# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from copy import deepcopy import datetime import logging import webob import json import urlparse import re import httplib import eventlet from heat import manager from heat.db import api as db_api from heat.common import config from heat.common import utils as heat_utils from heat.common import context as ctxtlib from heat.engine import parser from heat.engine import resources from heat.engine import watchrule from heat.engine import auth from heat.openstack.common import timeutils from novaclient.v1_1 import client from novaclient.exceptions import BadRequest from novaclient.exceptions import NotFound from novaclient.exceptions import AuthorizationFailure logger = logging.getLogger('heat.engine.manager') greenpool = eventlet.GreenPool() _param_key = re.compile(r'Parameters\.member\.(.*?)\.ParameterKey$') def _extract_user_params(params): def get_param_pairs(): for k in params: keymatch = _param_key.match(k) if keymatch: key = params[k] v = 'Parameters.member.%s.ParameterValue' % keymatch.group(1) try: value = params[v] except KeyError: logger.error('Could not apply parameter %s' % key) yield (key, value) return dict(get_param_pairs()) def _extract_args(params): kwargs = {} try: timeout_mins = int(params.get('TimeoutInMinutes', 0)) except (ValueError, TypeError): logger.exception('create timeout conversion') else: if timeout_mins > 0: kwargs['timeout_in_minutes'] = timeout_mins return kwargs class EngineManager(manager.Manager): """ Manages the running instances from creation to destruction. All the methods in here are called from the RPC backend. This is all done dynamically so if a call is made via RPC that does not have a corresponding method here, an exception will be thrown when it attempts to call into this class. Arguments to these methods are also dynamically added and will be named as keyword arguments by the RPC caller. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Load configuration options and connect to the hypervisor.""" pass def list_stacks(self, context, params): """ The list_stacks method is the end point that actually implements the 'list' command of the heat API. arg1 -> RPC context. arg2 -> Dict of http request parameters passed in from API side. """ auth.authenticate(context) res = {'stacks': []} stacks = db_api.stack_get_by_user(context) if stacks is None: return res for s in stacks: stack = parser.Stack.load(context, s.id) mem = {} mem['StackId'] = stack.stack_id() mem['StackName'] = s.name mem['CreationTime'] = heat_utils.strtime(s.created_at) mem['TemplateDescription'] = stack.t[parser.DESCRIPTION] mem['StackStatus'] = s.status res['stacks'].append(mem) return res def show_stack(self, context, stack_name, params): """ The show_stack method returns the attributes of one stack. arg1 -> RPC context. arg2 -> Name of the stack you want to see, or None to see all arg3 -> Dict of http request parameters passed in from API side. """ auth.authenticate(context) res = {'stacks': []} stacks = [] if not stack_name: stacks = [s.name for s in db_api.stack_get_by_user(context)] logging.debug("No stack name passed, got %s" % stacks) else: stacks = [stack_name] if not stacks: logging.debug("No stacks found to process") return res for stack in stacks: logging.debug("Processing show_stack for %s" % stack) s = db_api.stack_get_by_name(context, stack) if s: stack = parser.Stack.load(context, s.id) mem = {} mem['StackId'] = stack.stack_id() mem['StackName'] = s.name mem['CreationTime'] = heat_utils.strtime(s.created_at) mem['LastUpdatedTimestamp'] = heat_utils.strtime(s.updated_at) mem['NotificationARNs'] = 'TODO' mem['Parameters'] = stack.t[parser.PARAMETERS] mem['Description'] = stack.t[parser.DESCRIPTION] mem['StackStatus'] = s.status mem['StackStatusReason'] = s.status_reason # only show the outputs on a completely created stack if s.status == stack.CREATE_COMPLETE: mem['Outputs'] = stack.get_outputs() res['stacks'].append(mem) return res def create_stack(self, context, stack_name, template, params): """ The create_stack method creates a new stack using the template provided. Note that at this stage the template has already been fetched from the heat-api process if using a template-url. arg1 -> RPC context. arg2 -> Name of the stack you want to create. arg3 -> Template of stack you want to create. arg4 -> Params passed from API. """ logger.info('template is %s' % template) auth.authenticate(context) if db_api.stack_get_by_name(None, stack_name): return {'Error': 'Stack already exists with that name.'