# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import copy import eventlet import functools import re import warnings from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import timeutils as oslo_timeutils from oslo_utils import uuidutils from osprofiler import profiler import six from heat.common import context as common_context from heat.common import environment_format as env_fmt from heat.common import exception from heat.common.i18n import _ from heat.common import identifier from heat.common import lifecycle_plugin_utils from heat.engine import dependencies from heat.engine import environment from heat.engine import event from heat.engine.notification import stack as notification from heat.engine import parameter_groups as param_groups from heat.engine import parent_rsrc from heat.engine import resource from heat.engine import resources from heat.engine import scheduler from heat.engine import stk_defn from heat.engine import sync_point from heat.engine import template as tmpl from heat.engine import update from heat.objects import raw_template as raw_template_object from heat.objects import resource as resource_objects from heat.objects import snapshot as snapshot_object from heat.objects import stack as stack_object from heat.objects import stack_tag as stack_tag_object from heat.objects import user_creds as ucreds_object from heat.rpc import api as rpc_api from heat.rpc import worker_client as rpc_worker_client LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ForcedCancel(Exception): """Exception raised to cancel task execution.""" def __init__(self, with_rollback=True): self.with_rollback = with_rollback def __str__(self): return "Operation cancelled" def reset_state_on_error(func): @six.wraps(func) def handle_exceptions(stack, *args, **kwargs): errmsg = None try: return func(stack, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): errmsg = six.text_type(exc) LOG.error('Unexpected exception in %(func)s: %(msg)s', {'func': func.__name__, 'msg': errmsg}) except BaseException as exc: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): exc_type = type(exc).__name__ errmsg = '%s(%s)' % (exc_type, six.text_type(exc)) LOG.info('Stopped due to %(msg)s in %(func)s', {'func': func.__name__, 'msg': errmsg}) finally: if stack.status == stack.IN_PROGRESS: rtnmsg = _("Unexpected exit while IN_PROGRESS.") stack.state_set(stack.action, stack.FAILED, errmsg if errmsg is not None else rtnmsg) assert errmsg is not None, "Returned while IN_PROGRESS." return handle_exceptions @six.python_2_unicode_compatible class Stack(collections.Mapping): ACTIONS = ( CREATE, DELETE, UPDATE, ROLLBACK, SUSPEND, RESUME, ADOPT, SNAPSHOT, CHECK, RESTORE ) = ( 'CREATE', 'DELETE', 'UPDATE', 'ROLLBACK', 'SUSPEND', 'RESUME', 'ADOPT', 'SNAPSHOT', 'CHECK', 'RESTORE' ) STATUSES = (IN_PROGRESS, FAILED, COMPLETE ) = ('IN_PROGRESS', 'FAILED', 'COMPLETE') _zones = None def __init__(self, context, stack_name, tmpl, stack_id=None, action=None, status=None, status_reason='', timeout_mins=None, disable_rollback=True, parent_resource=None, owner_id=None, adopt_stack_data=None, stack_user_project_id=None, created_time=None, updated_time=None, user_creds_id=None, tenant_id=None, use_stored_context=False, username=None, nested_depth=0, strict_validate=True, convergence=False, current_traversal=None, tags=None, prev_raw_template_id=None, current_deps=None, cache_data=None, service_check_defer=False, deleted_time=None): """Initialise the Stack. Initialise from a context, name, Template object and (optionally) Environment object. The database ID may also be initialised, if the stack is already in the database. Creating a stack with cache_data creates a lightweight stack which will not load any resources from the database and resolve the functions from the cache_data specified. """ def _validate_stack_name(name): try: if not re.match("[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]{0,254}$", name): message = _('Invalid stack name %s must contain ' 'only alphanumeric or \"_-.\" characters, ' 'must start with alpha and must be 255 ' 'characters or less.') % name raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=message) except TypeError: message = _('Invalid stack name %s, must be a string') % name raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=message) if owner_id is None: _validate_stack_name(stack_name) self.id = stack_id self.owner_id = owner_id self.context = context self.name = stack_name self.action = (self.ADOPT if adopt_stack_data else self.CREATE if action is None else action) self.status = self.IN_PROGRESS if status is None else status self.status_reason = status_reason self.timeout_mins = timeout_mins self.disable_rollback = disable_rollback self._outputs = None self._resources = None self._dependencies = None self._implicit_deps_loaded = False self._access_allowed_handlers = {} self._db_resources = None self._tags = tags self.adopt_stack_data = adopt_stack_data self.stack_user_project_id = stack_user_project_id self.created_time = created_time self.updated_time = updated_time self.deleted_time = deleted_time self.user_creds_id = user_creds_id self.nested_depth = nested_depth self.convergence = convergence self.current_traversal = current_traversal self.tags = tags self.prev_raw_template_id = prev_raw_template_id self.current_deps = current_deps self._worker_client = None self._convg_deps = None self.thread_group_mgr = None # strict_validate can be used to disable value validation # in the resource properties schema, this is useful when # performing validation when properties reference attributes # for not-yet-created resources (which return None) self.strict_validate = strict_validate # service_check_defer can be used to defer the validation of service # availability for a given resource, which helps to create the resource # dependency tree completely when respective service is not available, # especially during template_validate self.service_check_defer = service_check_defer self.in_convergence_check = cache_data is not None if use_stored_context: self.context = self.stored_context() self.clients = self.context.clients # This will use the provided tenant ID when loading the stack # from the DB or get it from the context for new stacks. self.tenant_id = tenant_id or self.context.tenant_id self.username = username or self.context.username resources.initialise() parent_info = parent_rsrc.ParentResourceProxy(context, parent_resource, owner_id) if tmpl is not None: self.defn = stk_defn.StackDefinition(context, tmpl, self.identifier(), cache_data or {}, parent_info) else: self.defn = None @property def tags(self): if self._tags is None: tags = stack_tag_object.StackTagList.get( self.context, self.id) if tags: self._tags = [t.tag for t in tags] return self._tags @tags.setter def tags(self, value): self._tags = value @property def worker_client(self): """Return a client for making engine RPC calls.""" if not self._worker_client: self._worker_client = rpc_worker_client.WorkerClient() return self._worker_client @property def t(self): """The stack template.""" if self.defn is None: return None return self.defn.t @t.setter def t(self, tmpl): """Set the stack template.""" self.defn = self.defn.clone_with_new_template(tmpl, self.identifier()) @property def parameters(self): return self.defn.parameters @property def env(self): """The stack environment""" return self.defn.env @property def parent_resource_name(self): parent_info = self.defn.parent_resource return parent_info and parent_info.name @property def parent_resource(self): """Dynamically load up the parent_resource. Note: this should only be used by "Fn::ResourceFacade" """ return self.defn.parent_resource def set_parent_stack(self, parent_stack): parent_info = self.defn.parent_resource if parent_info is not None: parent_rsrc.use_parent_stack(parent_info, parent_stack) def stored_context(self): if self.user_creds_id: creds_obj = ucreds_object.UserCreds.get_by_id( self.context, self.user_creds_id) # Maintain request_id from self.context so we retain