# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import mock from heat.common import exception from heat.common import template_format from heat.engine.resources.openstack.heat import instance_group as instgrp from heat.engine import rsrc_defn from heat.tests import common from heat.tests.openstack.nova import fakes as fakes_nova from heat.tests import utils ig_tmpl_without_updt_policy = ''' { "AWSTemplateFormatVersion" : "2010-09-09", "Description" : "Template to create multiple instances.", "Parameters" : {}, "Resources" : { "JobServerGroup" : { "Type" : "OS::Heat::InstanceGroup", "Properties" : { "LaunchConfigurationName" : { "Ref" : "JobServerConfig" }, "Size" : "10", "AvailabilityZones" : ["nova"] } }, "JobServerConfig" : { "Type" : "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration", "Properties": { "ImageId" : "foo", "InstanceType" : "m1.medium", "KeyName" : "test", "SecurityGroups" : [ "sg-1" ], "UserData" : "jsconfig data" } } } } ''' ig_tmpl_with_bad_updt_policy = ''' { "AWSTemplateFormatVersion" : "2010-09-09", "Description" : "Template to create multiple instances.", "Parameters" : {}, "Resources" : { "JobServerGroup" : { "UpdatePolicy" : { "RollingUpdate": "foo" }, "Type" : "OS::Heat::InstanceGroup", "Properties" : { "LaunchConfigurationName" : { "Ref" : "JobServerConfig" }, "Size" : "10", "AvailabilityZones" : ["nova"] } }, "JobServerConfig" : { "Type" : "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration", "Properties": { "ImageId" : "foo", "InstanceType" : "m1.medium", "KeyName" : "test", "SecurityGroups" : [ "sg-1" ], "UserData" : "jsconfig data" } } } } ''' ig_tmpl_with_default_updt_policy = ''' { "AWSTemplateFormatVersion" : "2010-09-09", "Description" : "Template to create multiple instances.", "Parameters" : {}, "Resources" : { "JobServerGroup" : { "UpdatePolicy" : { "RollingUpdate" : { } }, "Type" : "OS::Heat::InstanceGroup", "Properties" : { "LaunchConfigurationName" : { "Ref" : "JobServerConfig" }, "Size" : "10", "AvailabilityZones" : ["nova"] } }, "JobServerConfig" : { "Type" : "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration", "Properties": { "ImageId" : "foo", "InstanceType" : "m1.medium", "KeyName" : "test", "SecurityGroups" : [ "sg-1" ], "UserData" : "jsconfig data" } } } } ''' ig_tmpl_with_updt_policy = ''' { "AWSTemplateFormatVersion" : "2010-09-09", "Description" : "Template to create multiple instances.", "Parameters" : {}, "Resources" : { "JobServerGroup" : { "UpdatePolicy" : { "RollingUpdate" : { "MinInstancesInService" : "1", "MaxBatchSize" : "2", "PauseTime" : "PT1S" } }, "Type" : "OS::Heat::InstanceGroup", "Properties" : { "LaunchConfigurationName" : { "Ref" : "JobServerConfig" }, "Size" : "10", "AvailabilityZones" : ["nova"] } }, "JobServerConfig" : { "Type" : "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration", "Properties": { "ImageId" : "foo", "InstanceType" : "m1.medium", "KeyName" : "test", "SecurityGroups" : [ "sg-1" ], "UserData" : "jsconfig data" } } } } ''' class InstanceGroupTest(common.HeatTestCase): def setUp(self): super(InstanceGroupTest, self).setUp() self.fc = fakes_nova.FakeClient() self.stub_ImageConstraint_validate() self.stub_KeypairConstraint_validate() self.stub_FlavorConstraint_validate() def get_launch_conf_name(self, stack, ig_name): return stack[ig_name].properties['LaunchConfigurationName'] def test_parse_without_update_policy(self): tmpl = template_format.parse(ig_tmpl_without_updt_policy) stack = utils.parse_stack(tmpl) stack.validate() grp = stack['JobServerGroup'] self.assertFalse(grp.update_policy['RollingUpdate']) def test_parse_with_update_policy(self): tmpl = template_format.parse(ig_tmpl_with_updt_policy) stack = utils.parse_stack(tmpl) stack.validate() grp = stack['JobServerGroup'] self.assertTrue(grp.update_policy) self.assertEqual(1, len(grp.update_policy)) self.assertIn('RollingUpdate', grp.update_policy) policy = grp.update_policy['RollingUpdate'] self.assertIsNotNone(policy) self.assertGreater(len(policy), 0) self.assertEqual(1, int(policy['MinInstancesInService'])) self.assertEqual(2, int(policy['MaxBatchSize'])) self.assertEqual('PT1S', policy['PauseTime']) def