} tmpl = parser.Template(template) user_params = parser.Parameters(stack_name, tmpl, _extract_user_params(params)) stack = parser.Stack(context, stack_name, tmpl, user_params) response = stack.validate() if response['Description'] != 'Successfully validated': return response stack_id = stack.store() greenpool.spawn_n(stack.create, **_extract_args(params)) return {'StackId': stack.stack_id()} def validate_template(self, context, template, params): """ The validate_template method uses the stack parser to check the validity of a template. arg1 -> RPC context. arg3 -> Template of stack you want to create. arg4 -> Params passed from API. """ auth.authenticate(context) logger.info('validate_template') if template is None: msg = _("No Template provided.") return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) stack_name = 'validate' try: tmpl = parser.Template(template) user_params = parser.Parameters(stack_name, tmpl, _extract_user_params(params)) s = parser.Stack(context, stack_name, tmpl, user_params) except KeyError as ex: res = ('A Fn::FindInMap operation referenced ' 'a non-existent map [%s]' % str(ex)) result = {'Description': 'Malformed Query Response [%s]' % (res), 'Parameters': []} else: result = s.validate() return {'ValidateTemplateResult': result} def get_template(self, context, stack_name, params): """ Get the template. arg1 -> RPC context. arg2 -> Name of the stack you want to see. arg3 -> Dict of http request parameters passed in from API side. """ auth.authenticate(context) s = db_api.stack_get_by_name(context, stack_name) if s: return s.raw_template.template return None def delete_stack(self, context, stack_name, params): """ The delete_stack method deletes a given stack. arg1 -> RPC context. arg2 -> Name of the stack you want to delete. arg3 -> Params passed from API. """ auth.authenticate(context) st = db_api.stack_get_by_name(context, stack_name) if not st: return {'Error': 'No stack by that name'} logger.info('deleting stack %s' % stack_name) stack = parser.Stack.load(context, st.id) greenpool.spawn_n(stack.delete) return None # Helper for list_events. It's here so we can use it in tests. def parse_event(self, event): s = event.stack return {'EventId': event.id, 'StackId': event.stack_id, 'StackName': s.name, 'Timestamp': heat_utils.strtime(event.created_at), 'LogicalResourceId': event.logical_resource_id, 'PhysicalResourceId': event.physical_resource_id, 'ResourceType': event.resource_type, 'ResourceStatusReason': event.resource_status_reason, 'ResourceProperties': event.resource_properties, 'ResourceStatus': event.name} def list_events(self, context, stack_name, params): """ The list_events method lists all events associated with a given stack. arg1 -> RPC context. arg2 -> Name of the stack you want to get events for. arg3 -> Params passed from API. """ auth.authenticate(context) if stack_name is not None: st = db_api.stack_get_by_name(context, stack_name) if not st: return {'Error': 'No stack by that name'} events = db_api.event_get_all_by_stack(context, st.id) else: events = db_api.event_get_all_by_user(context) return {'events': [self.parse_event(e) for e in events]} def event_create(self, context, event): auth.authenticate(context) stack_name = event['stack'] resource_name = event['resource'] stack = db_api.stack_get_by_name(context, stack_name) resource = db_api.resource_get_by_name_and_stack(context, resource_name, stack.id) if not resource: return ['Unknown resource', None] new_event = { 'name': event['message'], 'resource_status_reason': event['reason'], 'StackId': stack.id, 'LogicalResourceId': resource.name, 'PhysicalResourceId': None, 'ResourceType': event['resource_type'], 'ResourceProperties': {}, } try: result = db_api.event_create(context, new_event) new_event['id'] = result.id return [None, new_event] except Exception as ex: logger.warn('db error %s' % str(ex)) msg = 'Error creating event' return [msg, None] def describe_stack_resource(self, context, stack_name, resource_name): auth.authenticate(context) s = db_api.stack_get_by_name(context, stack_name) if not s: raise AttributeError('Unknown stack name') stack = parser.Stack.load(context, s.id) if resource_name not in stack: raise AttributeError('Unknown resource name') resource = stack[resource_name] if resource.id is None: raise AttributeError('Resource not created') return format_stack_resource(stack[resource_name]) def describe_stack_resources(self, context, stack_name, physical_resource_id, logical_resource_id): auth.authenticate(context) if stack_name is not None: s = db_api.stack_get_by_name(context, stack_name) else: rs = db_api.resource_get_by_physical_resource_id(context, physical_resource_id) if not rs: msg = "The specified PhysicalResourceId doesn't exist" raise AttributeError(msg) s = rs.stack if not s: raise AttributeError("The specified stack doesn't exist") stack = parser.Stack.load(context, s.id) resources = [] for resource in stack: if logical_resource_id and resource.name != logical_resource_id: continue formatted = format_stack_resource(resource) # this API call uses Timestamp instead of LastUpdatedTimestamp formatted['Timestamp'] = formatted['LastUpdatedTimestamp'] del formatted['LastUpdatedTimestamp'] del formatted['Metadata'] resources.append(formatted) return resources def list_stack_resources(self, context, stack_name): auth.authenticate(context) s = db_api.stack_get_by_name(context, stack_name) if not s: raise AttributeError('Unknown stack name') stack = parser.Stack.load(context, s.id) resources = [] response_keys = ('ResourceStatus', 'LogicalResourceId', 'LastUpdatedTimestamp', 'PhysicalResourceId', 'ResourceType') for resource in stack: formatted = format_stack_resource(resource) for key in formatted.keys(): if not key in response_keys: del formatted[key] resources.append(formatted) return resources def metadata_register_address(self, context, url): config.FLAGS.heat_metadata_server_url = url def metadata_list_stacks(self, context): """ Return the names of the stacks registered with Heat. """ stacks = db_api.stack_get_all(context) return [s.name for s in stacks] def metadata_list_resources(self, context, stack_name): """ Return the resource IDs of the given stack. """ stack = db_api.stack_get_by_name(None, stack_name) if stack: return [res.name for res in stack.resources] else: return None def metadata_get_resource(self, context, stack_name, resource_id): """ Get the metadata for the given resource. """ s = db_api.stack_get_by_name(None, stack_name) if not s: return ['stack', None] r = db_api.resource_get_by_name_and_stack(None, resource_id, s.id) if r is None: return ['resource', None] return [None, r.rsrc_metadata] def metadata_update(self, context, stack_id, resource_name, metadata): """ Update the metadata for the given resource. """ r = db_api.resource_get_by_name_and_stack(None, resource_name, stack_id) if r is None: logger.warn("Resource not found %s:%s." % (stack_id, resource_name)) return ['resource', None] r.update_and_save({'rsrc_metadata': metadata}) return [None, metadata] @manager.periodic_task def _periodic_watcher_task(self, context): now = timeutils.utcnow() wrs = db_api.watch_rule_get_all(context) for wr in wrs: # has enough time progressed to run the rule dt_period = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(wr.rule['Period'])) if now < (wr.last_evaluated + dt_period): continue self.run_rule(context, wr, now) def run_rule(self, context, wr, now=timeutils.utcnow()): action_map = {'ALARM': 'AlarmActions', 'NORMAL': 'OKActions', 'NODATA': 'InsufficientDataActions'} watcher = watchrule.WatchRule(wr.rule, wr.watch_data, wr.last_evaluated, now) new_state = watcher.get_alarm_state() if new_state != wr.state: wr.state = new_state wr.save() logger.warn('WATCH: stack:%s, watch_name:%s %s', wr.stack_name, wr.name, new_state) if not action_map[new_state] in wr.rule: logger.info('no action for new state %s', new_state) else: s = db_api.stack_get_by_name(None, wr.stack_name) if s: user_creds = db_api.user_creds_get(s.user_creds_id) ctxt = ctxtlib.RequestContext.from_dict(dict(user_creds)) stack = parser.Stack.load(ctxt, s.id) for a in wr.rule[action_map[new_state]]: greenpool.spawn_n(stack[a].alarm) wr.last_evaluated = now def create_watch_data(self, context, watch_name, stats_data): ''' This could be used by CloudWatch and WaitConditions and treat HA service events like any other CloudWatch. ''' wr = db_api.watch_rule_get(None, watch_name) if wr is None: logger.warn('NoSuch watch:%s' % (watch_name)) return ['NoSuch Watch Rule', None] if not wr.rule['MetricName'] in stats_data: logger.warn('new data has incorrect metric:%s' % (wr.rule['MetricName'])) return ['MetricName %s missing' % wr.rule['MetricName'], None] watch_data = { 'data': stats_data, 'watch_rule_id': wr.id } wd = db_api.watch_data_create(None, watch_data) logger.debug('new watch:%s data:%s' % (watch_name, str(wd.data))) if wr.rule['Statistic'] == 'SampleCount': self.run_rule(None, wr) return [None, wd.data] def format_stack_resource(resource): """ Return a representation of the given resource that mathes the API output expectations. """ rs = db_api.resource_get(resource.stack.context, resource.id) last_updated_time = rs.updated_at or rs.created_at return { 'StackId': resource.stack.stack_id(), 'StackName': resource.stack.name, 'LogicalResourceId': resource.name, 'PhysicalResourceId': resource.instance_id or '', 'ResourceType': resource.t['Type'], 'LastUpdatedTimestamp': heat_utils.strtime(last_updated_time), 'Metadata': rs.rsrc_metadata, 'ResourceStatus': rs.state, 'ResourceStatusReason': rs.state_description, }