traceability # in situations where servicing a request requires switching from # the request context to the stored context creds = creds_obj.obj_to_primitive()["versioned_object.data"] creds['request_id'] = self.context.request_id # We don't store roles in the user_creds table, so disable the # policy check for admin by setting is_admin=False. creds['is_admin'] = False creds['overwrite'] = False return common_context.StoredContext.from_dict(creds) else: msg = _("Attempt to use stored_context with no user_creds") raise exception.Error(msg) @property def outputs(self): return {n: self.defn.output_definition(n) for n in self.defn.enabled_output_names()} @property def resources(self): if self._resources is None: self._resources = { name: resource.Resource(name, self.defn.resource_definition(name), self) for name in self.defn.enabled_rsrc_names() } return self._resources def _update_all_resource_data(self, for_resources, for_outputs): for rsrc in self._explicit_dependencies(): node_data = rsrc.node_data(for_resources=for_resources, for_outputs=for_outputs) stk_defn.update_resource_data(self.defn, rsrc.name, node_data) def _find_filtered_resources(self, filters=None): if filters: assert not self.in_convergence_check, \ "Resources should not be loaded from the DB" resources = resource_objects.Resource.get_all_by_stack( self.context, self.id, filters) else: resources = self._db_resources_get() stk_def_cache = {} for rsc in six.itervalues(resources): loaded_res = self._resource_from_db_resource(rsc, stk_def_cache) if loaded_res is not None: yield loaded_res def iter_resources(self, nested_depth=0, filters=None): """Iterates over all the resources in a stack. Iterating includes nested stacks up to `nested_depth` levels below. """ for res in self._find_filtered_resources(filters): yield res resources = self._find_filtered_resources() for res in resources: if not res.has_nested() or nested_depth == 0: continue nested_stack = res.nested() if nested_stack is None: continue for nested_res in nested_stack.iter_resources(nested_depth - 1, filters): yield nested_res def db_active_resources_get(self): resources = resource_objects.Resource.get_all_active_by_stack( self.context, self.id) return resources or None def db_resource_get(self, name): if self.id is None: return None return self._db_resources_get().get(name) def _db_resources_get(self): if self._db_resources is None: assert not self.in_convergence_check, \ "Resources should not be loaded from the DB" _db_resources = resource_objects.Resource.get_all_by_stack( self.context, self.id) if not _db_resources: return {} self._db_resources = _db_resources return self._db_resources def _resource_from_db_resource(self, db_res, stk_def_cache=None): tid = db_res.current_template_id if tid is None: tid = self.t.id if tid == self.t.id: cur_res = self.resources.get(db_res.name) if cur_res is not None and (cur_res.id == db_res.id): return cur_res stk_def = self.defn elif stk_def_cache and tid in stk_def_cache: stk_def = stk_def_cache[tid] else: t = tmpl.Template.load(self.context, tid) stk_def = self.defn.clone_with_new_template(t, self.identifier()) if stk_def_cache is not None: stk_def_cache[tid] = stk_def try: defn = stk_def.resource_definition(db_res.name) except KeyError: return None return resource.Resource(db_res.name, defn, self) def resource_get(self, name): """Return a stack resource, even if not in the current template.""" res = self.resources.get(name) if res: return res # fall back to getting the resource from the database db_res = self.db_resource_get(name) if db_res: return self._resource_from_db_resource(db_res) return None @property def dependencies(self): if not self._implicit_deps_loaded: self._explicit_dependencies() self._add_implicit_dependencies(self._dependencies, ignore_errors=self.id is not None) self._implicit_deps_loaded = True return self._dependencies def reset_dependencies(self): self._implicit_deps_loaded = False self._dependencies = None def root_stack_id(self): if not self.owner_id: return self.id return stack_object.Stack.get_root_id(self.context, self.owner_id) def object_path_in_stack(self): """Return stack resources and stacks in path from the root stack. If this is not nested return (None, self), else return stack resources and stacks in path from the root stack and including this stack. Note that this is horribly inefficient, as it requires us to load every stack in the chain back to the root in memory at the same time. :returns: a list of (stack_resource, stack) tuples. """ if self.parent_resource: parent_stack = self.parent_resource._stack() if parent_stack is not None: path = parent_stack.object_path_in_stack() path.extend([(self.parent_resource, self)]) return path return [(None, self)] def path_in_stack(self): """Return tuples of names in path from the root stack. If this is not nested return (None, self.name), else return tuples of names (stack_resource.name, stack.name) in path from the root stack and including this stack. :returns: a list of (string, string) tuples. """ opis = self.object_path_in_stack() return [(stckres.name if stckres else None, stck.name if stck else None) for stckres, stck in opis] def total_resources(self, stack_id=None): """Return the total number of resources in a stack. Includes nested stacks below. """ if not stack_id: if self.id is None: # We're not stored yet, so we don't have anything to count return 0 stack_id = self.id return stack_object.Stack.count_total_resources(self.context, stack_id) def _set_param_stackid(self): """Update self.parameters with the current ARN. The ARN is then provided via the Parameters class as the StackId pseudo parameter. """ if not self.parameters.set_stack_id(self.identifier()): LOG.warning("Unable to set parameters StackId identifier") def _explicit_dependencies(self): """Return dependencies without making any resource plugin calls. This includes at least all of the dependencies that are explicitly expressed in the template (via depends_on or an intrinsic function). It may include implicit dependencies defined by resource plugins, but only if they have already been calculated. """ if self._dependencies is None: deps = dependencies.Dependencies() for res in six.itervalues(self.resources): res.add_explicit_dependencies(deps) self._dependencies = deps return self._dependencies def _add_implicit_dependencies(self, deps, ignore_errors=True): """Augment the given dependencies with implicit ones from plugins.""" for res in six.itervalues(self.resources): try: res.add_dependencies(deps) except Exception as exc: if not ignore_errors: raise else: LOG.warning('Ignoring error adding implicit ' 'dependencies for %(res)s: %(err)s', {'res': six.text_type(res), 'err': six.text_type(exc)}) @classmethod def load(cls, context, stack_id=None, stack=None, show_deleted=True, use_stored_context=False, force_reload=False, cache_data=None, service_check_defer=False, load_template=True): """Retrieve a Stack from the database.""" if stack is None: stack = stack_object.Stack.get_by_id( context, stack_id, show_deleted=show_deleted) if stack is None: message = _('No stack exists with id "%s"') % str(stack_id) raise exception.NotFound(message) if force_reload: stack.refresh() return cls._from_db(context, stack, use_stored_context=use_stored_context, cache_data=cache_data, service_check_defer=service_check_defer, load_template=load_template) @classmethod def load_all(cls, context, limit=None, marker=None, sort_keys=None, sort_dir=None, filters=None, show_deleted=False, show_nested=False, show_hidden=False, tags=None, tags_any=None, not_tags=None, not_tags_any=None): stacks = stack_object.Stack.get_all( context, limit=limit, sort_keys=sort_keys, marker=marker, sort_dir=sort_dir, filters=filters, show_deleted=show_deleted, show_nested=show_nested, show_hidden=show_hidden, tags=tags, tags_any=tags_any, not_tags=not_tags, not_tags_any=not_tags_any, eager_load=True) for stack in stacks: try: yield cls._from_db(context, stack) except exception.NotFound: # We're in a different transaction than the get_all, so a stack # returned above can be deleted by the time we try to load it. pass @classmethod def _from_db(cls, context, stack, use_stored_context=False, cache_data=None, service_check_defer=False, load_template=True): if load_template: template = tmpl.Template.load( context, stack.raw_template_id, stack.raw_template) else: template = None return cls(context, stack.name, template, stack_id=stack.id, action=stack.action, status=stack.status, status_reason=stack.status_reason, timeout_mins=stack.timeout, disable_rollback=stack.disable_rollback, parent_resource=stack.parent_resource_name, owner_id=stack.owner_id, stack_user_project_id=stack.stack_user_project_id, created_time=stack.created_at, updated_time=stack.updated_at, user_creds_id=stack.user_creds_id, tenant_id=stack.tenant, use_stored_context=use_stored_context, username=stack.username, convergence=stack.convergence, current_traversal=stack.current_traversal, prev_raw_template_id=stack.prev_raw_template_id, current_deps=stack.current_deps, cache_data=cache_data, nested_depth=stack.nested_depth, deleted_time=stack.deleted_at, service_check_defer=service_check_defer) def get_kwargs_for_cloning(self, keep_status=False, only_db=False): """Get common kwargs for calling Stack() for cloning. The point of this method is to reduce the number of places that we need to update when a kwarg to Stack.__init__() is modified. It is otherwise easy to forget an option and cause some unexpected error if this option is lost. Note: - This doesn't return the args(name, template) but only the kwargs. - We often want to start 'fresh' so don't want to maintain the old status, action and status_reason. - We sometimes only want the DB attributes. """ stack = { 'owner_id': self.owner_id, 'username': self.username, 'disable_rollback': self.disable_rollback, 'stack_user_project_id': self.stack_user_project_id, 'user_creds_id': self.user_creds_id, 'nested_depth': self.nested_depth, 'convergence': self.convergence, 'current_traversal': self.current_traversal, 'prev_raw_template_id': self.prev_raw_template_id, 'current_deps': self.current_deps } if keep_status: stack.update({ 'action': self.action, 'status': self.status, 'status_reason': six.text_type(self.status_reason)}) if only_db: stack['parent_resource_name'] = self.parent_resource_name stack['tenant'] = self.tenant_id stack['timeout'] = self.timeout_mins else: stack['parent_resource'] = self.parent_resource_name stack['tenant_id'] = self.tenant_id stack['timeout_mins'] = self.timeout_mins stack['strict_validate'] = self.strict_validate return stack @profiler.trace('Stack.store', hide_args=False) def store(self, backup=False, exp_trvsl=None, ignore_traversal_check=False): """Store the stack in the database and return its ID. If self.id is set, we update the existing stack. """ s = self.get_kwargs_for_cloning(keep_status=True, only_db=True) s['name'] = self.name s['backup'] = backup s['updated_at'] = self.updated_time if self.t.id is None: stack_object.Stack.encrypt_hidden_parameters(self.t) s['raw_template_id'] = self.t.store(self.context) else: s['raw_template_id'] = self.t.id if self.id is not None: if exp_trvsl is None and not ignore_traversal_check: exp_trvsl = self.current_traversal if self.convergence: # do things differently for convergence updated = stack_object.Stack.select_and_update( self.context, self.id, s, exp_trvsl=exp_trvsl) if not updated: return None else: stack_object.Stack.update_by_id(self.context, self.id, s) else: if not self.user_creds_id: # Create a context containing a trust_id and trustor_user_id # if trusts are enabled if cfg.CONF.deferred_auth_method == 'trusts': keystone = self.clients.client('keystone') trust_ctx = keystone.create_trust_context() new_creds = ucreds_object.UserCreds.create(trust_ctx) else: new_creds = ucreds_object.UserCreds.create(self.context) s['user_creds_id'] = new_creds.id self.user_creds_id = new_creds.id if self.convergence: # create a traversal ID self.current_traversal = uuidutils.generate_uuid() s['current_traversal'] = self.current_traversal new_s = stack_object.Stack.create(self.context, s) self.id = new_s.id self.created_time = new_s.created_at if self.tags: stack_tag_object.StackTagList.set(self.context, self.id, self.tags) self._set_param_stackid() return self.id def _backup_name(self): return '%s*' % self.name def identifier(self): """Return an identifier for this stack.""" return identifier.HeatIdentifier(self.tenant_id, self.name, self.id) def __iter__(self): """Return an iterator over the resource names.""" return iter(self.resources) def __len__(self): """Return the number of resources.""" return len(self.resources) def __getitem__(self, key): """Get the resource with the specified name.""" return self.resources[key] def add_resource(self, resource): """Insert the given resource into the stack.""" template = resource.stack.t resource.stack = self definition = resource.t.reparse(self.defn, template) resource.t = definition resource.reparse() self.resources[resource.name] = resource stk_defn.add_resource(self.defn, definition) if self.t.id is not None: self.t.store(self.context) resource.store() def remove_resource(self, resource_name): """Remove the resource with the specified name.""" del self.resources[resource_name] stk_defn.remove_resource(self.defn, resource_name) if self.t.id is not None: self.t.store(self.context) def __contains__(self, key): """Determine whether the stack contains the specified resource.""" if self._resources is not None: return key in self.resources else: return key in self.t[self.t.RESOURCES] def __eq__(self, other): """Compare two Stacks for equality. Stacks are considered equal only if they are identical. """ return self is other def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): """Return a human-readable string representation of the stack.""" text = 'Stack "%s" [%s]' % (self.name, self.id) return six.text_type(text) def resource_by_refid(self, refid): """Return the resource in this stack with the specified refid. :returns: resource in this stack with the specified refid, or None if not found. """ for r in six.itervalues(self): if r.state not in ((r.INIT, r.COMPLETE), (r.CREATE, r.IN_PROGRESS), (r.CREATE, r.COMPLETE), (r.RESUME, r.IN_PROGRESS), (r.RESUME, r.COMPLETE), (r.UPDATE, r.IN_PROGRESS), (r.UPDATE, r.COMPLETE), (r.CHECK, r.COMPLETE)): continue proxy = self.defn[r.name] if proxy._resource_data is None: matches = r.FnGetRefId() == refid or r.name == refid else: matches = proxy.FnGetRefId() == refid if matches: if self.in_convergence_check and r.id is not None: # We don't have resources loaded from the database at this # point, so load the data for just this one from the DB. db_res = resource_objects.Resource.get_obj(self.context, r.id) if db_res is not None: r._load_data(db_res) return r def register_access_allowed_handler(self, credential_id, handler): """Register an authorization handler function. Register a function which determines whether the credentials with a given ID can have access to a named resource. """ assert callable(handler), 'Handler is not callable' self._access_allowed_handlers[credential_id] = handler def access_allowed(self, credential_id, resource_name): """Is credential_id authorised to access resource by resource_name.""" if not self.resources: # this also triggers lazy-loading of resources # so is required for register_access_allowed_handler # to be called return False handler = self._access_allowed_handlers.get(credential_id) return handler and handler(resource_name) @profiler.trace('Stack.validate', hide_args=False) def validate(self, ignorable_errors=None, validate_res_tmpl_only=False): """Validates the stack.""" # TODO(sdake) Should return line number of invalid reference # validate overall template (top-level structure) self.t.validate() # Validate parameters self.parameters.validate(context=self.context, validate_value=self.strict_validate) # Validate Parameter Groups parameter_groups = param_groups.ParameterGroups(self.t) parameter_groups.validate() # Continue to call this function, since old third-party