# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Client implementation based on the boto AWS client library """ from heat.openstack.common import log as logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from boto.ec2.cloudwatch import CloudWatchConnection from boto.ec2.cloudwatch.metric import Metric from boto.ec2.cloudwatch.alarm import MetricAlarm, MetricAlarms from boto.ec2.cloudwatch.alarm import AlarmHistoryItem from boto.ec2.cloudwatch.datapoint import Datapoint class BotoCWClient(CloudWatchConnection): ''' Wrapper class for boto CloudWatchConnection class ''' # TODO : These should probably go in the CW API and be imported DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = "heat/unknown" METRIC_UNITS = ("Seconds", "Microseconds", "Milliseconds", "Bytes", "Kilobytes", "Megabytes", "Gigabytes", "Terabytes", "Bits", "Kilobits", "Megabits", "Gigabits", "Terabits", "Percent", "Count", "Bytes/Second", "Kilobytes/Second", "Megabytes/Second", "Gigabytes/Second", "Terabytes/Second", "Bits/Second", "Kilobits/Second", "Megabits/Second", "Gigabits/Second", "Terabits/Second", "Count/Second", None) METRIC_COMPARISONS = (">=", ">", "<", "<=") ALARM_STATES = ("OK", "ALARM", "INSUFFICIENT_DATA") METRIC_STATISTICS = ("Average", "Sum", "SampleCount", "Maximum", "Minimum") # Note, several of these boto calls take a list of alarm names, so # we could easily handle multiple alarms per-action, but in the # interests of keeping the client simple, we just handle one 'AlarmName' def describe_alarm(self, **kwargs): # If no AlarmName specified, we pass None, which returns # results for ALL alarms try: name = kwargs['AlarmName'] except KeyError: name = None return super(BotoCWClient, self).describe_alarms( alarm_names=[name]) def list_metrics(self, **kwargs): # list_metrics returns non-null index in next_token if there # are more than 500 metric results, in which case we have to # re-read with the token to get the next batch of results # # Also note that we can do more advanced filtering by dimension # and/or namespace, but for simplicity we only filter by # MetricName for the time being try: name = kwargs['MetricName'] except KeyError: name = None results = [] token = None while True: results.append(super(BotoCWClient, self).list_metrics( next_token=token, dimensions=None, metric_name=name, namespace=None)) if not token: break return results def put_metric_data(self, **kwargs): ''' Publish metric data points to CloudWatch ''' try: metric_name = kwargs['MetricName'] metric_unit = kwargs['MetricUnit'] metric_value = kwargs['MetricValue'] metric_namespace = kwargs['Namespace'] except KeyError: logger.error("Must pass MetricName, MetricUnit, " +\ "Namespace, MetricValue!") return try: metric_unit = kwargs['MetricUnit'] except KeyError: metric_unit = None # If we're passed AlarmName, we attach it to the metric # as a dimension try: metric_dims = [{'AlarmName': kwargs['AlarmName']}] except KeyError: metric_dims = [] if metric_unit not in self.METRIC_UNITS: logger.error("MetricUnit not an allowed value") logger.error("MetricUnit must be one of %s" % self.METRIC_UNITS) return return super(BotoCWClient, self).put_metric_data( namespace=metric_namespace, name=metric_name, value=metric_value, timestamp=None, # This means use "now" in the engine unit=metric_unit, dimensions=metric_dims, statistics=None) def set_alarm_state(self, **kwargs): return super(BotoCWClient, self).set_alarm_state( alarm_name=kwargs['AlarmName'], state_reason=kwargs['StateReason'], state_value=kwargs['StateValue'], state_reason_data=kwargs['StateReasonData']) def format_metric_alarm(self, alarms): ''' Return string formatted representation of boto.ec2.cloudwatch.alarm.MetricAlarm objects ''' ret = [] for s in alarms: ret.append("AlarmName : %s" % s.name) ret.append("AlarmDescription : %s" % s.description) ret.append("ActionsEnabled : %s" % s.actions_enabled) ret.append("AlarmActions : %s" % s.alarm_actions) ret.append("AlarmArn : %s" % s.alarm_arn) ret.append("AlarmConfigurationUpdatedTimestamp : %s" % s.last_updated) ret.append("ComparisonOperator : %s" % s.comparison) ret.append("Dimensions : %s" % s.dimensions) ret.append("EvaluationPeriods : %s" % s.evaluation_periods) ret.append("InsufficientDataActions : %s" % s.insufficient_data_actions) ret.append("MetricName : %s" % s.metric) ret.append("Namespace : %s" % s.namespace) ret.append("OKActions : %s" % s.ok_actions) ret.append("Period : %s" % s.period) ret.append("StateReason : %s" % s.state_reason) ret.append("StateUpdatedTimestamp : %s" % s.last_updated) ret.append("StateValue : %s" % s.state_value) ret.append("Statistic : %s" % s.statistic) ret.append("Threshold : %s" % s.threshold) ret.append("Unit : %s" % s.unit) ret.append("--") return '\n'.join(ret) def format_metric(self, metrics): ''' Return string formatted representation of boto.ec2.cloudwatch.metric.Metric objects ''' # Boto appears to return metrics as a list-inside-a-list # probably a bug in boto, but work around here if len(metrics) == 1: metlist = metrics[0] elif len(metrics) == 0: metlist = [] else: # Shouldn't get here, unless boto gets fixed.. logger.error("Unexpected metric list-of-list length (boto fixed?)") return "ERROR\n--" ret = [] for m in metlist: ret.append("MetricName : %s" % m.name) ret.append("Namespace : %s" % m.namespace) ret.append("Dimensions : %s" % m.dimensions) ret.append("--") return '\n'.join(ret) def get_client(port=None, aws_access_key=None, aws_secret_key=None): """ Returns a new boto CloudWatch client connection to a heat server Note : Configuration goes in /etc/boto.cfg, not via arguments """ # Note we pass None/None for the keys so boto reads /etc/boto.cfg # Also note is_secure is defaulted to False as HTTPS connections # don't seem to work atm, FIXME cloudwatch = BotoCWClient(aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_key, is_secure=False, port=port, path="/v1") if cloudwatch: logger.debug("Got CW connection object OK") else: logger.error("Error establishing CloudWatch connection!") sys.exit(1) return cloudwatch