# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import six from heat.common import exception from heat.common.i18n import _ from heat.engine.cfn import functions as cfn_funcs from heat.engine.cfn import template as cfn_template from heat.engine import function from heat.engine.hot import functions as hot_funcs from heat.engine.hot import parameters from heat.engine import rsrc_defn from heat.engine import template _RESOURCE_KEYS = ( RES_TYPE, RES_PROPERTIES, RES_METADATA, RES_DEPENDS_ON, RES_DELETION_POLICY, RES_UPDATE_POLICY, ) = ( 'type', 'properties', 'metadata', 'depends_on', 'deletion_policy', 'update_policy', ) class HOTemplate20130523(template.Template): """ A Heat Orchestration Template format stack template. """ SECTIONS = ( VERSION, DESCRIPTION, PARAMETER_GROUPS, PARAMETERS, RESOURCES, OUTPUTS, MAPPINGS ) = ( 'heat_template_version', 'description', 'parameter_groups', 'parameters', 'resources', 'outputs', '__undefined__' ) SECTIONS_NO_DIRECT_ACCESS = set([PARAMETERS, VERSION]) _CFN_TO_HOT_SECTIONS = {cfn_template.CfnTemplate.VERSION: VERSION, cfn_template.CfnTemplate.DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION, cfn_template.CfnTemplate.PARAMETERS: PARAMETERS, cfn_template.CfnTemplate.MAPPINGS: MAPPINGS, cfn_template.CfnTemplate.RESOURCES: RESOURCES, cfn_template.CfnTemplate.OUTPUTS: OUTPUTS} _RESOURCE_HOT_TO_CFN_ATTRS = {'type': 'Type', 'properties': 'Properties', 'metadata': 'Metadata', 'depends_on': 'DependsOn', 'deletion_policy': 'DeletionPolicy', 'update_policy': 'UpdatePolicy', 'description': 'Description', 'value': 'Value'} functions = { 'Fn::GetAZs': cfn_funcs.GetAZs, 'get_param': hot_funcs.GetParam, 'get_resource': cfn_funcs.ResourceRef, 'Ref': cfn_funcs.Ref, 'get_attr': hot_funcs.GetAttThenSelect, 'Fn::Select': cfn_funcs.Select, 'Fn::Join': cfn_funcs.Join, 'list_join': hot_funcs.Join, 'Fn::Split': cfn_funcs.Split, 'str_replace': hot_funcs.Replace, 'Fn::Replace': cfn_funcs.Replace, 'Fn::Base64': cfn_funcs.Base64, 'Fn::MemberListToMap': cfn_funcs.MemberListToMap, 'resource_facade': hot_funcs.ResourceFacade, 'Fn::ResourceFacade': cfn_funcs.ResourceFacade, 'get_file': hot_funcs.GetFile, } def __getitem__(self, section): """"Get the relevant section in the template.""" # first translate from CFN into HOT terminology if necessary if section not in self.SECTIONS: section = HOTemplate20130523._translate( section, self._CFN_TO_HOT_SECTIONS, _('"%s" is not a valid template section')) if section not in self.SECTIONS: raise KeyError(_('"%s" is not a valid template section') % section) if section in self.SECTIONS_NO_DIRECT_ACCESS: raise KeyError( _('Section %s can not be accessed directly.') % section) if section == self.MAPPINGS: return {} if section == self.DESCRIPTION: default = 'No description' else: default = {} # if a section is None (empty yaml section) return {} # to be consistent with an empty json section. the_section = self.t.get(section) or default # In some cases (e.g. parameters), also translate each entry of # a section into CFN format (case, naming, etc) so the rest of the # engine can cope with it. # This is a shortcut for now and might be changed in the future. if section == self.RESOURCES: return self._translate_resources(the_section) if section == self.OUTPUTS: return self._translate_outputs(the_section) return the_section @staticmethod def _translate(value, mapping, err_msg=None): try: return mapping[value] except KeyError as ke: if err_msg: raise KeyError(err_msg % value) else: raise ke def _translate_section(self, section, sub_section, data, mapping): cfn_objects = {} obj_name = section[:-1] err_msg = _('"%%s" is not a valid keyword inside a %s ' 'definition') % obj_name for name, attrs in six.iteritems(data): cfn_object = {} if not attrs: args = {'object_name': obj_name, 'sub_section': sub_section} message = _('Each %(object_name)s must contain a ' '%(sub_section)s key.') % args raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=message) try: for attr, attr_value in six.iteritems(attrs): cfn_attr = self._translate(attr, mapping, err_msg) cfn_object[cfn_attr] = attr_value cfn_objects[name] = cfn_object except AttributeError: message = _('"%(section)s" must contain a map of ' '%(obj_name)s maps. Found a [%(_type)s] ' 'instead') % {'section': section, '_type': type(attrs), 'obj_name': obj_name} raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=message) except KeyError as e: # an invalid keyword was found raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=six.text_type(e)) return cfn_objects def _translate_resources(self, resources): """Get the