Template # plugins may depend on it being called to validate the resource # definitions before actually generating them. if (type(self.t).validate_resource_definitions != tmpl.Template.validate_resource_definitions): warnings.warn("The Template.validate_resource_definitions() " "method is deprecated and will no longer be called " "in future versions of Heat. Template subclasses " "should validate resource definitions in the " "resource_definitions() method.", DeprecationWarning) self.t.validate_resource_definitions(self) self.t.conditions(self).validate() # Load the resources definitions (success of which implies the # definitions are valid) resources = self.resources # Check duplicate names between parameters and resources dup_names = set(self.parameters) & set(resources) if dup_names: LOG.debug("Duplicate names %s" % dup_names) raise exception.StackValidationFailed( message=_("Duplicate names %s") % dup_names) self._update_all_resource_data(for_resources=True, for_outputs=True) if self.strict_validate: iter_rsc = self.dependencies else: iter_rsc = self._explicit_dependencies() unique_defns = set(res.t for res in six.itervalues(resources)) unique_defn_names = set(defn.name for defn in unique_defns) for res in iter_rsc: # Don't validate identical definitions multiple times if res.name not in unique_defn_names: continue result = None try: if not validate_res_tmpl_only: if res.external_id is not None: res.validate_external() continue result = res.validate() elif res.external_id is None: result = res.validate_template() except exception.HeatException as ex: LOG.debug('%s', ex) if ignorable_errors and ex.error_code in ignorable_errors: result = None else: raise except AssertionError: raise except Exception as ex: LOG.info("Exception in stack validation", exc_info=True) raise exception.StackValidationFailed(error=ex, resource=res) if result: raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=result) eventlet.sleep(0) for op_name, output in six.iteritems(self.outputs): try: path = '.'.join([self.t.OUTPUTS, op_name, self.t.OUTPUT_VALUE]) output.validate(path) except exception.StackValidationFailed: raise except AssertionError: raise def requires_deferred_auth(self): """Determine whether to perform API requests with deferred auth. Returns whether this stack may need to perform API requests during its lifecycle using the configured deferred authentication method. """ return any(res.requires_deferred_auth for res in six.itervalues(self)) def _add_event(self, action, status, reason): """Add a state change event to the database.""" ev = event.Event(self.context, self, action, status, reason, self.id, None, self.name, 'OS::Heat::Stack') ev.store() self.dispatch_event(ev) def dispatch_event(self, ev): def _dispatch(ctx, sinks, ev): try: for sink in sinks: sink.consume(ctx, ev) except Exception as e: LOG.debug('Got error sending events %s', e) if self.thread_group_mgr is not None: self.thread_group_mgr.start(self.id, _dispatch, self.context, self.env.get_event_sinks(), ev.as_dict()) @profiler.trace('Stack.state_set', hide_args=False) def state_set(self, action, status, reason): """Update the stack state.""" if action not in self.ACTIONS: raise ValueError(_("Invalid action %s") % action) if status not in self.STATUSES: raise ValueError(_("Invalid status %s") % status) self.action = action self.status = status self.status_reason = reason self._log_status() if self.convergence and action in ( self.UPDATE, self.DELETE, self.CREATE, self.ADOPT, self.ROLLBACK, self.RESTORE): # if convergence and stack operation is create/update/rollback/ # delete, stack lock is not used, hence persist state updated = self._persist_state() if not updated: # Possibly failed concurrent update LOG.warning("Failed to set state of stack %(name)s with" " traversal ID %(trvsl_id)s, to" " %(action)s_%(status)s", {'name': self.name, 'trvsl_id': self.current_traversal, 'action': action, 'status': status}) return updated # Persist state to db only if status == IN_PROGRESS # or action == UPDATE/DELETE/ROLLBACK. Else, it would # be done before releasing the stack lock. if status == self.IN_PROGRESS or action in ( self.UPDATE, self.DELETE, self.ROLLBACK, self.RESTORE): self._persist_state() def _log_status(self): LOG.info('Stack %(action)s %(status)s (%(name)s): %(reason)s', {'action': self.action, 'status': self.status, 'name': self.name, 'reason': self.status_reason}) def _persist_state(self): """Persist stack state to database""" if self.id is None: return stack = stack_object.Stack.get_by_id(self.context, self.id, eager_load=False) if stack is not None: values = {'action': self.action, 'status': self.status, 'status_reason': six.text_type(self.status_reason)} self._send_notification_and_add_event() if self.convergence: # do things differently for convergence updated = stack_object.Stack.select_and_update( self.context, self.id, values, exp_trvsl=self.current_traversal) return updated else: stack.update_and_save(values) def _send_notification_and_add_event(self): LOG.debug('Persisting stack %(name)s status %(action)s %(status)s', {'action': self.action, 'status': self.status, 'name': self.name}) notification.send(self) self._add_event(self.action, self.status, self.status_reason) def persist_state_and_release_lock(self, engine_id): """Persist stack state to database and release stack lock""" if self.id is None: return stack = stack_object.Stack.get_by_id(self.context, self.id, eager_load=False) if stack is not None: values = {'action': self.action, 'status': self.status, 'status_reason': six.text_type(self.status_reason)} self._send_notification_and_add_event() stack.persist_state_and_release_lock(self.context, self.id, engine_id, values) @property def state(self): """Returns state, tuple of action, status.""" return (self.action, self.status) def timeout_secs(self): """Return the stack action timeout in seconds.""" if self.timeout_mins is None: return cfg.CONF.stack_action_timeout return self.timeout_mins * 60 def preview_resources(self): """Preview the stack with all of the resources.""" return [resource.preview() for resource in six.itervalues(self.resources)] def _store_resources(self): for r in reversed(self.dependencies): if r.action == r.INIT: r.store() @profiler.trace('Stack.create', hide_args=False) @reset_state_on_error def create(self, msg_queue=None): """Create the stack and all of the resources.""" def rollback(): if not self.disable_rollback and self.state == (self.CREATE, self.FAILED): self.delete(action=self.ROLLBACK) self._store_resources() check_message = functools.partial(self._check_for_message, msg_queue) creator = scheduler.TaskRunner( self.stack_task, action=self.CREATE, reverse=False, post_func=rollback) creator(timeout=self.timeout_secs(), progress_callback=check_message) def _adopt_kwargs(self, resource): data = self.adopt_stack_data if not data or not data.get('resources'): return {'resource_data': None} return {'resource_data': data['resources'].get(resource.name)} @scheduler.wrappertask def stack_task(self, action, reverse=False, post_func=None, aggregate_exceptions=False, pre_completion_func=None): """A task to perform an action on the stack. All of the resources are traversed in forward or reverse dependency order. :param action: action that should be executed with stack resources :param reverse: define if action on the resources need to be executed in reverse order (resources - first and then res dependencies ) :param post_func: function that need to be executed after action complete on the stack :param aggregate_exceptions: define if exceptions should be aggregated :param pre_completion_func: function that need to be executed right before action completion. Uses stack ,action, status and reason as input parameters """ try: lifecycle_plugin_utils.do_pre_ops(self.context, self, None, action) except Exception as e: self.state_set(action, self.FAILED, e.args[0] if e.args else 'Failed stack pre-ops: %s' % six.text_type(e)) if callable(post_func): post_func() return self.state_set(action, self.IN_PROGRESS, 'Stack %s started' % action) stack_status = self.COMPLETE reason = 'Stack %s completed successfully' % action action_method = action.lower() # If a local _$action_kwargs function exists, call it to get the # action specific argument list, otherwise an empty arg list handle_kwargs = getattr(self, '_%s_kwargs' % action_method, lambda x: {}) @functools.wraps(getattr(resource.Resource, action_method)) @scheduler.wrappertask def resource_action(r): # Find e.g resource.create and call it handle = getattr(r, action_method) yield handle(**handle_kwargs(r)) if action == self.CREATE: stk_defn.update_resource_data(self.defn, r.name, r.node_data()) def get_error_wait_time(resource): return resource.cancel_grace_period() action_task = scheduler.DependencyTaskGroup( self.dependencies, resource_action, reverse, error_wait_time=get_error_wait_time, aggregate_exceptions=aggregate_exceptions) try: yield action_task() except scheduler.Timeout: stack_status = self.FAILED reason = '%s timed out' % action.title() except Exception as ex: # We use a catch-all here to ensure any raised exceptions # make the stack fail. This is necessary for when # aggregate_exceptions is false, as in that case we don't get # ExceptionGroup, but the raw exception. # see scheduler.py line 395-399 stack_status = self.FAILED reason = 'Resource %s failed: %s' % (action, six.text_type(ex)) if pre_completion_func: pre_completion_func(self, action, stack_status, reason) self.state_set(action, stack_status, reason) if callable(post_func): post_func() lifecycle_plugin_utils.do_post_ops(self.context, self, None, action, (self.status == self.FAILED)) @profiler.trace('Stack.check', hide_args=False) @reset_state_on_error def check(self): self.updated_time = oslo_timeutils.utcnow() checker = scheduler.TaskRunner( self.stack_task, self.CHECK, post_func=self.supports_check_action, aggregate_exceptions=True) checker() def supports_check_action(self): def is_supported(res): if res.has_nested() and res.nested(): return res.nested().supports_check_action() else: return hasattr(res, 'handle_%s' % res.CHECK.lower()) all_supported = all(is_supported(res) for res in six.itervalues(self.resources)) if not all_supported: msg = ". '%s' not fully supported (see resources)" % self.CHECK reason = self.status_reason + msg self.state_set(self.CHECK, self.status, reason) return all_supported @profiler.trace('Stack._backup_stack', hide_args=False) def _backup_stack(self, create_if_missing=True): """Backup the stack. Get a Stack containing any in-progress resources from the previous stack state prior to an update. """ s = stack_object.Stack.get_by_name_and_owner_id( self.context, self._backup_name(), owner_id=self.id) if s is not None: LOG.debug('Loaded existing backup stack') return self.load(self.context, stack=s) elif create_if_missing: kwargs = self.get_kwargs_for_cloning() kwargs['owner_id'] = self.id del(kwargs['prev_raw_template_id']) prev = type(self)(self.context, self._backup_name(), copy.deepcopy(self.t), **kwargs) prev.store(backup=True) LOG.debug('Created new backup stack') return prev else: return None @profiler.trace('Stack.adopt', hide_args=False) @reset_state_on_error def adopt(self): """Adopt existing resources into a new stack.""" def rollback(): if not self.disable_rollback and self.state == (self.ADOPT, self.FAILED): # enter the same flow as abandon and just delete the stack for res in six.itervalues(self.resources): res.abandon_in_progress = True self.delete(action=self.ROLLBACK, abandon=True) creator = scheduler.TaskRunner( self.stack_task, action=self.ADOPT, reverse=False, post_func=rollback) creator(timeout=self.timeout_secs()) @profiler.trace('Stack.update', hide_args=False) @reset_state_on_error def update(self, newstack, msg_queue=None): """Update the stack. Compare the current stack with newstack, and where necessary create/update/delete the resources until this stack aligns with newstack. Note update of existing stack resources depends on update being implemented in the underlying resource types Update will fail if it exceeds the specified timeout. The default is 60 minutes, set in the constructor """ self.updated_time = oslo_timeutils.utcnow() updater = scheduler.TaskRunner(self.update_task, newstack, msg_queue=msg_queue) updater() @profiler.trace('Stack.converge_stack', hide_args=False) def converge_stack(self, template, action=UPDATE, new_stack=None): """Update the stack template and trigger convergence for resources.""" if action not in [self.CREATE, self.ADOPT]: # no back-up template for create action self.prev_raw_template_id = getattr(self.t, 'id', None) # switch template and reset dependencies self.defn = self.defn.clone_with_new_template(template, self.identifier(), clear_resource_data=True) self.reset_dependencies() self._resources = None if action is not self.CREATE: self.updated_time = oslo_timeutils.utcnow() if new_stack is not None: self.disable_rollback = new_stack.disable_rollback self.timeout_mins = new_stack.timeout_mins self.defn = new_stack.defn self._set_param_stackid() self.tags = new_stack.tags if new_stack.tags: stack_tag_object.StackTagList.set(self.context, self.id, new_stack.tags) else: stack_tag_object.StackTagList.delete(self.context, self.id) self.action = action self.status = self.IN_PROGRESS self.status_reason = 'Stack %s started' % self.action # generate new traversal and store previous_traversal = self.current_traversal self.current_traversal = uuidutils.generate_uuid() # we expect to update the stack having previous traversal ID stack_id = self.store(exp_trvsl=previous_traversal) if stack_id is None: LOG.warning("Failed to store stack %(name)s with traversal " "ID %(trvsl_id)s, aborting stack %(action)s", {'name': self.name, 'trvsl_id': previous_traversal, 'action': self.action}) return self._send_notification_and_add_event() # delete the prev traversal sync_points if previous_traversal: sync_point.delete_all(self.context, self.id, previous_traversal) # TODO(later): lifecycle_plugin_utils.do_pre_ops self.thread_group_mgr.start(self.id, self._converge_create_or_update) def _converge_create_or_update(self): current_resources = self._update_or_store_resources() self._compute_convg_dependencies(self.ext_rsrcs_db, self.dependencies, current_resources) # Store list of edges self.current_deps = { 'edges': [[rqr, rqd] for rqr, rqd in self.convergence_dependencies.graph().edges()]} stack_id = self.store() if stack_id is None: # Failed concurrent update LOG.warning("Failed to store stack %(name)s with traversal " "ID %(trvsl_id)s, aborting stack %(action)s", {'name': self.name, 'trvsl_id': self.current_traversal, 'action': self.action}) return LOG.info('convergence_dependencies: %s', self.convergence_dependencies) # create sync_points for resources in DB for rsrc_id, is_update in self.convergence_dependencies: sync_point.create(self.context, rsrc_id, self.current_traversal, is_update, self.id) # create sync_point entry for stack sync_point.create( self.context, self.id, self.current_traversal, True, self.id) leaves = set(self.convergence_dependencies.leaves()) if not any(leaves): self.mark_complete() else: for rsrc_id, is_update in self.convergence_dependencies.leaves(): if is_update: LOG.info("Triggering resource %s for update", rsrc_id) else: LOG.info("Triggering resource %s for cleanup", rsrc_id) input_data = sync_point.serialize_input_data({}) self.worker_client.check_resource(self.context, rsrc_id, self.current_traversal, input_data, is_update, self.adopt_stack_data) if scheduler.ENABLE_SLEEP: eventlet.sleep(1) def rollback(self): old_tmpl_id = self.prev_raw_template_id if old_tmpl_id is None: rollback_tmpl = tmpl.Template.create_empty_template( version=self.t.version) else: rollback_tmpl = tmpl.Template.load(self.context, old_tmpl_id) self.prev_raw_template_id = None stack_id = self.store() if stack_id is None: # Failed concurrent update LOG.warning("Failed to store stack %(name)s with traversal" " ID %(trvsl_id)s, not triggering rollback.", {'name': self.name, 'trvsl_id': self.current_traversal}) return