# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from heat.engine import resources from heat.engine import properties from heat.openstack.common.gettextutils import _ from docutils import nodes from sphinx.util.compat import Directive class resourcepages(nodes.General, nodes.Element): pass class ResourcePages(Directive): has_content = False required_arguments = 0 optional_arguments = 1 final_argument_whitespace = False option_spec = {} def run(self): prefix = self.arguments and self.arguments.pop() or None content = [] for resource_type, resource_class in _all_resources(prefix): self.resource_type = resource_type self.resource_class = resource_class section = self._section(content, resource_type, '%s') self.props_schemata = properties.schemata( self.resource_class.properties_schema) cls_doc = resource_class.__doc__ if cls_doc: para = nodes.paragraph('', cls_doc) section.append(para) self.contribute_properties(section) self.contribute_attributes(section) self.contribute_hot_syntax(section) self.contribute_yaml_syntax(section) self.contribute_json_syntax(section) return content def _section(self, parent, title, id_pattern): id = id_pattern % self.resource_type section = nodes.section(ids=[id]) parent.append(section) title = nodes.title('', title) section.append(title) return section def _prop_syntax_example(self, prop): if not prop: return 'Value' if prop.type == properties.Schema.LIST: schema = lambda i: prop.schema[i] if prop.schema else None sub_type = [self._prop_syntax_example(schema(i)) for i in range(2)] return '[%s, %s, ...]' % tuple(sub_type) elif prop.type == properties.Schema.MAP: def sub_props(): for sub_key, sub_value in prop.schema.items(): if sub_value.implemented: yield '"%s": %s' % ( sub_key, self._prop_syntax_example(sub_value)) return '{%s}' % (', '.join(sub_props()) if prop.schema else '...') else: return prop.type def contribute_hot_syntax(self, parent): section = self._section(parent, _('HOT Syntax'), '%s-hot') props = [] for prop_key in sorted(self.props_schemata.keys()): prop = self.props_schemata[prop_key] if prop.implemented: props.append('%s: %s' % (prop_key, self._prop_syntax_example(prop))) template = '''heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 ... resources: ... the_resource: type: %s properties: %s''' % (self.resource_type, '\n '.join(props)) block = nodes.literal_block('', template) section.append(block) def contribute_yaml_syntax(self, parent): section = self._section(parent, _('YAML Syntax'), '%s-yaml') props = [] for prop_key in sorted(self.props_schemata.keys()): prop = self.props_schemata[prop_key] if prop.implemented: props.append('%s: %s' % (prop_key, self._prop_syntax_example(prop))) template = '''HeatTemplateFormatVersion: '2012-12-12' ... Resources: ... TheResource: Type: %s Properties: %s''' % (self.resource_type, '\n '.join(props)) block = nodes.literal_block('', template) section.append(block) def contribute_json_syntax(self, parent): section = self._section(parent, _('JSON Syntax'), '%s-json') props = [] for prop_key in sorted(self.props_schemata.keys()): prop = self.props_schemata[prop_key] if prop.implemented: props.append('"%s": %s' % (prop_key, self._prop_syntax_example(prop))) template = '''{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion" : "2010-09-09", ... "Resources" : { "TheResource": { "Type": "%s", "Properties": { %s } } } }''' % (self.resource_type, ',\n '.join(props)) block = nodes.literal_block('', template) section.append(block) def contribute_property(self, prop_list, prop_key, prop): prop_item = nodes.definition_list_item( '', nodes.term('', prop_key)) prop_list.append(prop_item) prop_item.append(nodes.classifier('', prop.type)) definition = nodes.definition() prop_item.append(definition) if not prop.implemented: para = nodes.inline('', _('Not implemented.')) warning = nodes.note('', para) definition.append(warning) return if prop.description: para = nodes.paragraph('', prop.description) definition.append(para) if prop.update_allowed: para = nodes.paragraph('', _('Can be updated without replacement.')) definition.append(para) else: para = nodes.paragraph('', _('Updates cause replacement.')) definition.append(para) if prop.required: para = nodes.paragraph('', _('Required property.')) elif prop.default is not None: para = nodes.paragraph( '', _('Optional property, defaults to "%s".') % prop.default) else: para = nodes.paragraph('', _('Optional property.')) definition.append(para) for constraint in prop.constraints: para = nodes.paragraph('', str(constraint)) definition.append(para) sub_schema = None if prop.schema and prop.type == properties.Schema.MAP: para = nodes.emphasis('', _('Map properties:')) definition.append(para) sub_schema = prop.schema elif prop.schema and prop.type == properties.Schema.LIST: para = nodes.emphasis( '', _('List contents:')) definition.append(para) sub_schema = prop.schema if sub_schema: sub_prop_list = nodes.definition_list() definition.append(sub_prop_list) for sub_prop_key in sorted(sub_schema.keys()): sub_prop = sub_schema[sub_prop_key] self.contribute_property(sub_prop_list, sub_prop_key, sub_prop) def contribute_properties(self, parent): if not self.props_schemata: return section = self._section(parent, _('Properties'), '%s-props') prop_list = nodes.definition_list() section.append(prop_list) for prop_key in sorted(self.props_schemata.keys()): prop = self.props_schemata[prop_key] self.contribute_property(prop_list, prop_key, prop) def contribute_attributes(self, parent): schema = self.resource_class.attributes_schema if not schema: return section = self._section(parent, _('Attributes'), '%s-attrs') prop_list = nodes.definition_list() section.append(prop_list) for prop_key in sorted(schema.keys()): description = schema[prop_key] prop_item = nodes.definition_list_item( '', nodes.term('', prop_key)) prop_list.append(prop_item) definition = nodes.definition() prop_item.append(definition) if description: def_para = nodes.paragraph('', description) definition.append(def_para) def _all_resources(prefix=None): g_env = resources.global_env() all_resources = g_env.get_types() for resource_type in sorted(all_resources): resource_class = g_env.get_class(resource_type) if not prefix or resource_type.startswith(prefix): yield resource_type, resource_class def setup(app): resources.initialise() app.add_node(resourcepages) app.add_directive('resourcepages', ResourcePages)