# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Utilities for Resources that use the OpenStack Nova API.""" import email from email.mime import multipart from email.mime import text import os import pkgutil import string import warnings from novaclient import exceptions as nova_exceptions from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_serialization import jsonutils import six from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse from heat.common import exception from heat.common.i18n import _ from heat.common.i18n import _LW from heat.engine import scheduler LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) deferred_server_statuses = ['BUILD', 'HARD_REBOOT', 'PASSWORD', 'REBOOT', 'RESCUE', 'RESIZE', 'REVERT_RESIZE', 'SHUTOFF', 'SUSPENDED', 'VERIFY_RESIZE'] def refresh_server(server): ''' Refresh server's attributes and log warnings for non-critical API errors. ''' warnings.warn('nova_utils.refresh_server is deprecated. ' 'Use self.client_plugin("nova").refresh_server') try: server.get() except nova_exceptions.OverLimit as exc: LOG.warn(_LW("Server %(name)s (%(id)s) received an OverLimit " "response during server.get(): %(exception)s"), {'name': server.name, 'id': server.id, 'exception': exc}) except nova_exceptions.ClientException as exc: http_status = (getattr(exc, 'http_status', None) or getattr(exc, 'code', None)) if http_status in (500, 503): LOG.warn(_LW('Server "%(name)s" (%(id)s) received the following ' 'exception during server.get(): %(exception)s'), {'name': server.name, 'id': server.id, 'exception': exc}) else: raise def get_ip(server, net_type, ip_version): """Return the server's IP of the given type and version.""" warnings.warn('nova_utils.get_ip is deprecated. ' 'Use self.client_plugin("nova").get_ip') if net_type in server.addresses: for ip in server.addresses[net_type]: if ip['version'] == ip_version: return ip['addr'] def get_flavor_id(nova_client, flavor): warnings.warn('nova_utils.get_flavor_id is deprecated. ' 'Use self.client_plugin("nova").get_flavor_id') ''' Get the id for the specified flavor name. If the specified value is flavor id, just return it. :param nova_client: the nova client to use :param flavor: the name of the flavor to find :returns: the id of :flavor: :raises: exception.FlavorMissing ''' flavor_id = None flavor_list = nova_client.flavors.list() for o in flavor_list: if o.name == flavor: flavor_id = o.id break if o.id == flavor: flavor_id = o.id break if flavor_id is None: raise exception.FlavorMissing(flavor_id=flavor) return flavor_id def get_keypair(nova_client, key_name): warnings.warn('nova_utils.get_keypair is deprecated. ' 'Use self.client_plugin("nova").get_keypair') ''' Get the public key specified by :key_name: :param nova_client: the nova client to use :param key_name: the name of the key to look for :returns: the keypair (name, public_key) for :key_name: :raises: exception.UserKeyPairMissing ''' try: return nova_client.keypairs.get(key_name) except nova_exceptions.NotFound: raise exception.UserKeyPairMissing(key_name=key_name) def build_userdata(resource, userdata=None, instance_user=None, user_data_format='HEAT_CFNTOOLS'): warnings.warn('nova_utils.build_userdata is deprecated. ' 'Use self.client_plugin("nova").build_userdata') ''' Build multipart data blob for CloudInit which includes user-supplied Metadata, user data, and the required Heat in-instance configuration. :param resource: the resource implementation :type resource: heat.engine.Resource :param userdata: user data string :type userdata: str or None :param instance_user: the user to create on the server :type instance_user: string :param user_data_format: Format of user data to return :type user_data_format: string :returns: multipart mime as a string ''' if user_data_format == 'RAW': return userdata is_cfntools = user_data_format == 'HEAT_CFNTOOLS' is_software_config = user_data_format == 'SOFTWARE_CONFIG' def make_subpart(content, filename, subtype=None): if subtype is None: subtype = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] msg = text.MIMEText(content, _subtype=subtype) msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename) return msg def read_cloudinit_file(fn): return pkgutil.get_data('heat', 'cloudinit/%s' % fn) if instance_user: config_custom_user = 'user: %s' % instance_user # FIXME(shadower): compatibility workaround for cloud-init 0.6.3. We # can drop this once we stop supporting 0.6.3 (which ships with Ubuntu # 12.04 LTS). # # See bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/heat/+bug/1257410 boothook_custom_user = r"""useradd -m %s echo -e '%s\tALL=(ALL)\tNOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers """ % (instance_user, instance_user) else: config_custom_user = '' boothook_custom_user = '' cloudinit_config = string.Template( read_cloudinit_file('config')).safe_substitute( add_custom_user=config_custom_user) cloudinit_boothook = string.Template( read_cloudinit_file('boothook.sh')).safe_substitute( add_custom_user=boothook_custom_user) attachments = [(cloudinit_config, 'cloud-config'), (cloudinit_boothook, 'boothook.sh', 'cloud-boothook'), (read_cloudinit_file('part_handler.py'), 'part-handler.py')] if is_cfntools: attachments.append((userdata, 'cfn-userdata', 'x-cfninitdata')) elif is_software_config: # attempt to parse userdata as a multipart message, and if it # is, add each part as an attachment userdata_parts = None try: userdata_parts = email.message_from_string(userdata) except Exception: pass if userdata_parts and userdata_parts.is_multipart(): for part in