self.converge_stack(rollback_tmpl, action=self.ROLLBACK) def _get_best_existing_rsrc_db(self, rsrc_name): candidate = None if self.ext_rsrcs_db: for id, ext_rsrc in self.ext_rsrcs_db.items(): if ext_rsrc.name != rsrc_name: continue if ext_rsrc.current_template_id == self.t.id: # Rollback where the previous resource still exists candidate = ext_rsrc break elif (ext_rsrc.current_template_id == self.prev_raw_template_id): # Current resource is otherwise a good candidate candidate = ext_rsrc elif candidate is None: # In multiple concurrent updates, if candidate is not # found in current/previous template, it could be found # in old tmpl. candidate = ext_rsrc return candidate def _update_or_store_resources(self): self.ext_rsrcs_db = self.db_active_resources_get() curr_name_translated_dep = self.dependencies.translate(lambda res: res.name) rsrcs = {} def update_needed_by(res): new_requirers = set( rsrcs[rsrc_name].id for rsrc_name in curr_name_translated_dep.required_by(res.name) ) old_requirers = set(res.needed_by) if res.needed_by else set() needed_by = old_requirers | new_requirers res.needed_by = list(needed_by) for rsrc in reversed(self.dependencies): existing_rsrc_db = self._get_best_existing_rsrc_db(rsrc.name) if existing_rsrc_db is None: update_needed_by(rsrc) rsrc.current_template_id = self.t.id rsrc.store() rsrcs[rsrc.name] = rsrc else: update_needed_by(existing_rsrc_db) resource.Resource.set_needed_by( existing_rsrc_db, existing_rsrc_db.needed_by ) rsrcs[existing_rsrc_db.name] = existing_rsrc_db return rsrcs def set_resource_deps(self): curr_name_translated_dep = self.dependencies.translate(lambda res: res.id) ext_rsrcs_db = self.db_active_resources_get() for r in self.dependencies: r.needed_by = list(curr_name_translated_dep.required_by(r.id)) r.requires = list(curr_name_translated_dep.requires(r.id)) resource.Resource.set_needed_by(ext_rsrcs_db[r.id], r.needed_by) resource.Resource.set_requires(ext_rsrcs_db[r.id], r.requires) def _compute_convg_dependencies(self, existing_resources, current_template_deps, current_resources): def make_graph_key(rsrc): return current_resources[rsrc.name].id, True dep = current_template_deps.translate(make_graph_key) if existing_resources: for rsrc_id, rsrc in existing_resources.items(): dep += (rsrc_id, False), None for requirement in rsrc.requires: if requirement in existing_resources: dep += (requirement, False), (rsrc_id, False) if rsrc.replaces in existing_resources: dep += (rsrc.replaces, False), (rsrc_id, False) if (rsrc.id, True) in dep: dep += (rsrc_id, False), (rsrc_id, True) self._convg_deps = dep @property def convergence_dependencies(self): if self._convg_deps is None: current_deps = ([tuple(i), (tuple(j) if j is not None else None)] for i, j in self.current_deps['edges']) self._convg_deps = dependencies.Dependencies(edges=current_deps) return self._convg_deps def reset_stack_and_resources_in_progress(self, reason): for name, rsrc in six.iteritems(self.resources): if rsrc.status == rsrc.IN_PROGRESS: rsrc.state_set(rsrc.action, rsrc.FAILED, six.text_type(reason)) self.state_set(self.action, self.FAILED, six.text_type(reason)) @scheduler.wrappertask def update_task(self, newstack, action=UPDATE, msg_queue=None): if action not in (self.UPDATE, self.ROLLBACK, self.RESTORE): LOG.error("Unexpected action %s passed to update!", action) self.state_set(self.UPDATE, self.FAILED, "Invalid action %s" % action) return try: lifecycle_plugin_utils.do_pre_ops(self.context, self, newstack, action) except Exception as e: self.state_set(action, self.FAILED, e.args[0] if e.args else 'Failed stack pre-ops: %s' % six.text_type(e)) return if self.status == self.IN_PROGRESS: if action == self.ROLLBACK: LOG.debug("Starting update rollback for %s", self.name) else: reason = _('Attempted to %s an IN_PROGRESS ' 'stack') % action self.reset_stack_and_resources_in_progress(reason) return # Save a copy of the new template. To avoid two DB writes # we store the ID at the same time as the action/status prev_tmpl_id = self.prev_raw_template_id # newstack.t may have been pre-stored, so save with that one bu_tmpl, newstack.t = newstack.t, copy.deepcopy(newstack.t) self.prev_raw_template_id = bu_tmpl.store(self.context) self.action = action self.status = self.IN_PROGRESS self.status_reason = 'Stack %s started' % action self._send_notification_and_add_event() self.store() if prev_tmpl_id is not None: raw_template_object.RawTemplate.delete(self.context, prev_tmpl_id) if action == self.UPDATE: # Oldstack is useless when the action is not UPDATE , so we don't # need to build it, this can avoid some unexpected errors. kwargs = self.get_kwargs_for_cloning() self._ensure_encrypted_param_names_valid() oldstack = Stack(self.context, self.name, copy.deepcopy(self.t), **kwargs) backup_stack = self._backup_stack() existing_params = environment.Environment({env_fmt.PARAMETERS: self.t.env.params}) previous_template_id = None should_rollback = False update_task = update.StackUpdate( self, newstack, backup_stack, rollback=action == self.ROLLBACK) try: updater = scheduler.TaskRunner(update_task) self.defn.parameters = newstack.defn.parameters self.defn.t.files = newstack.defn.t.files self.defn.t.env = newstack.defn.t.env self.disable_rollback = newstack.disable_rollback self.timeout_mins = newstack.timeout_mins self._set_param_stackid() self.tags = newstack.tags if newstack.tags: stack_tag_object.StackTagList.set(self.context, self.id, newstack.tags) else: stack_tag_object.StackTagList.delete(self.context, self.id) check_message = functools.partial(self._check_for_message, msg_queue) try: yield updater.as_task(timeout=self.timeout_secs(), progress_callback=check_message) finally: self.reset_dependencies() if action in (self.UPDATE, self.RESTORE, self.ROLLBACK): self.status_reason = 'Stack %s completed successfully' % action self.status = self.COMPLETE except scheduler.Timeout: self.status = self.FAILED self.status_reason = 'Timed out' except Exception as e: # If rollback is enabled when resource failure occurred, # we do another update, with the existing template, # so we roll back to the original state should_rollback = self._update_exception_handler(e, action) if should_rollback: yield self.update_task(oldstack, action=self.ROLLBACK) except BaseException as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self._update_exception_handler(e, action) else: LOG.debug('Deleting backup stack') backup_stack.delete(backup=True) # flip the template to the newstack values previous_template_id = self.t.id self.t = newstack.t self._outputs = None finally: if should_rollback: # Already handled in rollback task return # Don't use state_set to do only one update query and avoid race # condition with the COMPLETE status self.action = action self._log_status() self._send_notification_and_add_event() if self.status == self.FAILED: # Since template was incrementally updated based on existing # and new stack resources, we should have user params of both. existing_params.load(newstack.t.env.user_env_as_dict()) self.t.env = existing_params # Update the template version, in case new things were used self.t.t[newstack.t.version[0]] = max( newstack.t.version[1], self.t.version[1]) self.t.merge_snippets(newstack.t) self.t.store(self.context) backup_stack.t.env = existing_params backup_stack.t.t[newstack.t.version[0]] = max( newstack.t.version[1], self.t.version[1]) backup_stack.t.merge_snippets(newstack.t) backup_stack.t.store(self.context) self.store() if previous_template_id is not None: raw_template_object.RawTemplate.delete(self.context, previous_template_id) lifecycle_plugin_utils.do_post_ops(self.context, self, newstack, action, (self.status == self.FAILED)) def _update_exception_handler(self, exc, action): """Handle exceptions in update_task. Decide if we should cancel tasks or not. Also decide if we should rollback or not, depend on disable rollback flag if force rollback flag not triggered. :returns: a boolean for require rollback flag. """ self.status_reason = six.text_type(exc) self.status = self.FAILED if action != self.UPDATE: return