# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from heat.common import exception from heat.engine import template from heat.engine import parameters from heat.engine import constraints as constr from heat.openstack.common.gettextutils import _ from heat.openstack.common import log as logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) PARAM_CONSTRAINTS = (CONSTRAINTS, DESCRIPTION, LENGTH, RANGE, MIN, MAX, ALLOWED_VALUES, ALLOWED_PATTERN) = \ ('constraints', 'description', 'length', 'range', 'min', 'max', 'allowed_values', 'allowed_pattern') def snake_to_camel(name): return ''.join([t.capitalize() for t in name.split('_')]) class HOTemplate(template.Template): """ A Heat Orchestration Template format stack template. """ SECTIONS = (VERSION, DESCRIPTION, PARAMETER_GROUPS, PARAMETERS, RESOURCES, OUTPUTS, UNDEFINED) = \ ('heat_template_version', 'description', 'parameter_groups', 'parameters', 'resources', 'outputs', '__undefined__') SECTIONS_NO_DIRECT_ACCESS = set([PARAMETERS]) _CFN_TO_HOT_SECTIONS = {template.Template.VERSION: VERSION, template.Template.DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION, template.Template.PARAMETERS: PARAMETERS, template.Template.MAPPINGS: UNDEFINED, template.Template.RESOURCES: RESOURCES, template.Template.OUTPUTS: OUTPUTS} def __getitem__(self, section): """"Get the relevant section in the template.""" #first translate from CFN into HOT terminology if necessary section = HOTemplate._translate(section, self._CFN_TO_HOT_SECTIONS, section) if section not in self.SECTIONS: raise KeyError(_('"%s" is not a valid template section') % section) if section in self.SECTIONS_NO_DIRECT_ACCESS: raise KeyError( _('Section %s can not be accessed directly.') % section) if section == self.VERSION: return self.t[section] if section == self.UNDEFINED: return {} if section == self.DESCRIPTION: default = 'No description' else: default = {} the_section = self.t.get(section, default) # In some cases (e.g. parameters), also translate each entry of # a section into CFN format (case, naming, etc) so the rest of the # engine can cope with it. # This is a shortcut for now and might be changed in the future. if section == self.RESOURCES: return self._translate_resources(the_section) if section == self.OUTPUTS: return self._translate_outputs(the_section) return the_section @staticmethod def _translate(value, mapping, default=None): if value in mapping: return mapping[value] return default def _translate_resources(self, resources): """Get the resources of the template translated into CFN format.""" HOT_TO_CFN_ATTRS = {'type': 'Type', 'properties': 'Properties'} cfn_resources = {} for resource_name, attrs in resources.iteritems(): cfn_resource = {} for attr, attr_value in attrs.iteritems(): cfn_attr = self._translate(attr, HOT_TO_CFN_ATTRS, attr) cfn_resource[cfn_attr] = attr_value cfn_resources[resource_name] = cfn_resource return cfn_resources def _translate_outputs(self, outputs): """Get the outputs of the template translated into CFN format.""" HOT_TO_CFN_ATTRS = {'description': 'Description', 'value': 'Value'} cfn_outputs = {} for output_name, attrs in outputs.iteritems(): cfn_output = {} for attr, attr_value in attrs.iteritems(): cfn_attr = self._translate(attr, HOT_TO_CFN_ATTRS, attr) cfn_output[cfn_attr] = attr_value cfn_outputs[output_name] = cfn_output return cfn_outputs @staticmethod def resolve_param_refs(s, params, transform=None): """ Resolve constructs of the form { get_param: my_param } """ def match_param_ref(key, value): return (key in ['get_param', 'Ref'] and value is not None and value in params) def handle_param_ref(ref): try: return params[ref] except (KeyError, ValueError): raise exception.UserParameterMissing(key=ref) return template._resolve(match_param_ref, handle_param_ref, s, transform) @staticmethod def resolve_resource_refs(s, resources, transform=None): ''' Resolve constructs of the form { "get_resource" : "resource" } ''' def match_resource_ref(key, value): return key in ['get_resource', 'Ref'] and value in resources def handle_resource_ref(arg): return resources[arg].FnGetRefId() return template._resolve(match_resource_ref, handle_resource_ref, s, transform) @staticmethod def resolve_attributes(s, resources, transform=None): """ Resolve constructs of the form { get_attr: [my_resource, my_attr] } """ def match_get_attr(key, value): return (key in ['get_attr'] and isinstance(value, list) and len(value) >= 2 and None not in value and value[0] in resources) def handle_get_attr(args): resource = args[0] try: r = resources[resource] if