userdata_parts.get_payload(): attachments.append((part.get_payload(), part.get_filename(), part.get_content_subtype())) else: attachments.append((userdata, 'userdata', 'x-shellscript')) if is_cfntools: attachments.append((read_cloudinit_file('loguserdata.py'), 'loguserdata.py', 'x-shellscript')) metadata = resource.metadata_get() if metadata: attachments.append((jsonutils.dumps(metadata), 'cfn-init-data', 'x-cfninitdata')) attachments.append((cfg.CONF.heat_watch_server_url, 'cfn-watch-server', 'x-cfninitdata')) if is_cfntools: attachments.append((cfg.CONF.heat_metadata_server_url, 'cfn-metadata-server', 'x-cfninitdata')) # Create a boto config which the cfntools on the host use to know # where the cfn and cw API's are to be accessed cfn_url = urlparse.urlparse(cfg.CONF.heat_metadata_server_url) cw_url = urlparse.urlparse(cfg.CONF.heat_watch_server_url) is_secure = cfg.CONF.instance_connection_is_secure vcerts = cfg.CONF.instance_connection_https_validate_certificates boto_cfg = "\n".join(["[Boto]", "debug = 0", "is_secure = %s" % is_secure, "https_validate_certificates = %s" % vcerts, "cfn_region_name = heat", "cfn_region_endpoint = %s" % cfn_url.hostname, "cloudwatch_region_name = heat", "cloudwatch_region_endpoint = %s" % cw_url.hostname]) attachments.append((boto_cfg, 'cfn-boto-cfg', 'x-cfninitdata')) subparts = [make_subpart(*args) for args in attachments] mime_blob = multipart.MIMEMultipart(_subparts=subparts) return mime_blob.as_string() def delete_server(server): ''' A co-routine that deletes the server and waits for it to disappear from Nova. ''' warnings.warn('nova_utils.delete_server is deprecated. ' 'Use self.client_plugin("nova").delete_server') if not server: return try: server.delete() except nova_exceptions.NotFound: return while True: yield try: refresh_server(server) except nova_exceptions.NotFound: break else: # Some clouds append extra (STATUS) strings to the status short_server_status = server.status.split('(')[0] if short_server_status == "DELETED": break if short_server_status == "ERROR": fault = getattr(server, 'fault', {}) message = fault.get('message', 'Unknown') code = fault.get('code') errmsg = (_("Server %(name)s delete failed: (%(code)s) " "%(message)s")) raise exception.Error(errmsg % {"name": server.name, "code": code, "message": message}) @scheduler.wrappertask def resize(server, flavor, flavor_id): """Resize the server and then call check_resize task to verify.""" warnings.warn('nova_utils.resize is deprecated. ' 'Use self.client_plugin("nova").resize') server.resize(flavor_id) yield check_resize(server, flavor, flavor_id) def rename(server, name): """Update the name for a server.""" warnings.warn('nova_utils.rename is deprecated. ' 'Use self.client_plugin("nova").rename') server.update(name) def check_resize(server, flavor, flavor_id): """ Verify that a resizing server is properly resized. If that's the case, confirm the resize, if not raise an error. """ warnings.warn('nova_utils.check_resize is deprecated. ' 'Use self.client_plugin("nova").check_resize') refresh_server(server) while server.status == 'RESIZE': yield refresh_server(server) if server.status == 'VERIFY_RESIZE': server.confirm_resize() else: raise exception.Error( _("Resizing to '%(flavor)s' failed, status '%(status)s'") % dict(flavor=flavor, status=server.status)) @scheduler.wrappertask def rebuild(server, image_id, preserve_ephemeral=False): """Rebuild the server and call check_rebuild to verify.""" warnings.warn('nova_utils.rebuild is deprecated. ' 'Use self.client_plugin("nova").rebuild') server.rebuild(image_id, preserve_ephemeral=preserve_ephemeral) yield check_rebuild(server, image_id) def check_rebuild(server, image_id): """ Verify that a rebuilding server is rebuilt. Raise error if it ends up in an ERROR state. """ warnings.warn('nova_utils.check_rebuild is deprecated. ' 'Use self.client_plugin("nova").check_rebuild') refresh_server(server) while server.status == 'REBUILD': yield refresh_server(server) if server.status == 'ERROR': raise exception.Error( _("Rebuilding server failed, status '%s'") % server.status) def meta_serialize(metadata): """ Serialize non-string metadata values before sending them to Nova. """ warnings.warn('nova_utils.meta_serialize is deprecated. ' 'Use self.client_plugin("nova").meta_serialize') return dict((key, (value if isinstance(value, six.string_types) else jsonutils.dumps(value)) ) for (key, value) in metadata.items()) def meta_update(client, server, metadata): """Delete/Add the metadata in nova as needed.""" warnings.warn('nova_utils.meta_update is deprecated. ' 'Use self.client_plugin("nova").meta_update') metadata = meta_serialize(metadata) current_md = server.metadata to_del = [key for key in current_md.keys() if key not in metadata] if len(to_del) > 0: client.servers.delete_meta(server, to_del) client.servers.set_meta(server, metadata) def server_to_ipaddress(client, server): ''' Return the server's IP address, fetching it from Nova. ''' warnings.warn('nova_utils.server_to_ipaddress is deprecated. ' 'Use self.client_plugin("nova").server_to_ipaddress') try: server = client.servers.get(server) except nova_exceptions.NotFound as ex: LOG.warn(_LW('Instance (%(server)s) not found: %(ex)s'), {'server': server, 'ex': ex}) else: for n in server.networks: if len(server.networks[n]) > 0: return server.networks[n][0] def absolute_limits(nova_client): """Return the absolute limits as a dictionary.""" warnings.warn('nova_utils.absolute_limits is deprecated. ' 'Use self.client_plugin("nova").absolute_limits') limits = nova_client.limits.get() return dict([(limit.name, limit.value) for limit in list(limits.absolute)])