False if isinstance(exc, ForcedCancel): return exc.with_rollback or not self.disable_rollback elif isinstance(exc, exception.ResourceFailure): return not self.disable_rollback else: return False def _ensure_encrypted_param_names_valid(self): # If encryption was enabled when the stack was created but # then disabled when the stack was updated, env.params and # env.encrypted_param_names will be in an inconsistent # state if not cfg.CONF.encrypt_parameters_and_properties: self.t.env.encrypted_param_names = [] @staticmethod def _check_for_message(msg_queue): if msg_queue is None: return try: message = msg_queue.get_nowait() except eventlet.queue.Empty: return if message == rpc_api.THREAD_CANCEL: raise ForcedCancel(with_rollback=False) elif message == rpc_api.THREAD_CANCEL_WITH_ROLLBACK: raise ForcedCancel(with_rollback=True) LOG.error('Unknown message "%s" received', message) def _delete_backup_stack(self, stack): # Delete resources in the backup stack referred to by 'stack' def failed(child): return (child.action == child.CREATE and child.status in (child.FAILED, child.IN_PROGRESS)) def copy_data(source_res, destination_res): if source_res.data(): for key, val in six.iteritems(source_res.data()): destination_res.data_set(key, val) for key, backup_res in stack.resources.items(): # If UpdateReplace is failed, we must restore backup_res # to existing_stack in case of it may have dependencies in # these stacks. curr_res is the resource that just # created and failed, so put into the stack to delete anyway. backup_res_id = backup_res.resource_id curr_res = self.resources.get(key) if backup_res_id is not None and curr_res is not None: curr_res_id = curr_res.resource_id if (any(failed(child) for child in self.dependencies[curr_res]) or curr_res.status in (curr_res.FAILED, curr_res.IN_PROGRESS)): # If child resource failed to update, curr_res # should be replaced to resolve dependencies. But this # is not fundamental solution. If there are update # failer and success resources in the children, cannot # delete the stack. # Stack class owns dependencies as set of resource's # objects, so we switch members of the resource that is # needed to delete it. self.resources[key].resource_id = backup_res_id self.resources[key].properties = backup_res.properties copy_data(backup_res, self.resources[key]) stack.resources[key].resource_id = curr_res_id stack.resources[key].properties = curr_res.properties copy_data(curr_res, stack.resources[key]) stack.delete(backup=True) def _try_get_user_creds(self): # There are cases where the user_creds cannot be returned # due to credentials truncated when being saved to DB. # Ignore this error instead of blocking stack deletion. try: return ucreds_object.UserCreds.get_by_id(self.context, self.user_creds_id) except exception.Error: LOG.exception("Failed to retrieve user_creds") return None def _delete_credentials(self, stack_status, reason, abandon): # Cleanup stored user_creds so they aren't accessible via # the soft-deleted stack which remains in the DB # The stack_status and reason passed in are current values, which # may get rewritten and returned from this method if self.user_creds_id: user_creds = self._try_get_user_creds() # If we created a trust, delete it if user_creds is not None: trust_id = user_creds.get('trust_id') if trust_id: try: # If the trustor doesn't match the context user the # we have to use the stored context to cleanup the # trust, as although the user evidently has # permission to delete the stack, they don't have # rights to delete the trust unless an admin trustor_id = user_creds.get('trustor_user_id') if self.context.user_id != trustor_id: LOG.debug("Context user_id doesn't match " "trustor, using stored context") sc = self.stored_context() sc.clients.client('keystone').delete_trust( trust_id) else: self.clients.client('keystone').delete_trust( trust_id) except Exception as ex: LOG.exception("Error deleting trust") stack_status = self.FAILED reason = ("Error deleting trust: %s" % six.text_type(ex)) # Delete the stored credentials try: ucreds_object.UserCreds.delete(self.context, self.user_creds_id) except exception.NotFound: LOG.info("Tried to delete user_creds that do not exist " "(stack=%(stack)s user_creds_id=%(uc)s)", {'stack': self.id, 'uc': self.user_creds_id}) try: self.user_creds_id = None self.store() except exception.NotFound: LOG.info("Tried to store a stack that does not exist %s", self.id) # If the stack has a domain project, delete it if self.stack_user_project_id and not abandon: try: keystone = self.clients.client('keystone') keystone.delete_stack_domain_project( project_id=self.stack_user_project_id) except Exception as ex: LOG.exception("Error deleting project") stack_status = self.FAILED reason = "Error deleting project: %s" % six.text_type(ex) return stack_status, reason @profiler.trace('Stack.delete', hide_args=False) @reset_state_on_error def delete(self, action=DELETE, backup=False, abandon=False): """Delete all of the resources, and then the stack itself. The action parameter is used to differentiate between a user initiated delete and an automatic stack rollback after a failed create, which amount to the same thing, but the states are recorded differently. Note abandon is a delete where all resources have been set to a RETAIN deletion policy, but we also don't want to delete anything required for those resources, e.g the stack_user_project. """ if action not in (self.DELETE, self.ROLLBACK): LOG.error("Unexpected action %s passed to delete!", action) self.state_set(self.DELETE, self.FAILED, "Invalid action %s" % action) return stack_status = self.COMPLETE reason = 'Stack %s completed successfully' % action self.state_set(action, self.IN_PROGRESS, 'Stack %s started' % action) backup_stack = self._backup_stack(False) if backup_stack: self._delete_backup_stack(backup_stack) if backup_stack.status != backup_stack.COMPLETE: errs = backup_stack.status_reason failure = 'Error deleting backup resources: %s' % errs self.state_set(action, self.FAILED, 'Failed to %s : %s' % (action, failure)) return self.delete_all_snapshots() if not backup: try: lifecycle_plugin_utils.do_pre_ops(self.context, self, None, action) except Exception as e: self.state_set(action, self.FAILED, e.args[0] if e.args else 'Failed stack pre-ops: %s' % six.text_type(e)) return action_task = scheduler.DependencyTaskGroup(self.dependencies, resource.Resource.destroy, reverse=True) try: scheduler.TaskRunner(action_task)(timeout=self.timeout_secs()) except exception.ResourceFailure as ex: stack_status = self.FAILED reason = 'Resource %s failed: %s' % (action, six.text_type(ex)) except scheduler.Timeout: stack_status = self.FAILED reason = '%s timed out' % action.title() # If the stack delete succeeded, this is not a backup stack and it's # not a nested stack, we should delete the credentials if stack_status != self.FAILED and not backup and not self.owner_id: stack_status, reason = self._delete_credentials(stack_status, reason, abandon) try: self.state_set(action, stack_status, reason) except exception.NotFound: LOG.info("Tried to delete stack that does not exist " "%s ", self.id) if not backup: lifecycle_plugin_utils.do_post_ops(self.context, self, None, action, (self.status == self.FAILED)) if stack_status != self.FAILED: # delete the stack try: stack_object.Stack.delete(self.context, self.id) except exception.NotFound: LOG.info("Tried to delete stack that does not exist " "%s ", self.id) self.id = None @profiler.trace('Stack.suspend', hide_args=False) @reset_state_on_error def suspend(self): """Suspend the stack. Invokes handle_suspend for all stack resources. Waits for all resources to become SUSPEND_COMPLETE then declares the stack SUSPEND_COMPLETE. Note the default implementation for all resources is to do nothing other than move to SUSPEND_COMPLETE, so the resources must implement handle_suspend for this to have any effect. """ # No need to suspend if the stack has been suspended if self.state == (self.SUSPEND, self.COMPLETE): LOG.info('%s is already suspended', self) return