resources of the template translated into CFN format.""" return self._translate_section('resources', 'type', resources, self._RESOURCE_HOT_TO_CFN_ATTRS) def get_section_name(self, section): cfn_to_hot_attrs = dict( zip(six.itervalues(self._RESOURCE_HOT_TO_CFN_ATTRS), six.iterkeys(self._RESOURCE_HOT_TO_CFN_ATTRS))) return cfn_to_hot_attrs.get(section, section) def _translate_outputs(self, outputs): """Get the outputs of the template translated into CFN format.""" HOT_TO_CFN_ATTRS = {'description': 'Description', 'value': 'Value'} return self._translate_section('outputs', 'value', outputs, HOT_TO_CFN_ATTRS) def param_schemata(self, param_defaults=None): parameter_section = self.t.get(self.PARAMETERS) or {} pdefaults = param_defaults or {} for name, schema in six.iteritems(parameter_section): if name in pdefaults: parameter_section[name]['default'] = pdefaults[name] params = six.iteritems(parameter_section) return dict((name, parameters.HOTParamSchema.from_dict(name, schema)) for name, schema in params) def parameters(self, stack_identifier, user_params, param_defaults=None): return parameters.HOTParameters(stack_identifier, self, user_params=user_params, param_defaults=param_defaults) def validate_resource_definitions(self, stack): resources = self.t.get(self.RESOURCES) or {} allowed_keys = set(_RESOURCE_KEYS) try: for name, snippet in resources.items(): data = self.parse(stack, snippet) if not self.validate_resource_key_type(RES_TYPE, six.string_types, 'string', allowed_keys, name, data): args = {'name': name, 'type_key': RES_TYPE} msg = _('Resource %(name)s is missing ' '"%(type_key)s"') % args raise KeyError(msg) self.validate_resource_key_type( RES_PROPERTIES, (collections.Mapping, function.Function), 'object', allowed_keys, name, data) self.validate_resource_key_type( RES_METADATA, (collections.Mapping, function.Function), 'object', allowed_keys, name, data) self.validate_resource_key_type( RES_DEPENDS_ON, collections.Sequence, 'list or string', allowed_keys, name, data) self.validate_resource_key_type( RES_DELETION_POLICY, six.string_types, 'string', allowed_keys, name, data) self.validate_resource_key_type( RES_UPDATE_POLICY, (collections.Mapping, function.Function), 'object', allowed_keys, name, data) except (TypeError, ValueError) as ex: raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=six.text_type(ex)) def resource_definitions(self, stack): resources = self.t.get(self.RESOURCES) or {} def rsrc_defn_item(name, snippet): data = self.parse(stack, snippet) depends = data.get(RES_DEPENDS_ON) if not depends: depends = [] elif isinstance(depends, six.string_types): depends = [depends] kwargs = { 'resource_type': data.get(RES_TYPE), 'properties': data.get(RES_PROPERTIES), 'metadata': data.get(RES_METADATA), 'depends': depends, 'deletion_policy': data.get(RES_DELETION_POLICY), 'update_policy': data.get(RES_UPDATE_POLICY), 'description': None } defn = rsrc_defn.ResourceDefinition(name, **kwargs) return name, defn return dict(rsrc_defn_item(name, data) for name, data in resources.items()) def add_resource(self, definition, name=None): if name is None: name = definition.name if self.t.get(self.RESOURCES) is None: self.t[self.RESOURCES] = {} self.t[self.RESOURCES][name] = definition.render_hot() class HOTemplate20141016(HOTemplate20130523): functions = { 'get_attr': hot_funcs.GetAtt, 'get_file': hot_funcs.GetFile, 'get_param': hot_funcs.GetParam, 'get_resource': cfn_funcs.ResourceRef, 'list_join': hot_funcs.Join, 'resource_facade': hot_funcs.ResourceFacade, 'str_replace': hot_funcs.Replace, 'Fn::Select': cfn_funcs.Select, # functions removed from 20130523 'Fn::GetAZs': hot_funcs.Removed, 'Fn::Join': hot_funcs.Removed, 'Fn::Split': hot_funcs.Removed, 'Fn::Replace': hot_funcs.Removed, 'Fn::Base64': hot_funcs.Removed, 'Fn::MemberListToMap': hot_funcs.Removed, 'Fn::ResourceFacade': hot_funcs.Removed, 'Ref': hot_funcs.Removed, } class HOTemplate20150430(HOTemplate20141016): functions = { 'digest': hot_funcs.Digest, 'get_attr': hot_funcs.GetAtt, 'get_file': hot_funcs.GetFile, 'get_param': hot_funcs.GetParam, 'get_resource': cfn_funcs.ResourceRef, 'list_join': hot_funcs.Join, 'repeat': hot_funcs.Repeat, 'resource_facade': hot_funcs.ResourceFacade, 'str_replace': hot_funcs.Replace, 'Fn::Select': cfn_funcs.Select, # functions removed from 20130523 'Fn::GetAZs': hot_funcs.Removed, 'Fn::Join': hot_funcs.Removed, 'Fn::Split': hot_funcs.Removed, 'Fn::Replace': hot_funcs.Removed, 'Fn::Base64': hot_funcs.Removed, 'Fn::MemberListToMap': hot_funcs.Removed, 'Fn::ResourceFacade': hot_funcs.Removed, 'Ref': hot_funcs.Removed, }