[self.PARAMS]['env'] = action_env # inputs is not None when inputs changed on stack UPDATE if not inputs: inputs = self.properties[self.INPUT] execution = self.client().executions.create( action_data[self.WORKFLOW], workflow_input=jsonutils.dumps(inputs), description=self.properties[self.DESCRIPTION], **action_data[self.PARAMS]) LOG.debug('Mistral execution %(id)s params set to ' '%(params)s' % {'id': execution.id, 'params': action_data[self.PARAMS]}) return execution.id def _check_action(self, action, execution_id): success = True # execution_id is None when no data is available for a given action if execution_id: rsrc_id = execution_id success, output = self._check_execution(action, execution_id) # merge output with outputs of previous executions outputs = jsonutils.loads(self.data().get('outputs', '{}')) outputs.update(output) self.data_set('outputs', jsonutils.dumps(outputs)) # set resource id using output, if found if output.get('resource_id'): rsrc_id = output.get('resource_id') LOG.debug('ExternalResource id set to %(rid)s from Mistral ' 'execution %(eid)s output' % {'eid': execution_id, 'rid': rsrc_id}) self.resource_id_set(six.text_type(rsrc_id)[:255]) return success def _resolve_attribute(self, name): if self.resource_id and name == self.OUTPUT: return self.data().get('outputs') def _needs_update(self, after, before, after_props, before_props, prev_resource, check_init_complete=True): # check if we need to force replace first old_inputs = before_props[self.INPUT] new_inputs = after_props[self.INPUT] for i in after_props[self.REPLACE_ON_CHANGE]: if old_inputs.get(i) != new_inputs.get(i): LOG.debug('Replacing ExternalResource %(id)s instead of ' 'updating due to change to input "%(i)s"' % {"id": self.resource_id, "i": i}) raise resource.UpdateReplace(self) # honor always_update if found if self.properties[self.ALWAYS_UPDATE]: return True # call super in all other scenarios else: return super(MistralExternalResource, self)._needs_update(after, before, after_props, before_props, prev_resource, check_init_complete) def handle_create(self): return self._handle_action(self.CREATE) def check_create_complete(self, execution_id): return self._check_action(self.CREATE, execution_id) def handle_update(self, json_snippet, tmpl_diff, prop_diff): new_inputs = prop_diff.get(self.INPUT) return self._handle_action(self.UPDATE, new_inputs) def check_update_complete(self, execution_id): return self._check_action(self.UPDATE, execution_id) def handle_suspend(self): return self._handle_action(self.SUSPEND) def check_suspend_complete(self, execution_id): return self._check_action(self.SUSPEND, execution_id) def handle_resume(self): return self._handle_action(self.RESUME) def check_resume_complete(self, execution_id): return self._check_action(self.RESUME, execution_id) def handle_delete(self): return self._handle_action(self.DELETE) def check_delete_complete(self, execution_id): return self._check_action(self.DELETE, execution_id) def resource_mapping(): return { 'OS::Mistral::ExternalResource': MistralExternalResource }