self.updated_time = oslo_timeutils.utcnow() sus_task = scheduler.TaskRunner( self.stack_task, action=self.SUSPEND, reverse=True) sus_task(timeout=self.timeout_secs()) @profiler.trace('Stack.resume', hide_args=False) @reset_state_on_error def resume(self): """Resume the stack. Invokes handle_resume for all stack resources. Waits for all resources to become RESUME_COMPLETE then declares the stack RESUME_COMPLETE. Note the default implementation for all resources is to do nothing other than move to RESUME_COMPLETE, so the resources must implement handle_resume for this to have any effect. """ # No need to resume if the stack has been resumed if self.state == (self.RESUME, self.COMPLETE): LOG.info('%s is already resumed', self) return self.updated_time = oslo_timeutils.utcnow() sus_task = scheduler.TaskRunner( self.stack_task, action=self.RESUME, reverse=False) sus_task(timeout=self.timeout_secs()) @profiler.trace('Stack.snapshot', hide_args=False) @reset_state_on_error def snapshot(self, save_snapshot_func): """Snapshot the stack, invoking handle_snapshot on all resources.""" self.updated_time = oslo_timeutils.utcnow() sus_task = scheduler.TaskRunner( self.stack_task, action=self.SNAPSHOT, reverse=False, pre_completion_func=save_snapshot_func) sus_task(timeout=self.timeout_secs()) def delete_all_snapshots(self): """Remove all snapshots for this stack.""" snapshots = snapshot_object.Snapshot.get_all(self.context, self.id) for snapshot in snapshots: self.delete_snapshot(snapshot) snapshot_object.Snapshot.delete(self.context, snapshot.id) @profiler.trace('Stack.delete_snapshot', hide_args=False) def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Remove a snapshot from the backends.""" for name, rsrc in six.iteritems(self.resources): snapshot_data = snapshot.data if snapshot_data: data = snapshot.data['resources'].get(name) scheduler.TaskRunner(rsrc.delete_snapshot, data)() def restore_data(self, snapshot): env = environment.Environment(snapshot.data['environment']) files = snapshot.data['files'] template = tmpl.Template(snapshot.data['template'], env=env, files=files) newstack = self.__class__(self.context, self.name, template, timeout_mins=self.timeout_mins, disable_rollback=self.disable_rollback) for name in newstack.defn.enabled_rsrc_names(): defn = newstack.defn.resource_definition(name) rsrc = resource.Resource(name, defn, self) data = snapshot.data['resources'].get(name) handle_restore = getattr(rsrc, 'handle_restore', None) if callable(handle_restore): defn = handle_restore(defn, data) template.add_resource(defn, name) newstack.parameters.set_stack_id(self.identifier()) return newstack, template @reset_state_on_error def restore(self, snapshot): """Restore the given snapshot. Invokes handle_restore on all resources. """ self.updated_time = oslo_timeutils.utcnow() newstack = self.restore_data(snapshot)[0] updater = scheduler.TaskRunner(self.update_task, newstack, action=self.RESTORE) updater() def restart_resource(self, resource_name): """Restart the resource specified by resource_name. stop resource_name and all that depend on it start resource_name and all that depend on it """ warnings.warn("Stack.restart_resource() is horribly broken and will " "never be fixed. If you're using it in a resource type " "other than HARestarter, don't. And don't use " "HARestarter either.", DeprecationWarning) deps = self.dependencies[self[resource_name]] failed = False for res in reversed(deps): try: scheduler.TaskRunner(res.destroy)() except exception.ResourceFailure as ex: failed = True LOG.info('Resource %(name)s delete failed: %(ex)s', {'name': res.name, 'ex': ex}) for res in deps: if not failed: try: res.state_reset() scheduler.TaskRunner(res.create)() except exception.ResourceFailure as ex: failed = True LOG.info('Resource %(name)s create failed: ' '%(ex)s', {'name': res.name, 'ex': ex}) else: res.state_set(res.CREATE, res.FAILED, 'Resource restart aborted') # TODO(asalkeld) if any of this fails we Should # restart the whole stack def get_availability_zones(self): nova = self.clients.client('nova') if self._zones is None: self._zones = [ zone.zoneName for zone in nova.availability_zones.list(detailed=False)] return self._zones def set_stack_user_project_id(self, project_id): self.stack_user_project_id = project_id self.store() @profiler.trace('Stack.create_stack_user_project_id', hide_args=False) def create_stack_user_project_id(self): project_id = self.clients.client( 'keystone').create_stack_domain_project(self.id) self.set_stack_user_project_id(project_id) @profiler.trace('Stack.prepare_abandon', hide_args=False) def prepare_abandon(self): return { 'name': self.name, 'id': self.id, 'action': self.action, 'environment': self.env.user_env_as_dict(), 'files': self.t.files, 'status': self.status, 'template': self.t.t, 'resources': dict((res.name, res.prepare_abandon()) for res in six.itervalues(self.resources)), 'project_id': self.tenant_id, 'stack_user_project_id': self.stack_user_project_id, 'tags': self.tags, } def mark_complete(self): """Mark the update as complete. This currently occurs when all resources have been updated; there may still be resources being cleaned up, but the Stack should now be in service. """ LOG.info('[%(name)s(%(id)s)] update traversal %(tid)s complete', {'name': self.name, 'id': self.id, 'tid': self.current_traversal}) reason = 'Stack %s completed successfully' % self.action updated = self.state_set(self.action, self.COMPLETE, reason) if not updated: return self.purge_db() def purge_db(self): """Cleanup database after stack has completed/failed. 1. Delete the resources from DB. 2. If the stack failed, update the current_traversal to empty string so that the resource workers bail out. 3. Delete previous raw template if stack completes successfully. 4. Deletes all sync points. They are no longer needed after stack has completed/failed. 5. Delete the stack if the action is DELETE. """ resource_objects.Resource.purge_deleted(self.context, self.id) exp_trvsl = self.current_traversal if self.status == self.FAILED: self.current_traversal = '' prev_tmpl_id = None if (self.prev_raw_template_id is not None and self.status != self.FAILED): prev_tmpl_id = self.prev_raw_template_id self.prev_raw_template_id = None stack_id = self.store(exp_trvsl=exp_trvsl) if stack_id is None: # Failed concurrent update LOG.warning("Failed to store stack %(name)s with traversal ID " "%(trvsl_id)s, aborting stack purge", {'name': self.name, 'trvsl_id': self.current_traversal}) return if prev_tmpl_id is not None: raw_template_object.RawTemplate.delete(self.context, prev_tmpl_id) sync_point.delete_all(self.context, self.id, exp_trvsl) if (self.action, self.status) == (self.DELETE, self.COMPLETE): if not self.owner_id: status, reason = self._delete_credentials( self.status, self.status_reason, False) if status == self.FAILED: # something wrong when delete credentials, set FAILED self.state_set(self.action, status, reason) return try: stack_object.Stack.delete(self.context, self.id) except exception.NotFound: pass def time_elapsed(self): """Time elapsed in seconds since the stack operation started.""" start_time = self.updated_time or self.created_time return (oslo_timeutils.utcnow() - start_time).total_seconds() def time_remaining(self): """Time left before stack times out.""" return self.timeout_secs() - self.time_elapsed() def has_timed_out(self): """Returns True if this stack has timed-out.""" if self.status == self.IN_PROGRESS: return self.time_elapsed() > self.timeout_secs() return False def migrate_to_convergence(self): values = {'current_template_id': self.t.id} db_rsrcs = self.db_active_resources_get() if db_rsrcs is not None: for res in db_rsrcs.values(): res.update_and_save(values=values) self.set_resource_deps() self.current_traversal = uuidutils.generate_uuid() self.convergence = True prev_raw_template_id = self.prev_raw_template_id self.prev_raw_template_id = None self.store(ignore_traversal_check=True) if prev_raw_template_id: raw_template_object.RawTemplate.delete(self.context, prev_raw_template_id)