r.state in ( (r.CREATE, r.IN_PROGRESS), (r.CREATE, r.COMPLETE), (r.RESUME, r.IN_PROGRESS), (r.RESUME, r.COMPLETE), (r.UPDATE, r.IN_PROGRESS), (r.UPDATE, r.COMPLETE)): rsrc_attr = args[1] attr = r.FnGetAtt(rsrc_attr) try: for inner_attr in args[2:]: if hasattr(attr, str(inner_attr)): attr = getattr(attr, inner_attr) else: attr = attr[inner_attr] return attr except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError): return '' except (KeyError, IndexError): raise exception.InvalidTemplateAttribute(resource=resource, key=rsrc_attr) return template._resolve(match_get_attr, handle_get_attr, s, transform) @staticmethod def resolve_replace(s, transform=None): """ Resolve template string substitution via function str_replace Resolves the str_replace function of the form:: str_replace: template: params: """ def handle_str_replace(args): if not (isinstance(args, dict) or isinstance(args, list)): raise TypeError(_('Arguments to "str_replace" must be a' 'dictionary or a list')) try: if isinstance(args, dict): text = args.get('template') params = args.get('params', {}) elif isinstance(args, list): params, text = args if text is None: raise KeyError() except KeyError: example = ('''str_replace: template: This is var1 template var2 params: var1: a var2: string''') raise KeyError(_('"str_replace" syntax should be %s') % example) if not hasattr(text, 'replace'): raise TypeError(_('"template" parameter must be a string')) if not isinstance(params, dict): raise TypeError( _('"params" parameter must be a dictionary')) for key in params.iterkeys(): value = params.get(key, '') or "" text = text.replace(key, str(value)) return text match_str_replace = lambda k, v: k in ['str_replace', 'Fn::Replace'] return template._resolve(match_str_replace, handle_str_replace, s, transform) def param_schemata(self): params = self.t.get(self.PARAMETERS, {}).iteritems() return dict((name, HOTParamSchema.from_dict(schema)) for name, schema in params) def parameters(self, stack_identifier, user_params, validate_value=True): return HOTParameters(stack_identifier, self, user_params=user_params, validate_value=validate_value) class HOTParamSchema(parameters.Schema): """HOT parameter schema.""" KEYS = ( TYPE, DESCRIPTION, DEFAULT, SCHEMA, CONSTRAINTS, HIDDEN ) = ( 'type', 'description', 'default', 'schema', 'constraints', 'hidden' ) # For Parameters the type name for Schema.LIST is comma_delimited_list # and the type name for Schema.MAP is json TYPES = ( STRING, NUMBER, LIST, MAP, ) = ( 'string', 'number', 'comma_delimited_list', 'json', ) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, schema_dict): """ Return a Parameter Schema object from a legacy schema dictionary. """ def constraints(): constraints = schema_dict.get(CONSTRAINTS) if constraints is None: return for constraint in constraints: desc = constraint.get(DESCRIPTION) if RANGE in constraint: cdef = constraint.get(RANGE) yield constr.Range(parameters.Schema.get_num(MIN, cdef), parameters.Schema.get_num(MAX, cdef), desc) if LENGTH in constraint: cdef = constraint.get(LENGTH) yield constr.Length(parameters.Schema.get_num(MIN, cdef), parameters.Schema.get_num(MAX, cdef), desc) if ALLOWED_VALUES in constraint: cdef = constraint.get(ALLOWED_VALUES) yield constr.AllowedValues(cdef, desc) if ALLOWED_PATTERN in constraint: cdef = constraint.get(ALLOWED_PATTERN) yield constr.AllowedPattern(cdef, desc) # make update_allowed true by default on TemplateResources # as the template should deal with this. return cls(schema_dict[cls.TYPE], description=schema_dict.get(HOTParamSchema.DESCRIPTION), default=schema_dict.get(HOTParamSchema.DEFAULT), constraints=list(constraints()), hidden=schema_dict.get(HOTParamSchema.HIDDEN, False)) class HOTParameters(parameters.Parameters): PSEUDO_PARAMETERS = ( PARAM_STACK_ID, PARAM_STACK_NAME, PARAM_REGION ) = ( 'OS::stack_id', 'OS::stack_name', 'OS::region' ) def set_stack_id(self, stack_identifier): ''' Set the StackId pseudo parameter value ''' if stack_identifier is not None: self.params[self.PARAM_STACK_ID].schema.set_default( stack_identifier.stack_id) else: raise exception.InvalidStackIdentifier() def _pseudo_parameters(self, stack_identifier): stack_id = getattr(stack_identifier, 'stack_id', '') stack_name = getattr(stack_identifier, 'stack_name', '') yield parameters.Parameter( self.PARAM_STACK_ID, parameters.Schema(parameters.Schema.STRING, _('Stack ID'), default=str(stack_id))) if stack_name: yield parameters.Parameter( self.PARAM_STACK_NAME, parameters.Schema(parameters.Schema.STRING, _('Stack Name'), default=stack_name))