test_parse_with_default_update_policy(self): tmpl = template_format.parse(ig_tmpl_with_default_updt_policy) stack = utils.parse_stack(tmpl) stack.validate() grp = stack['JobServerGroup'] self.assertTrue(grp.update_policy) self.assertEqual(1, len(grp.update_policy)) self.assertIn('RollingUpdate', grp.update_policy) policy = grp.update_policy['RollingUpdate'] self.assertIsNotNone(policy) self.assertGreater(len(policy), 0) self.assertEqual(0, int(policy['MinInstancesInService'])) self.assertEqual(1, int(policy['MaxBatchSize'])) self.assertEqual('PT0S', policy['PauseTime']) def test_parse_with_bad_update_policy(self): tmpl = template_format.parse(ig_tmpl_with_bad_updt_policy) stack = utils.parse_stack(tmpl) self.assertRaises(exception.StackValidationFailed, stack.validate) def test_parse_with_bad_pausetime_in_update_policy(self): tmpl = template_format.parse(ig_tmpl_with_updt_policy) group = tmpl['Resources']['JobServerGroup'] policy = group['UpdatePolicy']['RollingUpdate'] # test against some random string policy['PauseTime'] = 'ABCD1234' stack = utils.parse_stack(tmpl) self.assertRaises(exception.StackValidationFailed, stack.validate) # test unsupported designator policy['PauseTime'] = 'P1YT1H' stack = utils.parse_stack(tmpl) self.assertRaises(exception.StackValidationFailed, stack.validate) def validate_update_policy_diff(self, current, updated): # load current stack current_tmpl = template_format.parse(current) current_stack = utils.parse_stack(current_tmpl) # get the json snippet for the current InstanceGroup resource current_grp = current_stack['JobServerGroup'] current_snippets = dict((n, r.frozen_definition()) for n, r in current_stack.items()) current_grp_json = current_snippets[current_grp.name] # load the updated stack updated_tmpl = template_format.parse(updated) updated_stack = utils.parse_stack(updated_tmpl) # get the updated json snippet for the InstanceGroup resource in the # context of the current stack updated_grp = updated_stack['JobServerGroup'] updated_grp_json = updated_grp.t.freeze() # identify the template difference tmpl_diff = updated_grp.update_template_diff( updated_grp_json, current_grp_json) self.assertTrue(tmpl_diff.update_policy_changed()) # test application of the new update policy in handle_update current_grp._try_rolling_update = mock.MagicMock() current_grp.resize = mock.MagicMock() current_grp.handle_update(updated_grp_json, tmpl_diff, None) self.assertEqual(updated_grp_json._update_policy or {}, current_grp.update_policy.data) def test_update_policy_added(self): self.validate_update_policy_diff(ig_tmpl_without_updt_policy, ig_tmpl_with_updt_policy) def test_update_policy_updated(self): updt_template = json.loads(ig_tmpl_with_updt_policy) grp = updt_template['Resources']['JobServerGroup'] policy = grp['UpdatePolicy']['RollingUpdate'] policy['MinInstancesInService'] = '2' policy['MaxBatchSize'] = '4' policy['PauseTime'] = 'PT1M30S' self.validate_update_policy_diff(ig_tmpl_with_updt_policy, json.dumps(updt_template)) def test_update_policy_removed(self): self.validate_update_policy_diff(ig_tmpl_with_updt_policy, ig_tmpl_without_updt_policy) class InstanceGroupReplaceTest(common.HeatTestCase): def test_timeout_exception(self): self.stub_ImageConstraint_validate() self.stub_KeypairConstraint_validate() self.stub_FlavorConstraint_validate() t = template_format.parse(ig_tmpl_with_updt_policy) stack = utils.parse_stack(t) defn = rsrc_defn.ResourceDefinition( 'asg', 'OS::Heat::InstanceGroup', {'Size': 2, 'AvailabilityZones': ['zoneb'], "LaunchConfigurationName": "LaunchConfig", "LoadBalancerNames": ["ElasticLoadBalancer"]}) # the following test, effective_capacity is 12 # batch_count = (effective_capacity + batch_size -1)//batch_size # = (12 + 2 - 1)//2 = 6 # if (batch_count - 1)* pause_time > stack.time_out, to raise error # (6 - 1)*14*60 > 3600, so to raise error group = instgrp.InstanceGroup('asg', defn, stack) group._group_data().size = mock.Mock(return_value=12) self.assertRaises(ValueError, group._replace, 10, 1, 14 * 60)